Great warships

Chapter 175 I Doubt Your Sincerity

Chapter 175 I Doubt Your Sincerity
Qin Tao is a hard worker, received a call from half of his father-in-law, how can he enjoy himself in Mingzhou again, he had to take Zhao Ling back to the capital together, and then embarked on a trip to Moscow again.

This time, Mr. Wu was still leading the team, but Mr. Lin finally took a break from his busy schedule and came along with him.A team of more than a dozen people, Dionysus was among them.

"President Qin, you are really capable." On the special train, Mr. Lin said to Qin Tao with emotion.

"Mr. Lin, you're too proud." Qin Tao said, "I'm just an ordinary person with limited abilities. Even if I've done so much to help the navy, in the end, I still have to win the warship construction contract through competition. .Now there is no sign of horoscope."

Although there are many reasons why Qin Tao went abroad this time, one of the important issues is that he can only build his 300C if he has obtained this S-051 air defense system. Therefore, Qin Tao is also for himself and cannot Not coming.

Although Qin Tao is still worried about the construction of liquefied gas ships and shallow-draft river-sea ships, and whether the shipyard can successfully dock the floating dock, but now he can only pin his hopes on others. With Zhao Changshui and Cong Ju as the pillars, as long as Qin Tao provides the basic ideas, they are supposed to be able to do well, so it should be regarded as training for these people.

Hearing Qin Tao talk about the construction contract of warships, Mr. Lin smiled: "Building warships is different from building aircraft. There are only two factories in our country that can manufacture fighter jets. What about warships? There are more than a dozen factories, large and small, and more than [-] factories." It can be built, so of course we must keep an eye on this piece of meat.”

After finishing speaking, Elder Lin glanced at Qin Tao again: "However, now is a market economy, and everything depends on competition. I think your factory is quite strong, and you will definitely be able to compete with that Zhongjiang Shipyard. Just be careful. Just watch the other party play tricks behind their backs."

Qin Tao nodded, Jiang is still hot, and Lin Lao has a lot of experience. Thinking of the new Li Sihai in the shipyard, Qin Tao knew that this guy would definitely make moves while he was away. However, with the Marines watching, he couldn't do any tricks.

"Boss Qin, let's go to Lao Maozi this time, will they play any tricks on us again?" Old General Wu turned his gaze back from the window and asked Qin Tao this question.

Qin Tao smiled: "What other tricks can they play? We have already seen through it. Now, they have decided to export the S-300PMU missile system to us. They should not be tampering. This weapon system, and The version they sell to Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia is the same. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"This kind of missile, after all, already belongs to the version that has been equipped with troops. It is the same as the S-300PS system for their own use. According to the development rules of the equipment generation and the pre-research generation, there must be more in their hands. Advanced model."

"That's right, they must have more advanced products on hand. However, it is estimated that it will be very difficult for us to purchase this kind of weapon system. It is impossible for them to hand over the new model under development to us." Wu Lao said .

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course not. It is estimated that the new model they are developing has made a breakthrough, so they decided to sell the S-300PS to us."

Last year, when they went to Lao Maozi, the other party refused to sell the S-300PS, and would use the S-300PT to fool the delegation from China, but this year, the other party suddenly decided to sell it.

Among them, it is very interesting. There are reasons why Lao Maozi needs to exchange weapons for light industrial products, and there are also reasons why their new generation of products has made breakthrough progress.

What is the new generation of products?
Of course it is the S-300PM. The export model of this product is S-300PMU1, which was officially launched in 1993. Therefore, the second batch of S-300 systems purchased by China is this kind.

Compared with the second-generation system, the biggest feature of this system is the use of a more powerful 64N6 radar. The NATO code name of this radar is "Big Bird", which means "Big Bird".

It can be seen from the literal meaning that this kind of radar is very large. When the ordinary S-300 system can be installed on the Maz 543 off-road chassis, this kind of radar can only be installed on the trailer. The off-road chassis is used as a tractor.

This powerful radar has multi-target scanning/early warning/processing/engagement capabilities, especially for anti-missile missions against ballistic missiles.Therefore, this radar gives ground missile forces the ability to intercept ballistic missiles.

In terms of establishment, 64N6 belongs to the regiment-level radar, with several battalions under its jurisdiction, each battalion includes several missile companies, and each missile company is equipped with a 1N30 fire control radar vehicle (some translation materials are called 6D30, and some It’s called 6H30. The hero of East China has low knowledge. I don’t know which one is Maozi’s and which one is the English version, so I use N.), each launch vehicle can control more than 6 3P5 series launch vehicles, and 85D30 is responsible for missile guidance. Provides targeted illumination.

Now, what they want to purchase is only the equipment of the missile battalion. Therefore, they can only buy 30D6 radar vehicles, as long as the other party does not use the old 5N63 radar to fool them.

As for big guys like 64N6, Lao Maozi will definitely not sell them now, but Qin Tao is not in a hurry. If he refuses to sell this time, it will be almost the same next time.

Although Qin Tao knew this clearly, it was inconvenient for him to say it directly. How did he know it?These are the old Maozi's core secrets. That Nicholas has no one to tell the truth, so he tells Qin Tao everything?
However, Qin Tao's analysis has benefited other people a lot, and everyone agrees with Qin Tao's words.

The train was running on the vast land, and finally drove into the familiar Moscow station. When they came to the Diamond Central Design Bureau again, Qin Tao was surprised to see the familiar shadow.

"Nicolas, my old friend, this world is really too small, we actually met here!" Qin Tao looked at Nicholas curiously.

Nicholas smiled: "I have completed the mission to come to Moscow, and I plan to go back. I heard that you are coming, so I am here to wait for you."

Waiting for your side?
Both Mr. Wu and Mr. Lin greeted Nicholas and shook hands warmly, but Qin Tao always felt that Nicholas had other tasks here.

Could it be...Qin Tao thought of something, waiting for an opportunity to cheat him!
Yefimov was still responsible for the reception of the Diamond Central Design Bureau. Benjing did not come, probably because of the last deception, which made him feel ashamed to come here.

In the conference room, Yefimov seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness of the last time, and looked at everyone with a smile: "Everyone, welcome to come. Now, I will first introduce our export-oriented S-300PMU weapon system to you. This is our most advanced model yet."

There is no need to fool around this time, Yefimov also dutifully explained all the technical details.

"If you want to purchase four battalions, then the equipment for one battalion is US$[-] million, and the equipment for four battalions is US$[-] million." After Yefimov introduced the technology, he began to negotiate prices.

At this moment, Qin Tao spoke.

"Comrade Yefimov, can you tell us more about the performance of the missile?"

"In terms of missile systems, we will export 5V55KD missiles to you, with a range of [-] kilometers, which will allow you to obtain outstanding regional air defense capabilities."

Even the 47V5K missile with a range of 55 kilometers sold last time is actually not available in China. Now, with a range of [-] kilometers, you must be satisfied, right?It's just that Yefimov was a little curious at this time. He had already said it just now. Didn't this guy listen carefully just now?
Mr. Wu, Mr. Lin and others were quite satisfied with the other party's attitude this time, but Qin Tao shook his head there: "The missile still uses the backward semi-active guidance. If it uses the more advanced TVM guidance method All right!"

Nicholas also looked at his old friend with some amusement: "Qin, your requirements are really too high."

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, it's not that my requirements are too high, it's the actual needs. If we have TVM guidance technology, even if we use the existing missiles, the range can be greatly improved. It is estimated that we can reach A range of 150 kilometers. You are technical experts, you should know this?"

Yefimov looked at Qin Tao with complicated eyes: "Please explain carefully?"

"Now, our missile with a range of [-] kilometers uses a semi-active guidance method. In this method, the radar needs to illuminate the target all the time, and the missile rides on the radar beam to move forward. When the target maneuvers, the missile has to Follow the action, this will consume more fuel, so the actual range of the missile has to be estimated in half, and you may not be able to get it if you launch it [-] kilometers away."

Everyone knows this. The maximum range of the missile is theoretical. Just listen to it. Most of the actual ranges are half and half.

"The previous unrestricted command guidance was vulnerable to interference, so the missile technology turned to semi-active. Now, it is only necessary to integrate the two technologies. The tail of the missile is equipped with a receiver for unrestricted command guidance, and the front of the missile is installed. A seeker for a semi-active radar."

These are all basic things, of course Qin Tao knows: "In this way, in the first half of the missile's flight, use radio instructions to guide the missile to fly to a high-throwing trajectory, and then receive the radar from the target in the second half." Echo. Perfect for striking long-range targets."

High-throwing ballistics are a simple and effective way to increase the range of missiles. After all, the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, and the less resistance the missile suffers.

In terms of air-to-air missiles, there is an example. When ordinary missiles cannot fly more than [-] kilometers, Phoenix missiles can kill enemy aircraft at a distance of [-] kilometers. Of course, Phoenix missiles are large and contain more fuel. However, another reason that cannot be ignored is that after the Phoenix missile was launched, it climbed to an altitude of [-] to [-] meters and flew at high speed in the thin atmosphere. If it flies directly to the target below [-] meters , this product can fly up to twenty or thirty kilometers.

Anti-aircraft missiles, of course, are the same.

The composite guidance mode of TVM has been popular for a period of time, because it can be played in this way, which greatly increases the range. As for the later active radar guidance, it is actually the same process, but its first half relies on advanced technology. Write a high-throw ballistic program in the early stage of the electronic program, first fly according to this program, and almost reach the target, and then turn on your active radar seeker to find the target.

S-300PT uses radio command guidance, and S-300PS uses semi-active radar guidance. Now, if these two technologies are combined, isn’t it TVM?

Yefimov sighed: "Yes, Qin, you are right, but..."

But this requires the integration of electronic systems!Did you think it was that easy?Our technical experts, of course, are doing this work, but how can it be so easy!

When these are integrated, it becomes the S-300PM.

Qin Tao smiled: "You can't do it?"

"Of course not, how could we not do it."

"That's why you didn't think of it?"

"That's even more true. How could we have never imagined that our Soviet technical experts are the most powerful?" Yefimov said.

"So, you already have it?"

"Of course!"

"Then we request to buy this more advanced model." Qin Tao said.

Yefimov was stunned for a moment, no good, he fell into Qin Tao's trap!

Qin Tao is really too insidious and cunning. Now, after saying these words, he knows that he has been involved, but it is too late.

"Sorry, this model is the top secret for us, and it cannot be exported for the time being." Yefimov said.

"Is this your sincerity?" Qin Tao said: "I remember, when you greeted us, you clearly said that you would sell us the most advanced model."

"That's right. We're here to buy advanced weapon systems, and we don't want to lag behind." Mr. Lin immediately came to his senses. On the train, Qin Tao speculated that Lao Maozi already had the latest model, so he sent the The unadvanced S-300PMU was sold to his own side. Now, Qin Tao has cheated out the new model of the other side, so of course he will pursue the victory.

"Yefimov, please show your sincerity and don't fool us like last time." Elder Wu also joined the battle group.

Yefimov felt the sweat on his forehead, and it came down in a flash.

Nicholas looked at the situation at the scene and couldn't help coughing: "Cough, cough, Qin, my friend, can you listen to me?"

Of course, Qin Tao wanted to give Nikolai face, he nodded: "Nikolai, my friend, I hope you can give us justice, Diamond Design Bureau, and Pioneer Factory, cheated us twice, want to You know, I'm a very generous person, and I'm willing to make friends, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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