Great warships

Chapter 178 Experience Card-29

Chapter 178 Experience Card-29 (plus 2)

Many things developed by the Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Measuring Instruments are used by the navy. Therefore, Nikolai often comes here and becomes good friends with Kuznetsov. Friends are together, [-] boxes of Erguotou, drink part, sell part, it is absolutely cool.

Although Qin Tao didn't say anything, Nicholas also knew that Qin Tao would send him his share, together with a boatload of watermelons, and then he would be responsible for transporting the junk here to the Far East. go.

After staying here for a day, Qin Tao, Nicholas and others continued eastward and returned to the base of the Pacific Fleet.

"Comrade Zaitsev, you have worked hard." Qin Tao said to Zaitsev who followed him all the way.

Zaitsev smiled: "It's not hard. We've been very relaxed this way. However, after returning, we can see the new equipment of our naval infantry. I'm really excited."

New equipment for naval infantry?Qin Tao was a little curious: "What?"

"Qin, since you are interested, let's go and have a look together. This batch of equipment flew over from Kumail's factory a few days ago." Nicholas said: "Although this equipment has been developed a long time ago , However, the output is too low, and our Pacific Fleet is only now getting the actual aircraft."

Kumail, or did you fly over?Qin Tao thought for a while, and then thought of something: "Kamov helicopter?"

Lao Maozi’s military industry is quite developed, and helicopters are no exception. The helicopters of the Miri Design Bureau are mainly used by the Army and Air Force. The famous Mi-24 Hind is their masterpiece. The naval helicopters are mainly designed by Kamov. Bureau to provide, the production plant is in Kumail.

Kamov Design Bureau has been working on coaxial inversion helicopters since its establishment, and it is the only one that has achieved great results.

Since the appearance of the helicopter, it has almost been a large plate on the top and a small plate that rotates sideways at the tail. This is the most conventional layout. Man, in his eyes, this conventional layout is deeply flawed.

The propeller at the tail is used to counteract the reaction force of the rotor, and it is also the most vulnerable part of the helicopter. As long as the tail is hit, the helicopter will hover and fall. Therefore, his coaxial reverse helicopter is advanced.

With such a persistent spirit, Kamov really matured this layout, and also won the favor of the Navy.

Although the coaxial inverted helicopter is relatively tall because of the two inverted large plates on the top, it does not require a tail propeller, so the body is very short.

For the Navy, the height of the hangar on a warship does not matter, but the length is very important. Therefore, the Kamov helicopter quickly became the standard configuration of the Navy, starting from the Ka-10, Ka-15, and Ka-18 , By Ka-25, it is already very mature, and by Ka-27, it has reached its peak state.

Looking at the appearance, there seems to be no difference between the Ka-27 and the Ka-25. However, the Ka-27, which uses a large number of advanced technologies, has twice the carrying capacity of the Ka-25, and its overall performance is five times that of the Ka-25!
The helicopters of the Kamov Design Bureau are already exclusive to the navy, but they are still not satisfied. They also want their helicopters to have a strong ground attack capability, so they have come up with a special supply The card-29 used by the naval landing operations!

When Qin Tao came to the familiar airport, he saw a brand-new helicopter on the tarmac. The three-piece rectangular windshield reflected the dazzling sunlight. As long as he saw this part, he could be sure that it was a Ka-29.
Its prototype Ka-27 helicopter has two curved windshields, which perfectly match its bloated shape. Now, this kind of windshield is straight and straight, forming a sharp contrast with the round body.

This is of course due to more personal reasons.

The Ka-27 can be flown by two people, the pilot and the co-pilot respectively. However, the Ka-29 has to attack the ground and operate the weapon, so the weapon operator has to be firmly inserted between the two pilots.

Fortunately, this helicopter is very spacious, so three people can squeeze together.

When he got close, he could feel the height of this helicopter. Qin Tao stood there, his head was just at the same height as the short wing hangers on both sides. The short wings represented the positioning of the helicopter: armed attack.

Now there is nothing on the short wing, but you can imagine how majestic it will be when it is equipped with various weapons, such as multiple rocket launchers, anti-tank missiles, aerial bombs, and even anti-submarine bombs, etc. , no matter what weapon can be hung on it.

Qin Tao's mouth is watering.

What does the domestic navy have?The four-ton dolphin helicopter is the main force, and it can't carry anything. If you get this thing back, what should the Navy reward itself?
"This helicopter is worth at least five thousand boxes of Erguotou." Qin Tao said.

Nicholas smiled: "Qin, this is the latest equipment of our navy. Its value cannot be measured by Erguotou."

Although Nicholas likes money very much, a gentleman loves money in a good way, so he can make some junk. He can't just throw away the most advanced attack helicopter in the navy. He still talks about principles.

Of course, Qin Tao just said casually, now the old man is not willing to sell. After a few months, there will be a bang and the house will collapse. Someone will move out and sell these things.

"What's here?" Zhao Ling stood on the right side of the nose, looking at a cover there, very curious.

The old Maozi Navy’s Ka-27 has a sea search radar under the nose, but this helicopter does not have that bulge. Could there be a retractable aerial refueling tube in the nose cover?
Hearing Zhao Ling's question, the mechanic on the side smiled, and then pushed off the cover, revealing the barrel of a 4-barreled 7.62mm Gatling machine gun.

This kind of helicopter, if the pylon is removed, looks harmless to humans and animals, but it is completely a wolf in sheep's clothing, and may attack ferociously at any time.

"This helicopter will be the ace weapon of our naval infantry." Zaitsev said.

"Yeah, you have successfully aroused my interest, Nicholas, my friend, I wonder if we can go up and fly around and experience it?"

Even if it is a helicopter, tens of thousands of dollars will be gone with one landing, but at this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Nicholas nodded immediately without the slightest hesitation: "Of course it's no problem, you want to experience it. Let’s go up and experience it.”

If it is a Western armed helicopter, it does not have a crew compartment, and strives to minimize the volume of the helicopter, which can reduce the hit area.

However, Lao Maozi's is different.

Take the Mi-24 commonly used in the army as an example. Looking at the nose, it is similar to the western ones. It has two seats in tandem and a stepped distribution. But looking at the back, you can find that it has a huge crew compartment. Because the belly is too big, so The helicopter also earned a doe nickname.

The Ka-29 in front of me is improved from the Ka-27. Except for the change of the nose, the overall body remains the same. Therefore, it also has a huge belly. The weapon rack is removed, and it is a This type of transport helicopter can transport two tons of materials, or more than a dozen naval infantry, and the weight of hanging materials has reached four tons.

Now, it's no problem to carry Qin Tao and his party.

The rotors on the top whistled, and the two TVAD TV3-117V turboshaft engines whistled. A single engine can output 2250 horsepower, giving the helicopter a normal take-off weight of 11 tons.

Now, only seven or eight people are loaded, and it is very easy to fly.

After taking off, the helicopter headed eastward and left the land. After all, for the Pacific Fleet, the sea is their stage.

Looking at the blue sea below, listening to the whistling wind above his head and the whistling of the turbine engine, Qin Tao also felt at ease. He knew that after having a good day today, he should go back.

The warships of the Pacific Fleet passed by below. Unfortunately, those warships were all in active service. He couldn't take them back at all. He had to wait a few more months!
Zhao Ling on the side was also very touched. Of course she knew that this short trip was coming to an end soon, and she felt like her honeymoon was over, which made her feel nostalgic, reluctant, and excited.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the radio: "The Steadfast reported that an American Aegis cruiser had broken into our waters!"

After boarding the plane, it was too noisy overhead, so everyone was wearing earphones. At this time, Qin Tao was also surprised when he heard the voice in the earphones.

what happened?

American warship broke into Lao Maozi's waters?

This kind of thing used to be very common.

After all, during the Cold War period, although there was no misfire, the confrontation between each other was extremely strong. Generally speaking, the old men are on the defensive, and NATO is in an offensive position. The warship came over to provoke and test the old Maozi's reaction.

The old man's reaction was of course very intense, what else can I say, hit him!
In the sky, the old Maozi's plane will directly hit the NATO plane, and at sea, the old Maozi's warship will not be polite.

The most famous ones are the Barents Sea scalpel used by the Su-27 to cut open the right engine of the P-3B, and the frigate Forget Me collided with the York City. However, those were all things in the 80s. After entering the 90s, there is no There have been situations where the two sides are at war.

At this time, Qin Tao suddenly heard that the US warship broke in, and Qin Tao was a little curious. However, it happened that his side was heading in that direction in a helicopter. Therefore, it was his duty to Nicholas to conduct on-site command.

"Attention Steadfast, I'm Nikolai, and I'm flying to the scene. You must drive the US warship away!"

On the surface of the sea, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The Bunker Hill guided missile cruiser is the sixth ship in the Ticonderoga-class cruiser. It started construction in 6. After it was completed in 1984, it crossed the ocean and came to the Far East. It was deployed in Yokosuka and often formed with the USS Independence aircraft carrier. .

Now, it is indeed a bit strange that this warship actually sailed into Lao Maozi's sea area.

On the Steadfast, Volkov, the captain of the old man, had gloomy eyes. He shouted to the people around him, "Let them go!"

"Your ship is in Soviet waters, please turn the rudder and leave immediately." The radio operator immediately shouted on the international common frequency band.

However, the Bunker Hill still didn't respond, it just started to move.

On the Ka-29, Qin Tao, an outsider, suddenly said: "Are the Americans coming for the South Kuril Islands? These Americans are too bad, and we must use strong measures to stop them."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Nicholas clenched his fists and stopped hesitating: "Steadfast, I'm Nicholas. If they don't retreat, they can use collision tactics if necessary!"

Other things can be tolerated, but if it is the South Qiandao Islands, it must not be tolerated!Qin Tao's words made the flames in Nicholas' heart blaze.

"Our ship enjoys the 'right of innocent passage' endowed by international law. Please stay away from our ship and do not hinder our ship's normal sailing." Finally, the Yankee couldn't sit still anymore. Watching the Steadfast getting closer, he issued a statement.

Internationally, the right of innocent passage and the right of freedom of navigation are the usual rhetoric used by these rogues. Instead of staying in their own country, they go to other people’s doorsteps to engage in freedom of navigation. If other people’s fleets arrive at their doorsteps, That's another way of saying it.

No matter when, strength comes first!

"Go to hell with the damned harmless right of passage!" On the Steadfast, Volkov shouted loudly: "Full port rudder!"

At this time, the Steadfast had already come head-on from the opponent's left side. Following the captain's command of full rudder, the warship of more than 8000 tons split the waves, drew an arc, and slammed toward the opposite Bunker Hill. The port side of the USS cruiser crashed.

"Damn!" The American captain cursed loudly: "Quick, full starboard!"

Who would have thought that the other party actually bumped into it!
The Bunker Hill destroyer was turning quickly, but it was still too late. Moreover, it was this turn that made the Resolute, which was originally aiming at the middle of the Bunker Hill warship, miss its target, and instead slammed into the tail of the Bunker Hill. !

There, there are two groups of Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers placed on an inclined support!

The design of the American Aegis cruiser was also very hasty. After the Aegis system was installed, they suddenly found that there was no place to place anti-ship missiles, so they simply poked it directly at the tail. Speaking of which, it is not expected to use this weapon to strike the enemy. The US Navy's attack force is a powerful carrier-based fighter.

And now, the bow of the Steadfast slammed into the Harpoon anti-ship missile launcher, boom!Amid the huge impact, it was visible to the naked eye that the launch tube of the Harpoon missile changed its direction, with the mouth of the tube facing the sky, and then, a ball of flame suddenly rose.

Thick smoke billowed, covering the impacted part. At this moment, Volkov's eyes were full of excitement: "*Damn Yankee's ass!"

(End of this chapter)

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