Great warships

Chapter 135 Encountering the Second Generation of Lao Maozi

Chapter 135 Encountering the second generation of Lao Maozi by chance (addition, please subscribe)

"Zaytsev, my friend, can we get the same motorboat?" Qin Tao asked Zaitsev, who was a follower and bodyguard.

"Of course there is no problem," said Zaitsev. "Do you want it now?"

I've been very tired all the way, shouldn't I take a rest and wait until the daytime tomorrow before going to play?

Qin Tao was about to nod his head just now, but saw that the motorboat suddenly made a sharp turn. The side of the motorboat splashed a large amount of water, forming a curtain of water. His expression changed immediately: "Zayze Husband, hurry up and save someone!"

save people?

Zaitsev looked towards the sea, and saw that the motorboat had capsized, and all the young men and women on it had fallen into the water.

"Hurry up, let's go rescue people!" Zaitsev said to the people he brought. They are all naval infantry, and all of them are good at water.

"I'll go with you." Qin Tao suddenly changed his mind.

"I'm going too!" Zhao Ling shouted, you all ran away, what's the matter with leaving me here alone?

There were two small boats moored on the shore. Zhao Ling and Qin Tao paddled towards the two people who fell into the sea. For convenience, these two people were not wearing life jackets. struggling.

"Help, help!"

As soon as the two shouted, sea water poured into their mouths.

Plop, plop!Zaitsev and others jumped into the water and skillfully rescued the two of them.

The man sat in the bow, dripping wet and seemed to be shaking, and the blonde was in the stern of the other boat with a distended belly.

"Vitalia, Vitalia!" The man stared blankly at the blonde on the other boat, calling her name.

"I'm not breathing anymore, hurry up, chest compressions, I'll do it!" Zhao Ling shouted, and began to press the blonde's chest, and the emergency rescue began on the boat.

Once, twice, three times, finally, the drowning blonde coughed up a few sips of water and slowly opened her eyes.

"Where is this? Am I in heaven? Alexander, are we going to heaven?" the blonde asked.

"Vitalia, you finally woke up, great, thank God." The man named Alexander said. (Although they share the same beliefs, the people here do seem to believe in *God.)
Thank God?Qin Tao glanced at the other party, just now you were playing acrobatics on the water and overturned the boat, but no one named God came to save you, if I didn't find out in time, you probably would have been in trouble.

However, Qin Tao was very magnanimous. Instead of hitting the other party when he was most sad, he showed a caring look: "As long as you are all fine."

Alexander looked at Qin Tao: "Thank you very much for saving us."

"You're welcome, we live in the small building over here, and we rushed over when we saw you falling into the water." Qin Tao pointed to the small building on the shore.

"Really? We live there too, we live in Building No. 8, how about you?" Alexander asked.

"We seem to live in Building No. 9."

Qin Tao didn't expect that the person he saved was his neighbor!
After going ashore, the two sides had already warmed up. Vitalia was dripping wet, and she took Zhao Ling to her No. 8 small building to change clothes, and Alexander was invited by Qin Tao to No. 9 small building.

"It's inconvenient to continue going into the sea today, so let's just eat barbecue here." Qin Tao looked at the special barbecue pit in the yard with great interest, and made a decision, handing Zaitsev a sum of money, and soon I bought various materials from the cadre special supply store on the side.

When night fell, the aroma of the barbecue was already wafting out.

Lao Maozi also likes to eat barbecue, which is different from the petty barbecue in China. This kind of big skewers, the skewers are directly more than half a meter long iron wire, and the meat skewers on them are almost the same as Sixi meatballs. Ordinary people can only eat one. Just two strings.

"Qin, thank you for saving me and Vitalia today." Alexander held up the wine bottle and said to Qin Tao. When the guests came here for their honeymoon, Alexander was also very surprised.

"Alexander, there is no need to mention this matter again." Qin Tao said: "We are friends now, come and drink!"

"Yes, we are friends." Alexander said: "Qin, you can come to me when you come to Moscow in the future. I can help you with matters such as payment circulation and ruble exchange."

Qin Tao was taken aback.

Those who can enjoy it in the Foros Sanatorium are all the privileged class of the Red Empire. These two people are young, but they seem to be the rich second generation and the second generation of officials belonging to a certain powerful family.

Now that the other party says this, it is estimated that the family is in the banking system.Although it is said that doing business with Lao Maozi now is in the form of barter, which does not involve the exchange of currency, but in the future...

"Thank you." Qin Tao raised the bottle.

Over there, Zhao Ling was also chatting with Vitalia, and Vitalia held two wine bottles grandly: "Zhao, thank you for saving me today."

Zhao Ling shook her head: "You're welcome, since we saw it, of course we have to save it, and it's the same for other people."

"Zhao, don't you drink?" Vitalia had already handed the bottle to Zhao Ling, but Zhao Ling obviously didn't have the consciousness to take it.

"I don't drink." Zhao Ling shook her head.

"It's a pity, if you have a drink before going to bed, it can add a lot of spice."

Vitalia spoke quickly and babbled, Zhao Ling didn't understand, she just nodded in agreement, and then shook her head again.

"Zhao, you women in the east are too strange, reserved and reserved." Vitalia said: "It's unimaginable here. By the way, are you on your honeymoon? If you are free, you can come to Moscow, my father Professor at Moscow State University."

"This, the itinerary, it's all decided by my...husband." After saying this word, Zhao Ling felt her face was burning hot.

Seeing Zhao Ling's appearance, Vitalia smiled: "Zhao, if you go to the new love party with us..."

Zhao Ling's face changed immediately, this time she really heard clearly.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively." Qin Tao came over with the freshly grilled meat skewers: "Come on, the freshly grilled meat skewers, two beauties, each come with a skewer."

"Thank you." Zhao Ling said and took it.

"Qin, you are such an interesting couple." Vitalia took the meat skewers and looked at Qin Tao.

"We were just chatting and invited you to Moscow. If my father knows that you saved me, he will definitely repay you well."

"No, your father is very famous in Moscow, right?"

"Yes, he works at Moscow State University. His full name is Boris Abramovich Berezovsky." Speaking of her father, Vitalia was very proud.

Qin Tao's hands trembled.

Qin Tao didn't expect that the person he saved would have such a strong background. This woman's father, in Lao Maozi's case, is like a godfather.

Of course, her father is just an ordinary university professor now, and he won't become the man of the hour until the Red Empire collapses.

After climbing into this relationship, it will be more convenient to do business in the future!
"So, where is Alexander's father? Does he work in the Bank of Moscow?" Qin Tao looked at Alexander who was drinking with Zaitsev and the others.

"His father is a banker, but not in a state-owned bank. His father, Vinogradov, founded a private bank called Moscow International Commercial Bank the year before last, and is now a major banker in the country. "

Zhao Ling opened her eyes wide: "Private bank?"

In the land of the Soviet Union, there is actually a private bank, Zhao Ling is extremely surprised, this has never been heard of before!
"Yes, we are also carrying out reforms in our country now, and there are already many privatized enterprises." Vitalia said: "My father is a mathematics professor. He has calculated that after some enterprises are privatized, they can Let our country's economy glow with new vitality."

The mathematicians here are still very good at Lao Maozi. A huge empire and the economy can be planned. Although it was messed up in the end, this is not a matter of mathematicians. It is mainly determined by the will of the high-level. If a large amount of resources are used in the military, of course there will be problems.

Qin Tao felt extremely emotional in his heart. It was the right time to come here by himself. Whether it was Berezovsky or Vinogradov, they were all figures who called the wind and rain after the collapse of the Red Empire. The leaders of these two giants Future generations, let yourself meet, this is fate!
"Vitalia, your father is very powerful, I admire him very much, come, let us toast to your proud father." Qin Tao raised his wine bottle with a smile.

Zhao Ling looked suspiciously at Qin Tao's performance.

No matter where you go, you can drink so much. Here at Lao Maozi, drinking is the only way to make friends. Then, should you also try drinking?

Her eyes turned to the wine bottle.

That night.

"It's so interesting, the sky is turning, and the earth is turning too. Brother Tao, why are you also turning?"

Qin Tao was completely speechless.

"Come on, lie down, don't think about anything, get some sleep, and you'll be fine the next day."

Zhao Ling just took a sip, and she turned out like this, which shows that drinking really requires talent!
Qin Tao helped Zhao Ling and came to the bedside. He was about to put Zhao Ling on the bed just now, but Zhao Ling hugged him tightly with both hands, so Qin Tao followed him on the bed, his His body pressed against Zhao Ling's body, his face passed in front of Zhao Ling's face, and then he felt a moist and soft feeling on his cheeks.

"Xiaoling, stop messing around and lie down." Qin Tao said, and was about to get up. At this time, he was already distracted by Zhao Ling. If he didn't get away in time, he might lose control of himself The gun went off.

"No, I don't want you to go." Zhao Ling's face was flushed, and her watery eyes were wide open. She looked at Qin Tao who was close at hand. Under the stimulation of alcohol, she became more courageous: " Aren't we on our honeymoon?"

After finishing speaking, she wrapped her hands around Qin Tao's head, and then her four lips came together again.

The soft and fiery body was pressed under Qin Tao's body. At this moment, he felt that he could no longer control it.

Since this docile little sheep has been brought to the mouth of the big bad wolf so proactively, what else is there to say? Of course it will eat her!
The big bed soon creaked.

The warm sea breeze is blowing, the curtains are rattling, and under the dim light, everything looks so beautiful.

The next day, early in the morning.

When Zhao Ling opened her eyes, she saw the man sleeping next to her. In her brain, the scenes of last night emerged. Before she knew it, her cheeks were flushed. Looking at Qin Tao's face, her lips, But he leaned over gently again.

Boom, boom, boom!
Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Who?" Qin Tao opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the door, and unconsciously put his arms around his soft body.

"Qin, I'm Zaitsev. I have a visitor and I want to see you."

Zaitsev's voice came from outside the door.

"What guest?"

"The head of the Moscow International Commercial Bank, Mr. Vinogradov."

Qin Tao only found out that Alexander's father was Vinogradov yesterday, but he didn't expect him to come today?
"Please wait a moment." Qin Tao yelled, and then got up quickly, when he lifted the quilt, he was a little bit distracted when he saw the happiness.

"What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and get dressed?" Zhao Ling was a little shy: "I want to see it, tonight..."

"En." Qin Tao swallowed, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

When Qin Tao left, Zhao Ling still didn't want to get up, she lay there, recalling what happened last night, and felt her cheeks flush again.

When Qin Tao walked down the first floor, Vinogradov had been waiting on the sofa for a long time. He watched Qin Tao come up to him and said, "I already know what happened yesterday. Thank you for saving Alexander and him." Vitalia. Here is a little thank you."

As he spoke, Vinogradov waved his hand, and a secretary came up, put the suitcase on the table, and opened the lid on it.

Inside, there are all 100 denomination rubles, and a bundle is worth [-]. At a cursory glance, there are at least fifty bundles!
Now, this Vinogradov is quite rich, the big banker is a bull!

Zaitsev, who was following behind Qin Tao, looked straight.

"Mr. Vinogradov, you are too polite." Qin Tao stretched out his hand, took out two bundles, then turned his head and stuffed them into Zaitsev's pocket.

"It was my friends who saved the two people yesterday. They are all ordinary soldiers and have no extra income. I will charge [-] yuan for them. You can take the rest of the money back."

It would be inappropriate not to take any of them, but it would be too much if they were all taken. Qin Tao picked up two bundles and gave them to Zaitsev directly. The process was smooth and smooth.

Zaitsev glanced at Qin Tao gratefully.

Vinogradov also showed approval in his eyes. This money is not a test to see if the other party is greedy for money.

"Mr. Vinogradov, you are a banker. How is your bank's foreign exchange reserves, how many dollars?"

Qin Tao's words made Vinogradov feel a little unhappy, what's going on?Could it be that the person in front of him dislikes the ruble and wants dollars?If this is the case, his appetite is too big, right?

"In the past few years, your side, like us, is also opening the door to the country. I am afraid that the exchange rate of this currency will show the same trend of change, so you must be prepared!" Qin Tao continued to explain.

 PS: Today is [-] again, please subscribe, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for everything!

(End of this chapter)

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