Great warships

Chapter 174 MOSS tank quality problem

Chapter 174 MOSS tank quality problem (addition)

"There is no problem with the overall design. The next step is to look at the construction. As long as the quality is guaranteed during the construction." Qin Tao said: "Especially the welding accuracy, there can be no problems. This project, by Cong Gong to take charge."

Cong Ju nodded: "Well, I will work hard and cooperate well with foreign supervisors."

This liquefied gas ship has another unique feature. It is the first ship of Mingzhou Shipyard to undertake foreign shipowners. There are many exemption clauses in the contract, so foreign shipowners are definitely not at ease, it must be It is not certain whether it will be Carrasco who will send the most capable overseer.

The ship was handed over to Cong Ju, and Cong Ju took on this responsibility without hesitation.The design has been completed, and the next main task is welding, and speaking of this, she is very good at it.

"Cong Gong will be busy again in the future, but the factory will take good care of the employees' personal families. Zhou Gong will not have too important tasks, he can commute to and from get off work on time, and he will have enough time to pick up and drop off his children." Qin Tao said.

Cong Ju nodded: "Thank you."

"It's a pity, this kind of ship is too wasteful." Yang Dawei already sighed from the side.

Although the design is good, look under the five big balls, how much space is wasted?How nice it would be to keep loading these.

"Yes, so this kind of ship is a transitional one. We still need to study the membrane-type ship made of invar steel in the future." Qin Tao said: "Of course, this will not work until our shipyard has developed to a certain extent."

Now, it's just the beginning, they are the first ones in China to eat crabs, and they will become leaders in this industry in the future!
Moreover, in the future, the state will issue guidelines for national shipbuilding and domestic product delivery. The natural gas needed by the motherland can only be transported by liquefied gas ships produced by the motherland itself. At that time, the demand for liquefied gas ships will be even greater. .

Therefore, in the later stage, we must overcome the difficulties of natural gas ships made of advanced Invar steel. Moreover, all technologies are our own. If you import technology from abroad at a high price, you have to pay expensive patent fees, which is not worth it.

"Dingling." At this moment, the phone in the conference room rang. Qin Tao picked up the phone and looked at the four-digit internal number inside, feeling a little strange.

"Hey, what's going on? What? Let's go and have a look right away."

Putting down the phone, Qin Tao had a serious expression on his face.

"Qin Gong, what happened?" Cong Ju asked nervously.

"The welding workshop reports that the quality of the weld seam of the third aluminum alloy tank being welded is not up to standard."

"What?" Cong Ju immediately ran out in a gust of wind.

The first aluminum alloy can was their trial product, and it was a complete success. The second aluminum alloy can was welded by master craftsmen without Cong Ju's presence, and there was no problem. Welding is the third one, who would have thought that the quality is not up to standard!

The first batch needs at least five aluminum alloy cans. If the delivery time is delayed due to the unqualified welding of these aluminum alloy cans, they need to compensate.What's more serious is that the reputation is damaged, and it will no longer be able to undertake the contract of natural gas tanker in the future.

As the person in charge of this project, Cong Ju is very anxious.

Despite her thin stature, she ran quite fast, and was the first to return to the welding workshop. Looking at the air holes on the weld seam, her face was extremely ugly.

"Cong Gong, is there something wrong with this machine from the islanders?" A master worker said: "The islanders have no good intentions, maybe there is something weird in the machine."

"That's right, if it really doesn't work, we'll solder it by hand. This automatic equipment is just unreliable."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Cong Ju looked carefully at the weld seam, and there were many air holes on the weld seam that was supposed to be smooth. How could this be?
Welding is a complex process. The liquid inside the molten pool is cooled to form a solid weld. Generally speaking, there are few bubbles inside the molten metal, and such dense pores will not be formed.

Qin Tao and Yang Dawei also arrived.

Qin Tao frowned, looked at the weld, then looked at the surrounding environment, and said, "It should be the effect of air humidity."

"Air humidity?"

"That's right, the humidity below 60.00% is the best environment for aluminum alloy welding. If the humidity exceeds 70.00%, supersaturated hydrogen will appear in the molten pool during the welding process, and a large number of bubbles will form at the moment the weld condenses. It rises in the liquid-solid two-phase molten pool, changes from bubbles to pores, and is exposed from the surface, so now we can see that the surface of the weld is pores, but inside, there should be bubbles one by one."

"I really didn't expect that this aluminum alloy welding is also related to the weather. It will be the rainy season, so in our workshop, a qualified aluminum alloy can can't be welded?" The old worker's tone was full of disappointment .

"Yes, it should be a problem of humidity." Cong Ju also affirmed Qin Tao's analysis.

At the very beginning, Cong Ju was led astray by everyone. Everyone was complaining about the automatic welding equipment, so she also suspected the problem of the welding equipment. After Qin Tao’s analysis, she realized that it was true during the previous training. I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it much later, so I forgot it.

"Then what should we do next? We can't watch God work, can we?"

"Of course not." Qin Tao said: "We immediately went to purchase a large number of industrial air-conditioning equipment to turn the entire welding workshop into a constant temperature and humidity."


The crowd was stunned again.

In this day and age, it is good to have an electric fan in hot weather, but it is impossible to have an air conditioner. At this time, Qin Tao actually said that he would purchase an air conditioner for this place. Look at the space inside, how much air conditioner is enough?
Also, how much electricity does that thing use?
In this way, how much will their production costs increase?
"Qin Gong, must it be like this?" Even Cong Ju had some doubts.

Workers in this era can endure hardships. In the hot summer, they wear thick work clothes, climb to dangerous places to weld, and after work, they are all wet. No one complains. Who will ask for air conditioning?
"Yes, it is necessary." Qin Tao said: "Right now, we are only producing aluminum alloy MOSS cans. In the future, after adopting Invar steel, we will need to produce them in a workshop with constant temperature and humidity. Weeks, it may turn expensive products into waste products. These are all necessary, otherwise why is this kind of ship sold at a high price?"

Don't be afraid of increasing costs, we sell expensive!

What should be invested is what must be invested.In the previous era, the practice of working with conditions and creating conditions without conditions is outdated. They must have a qualified working environment.

"Okay, then let's stop working first, and conduct a strict sealing operation on the workshop before the equipment is installed in place." Cong Ju said.


Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Affiliated Primary School.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the campus immediately became lively. Primary school students lined up to walk outside, and the outside was already full of parents.

"Dad, Dad!" Lili shouted loudly, and then ran towards Zhou Yongfei.

"Lili, come and sit in the back." Zhou Yongfei carried Lili onto the back seat of the 28 bicycle, pushed her forward, and then went to pick up Niuniu from the kindergarten just across the wall.

"Father, in this exam, I'm the first in the class again, with a score of [-]." Lili excitedly reported the good news to Zhou Yongfei.

"Well, not bad, Lili, I will reward you with braised pork when I go home."

"Long live Dad."

By the time she pushed the bicycle over, Niuniu was already lying on the fence of the kindergarten waiting.

"Dad, Daddy!"

Niu Niu was very happy, she shouted, and ran towards Zhou Yongfei, and was hugged by Zhou Yongfei to the girder with one hand, one after the other, the two daughters went home happily.

"Dad, is Mom back?"

"Well, I'm back." Zhou Yongfei said: "Your mother just came back from the United States, but she will be busy building ships next time, so I guess she will leave early and return late."

"Hmph, mom is always like this, dad, why don't you keep busy in the factory and let mom stay with us at home?"

"Yes, and Uncle Qin, we haven't seen him for a long time."

Zhou Yongfei's face was slightly embarrassed.

A family must have a sacrifice, right?Cong Ju has always been a person who is willing to do business and has good technology. Therefore, when he was in Huating Shipyard, he was the backbone of technology. When he came here, he had to take the lead.

Zhou Yongfei, when he came to the shipyard, he knew that the factory took care of him, that there were not many jobs arranged for him, and the salary was very generous, so he was relatively satisfied.

However, it is still a bit embarrassing for an old man to do housework and let his own woman take the lead.

"Yes, I miss Uncle Qin too, Dad, the braised pork you cook is not as good as Uncle Qin's." Lili said later.

Zhou Yongfei felt even more sad for a while.

"Niuniu, Lili, have you seen the building over there? It will be built in two months, and we will be able to move in this winter. Do you want to live in a new house?" Zhou Yongfei changed the subject.

"Father, does Uncle Qin live with us? It would be great if we live in the opposite door. "

Why can't this topic be changed?I am the real father of both of you!

Zhou Yongfei was riding a bicycle, feeling very unhappy. When he arrived at the gate of the shipyard, he saw a familiar figure.

"Old Zhou, old Zhou!"

Zhou Yongfei was overjoyed immediately: "Sihai? What wind brought you here?"

"I was going home to visit relatives, and I happened to pass by here. I heard that you work here, so I came here to take a look." Li Sihai was still carrying a large net bag in his hand, which contained a lot of good things.

"Oh, let's go to my house." Zhou Yongfei greeted him, then looked at the concierge of the shipyard, and said hello.

The family courtyard is outside the shipyard, but Zhou Yongfei and the others live in the dormitory temporarily, and the dormitory area is inside the shipyard.

As Li Sihai walked, he looked around at the scene: "This Mingzhou shipyard is really powerful. Now it can actually build natural gas ships. This is the only one in the whole country!"

"Uncle, my mother builds natural gas ships." Lili began to show off: "My mother is the best!"

"That's right, Cong Gong used to be the top leader in Huating Shipyard. Our Zhongjiang Shipyard doesn't have the strength. Speaking of it, it's really unlucky. When we first said that we wanted to aid in the construction, I went with it as soon as I got excited. Zhongjiang Shipyard, if I knew it earlier, it would be nice to stay in Huating Shipyard!"

Li Sihai began to beat his chest and feet, regretting his mistakes.

"Old Zhou, your efficiency is not good there?"

"Yeah, the business of missile boats is gone, and the business of guided missile destroyers is not coming. I'm afraid the factory will fail!"

Zhou Yongfei frowned: "Sihai, as long as we have the ability, are we afraid of not having a job? The Mingzhou Shipyard is short of manpower. If you have an idea, I will say hello to you and the factory and let you come to work here. The wages are not low.”

"Then why are you so embarrassed?" Li Sihai was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. I just arrived at Huating Shipyard. We are apprentices in the same group. We have been in love for many years. We can still help with this. Lili, Niuniu, you go home and do your homework first, and I will take my uncle there. Find the factory leader."

In the shipyard office, Qin Baoshan looked cheerfully at the people brought by Zhou Yongfei: "Our Mingzhou shipyard is developing and growing, and we urgently need all kinds of outstanding talents. Since Comrade Li Sihai is a skilled electrician, let's stay. Come down and work, although there is no official establishment now, but the salary and treatment are the same.”

"Thank you, Director Qin." Li Sihai was very moved.

the next day.

"I have worked in Zhongjiang Shipyard, and I am most familiar with the circuit of this kind of missile boat." Li Sihai came to the No. [-] dock and worked very hard.

"Really, you have connected the circuit of our missile launcher well." Army representative Zhao Ling looked at the work results of the new worker Li Sihai and was very satisfied.

"This circuit used to always have problems. After a long time at sea, it is easy to rust, so we used a thermowell, which is much better than tape."

"Huh, here's a new worker?" After Qin Tao came back, he did routine inspections every day. The first site was the work station of the missile boat. When he saw Li Sihai, a new face, he was immediately curious.

"He came from Zhongjiang Shipyard. He has done it before and is very proficient. We don't have enough manpower to install the missile boats, so we just have a capable person." Zhao Ling said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, yes, come on, that, Representative Zhao, come here."

Zhao Ling left with a natural expression, and followed Qin Tao to the operating room on the side. There was no one around. Zhao Ling thought that Qin Tao was going to make some intimate moves. They were engaged anyway, so there was nothing shy about it.

"Xiaoling, help me find out the origin of this Li Sihai."

"Huh?" Zhao Ling was a little strange: "Are you worried?"

Li Sihai worked quickly and was very skilled. Obviously, she had installed missile boat equipment before, so she was very relieved.

"I'm not worried about the Zhongjiang shipyard." Qin Tao said, "I have to ask the Marines to pay attention to Li Sihai's actions."

The origin of the other party can't be faked, and this can be known after a search, so the other party should belong to Zhongjiang Shipyard, but it is precisely because of this that Qin Tao has to be more vigilant.

Zhao Ling nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it."

Now that the business is over, do you want to make out?
Qin Tao was just starting to get distracted when the big brother rang.

"Hello? Purchase S-300? Why am I going here again?"

(End of this chapter)

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