Great warships

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

When Santana returned to Mingzhou Shipyard, the hull of the dredger had been welded, and the crane was hoisting the engine. According to the contract, the engine used by this dredger was actually dismantled from the previous dredger. Although it is a second-hand engine, its performance is still good, better than domestic ones, and the price is cheaper. Together with the reducer, drive shaft, and propeller, a set can be used.

At the same time, the first missile boat was still being assembled, and the second missile boat was also started to be welded.

Since there are not many shipbuilding plans, and this kind of missile boat is relatively small, there is no need for any launching and outfitting platform at all, and it is directly built in the dock, and all kinds of necessary things can be conveniently It is hoisted by a crane on the side.

Zhao Ling also quickly got into work. A variety of electronic equipment was continuously received and installed inside the warship.

On this day, Qin Tao watched the orange petal-like radar antenna being hoisted to the top of the main mast, feeling a little emotional there: "Currently, this radar is already the most advanced radar in our navy."

What is being hoisted is the sea-gull C search radar imitated by imported foreign technology, which can conduct air-to-sea search and target locking, and provide target data for anti-ship missiles. It is an ideal equipment for medium and small surface ships.

However, only such a radar is not enough!

"Yes, this radar can be used to guide anti-ship missiles. However, for the target it will attack in the future, the Haiying [-] missile is still too close, and it is easy to pose a threat to the missile boat. Wait until the longer range After the development of anti-ship missiles, the missile boat's own radar may not be able to detect the target."

Anti-ship missiles with a range of [-] kilometers have become more and more difficult to survive in modern naval battles. The navy is currently researching anti-ship missiles with a longer range. However, the related supporting radar equipment is also a big problem .

This is not a matter of directly increasing the radar power, because the surface of the sea is an arc. Seventy or eighty kilometers away, radar waves that propagate in a straight line cannot reach. will fly to the sky.

"There are two solutions. One is to develop an over-the-horizon radar that can spread radar signals close to the sea. The second is to use a data link. Therefore, we have reserved an interface at the tail of the missile boat. Once the data link is mature, it can be installed, and in future operations, it is necessary to receive signals sent by other platforms.”

The radars currently used all emit bands below the meter wave. Electromagnetic waves propagate along a straight line. If the wavelength of the radar is increased, the radar wave can be propagated close to the sea surface. This is the over-the-horizon radar. However, this Radar antennas are relatively large.

The super-refractive effect between seawater and the atmosphere can also be used to propagate at a limited height and along the curvature of the earth's surface. This is the principle of the music station radar on the modern level.

As for the other way, it is relay guidance. The Navy’s carrier-based helicopters have this task. However, the risk of helicopter guidance is also very high. In the future, there will be early warning aircraft, and it will be even more difficult to use the data link of the early warning aircraft to guide. safe.

In short, it is impossible for a missile boat to deploy high-end radar, and even in its combat method, it does not turn on the radar at all, and is completely guided by the data link.

The navy's data link, we still need to wait. Now the range of the YJ-[-] missile is completely within the range of its own detection, so there is no problem for the time being.

This afternoon, the multi-barreled naval guns have also been delivered.That night, it was hoisted to the front of the missile boat. The sharp-edged turret matched the shape of the entire hull very well, and several military representatives were very satisfied with it.

"It's almost time for us to spray paint." Qin Tao said: "We need to spray special marine camouflage to achieve visual stealth effect."

Marine camouflage?

Everyone was amazed.

Wearing a dust mask and holding a spray paint can, Qin Tao went up enthusiastically.

The next day, the avant-garde and colorful missile boat appeared in front of everyone, which surprised them.

Blue, white and grey, the three colors match each other, echo each other, and touch each other in twists and turns. The whole missile boat is like wearing a camouflage suit!
In this era, the navy did not pay much attention to visual invisibility, so that many warship decks were painted with brick red anti-rust paint, which could be seen from a distance.

The current painting of the missile boat that pursues the ultimate stealth effect is definitely the first in this era!
"Qin Gong, you are so creative." Meng Fansheng opened his mouth wide and was very satisfied with Qin Tao's design: "I'm sure that after putting it in the sea, no one will look at it twenty miles away. Find!"

"Well, the project is almost done, can it be launched next week? I heard that you pay more attention to this, and you need to hold a grand launching ceremony."

"Yes." Meng Fansheng said, "We will report to our superiors!"

The time has entered the end of April, and the shipyard is extremely lively. On the mast of the built missile boat, brand-new colorful flags are fluttering in the wind.

Several navy vehicles drove into the shipyard. When Wu Shengli got out of the vehicle, Qin Tao widened his eyes. It was just a missile boat, so there was no need to be so grand, right?Uncle Wu, you are always busy!
However, if you stop by to see your daughter, it makes sense.

"I heard that the missile boat here has been built. This is an important moment for our navy, so I came here in person, representing the navy, to participate in this launching ceremony."

"Thank you to Leader Wu for your kindness." Qin Baoshan greeted him and shook hands warmly: "This is the first time that our shipyard has built a warship. We worked together and worked hard to complete the first missile in the shortest possible time." After the boat is built and launched, it is sea trials, and we promise to hand over qualified warships to the navy.”

"Isn't it outfitting after launching?" asked a leader of the company.

"No, we have just completed the outfitting, and the sea trial will be after launching. However, everything is mature, and the sea trial is expected to go very smoothly," Qin Tao said.

Zhang Zhen and Pang Jianmin were also among them, and the two of them were even more impatient, striding towards the dock, and when they saw the missile boat lying there, they immediately shouted in surprise: "This shape, this painting, never I haven't seen it before!"

Although I have seen it on the design drawings, it is completely different from looking at the real thing. After seeing the real missile boat, everyone was shocked.

"I said before that if you want to build a cross-age warship for the navy, you will definitely not be disappointed. Everyone, who will break the bottle?"

Wu Shengli raised his hand high, and in the eyes of everyone, the wine bottle hit the bow of the missile boat. With a bang, the wine bottle exploded, and countless foams splashed.

"Go into the water!" Qin Tao shouted loudly.

So, the crane that had been prepared for a long time was slowly started, and the missile boat was hoisted directly.

That's right, the way of launching this time is to hang it directly into the water in an unconventional way!

Ordinary warships are built on the berth. When they are launched into the water, they can fall backwards and fall directly, or they can be launched from the side, smashing countless splashes, almost capsizing, and the scene is incomparably spectacular.

If it is built in a dock, you can also put water in the dock and drive out directly.But now, since the second missile boat is still being built in the dock, if it is directly poured into the water, the second missile boat will float up.

Therefore, they adopted an ingenious launching method, directly hoisting the missile boat into the water!
Plop!The water splashed, and the catamaran missile boat directly entered the water like this. It was extremely vigorous, and the splashed water even splashed on the people watching by the dock, and they applauded.

"Now, get ready to start the sea test!" Qin Tao said, "Everyone, do you want to go up and feel it?"

(End of this chapter)

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