Great warships

Chapter 148 The top leader of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group

Chapter 148 The Leader of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group
October 10st, National Day.

This is a rare legal holiday in the country, but at this time, in the meeting room of the Mingzhou Municipal Government, there is a tense and quiet atmosphere, only Qin Tao is there slowly and methodically blowing tea and drinking water.

"I really didn't expect that the death of Liu Minggang, the director of Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant, was deliberately murdered behind the scenes." Leader Zhang said, "We are all responsible for this matter, and we didn't notice it in advance. However, it is not time to pursue this matter." When it comes to responsibility, we have to find a way to stabilize the current situation, especially the transportation company, so we can’t just collapse like this.”

The investigation team left yesterday, and everything has been concluded.

A few years ago, Tao Honghong, the dispatcher of the transportation brigade in Mingzhou, instructed Zhao Jiu to use various means to kill several competitors and become the person in charge of the newly established transportation company. On the surface, she led the transportation company to a prosperous future. The development of the fire has developed, but every year when I travel, I will go to gamble, especially this time in a few years, I lost all the capital of the transportation company, so I will greedily look at the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Factory, and then kill the factory director Liu Minggang , trying to snatch the assets of the steel plant.

This last matter would have been hidden in history as before, but the four workers of the Mingzhou Shipyard were brave and resourceful, and learned the truth from Tao Yongfeng. They beat someone, but they deserve credit. The Mingzhou Shipyard even gave these four workers an award for their bravery.

The truth came out, everyone who should be arrested has been arrested, and everyone on the line has been arrested, including the few acquaintances who deliberately got Liu Minggang drunk and then let him drive home, and they did not escape the punishment of the law.

But now, the transportation company has also become a mess. The transportation company that has been drained of blood is about to collapse.

"The deficit of the transportation company is already more than 1000 million. Their fixed assets such as cars add up to less than 200 million. The first loan of 200 million is about to expire. If it is not paid, then the bank will cause huge losses. loss." Leader Zhang continued: "This is a loss for the country, so please find a way to solve this problem, and now, please speak freely."

No one speaks.

The transportation company is insolvent and has reached the verge of bankruptcy. It is said that bankruptcy liquidation can be carried out, but if this is done, the bank loan will definitely become a bad debt. For the leader, this will also become a problem during work. Big mistake.

Therefore, if the transportation company can be saved, it is best to save it. Once it is revitalized, it will definitely be an achievement of the leadership.

Leader Zhang must use all his strength to save the transportation company, but how easy is it?

No one echoed Leader Zhang's words, because everyone knew how difficult it was.

Therefore, Leader Zhang could only look at Qin Baoshan for help. He knew that Qin Baoshan's awareness was very high. At this time, only Qin Baoshan could shoulder this burden.

"Director Qin, your Mingzhou Shipyard has a big family and a big business, even if you receive some non-performing assets, it doesn't matter. Do you want to include the transportation company under your command, so that you can also strengthen the strength of your Mingzhou Shipyard!" Leader Zhang asked.

At this time, Qin Baoshan had a painful expression on his face.

"Leaders, let me first report to you the recent situation of our Mingzhou Shipyard." Qin Baoshan said: "Before Director Liu was killed, we still had more than 2000 million in our account. However, after taking over Mingzhou After the steel plant, we fulfilled the contracts signed by Director Liu and spent more than 800 million yuan."

"Yes, our factory has paid a lot for this, and we all see it. Isn't there still more than 1000 million?" Leader Zhang said, this little money can just make up for the shortfall of the transportation company!
"We bought an oil tanker that was washed to Chongming Island, and we are converting it into a floating dock. The leaders are also clear about this." Qin Baoshan said: "However, many problems have been encountered during the conversion process, and the cost has exceeded our budget. In this project, more than 300 million yuan has been invested, and next, another 200 million yuan may be invested in it.”

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

"We also acquired the second water pump factory in Huating." Qin Baoshan continued.

"Yes, we know, didn't you buy it for one yuan?" Leader Zhang said.

This matter, as a legend of the acquisition, has been spread throughout Mingzhou City, but because the transport company's melon is too big, it has been covered up.

"Yes, we bought it for one yuan. However, after the acquisition, we need to improve the production line of the water pump factory to produce water jet propulsion, especially the high-end equipment that needs to be purchased from abroad. Now we have invested 800 million in it. "


Everyone's eyes widened.

Originally thought that Mingzhou Shipyard was the strongest company in their city, and it would be no problem to take over the mess. Who would have thought...

"Director Qin, won't you take it one step at a time? If you take such a big step, it's a big deal! Can't you invest less?" A leader couldn't help but said.

The water glass in Qin Tao's hand was placed heavily on the table, startling everyone.

"Old man, what should I say? You have done good things, no one will say good things about you, you can't meet the needs of the leaders, people will show their power to you every minute, you think you are doing it for the country and the people, hmph, but It is a stepping stone for others." Qin Tao said: "You have a noble style, and you give up your family for everyone, will others understand your difficulties?"

Qin Tao's words changed the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly.

"Little bastard, what are you talking about?" Qin Baoshan was annoyed: "Since we have the ability, we want to share the worries of the country and the government. The transportation company is a mess now. If it completely collapses, how many people will lose their jobs?"

"Hmph, they're unemployed, it's none of our business?" Qin Tao glanced at the leaders present: "Anyway, I understand that I have a responsibility, and I will let you carry it. If something happens, you will bear it. I am exhausted. , You can only get a dead salary. By the end of the year, you will get a bonus of 2 yuan, and you will be reported! At that time, who would stand up and say something to you?"

All the leaders present turned dark. What is Qin Tao doing?
"I'm already tired. With a salary of hundreds of dollars a month, I can only contribute without getting anything in return. Please, it's the 90s now, and there are already a group of people who got rich first in society. Why should I be here? Bitter haha?" Qin Tao said: "Old man, who has contributed the most to the development of the shipyard to the present? Which business was not brought by me? Tens of millions of profits, every penny of which, I have the credit!"

"Qin Gong, you are right. Last time you were reported, the city did not help you. It was our fault. In the future, the same thing will not happen again. At the end of this year, you can get [-], or even You deserve the [-] bonus." Leader Zhang quickly smoothed things over, he already had a premonition that something was going to happen.

"[-], [-]? That's nothing." Qin Tao said: "There is already a shipyard in the south looking for me. As long as I go there, I will be their leader. [-]% profit dividend. Over the past year, I have brought a Mingzhou shipyard that was on the verge of bankruptcy to the scale it is today. It is not easy. Just do it, if the shipyard collapses, those workers can come to me, and I will continue to take them to make a fortune."

After speaking, Qin Tao stood up.

The matter of the 2 yuan bonus has completely chilled Qin Tao's heart, so he is going to drop the pick!

All the leaders were tense for a while.

They are very clear that Qin Baoshan's ability is not strong, but that he has prestige. The development of Mingzhou Shipyard to its current scale is all thanks to Qin Tao. Now, once Qin Tao leaves, it goes without saying that the transportation company will definitely go bankrupt. Well, even the Mingzhou Shipyard may collapse along with it.

Mingzhou Shipyard, Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant, Mingzhou Transportation Company, once these enterprises collapse, then Mingzhou’s finances will be over. There is only one Mingzhou garment factory left. What can they do?The profits and taxes are less than one-tenth of those of several other factories!

In the past, they always thought that the brilliance of the Mingzhou Shipyard was their own credit. The train ran fast, thanks to the headband. They were the leaders. But now, Qin Tao, who has been chilled, has decided to let go After it was done, the crisis was clearly placed before their eyes.

What Qin Tao wants is not as simple as a bonus of tens of thousands of dollars. As long as he goes out, he can earn a million annual salary in minutes, and he can have a large profit dividend!
Qin Tao said and stood up.

"Little bastard, if you really go out from here, don't enter my Qin family's door in the future!" Qin Baoshan shouted angrily.

"Old Qin, don't get excited."

"Director Qin, calm down."

"Qin Gong, Qin Gong, don't rush to leave, we can definitely come up with a way to get the best of both worlds."

"Qin Gong, you can't leave. If you leave, our Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant will be completely finished!" Liu Mingxi shouted there: "Without your participation, we will definitely be destroyed by foreigners." Liar!"

For a while, the scene became chaotic.

When Qin Tao was there, they all took it for granted, but now that Qin Tao was leaving, they suddenly realized that the sky was about to collapse.

Leader Zhang rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Gong Qin, don't worry, we will give you the same treatment here, you take the shipyard, its subordinate steel plants and transportation companies, How about packing and contracting together?"

Qin Tao was overjoyed, the plot hadn't reached its climax yet, and the person who arranged to make the proposal hadn't spoken yet, yet Leader Zhang remembered it by himself!Sure enough, this is the ultimate solution to the problem!

In the 80s, the state began to gradually introduce the decentralization of power and the transfer of profits, and the management contract system.A large number of small state-owned enterprises have begun to be contracted by individuals.

It was at that time that the Mingzhou transportation team was contracted out and changed into a transportation company.

Mingzhou Shipyard is also delegating power, but it has not been contracted.

In the mid-90s, the country made further improvements, focusing on the large and letting go of the small. Many state-owned enterprises became joint-stock enterprises, and employees raised funds to obtain shares and shared the profits of enterprise development.

This policy was put forward in 94. Therefore, the current Qin Tao cannot completely turn Mingzhou Shipyard into his own enterprise. However, it is appropriate to contract the operation.

"I contract?" Qin Tao shook his head: "I don't have the money to contract."

"You don't need to pay, as long as you are willing to come forward to contract, in addition to the normal profits and taxes, you will pay 2000 million profits to the city every year. The rest is completely at your own disposal, and the city will not ask, how?"

"2000 million?" Qin Tao chuckled, "Before I stepped in, the shipyard didn't pay more than 500 million to the city in the hottest era. The city is sure to make money without losing money!"

"Little bastard, you still don't agree to such a good condition in the city? How dare you bargain in front of the leader?" Qin Baoshan was annoyed.

"Old man, if the business is not good in a certain year and you don't earn 1000 million yuan, come to the city again and see what the attitude of the city leaders is." Qin Tao said: "I'd better go out and do it myself, at least the annual salary of 100 million yuan is guaranteed. .”

"Little bastard..."

"Old Qin, don't get excited."

"Qin Gong, 1000 million, let's reduce it to 1000 million, how about it? This is not only your shipyard, but also the steel factory and transportation company. The total profit is 1000 million. You are free to control the rest. Qin Worker, with your ability, this little profit is drizzle." Leader Zhang said.

"If you still don't agree, I won't have your son!" Qin Baoshan said.

Qin Tao picked up the teacup, took a sip of water, and said, "Okay, then I will reluctantly accept it. Let's sign a ten-year contract first. Alas, my youth is dedicated to Mingzhou City."

"Okay, Xiao Liu, go and get the contract!" Leader Zhang was afraid that Qin Tao would regret it, so he asked Qin Tao to sign the meeting first. As for the procedure of reporting to the superior, take it easy.

Before the end of the year, the entire contract process can always be completed.

Now, the transportation company will be able to survive, the steel plant will not go bankrupt, and the shipyard will continue to develop. In addition to taxation, the city can still earn 1000 million yuan in profits every year. Thinking of this good day, Leader Zhang just keeps his eyes open Light.

"I have a few ideas." Qin Tao continued.

"Speak, please speak."

"Since there are already four factories, we should change the name to Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group." Qin Tao said: "I am the boss of the entire group, and I have the final say on everything. The city only takes money. , other things, there can be no interference, and I need to provide absolute support."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao glanced at the people present: "For example, the leader in charge of power supply wanted to arrange his relatives to take up important positions in the group, but I refused, and then found an excuse to cut off our power supply."

 PS: Chapter 146 went in after it was released yesterday, and it was released this morning, so you can look back.

(End of this chapter)

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