Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 663 Successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior

Chapter 663 Successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior
Xu Cheng originally wanted to take down the saint directly while the gold was away, but after the fight he realized that the saint's spiritual speech skills were too sloppy and his life-saving methods were top-notch, so Xu Cheng couldn't do anything to him in a short time.

When Jin comes back, it will be his turn to be beaten by the justice group.

So Xu Cheng simply gave up the battle with the saint, left India, and rushed back to the Winter Palace as quickly as possible.

Seeing that Xu Cheng came back safely, both Elizabeth and Amaterasu showed joy on their faces.

When the other gods saw him come back, they also heaved a sigh of relief. Xu Cheng is now their only trump card against Gold and the Saint, and there must be no accidents.

Once even he is finished, the only two paths left for the gods are to leave the earth and hide.

"Where's Cronus?"

Xu Cheng looked around, but did not find Cronus.

The gods looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Eveti again.

Eveti said with disgust: "Cronus left us and fled alone, but he should be being chased by gold now."

"Is there such a thing?"

Xu Cheng raised his eyebrows. He thought that Cronus was just more knowledgeable about current affairs, but he didn't expect that he would do such a bad thing as abandoning his companions and running away alone.

"Yeah, that guy runs faster than anyone else, if it weren't for Amaterasu, we would all suffer."

The fairy tale princess Norris took out a bag of potato chips from nowhere, crunching and biting, and said, "But Evedi said that Cronus is just a counterfeit, and we are waiting for her to explain?"

There are still melons to eat?

Xu Cheng was also polite, and sat down between Elizabeth and Amaterasu, entering the mode of eating melons.

"Then you continue."

The gods also look forward to it.

At this moment, even if Eveti suddenly doesn't want to say it, it doesn't matter, after all, everyone's appetite has been whetted.

Evedi had no intention of hiding, and revealed the secret she had kept for many years.

"Cronus... In fact, from the beginning of his birth, he was a twin god, that is, two souls, sharing the heart of a god..."

This kind of thing is extremely rare among the gods, but it is not without precedent.

Twin gods means that there are two souls, and the daily performance is two different personalities, which is the same as the dual personality symptoms.

Eveti only found out about this after she married Kronos, but his second personality rarely appeared.

Many legends created by Kronos are all made by No.1. Although his character is very reckless and tough, he is also heroic and upright. His actions are worthy of the name of a great hero and God of War In order to attract the favor of many goddesses including Evedi.

After marrying Evedi, Cronus was not immersed in a beautiful married life, but was always looking for powerful enemies to challenge and sharpen his own martial arts and power.

After all the gods have been challenged, Cronus, who has no rivals, set his sights on the gate of hell—it is said that the gate of hell can lead to the back of the world, that is, hell, where there are countless demons, There is also a demon king whose combat power is no less than that of a god.

Cronus hopes to enter the gate of hell and challenge the devil of hell.

Xu Cheng was quite surprised when he heard this: "Cronus also entered the gate of hell?"

Except for Elizabeth and Amaterasu, the rest of the gods noticed the word "also" and looked surprised.

"Yes, Cronus once entered the gates of hell."

While explaining to Xu Cheng, Elizabeth looked at Evedi: "Didn't he come back successfully at that time? Could it be that..."

"Yeah, he came back successfully."

Eveti smiled wryly: "But, only his second personality came back. His No. 1 character has disappeared, and the soul belonging to the No. 1 character has also disappeared."

Xu Cheng and the gods had already guessed, but they were still surprised when they heard this.

The real God of War died in the gate of hell.

Xu Cheng looked back on his experience in the gate of hell, if it wasn't for a little help from the dog management, who gave him ten chances to reopen, his grave would have been green by now.

Compared with the No.1 personality, Kronos's second personality is very cowardly, just a coward.

God of War turned into a coward, who would believe such a thing?

Evedi didn't want to believe it either, but the facts were right in front of her eyes, and she had no choice but to accept it. No matter which personality belonged to the God of War, it was also her husband.

Moreover, the second personality assured Eveti that he would get rid of his timidity and try to make himself No. 1.

Evedi also promised to keep this secret for him.

The tacit understanding between the husband and wife continued in this way until the rise of the Great Lord and the Golden High King began to conquer the world.

As the much-anticipated God of War, Cronus had to stand up and stop Gold.

That battle was described by the gods as a world-shattering battle, but in fact it was very simple. The Golden High King made three shots and defeated Cronus three times in a row. Then he lost the courage to fight and chose to run away.

At that time, Eveti was actually watching the battle nearby, and Kronos actually left her wife and ran away alone.

This caused Eveti to almost fall into the hands of Gold, and was seriously injured before running away.

Hearing this, the gods suddenly realized, no wonder Evedi has shown such hatred towards Cronus for so many years.

I thought she was being mean, but I didn't expect that there was such a big secret hidden in it.

Anyone who sees his husband become a coward, and abandons himself to the enemy to escape alone, must be terribly disappointed.

For the sake of the couple's love, Evedi has not revealed Cronus's secret for so many years.

To this day, Cronus once again used his ability to turn thousands of miles away and left all his companions behind. Eveti was also completely disappointed in him and no longer kept this secret.

After Eveti finished speaking, the hall was silent for a while.

If this gets out, it will definitely be a big news that can shock all the gods. Unfortunately, the gods are running away to death, and they probably don't have the mood to care about such gossip anymore.

Xu Cheng suddenly asked, "Will Cronus surrender the gold?"

The gods were taken aback, and subconsciously began to think about this possibility.

"Probably not?"

Yala frowned and said, "Surrender is to become a slave of gold, and you will lose your freedom forever."

To judge others by oneself, if it were him or other gods present, once forced into such a desperate situation, I am afraid that they would rather die than surrender.

Eveti looked at Xu Cheng with her beautiful eyes: "I can't guarantee whether this kind of thing will happen, but if Kronos is forced into a desperate situation, he will probably surrender, after all, that coward values ​​life more than Everything matters."

"Then if you see him, you have to be careful..."

Just as Xu Cheng was about to remind everyone, he suddenly raised his head and looked outside the hall, and the other gods also sensed it.


With a roar, Cronus, covered in blood, rushed in from outside the hall, and rushed straight to Tianchao.

Immediately afterwards, he flew back at a faster speed.

Xu Cheng stood in front of Amaterasu, retracted his foot
"What are you going to do?"


The rest of the gods were taken aback, and then they also scolded.

"It's none of your business."

Kronos got up again, shouted angrily, looked past Xu Cheng, and stared at Amaterasu: "Amaterasu, why did you leave me? You almost killed me in the hands of Gold."

Amaterasu poked his head out from behind Xu Cheng: "You deserve it, who told you to leave us and run away alone."

"Who said I left you and ran away."

Kronos stuck his neck and argued, "We were all running away then? I just ran a little faster than all of you."

As soon as these words came out, almost every god showed disgusted and angry expressions.

How the hell do you have the face to say such shameless things?
"The coward has finally escaped?"

Eveti couldn't help but sneer: "I thought you had already surrendered the gold."

"Efdy, what are you talking about? Surrendering to gold means making him a slave. How can I do such a thing that is worse than death?"

Cronus didn't dare to yell at his wife, and argued. He noticed everyone's disgusted eyes: "I know you all hate me, but don't forget, I also contributed to this battle, and it fell short in the end, shouldn't I Do you want to preserve your strength as much as possible? What's wrong with me choosing to retreat temporarily?"

It's a pity that the more he quibbles, the more people hate him.

Xu Cheng stared into Kronos' eyes: "How did you escape from the hands of Gold?"

"Of course I escaped desperately."

Cronus tore open his bloody clothes with great force, and there was a huge wound on his chest that almost ripped him apart, and hot blood was still flowing out: "I lost eleven lives in the hands of gold, All blame Amaterasu, you stinky woman."

He subconsciously wanted to trouble Amaterasu again.

Xu Cheng said coldly: "If you don't want to lose your last life, then keep your mouth shut."

Kronos looked at Xu Cheng angrily, and finally snorted: "Okay, I'll just let her go for your sake."

Amaterasu leaned against Xu Cheng from behind, put his chin on his shoulder, and showed a provocative expression to Cronus.

"I need you to let me go?"


Kronos was so angry that veins popped on his forehead.

"If you are not convinced, you can go."

Amaterasu said unforgivingly: "We can't tolerate you, a guy who will only run away when he is in danger."

No one objected, Cronus' impression in the minds of the gods had fallen to the bottom.

Cronus was furious, but he was so thick-skinned that he didn't walk away in anger. Instead, he sat down and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? Gold is looking for us all over the world, how can I leave by myself?" Isn't it delivered to him?"

Xu Cheng took a deep look at him, and then said, "Okay, since you're back, let's forget about running away."

The gods were a little surprised, they didn't expect Xu Cheng to let Cronus go so easily.

"Hmph, I'm not wrong, it's not your turn to blame me."

Kronos was still talking hard, but his heart, which he had been holding on all the time, relaxed with Xu Cheng's words.

Your Majesty Gold, I have successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior! !

(End of this chapter)

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