Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 562 If He Appears, I Will Respond On The Spot

Early the next morning, Qiu Gongyue, who closed her eyes and meditated, was suddenly awakened by the sound of beating gongs and drums, which came from outside the window.

She walked quickly to the window, opened the window and looked out quietly, and the startled Evelyn and Ito Rika also came over.

The three of them saw a few convertible cars slowly passing by on the street outside, and there were more than a dozen beautiful girls in traditional Southeast Asian clothes sitting in the cars.

Crowds gathered on both sides of the street, waving to these girls, bursting into cheers, and constantly throwing flower petals towards the middle of the road, just like visiting the flower street.

Ito Rika wondered: "What are you doing, is it a festival?

"It is the Witch Gu Cult who is choosing the saint."

Queen Snake's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Choose a saint?"

The three of them turned around and looked at her in unison.

"Yes, the Witch Gu Sect is currently looking for a large number of girls of the right age from the entire site, and then selects a saint to serve the witch god, and will be blessed by the great wizard himself."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qiu Gongyue's mind, and she instantly understood what the Queen Snake had created for them to get close to the great wizard?
"You want us to pretend to be saints?"


Queen Snake said calmly: "This is the only way to get close to the great wizard. You pretend to be the women I collected, and I will bribe the cronies around the great wizard so that you can successfully choose the saint."

Evelyn asked back: "Can't we sneak into the residence of the great wizard?"

Queen Snake shrugged her shoulders: "Of course, but the strength of the great wizard is not weaker than you at all. If you start to scare the snake, then I will have no way to create another opportunity for you."

The three of them pondered, and finally decided to follow the method Queen Snake said.

But you need to be prepared in advance.

"Put out your hand."

Evelyn said to the Queen Snake: "I will sign a contract with you. If you dare to deceive us, your fate will not be any better than that of Bang Tan."

The means of signing the contract came from the assassin's inheritance. Violet's ancestor Ives once used this method to sign a contract with the Snow Wolf God, making it unable to resist.

Queen Snake looked at her: "How can you guarantee that you won't use a contract to control me to work for you like a great wizard?"

Evelyn explained: "Don't worry, the content of the contract is clear to both of us, and it is absolutely fair."

Queen Snake hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand to her.

She knew that if these women failed to attack the great wizard, she would definitely die, but if she dared to refuse now, she would have to rush to the street immediately, so she might as well live on for a while and gamble on a weak chance.

The two held hands tightly, and Evelyn signed a contract with the Queen Snake using the souls of both parties as bargaining chips.

After the contract was signed, the Queen Snake opened her eyes slightly with surprise. Just as Evelyn said, the content of the contract is absolutely fair. As long as the Queen Snake helps them defeat the great wizard, they will completely release the Queen Snake. Don't bother her any more.

Queen Snake looked down at her hands, then raised her head, and said to the three of them, ""I need to go out and make some preparations, any of you can help me. "

She said it was helping, but she was actually looking for someone to supervise her. She was still very conscious.

"I'll go with you."

Qiu Gongyue took the initiative to speak, and here she is the only one who can easily subdue Queen Snake, even if the two parties have signed a contract, they must not be careless.

After the two left the house and went outside, Queen Snake explained to Qiu Gongyue: "I hid a batch of gold here in Hanoi, and now we have to take out this batch of gold and use it to bribe the cronies around the great wizard to ensure that You can be chosen."

Qiu Gongyue nodded: "Just do it, don't ask for my opinion."

Queen Snake smiled: "Then can you cover your face? Otherwise, I'm afraid we will be snatched away halfway."

Even if she is also a woman, she is a little jealous of Qiu Gongyue's overly beautiful face.

Qiu Gongyue didn't object, her face and figure twisted quickly, her facial features and limbs underwent astonishing changes, and she turned into an ordinary woman in a blink of an eye.

After the breathing method reaches the fifth level, she can already perfectly control the bones and flesh of her body, and it is not difficult to change her appearance in a short period of time.

Queen Snake looked at this scene in amazement, but she was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

The two went to the stronghold of Queen Snake in Hanoi. Along the way, they could see that the order of the city was not bad. There were many pedestrians and vehicles on the road, and there were even many shops on the street.

But Qiu Gongyue noticed that there was a bust hanging at the door of every shop.

"That statue is the Great Wizard, and it is also a symbol of Witchcraft."

Queen Snake explained: "Only believers who join the Witch Cult can get such a statue. As long as it is hung in front of the gate, they will not be afraid of being harassed by anyone, and they can get the protection of the Witch Gu Cult."

It sounded like a good thing for the people, Qiu Gongyue asked: "What about the price?"

"Hehe, the price is that each believer has to work for the Wu Gu Cult for 20 days a month for free, and each businessman must pay half of the turnover in money or materials."

The city still looks prosperous and orderly, but it has actually become the urban factory of the Witch Gu Cult. Everyone is providing power for the Wu Gu Cult for free and paying countless supplies.

After coming to Queen Snake's stronghold to take out the gold, the two bought a second-hand convertible and drove back to the residence.

Regarding the issue of who is going to pretend to be the saint, the three of Akimiya Yue discussed for a while, and finally decided that Akimiya Yue and Evelyn would go, and Ito Rika stayed to take care of Dinah.

The Snow Wolf God has come to his senses. Although he is still dozing off, there is no need to worry about Dinah's safety with him.

Without further ado, in the afternoon, Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn were ready to set off to the headquarters of the Witch Gu Cult.

"elder sister!"

Dinah had come to her senses and was lying weakly on the bed.

Although she was young, she was very smart, and she had already guessed that she was not sick, but was cursed by the warlord before she died.

Knowing that her sister was going to help her unravel the poison, Dinah didn't say anything, but smiled weakly at Evelyn: "Come back soon."

Evelyn's nose was slightly sour, but she also gave her a reassuring smile: "Well, you have a good rest, my sister will be back soon."

After the three of them left, Dinah put her arms around Snow Wolf God who was dozing beside her, looked out of the window, and asked in a daze, "Sister Lixiang, are my sisters and the others in danger?"

Ito Rika touched her head distressedly: "Trust your sister, they will help you untie the poison."

Dinah lowered her head and said softly: "If Archer is here, he will definitely have a solution."

Ito Rika curled her lips: "I don't know which vixen's bosom the big carrot is hiding in, so how could he know what happened here?"

Dinah was very dissatisfied and said: "I believe in Archer, if I am in danger, he will definitely come to save me."

Ito Rika sneered: "If he appears here, I'll eat the dog's defense on the spot."


Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn dressed up in costumes and covered their faces with veils. They rode in the convertible car of the Queen Snake and merged into the convoys on the road that transported girls like witchcraft.

Along the way, people on both sides could be seen waving to them and throwing a lot of petals, and the whole street was full of cheers.

The headquarters of Witchcraft is the National Convention Center, the largest building complex in Hanoi. It is located in the new district in the south of Hanoi City. It was an important meeting place and high-level reception place for the former Vietnamese government.

After the Witch Cult chose Hanoi as its headquarters, the Great Wizard lived in the National Convention Center, and renamed it the Witch Palace, and regarded himself as the ruler of this country, and even this region of Southeast Asia.

Queen Snake carried Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn to the square in front of the Witch Palace.

This place has been decorated with countless flowers like a sea of ​​flowers, and a large number of young girls sent here are like the elites in the sea of ​​flowers, each showing their own beauty.

"Wait a while and you just follow the procedure, and I will show up in the end."

Queen Snake was afraid that Qiu Gongyue and the others would mess around, so she had told them more than once.

Evelyn said strangely: "Since we agree with your plan, we won't mess around. Why are you so nervous?"

Queen Snake didn't know how to explain it, so she could only keep emphasizing to the two of them that they must be calm.

After at least a thousand girls were sent here, they began to be selected like goods. Several flower sheds were built next to the square, and each girl was forced to enter it, stripped naked for inspection, and checked whether they were virgins and whether they had Scars, excessive body hair are also eliminated.

Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn finally understood why Queen Snake was worried about their mess.

If this was found on their heads, they would probably kill them on the spot.

Seeing the indifferent eyes cast towards him by the two, Queen Snake bit the bullet and explained: "Trust me, you will follow in later, it won't make it difficult for you."

Finally, it was their turn. Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn walked into the flower shed, and several men in charge of inspection were waiting inside. When they saw the two coming in, their eyes lit up.

Before Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn raised their killing intent, Queen Snake had already followed.

She can be regarded as a middle-level cadre in the Witch Cult who can manage an entire island. After revealing her identity, she avoided the procedure of being searched by the two of them.

Under the regretful eyes of several men, Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn walked out of the flower shed.

Queen Snake apologized to the two and said with a smile: "I said, it's fine if I'm here."

The body search ended quickly, and 100% of the thousands of girls were eliminated, and only more than [-] carefully selected girls were left behind.

Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn knew from Queen Snake that these eliminated girls would not be sent back, but would be divided up by the middle and upper classes of the Witch Cult.

It's almost like a human trafficking feast.

Under the leadership of the followers of the Witch Sect, more than 100 young girls stepped up the steps and entered the Witch Palace.

The architectural style is full of modernity, combining eastern and western elements, with a square as the main body, simple and elegant shape, and has an open-air garden, a large number of glass curtain walls and elegant garden landscape.

Such a modern building seems a bit out of place with the ancient religion of Witchcraft, which seems to come from the Middle Ages.

The Wugu Palace was heavily guarded, with a large number of guards patrolling and standing guard, which made the more than 100 girls who were selected look nervous and dared not breathe.

Not only them, but even Queen Snake became nervous, telling Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn in private.

"If nothing else happens, you will see the great wizard at night, so be careful, his power is definitely beyond your imagination."

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