Great warships

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Southern Steam Turbine Works, Design Office.

A [-]-watt light bulb radiated dazzling light, illuminating a huge table where Sergey, with bloodshot eyes, was scratching his head, thinking about something.

"Three-dimensional method, what's wrong?" In front of Sergey, there was a lot of draft paper filled with formulas, and beside the draft paper was a graphing calculator.As for his feet, there are also countless balls of waste paper.

"Sergey, my friend, what's wrong with you?" Qin Tao and Nicholas walked in, and they were very surprised when they saw Sergey's appearance.

Sergey turned his head and saw two people coming, then rubbed his eyes to believe that he was not dreaming.

"Qin, there is a problem with my three-dimensional method, can you tell me where the problem is?" Sergey asked Qin Tao.

Ever since seeing Qin Tao shaking his head at the three-dimensional method that day, Sergey has fallen into a special state, as if possessed, and has been studying and calculating here, and occasionally tired, lying on the table Go to sleep for a while, wake up and continue to toss.

However, he has always achieved nothing, and now, he is almost on the verge of schizophrenia.

Looking at the tormented Sergey, Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart. When he met him in his previous life, he hadn't changed a bit. Academically, he still had this kind of mesmerizing research spirit.

"My old friend, you are so pitiful." Qin Tao said: "The three-dimensional method is used to design the turbine part at the back. It is wrong to use it to design the zero-stage compressor."

"What?" Sergey looked at Qin Tao in surprise: "Used in the wrong place?"

"Yes, the mathematical model of the compressor is very complicated. The three-dimensional method cannot be used at all considering the interstage air extraction and high-pressure turbine of the compressor." Qin Tao said: "You need to use more rigorous methods. Only a computer simulation system can solve it.”

Lao Maozi's mathematical foundation is very solid. However, when studying complex turbines, mathematical means may not be available. It contains complex fluid models, and only computers can be used to complete relevant research.

The old man doesn't use a computer, but he can do experiments. With his rich mathematical skills and experimental research, he can still create a series of advanced engines.

Of course, they also use computers, but those are all high-end research institutes. Their factory, which specializes in manufacturing gas turbines for the navy, can't even have a calculator, let alone an advanced computer.

Sergey was a little disappointed: "Really?"


Sergey looked at the waste paper all over the floor, feeling a little frustrated. After struggling for a long time, he used it in the wrong place!
"Sergey, it's just right that you are here. We hope to take away those scrap irons now." Nikolay said, "As for the exchanged items, they will be sent to you as soon as possible."

After all, this is not paying money with one hand and delivering the goods with one hand, so Nicholas is also a little uncertain at this time, wondering whether Sergey will agree to his request.

"Everything is packed in the box, and you can take it away at any time." Unexpectedly, Sergey nodded without the slightest hesitation. Obviously, he was still thinking about those things in his mind.

"Computer, where can I get a computer?" Sure enough, Sergey muttered again.

"The model restricted by Batumi is a bit difficult, but if it is an ordinary computer, I still have a solution." Qin Tao said.

"Really? What way?" Sergey looked at Qin Tao with surprise.

He didn't forget that when the guests from the east came to inspect for the first time, they gave them a lot of calculators. In the past few days, they threw away the slide rules and started to use calculators to work. The efficiency is just right.

Since the other party can get a calculator, then it should be possible to get a computer, right?

"Well, the waste paper here is useless, right? How about exchanging it with waste paper?" Qin Tao said.

Waste paper?

Sergey just hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

There is really a lot of waste paper accumulated in their warehouse. Since they started to make the first gas turbine, they have carried out massive data calculations and have a lot of waste paper.

If it is a formal design drawing and other technical information, of course it has been sealed up, but these waste papers are useless, so they are piled up directly. When the big guys go to the toilet, they just go and take a few.

However, there is too much waste paper. After decades, the waste paper has not been used up, and there is still a lot.

In other developing countries, of course, this kind of problem will not arise. Waste paper is also valuable. For example, waste newspapers can be used to paste roofs and walls, and ordinary paper can be recycled to make toilet paper. (Waste newspapers cannot be used to make toilet paper. There is too much ink, and the toilet paper produced is too dark.)
However, here at Lao Maozi, there is no factory that recycles waste paper to make toilet paper. This is not because Lao Maozi attaches great importance to environmental protection and is afraid of pollution, but simply because Lao Maozi does not pay attention to it.

Therefore, waste paper is either piled up or kept as firewood in the future.

Now, of course, it is worthwhile to exchange these waste papers for computers.

Of course, when Qin Tao said this, it was a bit of an irrelevant answer. What the other party asked was how Qin Tao got the computer. What Qin Tao said was that you give me waste paper, and I will replace the computer for you. As for how to change it, Qin Tao did not say.

However, Sergey is a person who studies hard in technology, and other things are careless.Since Qin Tao said that there is a way to get it, he believed it. With those graphing calculators in front of him, he trusted Qin Tao very much.

So, under the leadership of Sergey, several people came to the warehouse. When he saw three warehouses full of waste paper, Qin Tao was extremely shocked.

The men brought by Nicholas immediately got busy, using a forklift to load the waste paper directly into the car, and then transported it to the shipyard. The gas turbines that had been packed were also transported away.

When the sky in the east was just turning pale, the cargo ship Shihu had already left the pier and sailed slowly towards the Black Sea. For them, this was also the most interesting experience. They had never seen such a fast loading speed Pass.

After seeing off the cargo ship, everyone came to the airport.

"Your Excellency Nicholas, thank you for your help in the past few days. If you have a chance in the future, please come to our China. I will definitely entertain you well." Wu Shengli held Nikolai's hand and said with emotion.

Zhao Ling on the side was translating at the same time. After hearing Wu Shengli's words, Nicholas nodded: "Yes, if there is a chance, I will definitely go. I believe that we will meet again."

Loosening his enthusiastic hands, Wu Shengli walked towards the plane with his subordinates.

Zhao Ling stayed where she was.

"Hey, Xiaoling, have you made an agreement with the old man?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

After a busy night yesterday, he didn't sleep. Qin Tao didn't meet Zhao Ling either. Zhao Ling was always with Wu Shengli.

Now, seeing their tacit understanding, it means that Zhao Ling and Wu Shengli have reported it.

Zhao Ling nodded: "Yes. I am worried about leaving you alone, and neither is the old man."

When Zhao Ling uttered these words, she felt dumbfounded. She had been with Qin Tao for a long time and heard Qin Tao call Qin Baoshan an old man all day long.
"Worried about me drinking with Lao Maozi?" Qin Tao asked.

"Yes." Zhao Ling showed a mischievous smile on her face. If Qin Tao drinks with Lao Maozi in the future, maybe she can help out?Of course, it's limited to when everyone drinks too much, and you can't change it when you just start drinking.

"Now, where do we go?"

Qin Tao looked at Nicholas: "Nicholas, my friend, I still want to walk on the beautiful land. I am full of curiosity about the monsters on the Caspian Sea. Can Zaitsev and the others accompany Shall I go and have a look?"

To the east of the Black Sea, across a piece of land, is the Caspian Sea, which is not far from here, so Qin Tao had this idea.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Nicholas shook his head: "This is difficult, after all, the level of confidentiality of those things is very high."

The Caspian Sea Monster is a popular title. Ten years ago, Western reconnaissance satellites discovered a strange thing in the Caspian Sea: it was very big, like a giant aircraft, but it was sticking to the sea surface. Flying, meanwhile, in front of the nose, there is also a row of jet engines in cylinders.

This weird shape made them nickname the Caspian Sea Monster, and they even observed that one of them had a sloping cylinder on the top, similar to the one on the Glory class, it was a huge anti-ship missile launcher.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, many of Lao Maozi's big killers were slowly deciphered. Only then did the West know that this Caspian Sea monster was the ground-effect aircraft that Lao Maozi had been researching since the 60s.

It has the same transportation volume as a ship and the same speed as an airplane, which is definitely against the sky. Fortunately, with the collapse of the Red Empire, this Caspian Sea monster will be abandoned. If it is really matured by the old man, Definitely a nightmare for the western fleet.

Now, it is indeed inappropriate for Qin Tao to go there to have a look.

If you don’t go, don’t go, there are still other good things here, I have plenty of time...

"Then how about my wife and I go to Foros to enjoy the sun and the beach?" Qin Tao asked.

Qin Tao suddenly thought of an important question, that Grishin!After Grishin woke up, he found that most of the people had left, except Qin Tao and Zhao Ling. Would he be suspicious?
The other party will definitely continue to follow him like a paparazzi.

So, for the rest of the time, I don't want to go anywhere, I just go on vacation here honestly, since Zhao Ling is with me, I have to take her to enjoy it.

Zhao Ling blushed slightly there.

In order to explain that he appeared in the military delegation, Qin Tao also revealed Zhao Ling's identity, and said that the two of them were already married, so Nicholas believed it.

Now, Zhao Ling chose to stay because she was really afraid that Qin Tao would drink too much and no one would take care of her. Unexpectedly, Qin Tao actually said that she would go on vacation with her. Sunshine and beaches are everywhere in their shipyard, but they have always been there. I'm busy with work, and this is the first time I've traveled abroad for vacation.

"Okay." Nicholas said, "I'll say hello to you and arrange a room for senior cadres in the sanatorium."

That's for sure, while the Red Empire has not yet collapsed, the privileges that should be enjoyed are still to be enjoyed, and the last handful of wool is gathered.Qin Tao directly pointed out that it was Foros, not Sochi or Yalta, because of this consideration.

Most of the territory of the Red Empire is in high latitudes, which is relatively cold. Therefore, there are not many local tourist attractions, mainly distributed along the Baltic Sea coast and the Black Sea coast.

Sochi on the dark coast is the most famous tourist attraction, especially in the Tsarist Russian era, hot springs were discovered here, and it became the favorite of Lao Maozi's tourism.

However, it is precisely because of this that Sochi is overcrowded all year round. Although Lao Maozi’s supplies are already very poor, Lao Maozi’s social system has not changed. There are two weeks of annual leave.

Sochi has hundreds of sanatoriums, most of which are free sanatoriums built by trade unions, so if you go to Sochi, there will always be dense crowds of people on the beach.It is similar to Beidaihe during the summer vacation.Considering the season in June, it is almost the same as the Spring Festival train.

Lao Maozi is very open. You can see a lot of people wearing three-point swimsuits on the beach. However, as long as Lao Maozi's women get married, they will gain weight quickly. Looking around, they are all old women with beer bellies, which hurts the eyes. .

Yalta on the Crimea Peninsula is similar, but Qin Tao chose Foros, which is also on the Crimea Peninsula, which is different.

The beach in Foros is not big, but there are many reefs, and there are rolling mountains behind it, so few people choose to come here for vacation.

Foros is relatively quiet, so it is valued by many high-ranking officials. It can be said that Foros belongs to the exclusive resort of high-ranking officials. (A year and a few months later, Map was on vacation here, and ended up under house arrest.)
It is not far from Nikolayev to Foros. In the afternoon of that day, Qin Tao and his group came to Foros' nursing home.

The area of ​​the sanatorium is not large, they are all small two-story buildings one after another, and each small building also has a small courtyard, which is very convenient for the family of senior officials to come to vacation.

Standing on the second floor of the small courtyard, you can see the entire sea. When Zhao Ling stood on the balcony on the second floor, she couldn't help but wow.

"It's so beautiful. The scenery here is beautiful and quiet." Zhao Ling said.

"Yeah, it's best for honeymoon." Qin Tao said.

Zhao Ling's face was reddish, and she looked a little awkward. Qin Tao couldn't help but feel flustered, and wanted to lean over to kiss her side face, but at this moment, there was a roar on the sea in the distance.

A motorboat was speeding there. In front of the motorboat was a young man and a blonde woman was behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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