Great warships

Chapter 117 Accuracy improved by an order of magnitude

Chapter 117 Accuracy improved by an order of magnitude
Although Qin Tao didn't take it apart and read it, Qin Tao also knew it. Now that Zhao Ling explained it like this, other people couldn't help giving a thumbs up. Qin Tao is really good and knows everything.

Qin Tao continued: "However, the shape of this shell is not good-looking. I will design a new turret shape for you later. It is not only beautiful, but also can match the shape of our missile boat."

What shape does the missile boat match?Invisibility of course!

This round turret still needs to be improved in terms of the stealth of the shell. Of course, Qin Tao only cares about the design. As for the material to be used, whether to continue to use plastic or aluminum alloy, it is not Qin Tao's consideration.

"A new shell?" Xia Bei was curious.

"Yes, the new casing. The products you provide us must use this new casing, otherwise, our military representative will not sign it." Qin Tao said.

He happened to bring Zhao Ling here, and now he can use the tiger's skin as a banner.

Zhao Ling could only nod her head. It's not a big deal. Since Qin Tao insisted, let him do it.


After dismantling the shell, you can find that the second half of the entire gun barrel is hidden inside the turret, and only a part is exposed outside. This additional bracket starts from the fixed point at the rear of the turret and moves forward. The extension extends all the way to the outside, and is connected with the barrel through a special bearing.

In this way, it is equivalent to adding an additional fixed rod on the outside, and it can also be used for pitching and rotating along with the gun barrel without affecting the aiming of the target.

"There's no need to install the casing, test it again!" Xia Bei continued to shout.

The test mission quickly resumed.

This kind of artillery can use radar for automatic aiming and shooting, and can also be manually controlled by optical system. At present, it is only a test gun, so it uses manual aiming. The test gunner aimed at the target with an imitation SP521 electro-optical tracker , and then pressed the button again.

The barrel rotated quickly, and a ball of flame sprayed out from the muzzle, just like a flamethrower, and in front of the flame, countless dense shells flew out.

Zhao Ling opened her eyes wide: "How many cannonballs can fly out at once?"

"It takes 0.2 seconds from starting to the maximum rate of fire." Qin Tao said from the side: "Its maximum rate of fire, the initial model is 80 rounds per minute, and the later model is [-] rounds per minute, which is equivalent to It can fire more than [-] shells per second."

"Qin Gong, you are very familiar with this gun." Xia Bei said.

"So-so." Qin Tao was very modest.

While talking, the shooting has ended. This kind of gun fires in short bursts. Although it is said that there are thousands of rounds per minute, its ammunition is only one or two thousand rounds. (The data given by various sources are different. Some say 730 rounds, while others say 500 rounds. However, it is much higher than the [-] rounds of the [-].)
"Isn't this too heaven-defying?"

"What's so outrageous about this, the Phalanx of the Yankees has a rate of fire of tens of thousands of rounds." Qin Tao said.

"Actually, there is a way for us to achieve a rate of fire of tens of thousands of rounds." Xia Bei said: "We have already studied it. The ammunition of this system passes from the left, and the right is empty. Therefore, If we put another barrel on top of it and provide ammunition from the right side, the two guns can be fired together to achieve a rate of fire of tens of thousands of rounds."

The military workers of this era are also smart enough!To think of this!

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lao Maozi was left with nothing but to live on. Although they developed the integrated system of ammunition and artillery, they are also continuing to upgrade their AK-630.
The new model is AK-630M1-2. In addition to improving the turret to a stealth shape, two groups of 2-tube 6mm guns are placed up and down, a total of 30 barrels, and the rate of fire is increased to 12 rounds per minute. , The firepower is definitely brutal enough.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, Xia Gong, what you said is an improvement idea, but..."

"However, the problem of gun barrel vibration will be more prominent, so the dispersion accuracy will be worse." Xia Bei was very smart, and then thought of this drawback.

"Yes, that's the problem. However, if you change the perspective, the problem of poor dispersion accuracy becomes an advantage. A large number of shells can form a wider interception surface, which is more effective against small targets that penetrate the defense at low altitudes. You have to try it out to know how it works.”

Just like multiple rocket launchers, poor accuracy?Not a problem, let's launch a batch more, which happens to be a weapon that kills people all over the place.

Of course, Qin Tao doesn't know how effective the interception will be. Whether it is better to arrange two interceptors together or a pair of six-barreled guns.

Real knowledge comes from practice, well, I will talk about it later.

"The data came out, and the dispersion accuracy has increased by an order of magnitude! In the past, half of our shells would fly, but now, all the shells landed on the target!" The person in charge of checking the target ran back and shouted excitedly.

"Well, it really works." Xia Bei's eyes also brightened: "In this way, we can also communicate with each other! Qin Gong, thank you very much, the idea you gave us is really good!"

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, since the test is all right, you hurry up and build the cannon, we are still waiting for the installation! Let's go, I will draw the design of the turret for you!"

Zhao Ling followed behind, a burst of emotion, Qin Tao is too powerful, a simple idea can solve the problem, there is no one who can't do it.

"Well, Qin Gong, if you want to continue to improve the accuracy, is there any other way?" Xia Bei continued, he has always been worried about improving the accuracy, because they have to compare with the 730 guns of his brother units.

Qin Tao frowned, thought for a while, and then said, "The simple way is to improve the manufacturing accuracy of shells and barrels."

It is not easy to improve. Strictly control the quality, improve the processing accuracy of the barrel and shells, and perhaps make the shells more accurate.

In the drawing room of the design office, Qin Tao picked up a drawing pen and ruler, and quickly drew the polygonal shape of the turret.

Looking at the three views of the turret, Xia Bei was a little curious: "Qin Gong, why did you do this?"

"Invisibility." Qin Tao said: "In the future, the invisibility of warships will be an important indicator. Not to mention this kind of close-in defense gun, even the turret of the main gun will have this shape in the future."

"Invisibility? Is stealth necessary for such a large warship?" Xia Bei was puzzled.

"Yes, you can turn a large warship into a small warship, with a displacement of [-] tons into [-] tons." Qin Tao said: "This is the trend and trend, just wait and see in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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