Great warships

Chapter 179 The Fate with the Steadfast

Chapter 179 The Fate with the Firm (Addition 3)

The sound of panic sounded on the Bunker Hill, and the damage control personnel staggered in the middle and left after the impact, still trying to hold up the fire hose, and rushed to the tail.Even if it is far away from the anti-aircraft missiles, if the eight Harpoon missiles blow up, then their warship will sink in all likelihood.

Damn old Maozi, why are they so cruel, they hit each other when they disagreed, they just came out to circle around.

When it comes to protecting the sovereignty of our country, Lao Maozi has always been very tough, not to mention warships, civilian ships are not good, we have shot down passenger planes, so why dare not?

Amidst the thick smoke, a cylinder flew into the sky, pulling out a column of smoke in the sky, and the three crew members on the Ka-29 helicopter could see it clearly.

"The Yankee's weapons are not very reliable, and this kind of impact will be fired." The weapon operator muttered.

At this time, Nicholas had already opened the door leading to the front cockpit, looking forward through the glass, he shouted with some worry: "Steadfast, report your situation!"

"The bow of our ship was damaged, as if someone smashed its nose, but we knocked their tail into a big hole, where water is entering." Volkov shouted excitedly.

At this time, the two sides had already separated, and the Steadfast had also left the smoky area. Its bow was already deflated, and it really looked like a flattened nose, but well, they didn't care, and the other side was miserable.

After Volkov finished his answer, he continued to shout: "Attention all ships, full starboard rudder, let's teach the Yankees another unforgettable lesson!"

Volkov will not hold back.To be precise, he hit an addiction.

"That's right, avenge our frigate Forget Me!"

In fact, the Forget-me-not was nothing serious. After the impact, they patted their ass and left. The problem is that the Forget-me-not is just a frigate with too small displacement, so it didn’t exert its power when it hit. Their current Hyundai-class ship is different Now, they are going to sink the Yankee's warship, and let the other party know the fate of provoking themselves.

At this moment, an order from the base came from the radio.

"Attention, Resolute, Moscow has issued the highest instructions, exercise restraint, exercise restraint!"

What, restraint?

Volkov looked frustrated, he had aimed again, and the second impact would definitely sink the opponent, but now, he was about to stop.

damn it!
At this time, Volkov is full of resentment. Those guys in Moscow are too stupid to just want to please the West.

However, these words only appeared in his mind for a moment, and he quickly dismissed the idea.

"Nicholas, do we want to go down?" Qin Tao asked Nicholas.

Originally, I only planned to circle around the sky, but who would have thought that it would be possible to catch up with such a wonderful scene. The speed of the Bunker Hill, which was bumped into the buttocks, dropped significantly. It is estimated that the power system was also damaged, and it was struggling. He left, and although the bow of the firm collapsed, it still had a high posture, a posture of a big rooster who had won the fight, and returned triumphantly.

Nicholas nodded: "Go down, I want to express my condolences to the brave crew."

"By the way, it is my kindness to ask someone to bring all the wine I brought to the pier. I would like to express my condolences to these brave soldiers."

This is the second time Qin Tao and Zhao Ling have boarded the firm. Zhao Ling was very excited. When the Ka-29 landed steadily on the helicopter deck, she took a deep breath and calmed down, and then walked down. .

Nikolai was already standing on the deck, looked at Volkov and the others in front of him, and patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction: "Volkov, you have done a great job, you have brought honor to our Pacific Fleet!"

"It's a pity that Moscow issued an order asking us to restrain ourselves, otherwise, we could sink that warship."

Nikolai shook his head: "No, we have already hit the Yankees hard. If we sink, it may cause a lot of problems. Although we are soldiers and don't need to think about politics, we still have to give the big shots in Moscow Get out of trouble."

Volkov nodded. He knew what Nikolai meant, but he still felt aggrieved.

When Qin Tao and Zhao Ling came down, Volkov felt very curious again.

"They are all my friends. They boarded the ship to visit together, and then went back with the warship." Nicholas said.

Although Qin Tao and Zhao Ling had visited before, the warship was moored during the last visit, and the captain and others were not there.

At this time, Qin Tao smiled and stretched out his hand: "I have seen your brave actions in the sky. I admire you very much. I have already asked someone to move all the fine wine I brought to the pier. After I go down, Everyone can drink to their heart's content!"

If you want to make friends with Lao Maozi, just invite them to drink.All the way with Nicholas, Qin Tao also brought a lot of Erguotou, and now, he is going back soon, so he can just give it to these people and drink it up.

Sure enough, when Qin Tao talked about drinking, Volkov immediately became excited.

Everyone became excited, thinking that they would be able to drink wine when they returned, Volkov immediately ordered: "Return at full speed!"

full speed!
The four KVG-3 boilers of the Steadfast began to burn fiercely, thick black smoke came out of the chimney, and the warship began to accelerate rapidly.

Generally speaking, boiler-burning warships accelerate very slowly, but the Type 956 destroyer is an exception. It uses a steam turbine driven by a 2-horsepower high-pressure boiler. It only takes [-] minutes for the entire warship to go from stationary to full speed. (A certain data.) Unless there is cold water in the boiler, otherwise, it is not much inferior to the gas turbine.

In this era, when warships of all countries are pursuing gas turbines, Lao Maozi still burns boilers on Type 956 destroyers, which seems to be turning the clock back in history. Save money, so just make do with it.

The black smoke drifted into the sky, which was very spectacular. Soon, the Steadfast reached 32 knots and returned quickly.

"Nikolai, my friend, I want to go around on the warship. Zaitsev can accompany me." Qin Tao said.

Nicholas nodded: "Yes, in another half an hour, we will arrive at the port."

"it is good."

Qin Tao led Zhao Ling, and followed Zaitsev, and began to wander around the Steadfast. The last time he was just looking outside, this time, he could finally enter the interior of the warship.

Occasionally, I met a sailor from Lao Maozi. Before Zaitsev introduced him, Qin Tao greeted him: "Hey, friend, after arriving at the port, I invite you to drink!"

Therefore, the old Maozi sailor immediately agreed readily, and even acted as a free tour guide for Qin Tao.

Zhao Ling was even more impressed. Here at Lao Maozi, if you want to socialize, you must know how to drink!

Qin Tao strolled in front of the warship first, looked at the structure of the huge 130mm naval gun lower layer, felt a little emotional, then strolled around in the middle, and when he came to the hatch of the boiler room at the rear, the warship had already begun to dock up.

No matter what kind of ship, being an engineer is the most difficult. The conditions here are the worst. High temperature, noise, and vibration challenge the nerves of the engineer all the time. If you don't have strong perseverance, you won't be able to persist.

It can also be seen from the clothes that when the sailors in other positions are neat and tidy, the sailors here are very casual, most of them have no shirts, some wear blue and white striped vests, and some even Directly shirtless, revealing the thick white hair on the chest.

"Hey, my friends, we've arrived at the port. I'll treat you to a drink. I'm at the pier and I've prepared a batch!" Qin Tao continued to shout.

As soon as the words were finished, the engineers ran out after a whimper.

drink, drink!
Although Lao Maozi is not short of military expenses and the treatment of soldiers is still good, but they are seriously short of daily necessities in the country. It is not so easy to drink, especially after returning from the sea, a group of people go to the bar, and the people in front may be able to buy alcohol. , people behind will not be able to buy it.

So, a large group of people jumped out like this.

"Ivan, turn off all boilers." The chief engineer shouted and ran out.

The sailor named Ivan hastily pulled several handles, and the last one couldn't even be pulled in place, and he couldn't wait to run out.

Looking at the people who left, Qin Tao spread his hands helplessly: "I wanted to visit at first, but now they have all come out, let's forget it, let's go up together."

Zaitsev nodded: "Okay."

Qin Tao glanced inside, looking at the handle that was not pulled in place, full of anticipation in his heart.

The Steadfast had come to a complete stop, and countless sailors rushed out. They had already seen that there was a hill piled up next to the pier, and they could recognize the shapes of those boxes at a glance.

Nicholas stood on a high step: "Sailors of the Steadfast, you have done a good job. You bravely taught the Yankees a lesson and let them know that this sea area is ours. In particular, you also stopped the Americans. The attempt to embark on our southern Chiba Islands! Now, in recognition of your contributions, a celebration will be held here, and the wine at the scene is all yours!"

"Ulla, Ulla!" Everyone cheered, and rushed towards the box. Their big furry hands tore open the outer skin of the box, and they could see the glass bottles inside one by one.

The wine is fragrant.

"Nicolas, my friend, would it be wrong to drink directly here?" Qin Tao asked Nicola.

Nicholas shook his head: "What's wrong? This is our navy's tradition!"

"Should we go to the empty warehouse over there? To avoid being seen." Qin Tao pointed to the warehouse over there.

Nicholas nodded: "Okay."

Drinking is indeed a naval tradition, not just for Lao Maozi, but also for other countries.

After all, in the age of great voyages, the fresh water storage technology and conditions were very poor. After a period of storage, the water in the barrels would breed bacteria and deteriorate, and the sailors would vomit and diarrhea after drinking it.Soon, the sailors discovered that these alcohols, including whiskey and rum, could often be stored for a longer period of time.Therefore, wine has become a supplement to drinking water and has been with sailors for a long time.

Because the alcohol contained in wine has the effect of sterilizing, disinfecting and paralyzing nerves, it can also be used as an emergency disinfectant and anesthetic when needed.

Similar to submarine soldiers, every time they go out to perform missions, they will bring a lot of alcohol. They are the ones who are allowed to drink during missions, while other warships, although they cannot drink on board, but since they have been disembarked After getting on the boat and on the shore, it was another victory. It was normal for Lao Maozi to celebrate.

However, thinking of the order from Moscow and the attitude of the bigwigs in Moscow, Nicholas felt that Qin Tao's proposal was still very necessary.

"Everyone, go to the warehouse over there to celebrate, lest someone come up to snatch our wine!" Nicholas gave an order, so everyone rushed to the warehouse with wine in their arms.

Time passed little by little.

Destroyer 956 has a full crew of 296 people. Every time they go to sea, they are not satisfied with the crew, but there are still more than 250 people. At this time, these people have a bottle of wine in their left hand and a bottle of wine in their right hand. They drink very happily. Belly, already drunk.

It was getting dark outside, Nicholas looked at Qin Tao with a little blurred eyes: "Where's Zhao?"

"I asked her to go back to the guest house. A group of drunk men, afraid of something going wrong." Qin Tao said, "Nicola, let's find a place to have another drink? Tomorrow, I guess I should go back."

Nicholas nodded and was about to leave. Suddenly, there was a vibration on the ground, causing Nicholas to shake and almost fell to the ground.

An explosion followed.

Zaitsev supported Nikolai with his hand, then looked in the direction of the explosion, and then his face changed drastically: "No, the Steadfast exploded!"

After finishing speaking, he looked back again and shouted loudly: "Quick, all crew members of the Steadfast, go to fight the fire immediately!"

Billowing black smoke has already emerged from the tail of the Steadfast, covering everything, making it impossible to see the specific situation clearly. If the ammunition of the 130mm naval gun at the tail is detonated, the entire warship may not be saved!

If the warship is lost on the battlefield, forget it, the Red Empire can afford it, such as the impact during the day today, if the warship sank at that time, the sailors on the warship were also heroes, but now it is different, now on the pier, It exploded suddenly. Someone has to be responsible for this accident, even someone has to eat peanuts!

At this time, the old men, who had already drunk all kinds of things, found that their warship had exploded, and they were half awake from the wine. They rushed to their warships, and the fire trucks on the pier also came roaring, incomparably chaotic .

The sailors bravely rushed to the burning Steadfast, and an hour later the fire was extinguished, and another hour later the cause of the fire was ascertained.

(End of this chapter)

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