Great warships

Chapter 149

Chapter 149
"Anyone who dares to do this, I will personally send him to the procuratorate!" Leader Zhang said: "Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group is the backbone enterprise of our Mingzhou, whoever is a moth wants to give Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group It's rotten, I'll be the first to say no! Don't worry, I'll escort you!"

"Secondly, the group may plan larger slipways and docks in the future, so the land near the Mingzhou shipyard is reserved for us."

Although the foundations of those lands are soft and inconvenient to build houses, who knows if there will be unscrupulous developers aiming at the tall things like sea view houses?
"no problem!"

"Currently, our funds are insufficient, and we still need to continue to borrow from the bank, and the city will guarantee us."


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Tao put forward many demands, and all of them were written into the contract.Although there are some people who will deny it in black and white, but after the identity of Qin Tao's father-in-law is officially revealed, let's see who else dares not to have eyes to trip Qin Tao.

The entire meeting lasted for a whole day, and no one even had a meal at noon. On this day, Mingzhou Shipyard opened a new page in history.

In the Santana car, Qin Tao whistled triumphantly.

"Little bastard, are you satisfied now?" Qin Baoshan sat in the back row, looking at his son. In the play just now, Qin Baoshan cooperated with Qin Tao to play the double reed, and the ending was exactly as Qin Tao planned. Same, he contracted the collective enterprise in this way!
"Old man, I didn't lie at the meeting." Qin Tao said while driving: "If this continues, then I really would rather leave Mingzhou than wipe their ass. I don't know how many times I leave now. The shipyards are scrambling to get me! Especially several private shipyards, they will definitely charge me a high price. However, it is estimated that the navy will force me to wear a military uniform."

"Now, you have become the top leader, so you have to work hard." Qin Baoshan said.

"Of course, you just look forward to it. Within ten years, our factory can develop into a big factory like Huating Shipyard." Qin Tao said, "However, don't feel inferior, our group will give you a As for the letter of appointment, you will continue to be the director of our shipyard."

Is Lao Tzu inferior?Even if your status is higher than Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu is still your Lao Tzu!Qin Baoshan's eyes widened, but he still didn't say the words, but changed the subject: "What about the other factories?"

Now, it's not just their factory, but also the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Factory, the transportation company, and a water pump factory far away in Huating.

With so many factories, they must be managed well.

"The development of the iron and steel plant is not bad. The deputy director Tang should retire, and his position will be taken over by Uncle Liu." Qin Tao said: "As for the director, it must be held by someone who understands technology. A group of master craftsmen came over from Huating Iron and Steel Plant, among them Zhang Jinxi should be good, and he can be promoted to be the director of the factory."

Originally, when he first took over, Qin Tao was in charge of the steel plant. However, Qin Tao has a lot of work to do, so there must be a reliable person in charge there.

"Taozi, if you ask an outsider to be the factory manager, the local workers might not accept it?" Qin Baoshan said.

After taking over the steel plant, Qin Baoshan also often ran there, and was very familiar with the situation of the steel plant, and many people were staring at the position of the top leader of the steel plant.

Qin Tao smiled: "I don't agree, it's better than technology. The best technology should be promoted and get a high salary!"

Qin Tao said it very easily, as if he was still worried about the 2 yuan, but Qin Baoshan knew that his son was not simple, and even Qin Tao deliberately took the 2 yuan in a big way, It's just to prepare for today, and to use the problem to make use of it.

If this is the case, the son's scheming is too deep. Also, does he mean to let the locals stare at him by promoting an outsider to be the factory director?In this way, Zhang Jinxi can only work hard and make achievements, and it is impossible to do other things.

"What about the shipping company?"

"The biggest problem of the transportation company is the outdated models." Qin Tao said: "They are still mainly based on the old Jiefang, and they have long been outdated. Even without Tao Honghong's tossing, the transportation company would not be able to develop."

"Purchase a batch of new cars? That's another huge expense." Qin Baoshan had a headache.

"Of course not." Qin Tao said: "Recently, I will go to Lao Maozi's place again, and make a special trip to get a batch of Lao Maozi's Kamazi."

In the past, Qin Tao had obtained it before, and now the few Kamaz in the shipyard are still the main force of transportation.

This time, I made a special trip to get Kamaz, and completely eliminated the old liberation of the transportation company, and it will be able to develop healthily.

Qin Baoshan nodded, this is a solution to the problem.

"At the transportation company, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, so we must send competent people there." Qin Tao thought for a while, and then said: "Let's send Ma Laoliu and the four of them there."

"What did you say?" Qin Baoshan was stunned from behind again: "How many of them went there? Is this appropriate? Will someone gossip?"

"Anyone who dares to gossip, let them go." Qin Tao said: "The factory is contracted by me. I don't work hard, gossip, and want to hang around in the factory? The new official takes office three fires, put those Throw out the gossiping guy!"

Qin Baoshan frowned a little.

"Old man, you have never stepped into the transportation industry, and you don't know the risks involved." Qin Tao could only patiently explain: "Mingzhou Transportation Company is currently only operating in the boundaries of Mingzhou, how promising can it be? They think If you want to develop, you have to travel all over the country. The outside is not peaceful, and you may encounter various things. The four of them, Ma Laoliu, made mistakes in the past, but they can make a difference and have courage. Therefore, the transportation company is in their Only in the hands can we develop externally, rather than fighting in the nest."

Qin Tao is indeed nepotism. After all, the key breakthrough was found by the four of Ma Laoliu. It is right for Qin Tao to give them benefits now, but this is not just a matter of giving them benefits.

To put it more bluntly, people who run a transportation company now must be people from the society, otherwise, it will be difficult to go out, and there will be too many car bandits and road tyrants.

Ma Laoliu and his four temperaments were taken back in the shipyard. They worked hard and worked hard. Now, Qin Tao wanted to release their natures again.

Even if some people are dissatisfied at the beginning, as long as they open up a few new routes and make the transportation company flourish, who will dare to gossip?

Even the superiors have to admire Qin Tao for knowing people and making good use of them.

Qin Baoshan pondered. He could understand what Qin Tao said.

"I will take over the pump factory by myself for the time being, and I will be responsible for the commissioning of the equipment. If Sister Cong Ju trains her again, she may be sent there to be the factory director." Qin Tao continued: "We also have to reserve talents, the development of the group After getting up, the gap of management talents will become bigger and bigger.”

Under Qin Tao's plan, the factory will grow and become a behemoth. What he lacks most is management talents.

Now, the behemoth Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group has already set sail.

Chongming Island.

"You say, it's really strange. Why did Qin Gong slow down our construction? If we slept on the boat and worked day and night, the construction would have been completed by now." A worker said.

"Of course Qin Gong is worried that it's dangerous for us to work at night. However, during the daytime, let's hurry up, and we can't be sorry for Qin Gong's wages."

"Yeah, we have to work hard!"

The workers communicated while working hard.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the scene.

"Qin Gong, Qin Gong is here!" Everyone became excited.

"Everyone has worked hard!" Qin Tao looked at the people on the scaffold and said, "Everyone must be careful, so as not to have any safety accidents!"

"Yes, Qin Gong, don't worry, the big guy still wants to continue eating meat."

Everyone laughed.

Qin Tao looked around the scene, the entire deck has been dismantled, the appearance of the tanker has disappeared, and the outline of the dock has become more and more clear.

"Qin Gong, in another two or three months, it should be ready." The person in charge left behind by Qin Tao reported to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, there is no need to rush the progress. First, we must ensure safety, and second, we must ensure quality."

"Please rest assured, Qin Gong, how long will you stay here this time?" the person in charge asked Qin Tao with concern.

Qin Tao's plan was half a month, but before he could speak, the phone rang.

(Is there a signal on the desolate Chongming Island? The hero of East China does not know. If not, it must be the signal tower in Huating across the river!)

"What, go to the capital? Urgent mission?" Qin Tao hung up the phone with a wry smile on his face.

"Qin Gong, don't worry, this place will be finished successfully, and I will definitely take everyone home for the New Year." The person in charge said, with regret in his eyes.

It would be great if Qin Gong can stay forever, but Qin Gong is like this, for the shipyard, no, it is now called Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, running back and forth, exhausting all his efforts.

The time has entered the end of October, and there has been a heavy snowfall in the capital. The Yellow Building wrapped in the white snow is simple and heavy.

When Qin Tao entered the meeting room, he saw a large group of leaders, all of whom were already sitting there. Qin Tao was flattered that so many leaders were waiting for him.

"Hello, leaders." Qin Tao greeted quickly.

"Qin Gong, congratulations on contracting Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. Under your leadership, this group will definitely develop better and better." A leader said.

"Huh? How did the leaders know? This trivial matter should alarm the leaders!"

"After signing the contract, the name of your party B has changed to Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. Of course, we have to investigate." The leader said.

Only then did Qin Tao understand: "Sign the contract?"

"Yes, next, we will continue to sign the contract for eight catamaran missile boats, and the construction period will be one year. For you, it is no problem, right?"

"Of course it's okay." Qin Tao's heart is like a bright mirror. Now he is doing himself a favor, and since he has given him a favor, he will definitely make demands on himself.

"Now, this Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Company is already in charge of you. It is contracted and operated. Our navy has given you a big cake." The leader continued.

"Leaders, this is called more work for those who are able, and more for those who are able. We are now distributing according to work." Qin Tao said, as if it was a matter of course, but then he still had to be humble: "Of course, the Navy We attach great importance to our Mingzhou Shipyard, and we also have to help the navy solve its problems. If there is anything else, as long as I, Qin Tao, can help, I will do my best."

"Old Wu, let's talk about it." The leader looked at Wu Shengli.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Qin Gong, I have reported the idea of ​​a special air defense ship that you proposed last time. We had a total of three meetings. After discussions, everyone agreed that this is the current idea. The Navy gets the best fit for an area air defense destroyer, so…”

"So, the navy has fooled the air force and decided to purchase the S-300 air defense system. Considering my contribution in the last trip, they plan to send me to go with the air force?" Qin Tao asked.

Wu Shengli dragged on and refused to continue, didn't he just let himself pick up the conversation?Qin Tao still has this awareness.

"Yes, that's roughly the case. However, what you said was inappropriate. How can this be called deception? This is the friendship between brothers and troops." Wu Shengli just left the words to Qin Tao, of course he wanted to Show Qin Tao's cleverness in front of others, but his cleverness is misunderstood by his cleverness. The words he uses are so ugly.

Wu Shengli continued: "At present, it is only an intention. Here in our capital, the Air Force is negotiating with the old man who came here on the Su-27 project. During the negotiations, the Air Force tentatively proposed to inspect the S-300 field Air defense system, as a result, Lao Maozi nodded. So, we decided to strike while the iron is hot and send personnel to investigate Lao Maozi's place."

This is definitely striking while the iron is hot. Yesterday, the air force made a tentative request, and the old man agreed. The air force notified the navy, and the navy notified Qin Tao, who called Qin Tao from Chongming Island.

"This is a bit strange." Qin Tao said.

Even when Qin Tao fooled Wu Shengli back then, he used the saying that since he could sell the Su-27, he could sell the S-300 system, but after all, this is the best field air defense system at present, and the old Maozi is willing to take it lightly. Nod and agree easily?

If things go against the norm, there must be demons!Qin Tao has already noticed the problem.

"Yeah, that's why I came here. After all, you have rich experience and sophisticated means. If there are any tricks on the old man's side, you will be able to see through their tricks in time." Wu Shengli said.

"Well, it seems that I have to go this trip." Qin Tao said, "Go, just go, but I also have a condition."


"If the Navy wants to start building two specialized air defense destroyers, it must use bidding. Our Mingzhou Shipyard also has to bid. We believe that we have the ability to build this level of warships. Moreover, our design plan is the best. Reasonable, and our offer is the lowest."

What is a missile boat? It can no longer satisfy Qin Tao's appetite. Qin Tao wants to build a large warship!

Looking at the people present, Qin Tao was very confident: "Everyone, competition can make progress and competition can develop. If it is decided by default, it will only produce unsatisfactory children who cry for milk. Our Mingzhou Shipyard must Break out our own world in the market competition, especially now that we have established the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, this group is to build great warships for our navy!"

"Our navy should not only have destroyers with a displacement of three to four thousand tons, but also destroyers with a displacement of [-] tons, and we will also have aircraft carriers in the future." Qin Tao said: "I am proud of living in this great era. I want to lead Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, grow together with our navy, and witness exciting moments one by one! This is the mission that history has given us!"

Qin Tao uttered the word "Great Power Warship" loudly, and all the leaders present were shocked by it. At this moment, even Wu Shengli felt a flame burning in his chest.

That's right, we must have our own warships of great powers!

(End of this chapter)

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