Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 664 Hooking Up With the Goddess

Chapter 664 Hooking Up With the Goddess
That's right, under the order of gold, Cronus had to return as the ghost.

Although he had told Jin that he would be suspected when he came back, Jin didn't care, and wanted Cronus to come back as an insider.

As a slave, Cronus had no choice but to run back at the risk of being discovered.

He was already mentally prepared to be exposed, but seeing Xu Cheng trusting himself so easily, Kronos was relieved, but also a little surprised.

Is this guy just playing tricks, or did he really trust himself so simply?

Xu Cheng didn't explain why he let Cronus go, and directly exposed the issue.

He looked around and asked, "Everyone, what should we do next?"

The gods are silent, today's ambush is the only chance to defeat Gold, since it has failed, there will be no second chance.

What's more, there is another saint who has also been resurrected. Even with the wisdom of the gods, I don't know what to do next.

"Then let's break up the meeting."

Seeing that no one said anything, Xu Cheng said: "You are all tired from this battle today, go down and rest, and we will talk about it tomorrow."

The danger was imminent, and it seemed inappropriate to rest now, but Xu Cheng's calmness still affected the mood of the gods.

After the meeting, Eveti left the Winter Palace alone and went for a walk in the virgin forest created by Xu Cheng before.

She stood among the flowers full of bright flowers, breathing the fresh air and thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly, she seemed to notice something, and turned her head to look back.

"Come out."

Xu Cheng walked out from the trunk of a big tree hugged by two people, and explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not specifically following you."

If this is the little fairy, then a stalker is definitely born.

"I didn't misunderstand."

Evedi smiled slightly and asked curiously, "Is there something wrong?"

Xu Cheng asked: "You and Kronos have been married for many years, and you know his character very well. I want to ask you, if he escapes from Jin Jin's hands successfully, will he come back?"

After thinking for a moment, Evedis concluded: "No, if he escapes from Jin's hands successfully, he will definitely find a place to hide and watch the situation, instead of coming back to us immediately."

With Kronos' cowardice, if he managed to escape, he would hide his name incognito and see if Xu Cheng and the others would be annihilated by Gold and the Saints.

It will not appear again unless it is absolutely safe to do so.

Evedi had been wondering whether Cronus had surrendered the gold before, but after answering Xu Cheng's question, she felt even more certain.

She looked at Xu Cheng and said, "Since you also think that Kronos has surrendered the gold, why didn't you just expose him in front of everyone?"

Xu Cheng asked back, "Is there any evidence?"

Eveti's eyes were downcast, and there was nothing wrong with that, although she was pretty sure there was something wrong with Cronus, but there was no conclusive proof.

Although Cronus was indeed a coward who left everyone behind and ran away, he couldn't forcefully conclude that the other party had surrendered the gold without evidence.

Their group is united because of the pressure of gold and saints, and they must pay attention to fairness and justice, otherwise it will be very easy to cause internal rifts.

Since there is no evidence to expose Cronus, Evedi also guessed what Xu Cheng came to find herself for: "You want me to inform other people in private, be careful of Cronus?"

Xu Cheng nodded. As expected of a goddess who combines beauty and wisdom, he immediately understood what he meant.

On the surface, everyone has no evidence to convict Kronos, but privately they can reach a consensus to guard against him, and it is most appropriate for Eveti to do this.

"Keep busy, I'll go back first."

Seeing that Evedi understood what he meant, Xu Cheng had no intention of staying, and was going to reintegrate into the tree trunk and leave.

What can I do alone?
Eveti felt that the man's words were quite interesting, and when he saw that he was about to enter the tree trunk, he suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Xu Cheng stopped his movements: "What's the matter?"

Eveti didn't say a word, but walked directly towards him.

The distance between the two suddenly shortened, almost touching each other face to face.

Xu Cheng cheered up quickly. Avedi wore a veil on her face, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but her eyes were full of temptation. He had to concentrate so that he would not be seduced by her.

According to legend, Evedi is the most beautiful god among all the gods. She is so beautiful that other gods cannot resist her charm, and there are many suitors.

For this reason, she had to wear a veil to cover her appearance and avoid embarrassment from other gods.

Cronus fell in love with her at first sight when he saw Eveti's face without her veil.

While resisting her temptation, Xu Cheng said helplessly, "Is this necessary?"

He has already noticed that Cronus is entering the forest, and Eveti's behavior can also be guessed.

"You asked me to help, then help me now."

Eveti gently moved closer to Xu Cheng's face, and breathed in his ear like blue.

From a distance, Cronus, who followed his wife's trail and rushed here, also saw this scene. From his perspective, he could see Xu Cheng and Evedi standing almost face to face, and their faces were also close to each other. Together, it seems to be whispering something.

For a moment, Kronos' eyes were flushed with anger.

"Thank you."

Eveti gently pushed Xu Cheng away. Xu Cheng, who was being used as a gun, was not displeased at all. It would be nice to be able to disgust Cronus.

His whole body merged into the tree trunk and disappeared.


With a loud noise, after Xu Cheng disappeared, Kronos fell from the sky and knocked down the big tree heavily.

His eyes were as red as an angry bull, staring at Eveti: "What were you doing with him just now?"

Evedi glanced at him, and in her charming eyes, she did not hide her disgust: "What do I do with him, does it have anything to do with you?"

Kronos panted like a cow, and growled: "I am your husband!"

Eveti sneered, "I've never seen a husband who left his wife twice in a row and ran away alone."

Kronos choked immediately.

Eveti continued to stimulate him: "And compared to you, Xu Cheng is more like a god of war. He is stronger, braver, and more manly than you, isn't he?"

She caressed her full chest with her hands, and whispered: "Such an outstanding man, even my heart is a little bit moved!"

These words, countless years ago, were the words of Eveti expressing her favor to Cronus.

Now it's being used on another man.

Kronos buzzed his head and clenched his fists tightly.

He knew very well in his heart that there could be no relationship between Xu Cheng and Afudi, and his wife deliberately did this to anger him.

But this kind of behavior is exactly a humiliation to his dignity.

He couldn't help but mocked: "Did the goddess who represents chastity start seducing men one day?"

Beauty, wisdom, chastity, these are beautiful words represented by Evedi.

"It's just a name imposed on me by humans. Isn't the God of War who represents bravery also a coward?"

Evedi confronted her tit for tat, and continued to taunt: "I'm planning to seduce Xu Cheng. Years of loneliness have left me with a fire of desire hidden in my heart. When I see him, my legs go limp, but do you dare to trouble him? You even dare to Show up after he's gone, you coward."


Seeing his chaste wife say such shameless words, Kronos suddenly roared and slapped Eveti's face.

Eveti didn't dodge, just stood there motionless, staring at him coldly.

Kronos' slap finally stayed a few centimeters away from Eveti's face, and he couldn't slap any more.

Although his wife has been mocking and mocking him, he still loves his wife deeply in his heart and doesn't want to hurt her a little.

Finally, Kronos withdrew his hand and turned away dejectedly.

Eveti stared at his back, with undisguised disappointment in her eyes. If Kronos hit her, at least she still had the courage to maintain a man's dignity.

In the end, not only did he not dare to trouble Xu Cheng, he didn't even dare to hit himself. After surrendering the gold, his courage seemed to become even smaller.

How could such a shameless coward be her husband? !


On the other side, Xu Cheng returned to the Winter Palace and came to Elizabeth's study.

Elizabeth and Amaterasu were already waiting here, and there was no one else.

Seeing Xu Cheng coming back, Tianzhao sniffed his nose subconsciously, as if he smelled something, and there was an expression on his face that he didn't know whether it was teasing or mocking: "It's this time, and I'm still in the mood to pick up girls, and she's still a wife!"

Xu Cheng ignored her, and turned to look at Elizabeth: "I have asked Eveti to inform other people in private to guard against Cronus."

"Have you called your name so intimately?"

Amaterasu broke his mouth again, and found that both Xu Cheng and Elizabeth were staring at him with unkind eyes, curled their lips, and stopped mentioning this matter.

"It's internal meeting time."

Xu Cheng sat across from them: "What should we do next? Tell us your opinions."

"Before you came back, I had discussed it with Amaterasu."

Elizabeth said: "Besides surrendering and hiding, we now have a third option."

Xu Cheng had actually already guessed: "Looking for the whereabouts of the Valkyrie and the Shadow Goddess?"

Elizabeth nodded: "That's right."

The Goddess of Shadow once confronted Gold for a short time without losing the wind, and was finally defeated by the Great Lord himself, which meant that her strength would not be weaker than Gold, otherwise she would not need the Great Lord to take action in person.

And the Valkyrie once won the God's Choice War, ended the troubled times, and finally stabbed the Saint in the back. Her strength may be stronger than the Saint.

Now that Gold and Saint are still alive and kicking, Valkyrie and Shadow Goddess may not die.

As long as they find their whereabouts, together with Xu Cheng and the gods, they may be able to defeat the two powerful enemies of gold and saints.

Before the encirclement and suppression of gold, Xu Cheng and Elizabeth actually considered this matter. At that time, they felt that it was too difficult to find these two goddesses, so they did not discuss it any further.

Now I have to do this, and there is no second way to go.

After a brief discussion, the three made a joint decision.

Qiu Gongyue is looking for the whereabouts of the Shadow Goddess, Xu Cheng will assist her and try to complete this matter faster.

Elizabeth is looking for traces of the Valkyrie, and Amaterasu is taking other gods to collect as many World Tree fragments as possible, delaying the collection of the complete World Tree by Gold and Saints.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they can't find it, the most important thing is to protect the few pieces they got before.

Without these fragments, the world tree cannot be restored.

In addition, there is another very important thing, that is, Xu Cheng must complete the trinity as soon as possible and become a real god.

Although his current strength is a little stronger than that of gold and saints, it is because of his physical body becoming a god. This is all his strength, and it cannot be strengthened in a short time.

Gold is different from saints. They have just been resurrected and are in a weak state, and their strength will continue to recover until they surpass the gods.

Time is on their side, the longer it drags on, Xu Cheng's advantage will become a disadvantage.

Now, Xu Cheng's power, God's heart, and soul are complete, but he still doesn't know how to complete the trinity.

Elizabeth and Amaterasu couldn't give an accurate answer to this question, because they were both born gods and had never experienced such a thing.

"I can only tell you that you may need an opportunity."

Elizabeth told him: "As for what this opportunity is, you can only wait for you to find it yourself."


Xu Cheng hated this vague statement very much, but he couldn't force Elizabeth to explain to himself.

Time was running out, and once a decision was made, the gods parted at the Winter Palace.

Only Xu Cheng, Elizabeth, and Amaterasu knew about the search for the Valkyrie and the Goddess of Shadow. They didn't tell the rest of the gods, but asked them to cooperate with Amaterasu to find the fragments of the World Tree and the other old gods at the same time. Increase the strength of your faction.

After leaving Eastern Europe, Xu Cheng did not rush to Guangming Mountain, but returned to Japan immediately, and found Hoshizaki Yukina and Nagumo Asuka.

Of course, he didn't come back to relax, but asked Hoshizaki Yukina and Nagumo Asuka to use doubles to replace him during this period of time, and he himself hid in Amaterasu's secret place Gao Tianyuan to live.

Although as gold and saints, they should disdain to encircle relatives and friends who have little power like Xu Cheng, but they are not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, so it is safer to let them hide in the secret realm.

Anyway, between him and these two powerful enemies, the time to decide the winner should not be delayed for too long.

Hoshizaki Yukina and Nanyun Asuka were also aware of the risks hidden behind Xu Cheng's request, but they did not want to stop it. Not causing trouble to Xu Cheng is the greatest help.

However, Hoshizaki Yukina and Nagumo Asuka also have a request, they just hope that Xu Cheng can stay with them for another night.

Of course, Xu Cheng would not refuse such a request.

That night, Hoshizaki Yukina and Nagumo Asuka teamed up to show their real skills and fought against Xu Cheng, as if they wanted to squeeze him into scum.

It's a pity that Xu Cheng, who became a god in the flesh, is not what he used to be. He easily killed them and disarmed them.

After settling them down, Xu Cheng left Japan and went straight to Guangming Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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