New Lubu War

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

late december.

Xihe County.

An army of [-] soldiers was stationed beside a certain river.

The tent group occupies an area of ​​about [-] miles.

Patrol sergeants, holding long guns, walked back and forth in the camp.

On the outskirts, there are many cavalry squads, either occupying the high ground to patrol, or riding Mercedes-Benz, patrolling all over the place.

main account.

off account.

"Xiao Meng, here's a piece of fresh mutton!"

Lu Bu picked up a piece of bloody mutton and threw it at a big golden bird that was about half a man tall, with two thick thighs walking around outside the tent with a stride that no relatives recognized.


A golden lightning flashed across, and the golden eagle covered with golden feathers rushed towards it with lightning speed.

In mid-air, this piece of mutton, which weighed several kilograms, was caught in the eagle's beak, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

'ah woo'

After swallowing the mutton, the golden eagle looked up to the sky and sang, flapping its wide wings more than ten feet long, a strong wind rushed to the face, and there was a burst of sand and stones flying here.


Seeing the mighty, invincible and invincible appearance of this golden eagle, Lu Bu laughed.

'Xiao Meng' has long since grown up, with a huge body and a fierce personality. Except for Lu Bu, no one dares to approach him.

When the man stood up on the ground, he was five feet tall, with a pair of wide wings spread out, a length of one foot and three feet!
The feathers are all golden yellow, exuding scorching golden brilliance in the sun, and the eyes are sharp, which makes people frightened.

The only pity is that the load capacity is not enough.

Not to mention soaring with Lu Bu on his back, fighting in the sky, even Fang Tian's painted halberd can't move!
This is no way.

Although the golden eagle is ferocious, with sharp claws and a strong beak, it is invincible when hunting any prey, but it is not material for carrying people!

Unless it's a child, an adult can't carry it.

'tap tap'

Just as Lu Bu was teasing the golden eagle 'Xiao Meng', there was a rush of horseshoes outside the camp.

Turning around to look, he recognized the scouts in the army, the cavalry who were responsible for the news of the army in various places.

The scout cavalry held up the general's order flag, and the sergeants along the way let them go, and they came to Lu Bu in an instant.

'Xi repeatedly'

Reining in their horses and standing still, the scout cavalry got off their horses, knelt down on one knee in front of Lu Bu, clasped their fists with both hands, and said loudly:
"My lord, General Zhang Liao killed the Xiongnu Shan Yufulo in the east of the river. Our army won a big victory. The remaining Huns scattered and fled to the north!"

"it is good!"

Before Lu Bu could speak, Cao Xing who was beside him yelled loudly, clapped his palms together, and said to Lu Bu excitedly:
"Wen Yuan is really good, my lord, let sex lead others to attack, my big guns and bows and arrows are already hungry!"

These days, Cao Xing, as the commander-in-chief of battlefield operations and horse exploration, is responsible for collecting and receiving intelligence from various places, and then sending out Lu Bu's orders one by one.

Although the responsibility is not light, but in fact he wants to lead troops to fight, rather than nest in the rear.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Glancing at Cao Xing, Lu Bu reprimanded:

"Your duty is to collect intelligence and contact various armies. If you run away, who will do these things?"

"Just wait for me!"


Hearing this, Cao Xing closed his mouth helplessly.

"Where are the troops in each county now?"

Lu Bu pondered for a moment, then asked Cao Xing.

So far, it has been Wuyuan County soldiers and horses who have confronted the main force of the Xiongnu.

After all, Wuyuan soldiers and horses are all cavalry, and they move quickly, so they are naturally the first to arrive at the battlefield.

The battle situation was urgent, and it was impossible for the soldiers and horses of Wuyuan to wait for the troops from all counties to arrive one by one. As soon as they arrived at the battlefield, they immediately fought with the Huns.

The troops in the rest of the counties did not participate in this battle because they were mostly infantry, and he arranged them in the four counties of Shangjun, Xihe, Taiyuan, and Shangdang.

These county soldiers also numbered as many as [-], and they were distributed in places that must pass through, cutting off the Huns' return route to the north.

However, infantry marching is no better than cavalry, and the time is short, and there are still many troops not in place, so Lu Bu asked this question.

"According to the latest information!"

Hearing Lu Bu's question, Cao Xing immediately replied:

"Yesterday, the army headed to Shangjun, the interception point of Xihe, has arrived at the designated place. Taiyuan and Shangdang have not yet arrived because of the distance!"


Cao Xing continued:
"I reported yesterday, and the distance is only fifty or sixty miles away. I should be able to arrive today!"

"My lord, don't worry!"

At the end, Cao Xing said confidently:

"Wenyuan defeated the main force of the Xiongnu today, and the fleeing Huns can't run far away, and the soldiers and horses of the various counties can completely stop them!"


Lu Bu nodded and said:
"Who gave Yu Fuluo the courage to entangle one hundred and fifty thousand people going south to plunder?"

"Is it true that no one can be a big man?"


With a snort, Lu Bu threw a piece of bloody mutton to 'Xiao Meng' again.


The piece of mutton was caught by the vulture's beak and swallowed quickly.

'ah woo'

The high-pitched and passionate chirping of the eagles wafted around the tent.



The royal court of the Southern Huns.

Just when the Xiongnu army that was going south to plunder was defeated and the Xiongnu soldiers fled in all directions, a nightmare enemy also ushered in here.

Many tribes such as Qianghu, Dihu, and even a small number of Wuhuan and Xianbei, a total of more than [-] Hu tribes, gathered together under the call of the grassland upstart Hedado.

More than [-] Huns surrounded the royal court of the Southern Huns, who had only [-] old and weak women and children left.

Tens of thousands of Southern Huns mounted war horses, came outside the tribe, and confronted the coalition forces of more than [-] Hu tribes.

"What are you doing?"

An old nobleman from the Southern Huns pointed at the tribal leaders of the various Hu tribes and shouted loudly:
"This is the royal court of the Huns, do you want to rebel?"


Hedad, who was dressed in luxurious mink fur and gorgeously dressed, galloped out, and laughed loudly at the old nobleman:

"They're all big men, how can they rebel? Think you're an idiot?"

"Speaking of rebellion, it is you rebels who rashly went south to plunder, rebelled against the big man first, and disobeyed the 'God of War'!"


With a sound of 'swipe', he drew out the scimitar from his waist and pointed it straight at the opposite side. Hedado shouted loudly:
"By the order of the 'God of War', destroy the Southern Huns!"

"By the order of the 'God of War', destroy the Southern Huns!"

"By the order of the 'God of War', destroy the Southern Huns!"


As soon as Hedado's words fell, there was a wave of sound like a mountain roar and a tsunami on the grassland.

"Come on, men, women, old and young, don't leave a single one behind!"

Hedad gave the order.

Hundreds of thousands of Hu cavalry from different tribes and ethnic groups rushed forward and surrounded the tens of thousands of cavalry regiments of the Southern Xiongnu King's Court in an instant.

Two hours later, tens of thousands of Southern Huns cavalry were killed.

Another two hours later.

The corpses of the royal court of the Southern Huns were strewn all over the place, and no one survived.

'God of War' has an order, if one is not kept, then one is not kept!
Countless property, including millions of cattle, sheep and horses, were taken away one after another.

the next day.
The royal court of the Southern Huns ignited a raging fire.

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he surrendered to the great Han for hundreds of years. Afterwards, the Southern Xiongnu, who rebelled and surrendered repeatedly, disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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