New Lubu War

Chapter 263 Pardon

Chapter 263 Pardon
"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Meet Your Majesty!"


When Lv Bu announced loudly that 'Da Qi was established', the voice spread far and wide, with a radius of tens of miles, no matter how far or near, everyone heard it.

Immediately, the voices of "Meet Your Majesty" sounded one after another, deafening, and a tsunami.

Millions of people shouted in unison, how spectacular?
After a long time, the sound gradually weakened.

However, just as the voice of "Meet Your Majesty" began to weaken, the [-] elite cavalry standing on their horses suddenly raised their sharp blades and shouted at the same time:

"Wherever Daqi wants, I am invincible!"

"Wherever Daqi wants, I am invincible!"


The majesty and heroism of the voice is really magnificent and magnificent!

All the clouds in the sky seemed to be dispelled!
Compared with the worshiping voices of hundreds of officials and common people, the [-] bloody knights shouted in unison, their murderous aura boiled, and their momentum was even more astonishing.

In addition to being loud, the voice is even more high-pitched and full of intensity!
It makes people feel hot, passionate, and fighting spirit is high. I can't wait to go to the battlefield now to kill the enemy and make meritorious service!
Soon, the surrounding people were also infected by the sergeant's passionate declaration of fighting will.

"Wherever Daqi wants, I am invincible!"

"Wherever Daqi wants, I am invincible!"


One spreads ten, ten spreads one hundred... Soon, millions of people spontaneously shouted loudly.

This time, it was really a tsunami!

The passionate voice floated in the sky, and the sound wave was choppy, sweeping hundreds of miles, and it was out of control.

The only few white clouds were also dispersed.

Putting his hands down, Lu Bu stood at the end of the [-] steps, on the top of the high platform, enjoying the shouts of the army and the people.

The tall figure merged with the midday sun that was shining in the sky, at this moment, it looked so tall and magnificent!
Hundreds of civil and military officials, [-] troops, and even millions of people saw the majestic figure on the high platform under the scorching sun, and they all felt reverence and admiration in their hearts.

With the sound of worship from millions of people and the passionate declaration of fighting will from the army under his command, Lu Bu at this moment is equally full of passion.

Adding luck to the body and uniting with the origin of the world means that Lu Bu will be connected with the luck dynasty and the world, and share life and death.

With the blessing of luck and the origin of the world, his cultivation speed will be very fast!
The same is true for the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

This is the characteristic of the luck dynasty.

Everyone will be blessed by luck and quickly improve their cultivation.

To the limit of the world.

And the essence of the luck dynasty is an endless battle.

Urge luck, resources, and even the origin of the world from the vast chaos, countless worlds of the heavens, and infinite parallel time and space, thereby driving the promotion of this world.

The promotion of the world will also drive the promotion of the luck dynasty, and the two complement each other.

In this way, regardless of the luck dynasty or the world level, or within the dynasty, the road to ascent is endless!


Nothing is ever perfect!
The same is true for the Luck Dynasty.

With the continuous expansion, usurpation, and plunder of the luck dynasty, in addition to obtaining infinite resources and luck, it will also incur endless karma and karma.

When the accumulation of karma and karma is enough, the luck dynasty, or the whole world, will face terrible catastrophe.

The catastrophe that every luck dynasty will face!

Get over it, continue, and wait for the next stronger disaster.

If you can't make it through, the whole world will be destroyed!
There is only one way for the luck dynasty to exist forever.

The growth rate exceeds the increase rate of catastrophe!

Of course, all this is still far from Lu Bu.

Because, one era, one catastrophe.

Since the establishment of the Qiyun Dynasty, there has been an era, that is, a development time of [-] years.

At this moment, Lu Bu is not interested in thinking about things that will happen hundreds of thousands of years later.

Standing on the high platform, listening to the shouts of the army under his command, and the shouts of the people, Lu Bu's heart was in a turmoil.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!
I'm ready!
In his heart, Lu Bu said to himself silently.


An hour later.

The cheers and shouts finally disappeared slowly.

"Jia Xu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, come forward and listen to the seal!"

Lu Bu shouted.

Under the high platform, Jia Xu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun immediately moved up the steps step by step without looking sideways.

[-] steps, not easy to climb.

However, both Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were fierce fighters on the battlefield, with plenty of physical strength, so the distance and height would not be a problem for them.

What about Jia Xu?
Not bad either!

After practicing "Qi and Blood Exercise" for nearly ten years, Jia Xu is no longer a weak scholar.

His physical strength is not inferior to that of elite soldiers!
Fighting on the battlefield is naturally not as good as a fierce old soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time, but in terms of pure physical strength, it is not inferior.

Along the long steps leading directly to the top of the high platform, the three of them climbed up slowly.

After a while, all of them came to Lu Bu.

"I see you, Your Majesty!"

Jia Xu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun paid homage.

Looking at the three of them, Lu Bu nodded and said:
"Jia Xu stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

Jia Xu immediately came out, kowtowed and said:

"Chen is here!"

"As the king of Qi, I pardon Jia Xu and make him a god general of the dynasty. I will do so immediately, so Zi Erqi, Er Qiqin!"

Lu Bu's voice came out slowly.

"My lord, Jia Xu, thanks my king!"

Jia Xu bowed loudly, knelt and kowtowed three times, then got up.

At the time of pardon, Lu Bu called himself "King", not "Emperor", "Emperor" or "Emperor".

But because, as the king of the luck dynasty, he is now pardoning the gods of the dynasty, not the ministers of the ordinary emperor.

Among them, there is an essential difference!
For ordinary kings, since the Zhou Dynasty, they have been either emperors or emperors, and even, since Qin Shihuang, all kings have been promoted to 'emperor'.

The original 'king' was no longer the lord of the world, but a title below the emperor.

Although Lu Bu is now establishing the Qi Dynasty and continuing the Han Dynasty, in theory and in practice, he should be the emperor, but...

Extraordinary has its own rules, which are different from ordinary.

The Qiyun Dynasty, as the name suggests, is just a dynasty.

The king of a dynasty can only be a king.

If it wasn't for pardoning and conferring gods and soldiers, but ordinary official positions, Lu Bu could certainly call himself an emperor, but he couldn't at this moment.

As the king of the Qiyun dynasty, he is pardoning the gods, not the ministers of the ordinary emperor.

Among them, the rules involve the supreme rules and laws in the dark, and must not be confused.

Regarding this, Jia Xu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun had already been reminded by Lu Bu, so it is not surprising at this moment.

Just as Jia Xu thanked him and stood up, the bird of luck chirped softly, and a cloud of rich luck flew towards Jia Xu.

Immediately, Jia Xu was shrouded in a faint silver luck.

The god general is the highest luck status other than the king.

With the blessing of this luck, even if Jia Xu is not good at martial arts, he can quickly gather martial arts will and become a master, and even a great master is expected in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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