Great warships

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
The two MTU engines roared, and the sound traveled along the bulkhead to the cockpit. Standing inside, Wu Shengli looked excited: "Let's go!"

The ship cannot be operated by one person, and it needs the cooperation of different crew members to start it. At this time, several workers in the shipyard temporarily acted as engineers and other roles. In the cockpit, Qin Tao issued an order loudly: "Go five!"

The four water jet propellers are working at full power, and four water waves are formed, which spread on the sea surface and form ripples. For the first time, the officers of the navy felt the thrill of racing on the sea. When the missile boat sprinted to a speed of [-] knots They felt their own adrenaline was also secreting rapidly, stimulating every cell of them.

"Attention everyone, get ready to turn the rudder!"

The missile boat was on the sea, and suddenly turned around beautifully. The hull barely tilted, and an arc-shaped wave broke out on the sea surface, which was incomparably spectacular.

Qin Tao was showing the performance of the catamaran to everyone, especially when there was a roundabout at the end, the cabin was full of applause.

The first sea trial was successfully concluded. The launch and sea trial were held together, which has never happened before in a naval vessel. When the ship docked, many people didn't want to leave, and they still stayed on the missile boat. Come on, look here, look there.

"Everyone, our cafeteria has already prepared lunch. Several military representatives, can you also have a cup of celebration wine?"

Meng Fansheng nodded: "Yes, yes, we are going to have a few drinks today!"

Shipyard canteen.

"Everyone, first of all, on behalf of the Navy, I would like to celebrate the launching of this missile boat. We are very satisfied with its performance. It will become a sharp weapon to protect our motherland's sea area." Wu Shengli raised his glass: "Let us do this for this The successful trial production of a brand new missile boat, cheers!"

Qin Baoshan was very excited.

This is a new beginning!

"On behalf of the shipyard, I would like to thank the leaders of the Navy for their support, the military representatives, and the Marine Corps for their protection. Whatever the Navy needs, our shipyard can build anything, whether it is a missile boat, a frigate, or a destroyer!"

"Director Qin, your appetite is not small!"

Everyone laughed.

"On behalf of several of our military representatives, I would like to thank the shipyard for its support, Qin Gong's excellent design and outstanding guidance, which allowed the construction of this brand new missile boat to be completed." Meng Fansheng opened his mouth wide and said to Qin Tao.

All three military representatives raised their glasses.

"I also thank several military representatives for their strict requirements." Qin Tao's wine glass touched several people, and when it touched Zhao Ling's wine glass, he deliberately used some strength to make the wine in Zhao Ling's wine glass spill. Come out a lot.

After drinking for three rounds, Qin Tao became more courageous: "Leader Wu, you have a lot of things to do every day, and you are here to participate in the launch ceremony of our missile boat. This is how important we are. I have to have a drink with you. Thank you for your kindness." .The project of the catamaran passenger liner will be written off."

Wu Shengli glanced at Qin Tao, this is going to be a bad debt, the navy gave up the first catamaran to the customs, and according to the instructions, the state shipyard had to build another one for them.However, the customs has already tested the performance of the catamaran, and they have also started to build a catamaran missile boat, so there is no need to continue to build a catamaran passenger ship.

For the catamaran, the navy paid a part of the deposit in advance, which was just enough to offset the last time the canned food was exchanged for the passenger plane. It is said that the accounts were evened out, but Qin Tao and the customs asked for more than 1000 million!Shouldn't they be given Navy points?

Forget it, the navy should be more generous.

However, Wu Shengli can't directly agree now, he has to go back and report!So the topic was changed.

"I, I have two tasks this time." Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao's face: "On the one hand, I want to participate in the launch ceremony of our missile boat, and on the other hand, I want to take two people along."

Hearing what Wu Shengli said, Qin Tao immediately realized: "Go to visit Lao Maozi?"

Wu Shengli nodded: "Qin Tao, Zhao Ling, you two are ready to prepare after dinner, and then come back to the capital with me."

At this time, Qin Tao seemed to understand why Zhao Ling didn't believe in martial arts anymore. If she was called Wu Ling, then she couldn't take her daughter back in such a fair manner. Few of the people present knew Zhao Ling's true identity, so it was convenient for Wu Shengli to transfer .

To Qin Tao, this matter had been expected for a long time, and it was nothing, but Zhao Ling was really taken aback.

Back to the capital?
Instinctively, Zhao Ling wanted to say no, she didn't want to be constantly controlled by her father in life and work.However, she looked at Qin Tao on the opposite side, and found that when Qin Tao didn't respond, the disgust in her heart disappeared. It's good to be with Qin Tao.

Maybe, really need yourself?
In the afternoon, the Navy's Cherokee SUV sped down the road.

Zhao Ling was sitting in the co-pilot, Qin Tao and Wu Shengli were sitting in the back row together, and the two had already chatted about this issue.

"Ten days ago, the superior leaders went to Moscow for a friendly visit. This trip went very smoothly. We will resume and expand cooperation in the field of aviation and aerospace technology with Lao Maozi, and we will use government loans to provide assistance to Lao Maozi. Maozi provides food and daily consumer goods in exchange for Lao Maozi agreeing to sell us aviation technology and equipment. Therefore, our army will also send a strong lineup to Moscow. There are eight places in the navy, and I will lead them."

"There are eight places, and the two of us occupy two of them. Isn't that a bit too extravagant?" Qin Tao asked Wu Shengli.

"Taozi, you have been to Lao Maozi's place several times and have done business with them. You know Lao Maozi's current situation very well, so you joined as a consultant." Wu Shengli said: "As for Xiaoling, she Responsible for translation and typing, after all, Xiaoling can see the manuscript I wrote most clearly."

Wu Shengli didn't think there was anything wrong with it. They needed translators in the navy, and Xiaoling could take on this task. Moreover, Wu Shengli had to write the report himself and typed it out. Only Xiaoling can type out the handwriting without asking, so Xiaoling is the secretary.

This is not Wu Shengli's selfishness.

"Although this time is to investigate the field of aerospace technology, since we are going there, we can stay a few more days and visit their Southern Steam Turbine Factory and other places." Qin Tao began to play his role.

"Southern Steam Turbine Factory?"

"Yes, Lao Maozi specializes in marine gas turbines."

For the navy, the biggest problem right now is the lack of heart, so, this time, when I go to Lao Maozi's place, I can also inspect the navy's projects by the way. .

Wu Shengli's eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again: "This proposal is not bad. After we finish talking about the plane, we can ask for separate activities, but will the old man agree?"

"Well, as long as we work hard, we still have a chance. The old man is still very friendly. It would be even better if we can meet an old acquaintance of mine and let him show us around."

Wu Shengli nodded: "It seems that bringing you into our inspection team can play a huge role. What good things we can see depends on you. By the way, do you have any suggestions?"

Qin Tao thought for a while: "Let's go to the capital, how about visiting Erguotou Factory?"

Qin Tao's span is too big, from weapons and equipment, directly to drinking?Zhao Ling, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help turning her head to look at Qin Tao.

"This time, my stomach may meet the needs of the motherland. We need to find someone who can drink a thousand glasses without getting drunk." Qin Tao said: "At Lao Maozi's place, as long as the wine is in place, everything else is easy to talk about. Xiaoling , what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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