New Lubu War

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

In the middle of noon.

Midsummer scorching sun.

Through "Book of the God of War", Lu Bu saw countless misty white mist swarming from the horizon, covering the sky in a vast expanse.


The fate of tens of millions of people in the world.

Thirteen prefectures, more than a hundred counties, and thousands of counties' "Qiyuntai" gather the luck of the local people together, and gather together to the gods.

Air luck is white.

The luck in one place is only light white, but when so many lucks gather together, the color keeps deepening.

When all the luck gathered at the god capital 'Qiyuntai', it has turned into a rich milky white.

Lu Bu's eyes were filled with excitement as he stared at the almost endless collection of dynasty fortunes coming from the horizon.

After waiting for so many years, this moment finally arrived.

There was a 'hum'.

The "God of War Book" in the long-held sea of ​​consciousness appeared outside.

Lu Bu's head was about ten feet above.

The black "God of War Book" shines brightly, and the mysterious gilt light is released infinitely, piercing the sky in an instant, reaching down to the hinterland, and shooting in all directions.

Along the gilded light released from "Book of War God", as far as Lu Bu could see, it spread all over the world.

Up to thousands of miles, down to thousands of miles.

The four directions on the left and right are also thousands of miles away.

At last.

In the dark, Lu Bu felt a desolate, wild, ancient and great existence.

This existence does not have life characteristics in the usual sense.

But has the will, has the thought.

Unlike normal life, this ancient will, the speed of thought rotation, is extremely slow.

Only once in a hundred years!
It takes ten thousand years to 'think' about it!
world origin.

This is the origin of the world.

The foundation of this world, evolves time and space, and breeds all things.

There is it first, and then there is this world, and then there are millions of creatures.

In a sense, it is heaven!

As soon as he felt the origin of the world, Lu Bu's mind 'entered' the origin of the world together with the gilded light released from "Book of War God".

The mind, mind, and the origin of the world are integrated into one.

In the fusion of the first day of junior high school, the mysteries of the mysterious universe and countless mysteries also emerged from Lu Bu's mind.

You can't say it, you can only feel the mystery of the world!

As the saying goes, "Tao can be Tao, extraordinary Tao, name can be named, extraordinary name", the true mysteries of the universe and heaven and earth cannot be described by language.

Just at this time, the luck of the world gathered in one place, coming to the 'Taiwan of Fortune'.


There seemed to be a bird song in my ear.

Others can't see it, only Lu Bu can see it.

The fate of the dynasty gathered by the people from all over the world is boundless, without beginning and end, covering the entire sky, and finally condensing in the sky above the high platform, forming the appearance of a white bird.

Lucky beast!


Another invisible bird chirped, and the flying bird-like luck beast was absorbed into the "God of War Book" by the gilded light.

The next moment, endless luck filled Lu Bu's head.

The origin of the world and the luck of the dynasty are integrated with Lu Bu at the same time.


In my mind, there was a roar that opened up the world.

At this moment, if Lu Bu had divine help, he instantly comprehended countless inexplicable mysteries from the origin of the world.

The brain was sober as never before, and the strength of the mind suddenly increased.

Artistic conception and spiritual power are harmoniously blended together.

The heart, mind, spirit, and power that have been perfectly integrated come together.

In an instant, the heart, mind, spirit, power, artistic conception and spiritual power are highly integrated, regardless of each other.

Blessed to the heart, Lu Bu stretched out his hand and clenched his fist.


At the moment when he clenched his fist, everything in the surrounding hundred feet and all the high platforms came to a standstill.

An invisible pressure frightened the surroundings.

Wind, gone.

The air flow, stopped.

A gigantic, clean white fist exuding endless light suddenly appeared behind Lu Bu.

It is three feet wide and more than ten feet high, and it has the potential to lift up the sky!

Brilliant and majestic, simple and majestic!
Majestic and majestic, the power of gods and demons!

The heart, mind, spirit, and strength are united, integrated with the spirit and will of the warrior, and gather the vitality of heaven and earth to form a concrete boxing intention!
Concrete spirituality can really interfere with the fist intention of the material level!

With the help of the luck of the dynasty and the trigger of the origin of the world, Lu Bu instantly completed the concentration of his fist and was promoted to Wuzun.

As soon as the fist was completed, his body immediately began to transform in an all-round way.

Cells, blood, muscles, and viscera are all decomposing.

The essence of life is sublimated!

Lu Bu was ecstatic.


Must be calm.

What is this occasion?
Not for laughing.

Hold back your joy.

Not caring about experiencing all the mysteries of the fisting intention, Lu Bu's thoughts turned in his mind, and the fisting intention dissipated.

The transformation of the body and the sublimation of life are still going on.

Even though all this happened silently in the dark, Lu Bu raised his head.

The addition of luck does not mean merging with him, but baptizing first and then staying on top of Lu Bu's head.

Below the "God of War Book", above Lu Bu's head.

Take a closer look.

The luck is still in the shape of a bird, but the color is different.

No longer all white.

There are a few strands of silver light.

It looks like a bird with a white body and a slight silvery surface.

Possesses extraordinary luck dynasty standards.

Luck, everyone has it.

But different people have different luck.

The most direct is that the colors are different.

Ordinary people are all white, but the shades are different.

If the luck is gray, the person must have insufficient luck, and the bad luck has been repeated recently.

If the luck is black, don't say anything, because it is a sign of impending death.

People are like this, and so is the dynasty.

The Mortal Dynasty also has three normal colors: white, gray, and black.

Different shades of luck for the dynasty represent the degree of prosperity, and the gray color will go downhill, and the dynasty may change.

If the luck of the dynasty is black, um, don't mention it, just like people, it is a harbinger of imminent demise.

All of the above are bad luck.

Since the beginning of Chaofan, luck is no longer white.

For example, Lu Bu used to have silver luck.

Silver, is the symbol of transcendence.

In other words, it is a symbol of breaking away from the mundane and stepping into the extraordinary.

The same is true for the luck of the dynasty.

As it is now, the luck of the dynasty is silver, even if it is only a faint silver light, it also represents the extraordinary dynasty, not the ordinary dynasty.

There are many extraordinary dynasties, and the Qiyun Dynasty is one of them.

One of a kind!
What kind of unique method?

The follow-up has its own explanation, which will not be mentioned at this time.

Lu Bu sighed secretly as his gaze rested on the faint silver light on the body of the Divine Qi Luck Bird for a while.

The current luck dynasty is really pitifully weak.

Counting the dynasties, he is the only extraordinary person, isn't he weak and pitiful?
Fortunately, this world is located in the vast chaos, isolated from the outside world, no matter how weak it is, it is the only one!
Looking down at thousands of ministers and officials, [-] elite troops, and millions of people.

Standing on the hundred-foot-high platform, separated from the ground by [-] steps, Lu Bu raised his hands and shouted loudly:
"I rule the sky, I announce at this moment that the Great Qi Dynasty has been established!"

(End of this chapter)

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