Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 563 You Underestimate the Power of the Witch Gu Cult

Chapter 563 You Underestimate the Power of the Witch Gu Cult
The tense appearance of Queen Snake also made Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn more cautious.

Although the two are very confident in their own strength, they will not underestimate their opponents because of this, especially after learning a lesson.

Originally thought that the internal environment of the Witchcraft Palace would be eerie and terrifying, but unexpectedly it was elegant and quiet, with no one making loud noises or walking around.

It's right to think about it. Although Witchcraft sounds like an ancient cult that came out of the Middle Ages, no one will give up the convenience of modern life. Even cultists must enjoy industrial products.

However, the Witch Cult also paid attention to the decoration here. Traditional woodcarvings and bead strings are hung everywhere, and various strange statues are erected on both sides of the road, which looks full of exotic customs.

Led by believers, more than 100 girls came to an altar that was obviously converted from a large auditorium.

On both sides of the altar are two statues of ferocious and lifelike evil spirits. At first glance, they seem to be alive, which makes people shudder.

The girls didn't dare to take a breath, and under the command of the believers, they sat cross-legged on the mats laid on the ground.

After waiting for more than half an hour, a well-dressed beautiful mature woman came slowly, boarded the altar, and stood between the two statues of evil spirits.

This beautiful mature woman looks to be in her thirties, with a gorgeous appearance and a sexy and enchanting figure, which is unforgettable.

She is the confidant of the Great Wizard, nicknamed the Black Widow, a psychic who can communicate with the dead or spirits, and she is also the one who chooses the right saint.

The Black Widow is very famous in the Witch Cult. Under the altar, many girls are looking up at her with reverence in their eyes.

While the Black Widow looked at the group of young and beautiful girls below, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, especially Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn, who were the most handsome, were stared at by her for a long time.

Both Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn lowered their heads slightly and did not meet the black widow's eyes.

According to the information revealed by Queen Snake, the Black Widow's strength is not weak at all, she is almost the second strongest in the Witch Gu Cult, and no one is her opponent except the great wizard.

The black widow stood on the altar, muttering loudly, then twirled some powder with her fingers and threw it outside.

Soon, a black circle was drawn out of thin air on the floor around a girl below.

This means that she has been chosen as a candidate for the Holy Maiden.

The girl wept with joy, while the rest of the people around her cast envious and jealous eyes.

If they can be selected as saintesses, their family members outside will be able to receive a large amount of supplies and money.

The black widow didn't stop, and more girls were selected next.

However, Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn remained silent.

Logically speaking, whether it is their looks or temperament, they stand out from the crowd among the hundreds of carefully selected girls, and they cannot be ignored at all.

However, the black widow just turned a blind eye to them.

Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn were not surprised by this, because Queen Snake had told them that this black widow, for some reason, was very repulsive and disgusted with those beautiful women.

If it wasn't for the sake of taking into account the image of the Witch Gu Cult, the Black Widow might deliberately choose some ugly monsters to become saintesses.

After selecting more than a dozen people, the black widow finally stopped chanting, and Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn were not selected.

"Master Black Widow!"

Queen Snake carried a suitcase in her hand, quietly boarded the altar, and came to the black widow under the cover of the statue of the evil spirit.

The black widow glanced at her, her eyes lingered on her beautiful face for a few seconds, and then she said indifferently: "It's you, there is still some time before the great wizard gives the elixir, why did you come here so early gone?"

The elixir refers to the antidote to relieve the fatal Gu, and the great wizard will give it to his subordinates at a fixed time every year.

Most of the warlords active in Southeast Asia are also under the control of Deadly Gu, and have to obey the orders of Wu Gu.

"Of course I came earlier to listen to the teachings of you and the great wizard."

Queen Snake laughed along, then pointed at Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn with her fingers: "These two were found by the subordinates with great effort. Their qualifications are one in a million, and they will definitely be able to meet the requirements of the saint."

The black widow glanced at the two of them, and said indifferently: "I am the one who chooses the saint, are you teaching me how to do things?"

"of course not."

Queen Snake said with some trepidation: "I just hope you can accommodate me."

While speaking, she had already opened the suitcase in her hand.

The black widow looked down and saw that there were gold bars piled up inside, and her cold face improved a little.

Although she is very repulsive to beautiful women, she is very close to gold bars.

The Queen Snake is also well aware of the money-greedy character of the Black Widow, so she can be precise.

"Forget it, for the sake of your good intentions, then I will help you, it's not an example."

The black widow said lightly, then twisted up a smear of ash again, and threw it out.

A black circle was immediately drawn on the floor next to Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn, indicating that they were also selected.

"Thank you, Mr. Black Widow! Thank you, Mr. Black Widow!"

Queen Snake thanked her repeatedly, put down her suitcase, and left the altar backwards.

The unselected girls mourned and were taken away, sobbing softly.

The rest of the dozen or so selected girls were gathered together and brought down by believers to make preparations, and they were going to meet the great wizard tomorrow.

Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn mixed in the crowd and exchanged glances with Queen Snake in the distance.

Queen Snake cast a veiled look at the two of them.

She can only help here, and whether they can successfully approach and assassinate the great wizard will depend on their own performance.

More than a dozen girls were taken to an indoor heated pool, which was filled with all kinds of weird medicinal herbs, and then asked to go down and wash their bodies.

Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn were extremely vigilant against witchcraft. Who knew if there might be some strange thing hidden in the pool, which would sneak into the body while taking a bath.

Evelyn simply used the hypnotic ability in the assassin's inheritance, and hypnotized several believers who were in charge of guarding, and the two hid aside and did not go down.

After washing their bodies and changing into the prepared clothes, everyone was taken to the room to rest, in groups of two, Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn just happened to be separated together.

As soon as she entered the door, Qiu Gongyue realized that there were at least four pinhole cameras hidden in the room by virtue of her rich experience in installing cameras in Xu Cheng's home.

Evelyn wanted to speak subconsciously, but found Qiu Gongyue's eyes on her.

She knew it, so she lay down on the bed in silence.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

She obviously didn't speak, but her voice was clearly transmitted into Qiu Gongyue's ears.

This is the air-borne sound transmission ability in the assassin's inheritance, also known as ventriloquism, which can condense the sound into a line and transmit it to the target's ear without speaking.

Qiu Gongyue lay on her bed, and also used the ability to transmit sound through the air that she had learned from Evelyn.

"I feel a little strange."

"Strange? What's so strange?"

"I can't say it, it's just my intuition."

Qiu Gongyue has been a killer for so many years, she has already developed a certain intuition, and vaguely feels that something is wrong.

Before doing this, she would definitely choose to end the mission immediately and leave this place.

But now there are only ten days left of the Deadly Gu in Dinah's body, the time is too tight, even if something feels wrong, she can only continue.

The two lay motionless on the bed, as if they had fallen asleep, and no one could see that they were communicating in private.

Early the next morning, under the urging of the believers, the girls got up one after another, gathered together after washing, and were taken to meet the great wizard.

Everyone was nervous, including Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn, and they had to cheer up.

More than a dozen girls lined up in two rows, and the two happened to walk in the front, passing through the complicated indoor environment, and came to the deepest part of the Witch Palace.

A dimly lit corridor appeared in front of him, with no end in sight.

After entering the promenade, the atmosphere gradually becomes a bit eerie, with many lifelike statues of evil spirits painted on the walls on both sides.

Evelyn is keenly aware of the changes in the environment, the concentration of spirit particles here is much stronger than outside.

She subconsciously looked towards her companion, and found Qiu Gongyue's face was calm.

There were many forks in the middle of the corridor, and the girls following the two were gradually taken away, and in a blink of an eye there were only the two of them left, and several believers who were staring at them, seemed to be escorting them to the execution ground.

Even Evelyn felt something was wrong at this point.

"Don't look around."

The believers behind scolded.

Qiu Gongyue didn't respond, and Evelyn could only endure the increasingly bad premonition and continue to move forward.

Escorted by several believers, the two of them came all the way to the end of the corridor and entered a weird room. It was so dark that it was impossible to tell how big it was.

A large number of silk threads hang down from the ceiling in the room, and all kinds of strange things are tied at the ends, densely packed, forming a large curtain.

Evelyn stared intently, feeling her scalp go numb for a moment.

I saw that these tied up things were all kinds of animal specimens, including toads, spiders, centipedes, poisonous snakes, and even newly developed baby embryos.

With a loud noise, several believers had pushed out and locked the big iron gate at the entrance.

Evelyn felt her heart beating faster. Although she had obtained the power inherited from the assassin, she didn't have much combat experience.

On the contrary, Qiu Gongyue was extremely calm, her eyes passed through layers of curtains, and locked on to a certain place in the darkness for an instant.

She stepped forward, and Evelyn hurried to follow.

After passing through countless specimens, the two finally came to the deepest part of the room and saw two figures, one tall and one short.

The short one was an old man sitting cross-legged on a mat, about 80 to [-] years old, like a skinny skeleton, extremely old and thin, and even lost all his hair, only a few strands remained.

This old man who seems to fall down when the wind blows is the leader of the Witch Gu Cult who rules half of Southeast Asia, the Great Wizard.

There is no grand residence, no luxurious ostentation, he is like a dying old man, with his eyes closed, sitting quietly in such a dark room.

And that tall figure was the Queen Snake, who was standing beside the great wizard, looking at the two with a smile on his face, with obvious sarcasm in his eyes.

Seeing the Queen Snake here, Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn's hearts suddenly sank. She said that it was difficult for her to see the great wizard, but now she appeared here with such eyes.

Could it be that she betrayed the two of them and violated the signed contract?
Qiu Gongyue looked at Evelyn, and Evelyn had a serious face, she clearly felt that her contract with Queen Snake was still there.

If the queen snake betrays or dies, the contract should be broken.

"You are here."

Queen Snake said, "I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

"how did you do that?"

Evelyn still couldn't believe it: "Why did you break the contract between us, but nothing happened?"

The Queen Snake covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "That's because you underestimate the power of the Witch and Gu Cult."

Evelyn was about to continue speaking, but Qiu Gongyue raised her hand to interrupt: "She is not the Queen Snake, but the Black Widow."

Evelyn was taken aback immediately: "What?"

Qiu Gongyue believed in her own vision. As a professional killer, although it was only two days, she had already figured out the tone, tone, and behavior of Queen Snake.

Although the woman in front of him looks exactly like the Queen Snake, her tone of voice and behavior are slightly different. On the contrary, she looks more like the black widow whom she only met once yesterday.

"Oh, you have good eyesight, and you can see through it so quickly."

The black widow who pretended to be the Queen Snake couldn't help but praised: "I thought I was pretending to be very similar."

Evelyn asked, "Where's the Queen Snake?"

The black widow didn't answer, but said instead: "You two are guests from afar, our Witch Cult is very hospitable, and we have prepared a gift for you."

After that, she raised her hand to grab a thread beside her and pulled it hard.

Something seemed to fall from the ceiling, and it was pulled back by the silk thread tied to the body halfway, swinging back and forth in the air.

Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn looked up and held their breath at the same time.

What fell down was a person covered in blood-red muscles and blood vessels, and blood was still flowing from his body—it turned out to be a woman who had been skinned alive. She was not dead at the moment, and she was still breathing weakly.

Evelyn was so shocked that her expression froze, and she recognized that the skinned woman was the Queen Snake.

Immediately afterwards, a chill arose in her heart. The black widow not only skinned the queen snake, but also wore her skin on her body.

Qiu Gongyue's eyes instantly became sharp, and she looked at the black widow.

Queen Snake is not a good person, she can even be said to have died without guilt, after all, many innocent people died at her hands.

But she is being tortured like this now because of Qiu Gongyue and Evelyn.

"Oh, what a killing intent."

The black widow was almost knocked down by Qiu Gongyue's killing intent, and took a step back to hide behind the great wizard: "Do you like this gift?"


Evelyn, who came back to her senses, glared at her. If it wasn't for the presence of this mysterious great wizard, she could hardly bear to do it.

Qiu Gongyue felt that her murderous wave was resisted by the great wizard with her eyes closed, and asked in a deep voice: "When did you find out?"

(End of this chapter)

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