Great warships

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 The drama of forcing the palace (If you have subscribed, please go back to the previous chapter, the previous chapter has been replaced.)
Qin Tao doesn't know much about the aviation department. After all, he builds warships. Tao entered Factory 132 for the first time.

It's really the first time, when you enter here, you can immediately feel the difference from Factory 112.

This factory must be self-reliant. They are the first state-owned factory to go to the market. They have been struggling for more than ten years. Therefore, the factory exudes a kind of vitality from top to bottom.In the step-by-step 112 factory, this kind of scene cannot be seen.

In particular, although it is an aircraft factory, there are only a few aircraft production tasks, so they have also carried out diversified operations. When Qin Tao walked into a factory building, he immediately opened his eyes wide in surprise: "You guys They actually still produce washing machines, especially those with drums!"

"The nuclear 504 plant can produce ice cream, why can't we produce washing machines?" Tu Lao said with a smile: "We also produced motorcycles for a while!"

They produce too many civilian products, even the bus seats are made by them, and they are not afraid of losing quality. Washing machines and motorcycles are even high-end products in the 90s, and they are mass-producing them.

Qin Tao squatted there, looked at the simple-looking washing machine, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "When our convoy returns, I will get a batch of washing machines here!"

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Mr. Tu showed a smile on his face: "Thank you Mr. Qin for taking care of our business. How many units do you want?"

"Two hundred units." Qin Tao made a big deal.

Tu Lao was even more excited: "Two hundred units, so many? Are you going to sell them all over the place?"

Tu Lao even expected Qin Tao to sell the washing machine to Lao Maozi to make a lot of money, but Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not. Seeing that this year is going to pass again, it's time to give out year-end bonuses. This year, I have to give awards to some workers who performed well, and this washing machine can be a prize."

Prizes, washing machine?

Old Tu was extremely envious: "Boss Qin, you Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group's treatment is good, that's really nothing to say! Usually, the salary is high and the benefits are good. This Chinese New Year, you can even have a washing machine as a prize. It's really enviable. "

"Tu Lao, do you want to come?" Qin Tao said, "If you go, I will open a private aircraft factory for you and let you be the leader."

"Boss Qin, you really dare to mention it. Let me tell you, you can come to my place for a visit, and I welcome purchases, but if you poach my people away, I will never end with you!"

This sentence was said with a smile. Although Tu Lao met Qin Tao for the first time, he quickly became acquainted, and he spoke very casually.

"Old Tu, what kind of big client is this coming, and they didn't notify us." Just then, another voice sounded.

"President Qin, do you know this person?" Old Tu said to Qin Tao with a smile.

Qin Tao shook his head. All he knew were famous people. Qin Tao really didn't know this middle-aged man in his 30s who was in the aviation field.

"Mr. Qin? Is that Mr. Qin from Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group?" The middle-aged man expressed his surprise, and quickly stretched out his hand: "Mr. Qin, let me introduce you. I am the deputy chief engineer of the 420 factory and the civil product project Manager, my name is Lin Ming."

Lin Ming?After hearing this person's self-introduction, Qin Tao finally realized that this person also has a lot of history.

Lin Ming is a heavyweight in the domestic aero-engine industry system. In 1978, after the resumption of the college entrance examination, this young man from Fujian, who had experienced dropouts, wandering, and going to the countryside, took the college entrance examination. When he applied for the major, The first choice is the Diesel Engine (Internal Combustion Engine) Department of Zhejiang University, and the second is the Aero Engine Department of Nanjing Aeronautical Institute.

He knows that the country is backward in terms of engines, and he also aspires to become an expert in this area.

After graduating, Lin Ming came to the Land of Abundance and entered Factory 420, which specializes in the production of aero engines. Moreover, he was diligent and capable. Therefore, it took him ten years to climb from an ordinary technician to his current position.

After all, Lin Ming is still too young now. By the time Qin Tao meets him, it will already be a matter of the 21st century, so he really doesn't recognize him now.

"Boss Lin, you are really young and promising."

"There is a reason, I have been working for ten years, and now I am a vice president. You have been working for two years, and you have become the group's boss." Lin Ming said: "Especially, if you follow the old man's line, The profit is really enviable! A batch of civilian products produced in our factory were also sold to Lao Maozi through the 611. I heard that the profit is not bad. Now that we have met, can we get rid of the 611 and come directly Ah. Our Shuangyan brand washing machine and refrigerator are also very good."

Qin Tao smiled: "I have no objection, but I'm afraid that Mr. Song will scold you on his bicycle."

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was friendly.

Lin Ming continued: "Mr. Qin, I heard that you have brought back a batch of gas turbine materials and handed them over to relevant domestic departments for research. We didn't know each other at the time, so it would be great if you handed them over to us. After all, our engine The factory still has a few brushes. We have been working with GE in the United States to develop gas turbines a few years ago, and we are standing on the shoulders of giants."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we didn't know each other at the beginning. If we did, we would definitely give you the materials. However, your aero-engine factory is fighting for materials with relevant departments of the shipbuilding industry. Aren't you afraid of people's gossip?"

"No matter what we are afraid of, we are all competing. If we have enough funding support, we can also manufacture advanced engines ourselves, which is no worse than Liming Factory."

The Liming factory located in the north is close to the water, and has won the model development of many projects. However, the results of the research and development, hehehe.

Later, a Kunlun engine was developed and installed on the J-[-]. When it arrived in the army, it dared not fly at all.

Speaking of these, Lin Ming's face was obviously filled with regret.

"Mr. Qin, tell me, how about we use the turbojet-7 we have and convert it into a gas turbine?" Another thought came to Lin Ming's mind.

Their 420 factory produces turbojet-7 engines, but in the current situation, the J-7 can't sell much, and the matching turbojet-[-] can't sell much, so they have to find a new way.

"Modify the gas turbine?" Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, but you have to guarantee the lifespan, at least extend it to [-] hours."

One type of gas turbine is developed from scratch and is specially prepared for ships, and the other is developed from aero engines, the latter is more common.

In fact, many aero engines have been tried to change gas turbines in China, but all of them failed without exception.

There are many reasons, among which longevity is a big problem.

The aero-engines used in China are still inherited from Lao Maozi. Although the thrust is strong enough, their lifespan is very short, only one or two hundred hours.

Originally, after Qin Tao said this, he thought that the person in front of him would be a little worried, but unexpectedly, the other party nodded: "Well, we have this confidence! We have extended the life of WP-7 to [-] hours. It also has this capability when applied to gas turbines.”

"A thousand hours?" It was Qin Tao's turn to be surprised.

"Yes, ten years ago, when we exported the J-[-], the customer requested that the life of the engine must be extended. In order to sell the aircraft, we can only find a way to extend the life of the engine." Tu Lao stood aside Said.

Only then did Qin Tao understand.

At the beginning, the J-[-] was used by the domestic air force, holding on to the Soviet Union's old routine, and the army couldn't say anything. However, once it was exported, the customer would not tolerate these defects. After all, the customer had operated Western fighters. own set of ideas.

The life of the engine is too short, no, you have to extend the life!The wing can't hang auxiliary fuel tanks, no, you have to hang auxiliary fuel tanks to meet the voyage requirements.In this way, J-[-], which took the road of market economy, made many improvements, and in the process of continuous improvement, the concept of Super-[-] gradually emerged.

Now, give them a request, and instead of haggling, they figure out how to make it happen.

"President Qin, if we fulfill these requirements, can you use it?" Lin Ming asked, this is what he cares most about.

"As long as the service life is long enough and the quality is good, there is a market for this kind of small gas turbine. For example, if you want to build a hovercraft in the future, you will use this level of engine." Qin Tao said.

The domestic navy still has a lot of vacancies for equipment, and the hovercraft is one of them. If you want to land on the beach, the hovercraft is a good means of transportation. This thing needs at least three gas turbines, which are used to inflate the air cushion and cruise.

However, after thinking for a while, Qin Tao continued: "Actually, if domestic aviation engines are to be replaced by gas turbines, Spey should be the best choice."

If we want to say that the only advanced engine that is mature and available in China at present, it should be Spey. This is a complete set imported from the UK in order to improve the level of its aero-engine industry in China. It has finished products and technology. Although this product is only A second-generation turbofan engine, but for the country, the technical level is still not low.

It's a pity that this engine is weak at high altitude and cannot be used by fighter jets. Therefore, after some domestic discussions, the Spey engine was used on the JH-[-], that is, the Flying Leopard. The Leopard became the first domestic fighter that can take off from Hainan, cruise the Nansha Islands, and then fly back.Its long range is unmatched by other aircraft.

"Yes, Spey is the best choice. However, this project did not fall into our 420 factory. If it were in our hands, the localization would have been completed a long time ago. Unlike their factory, the localization rate is still low. To 70.00%." ​​Lin Ming said.

Qin Tao nodded, yes, there are too many regrets in the country, the investment is small, the progress is slow, and in the end there is only cold food left.

In fact, it is completely mature and reliable to convert Spey into a gas turbine. The British S*M1 gas turbine was improved by using Spey. The island country introduced this technology and has been using the S*M1C gas turbine.

What about our side?
If you have time, go over and have a look. Anyway, the Flying Leopard fighter-bomber is also used by the navy. I have this opportunity. If I can push it...

Qin Tao still has some difficulty in choosing. The gas turbine modified by Spey is small in size and fuel-efficient, but its power is only 20 megawatts. In cooperation with Lao Maozi, the imported UGT25000 starts at 25 megawatts. This engine, Four are enough to drive a [-]-ton large drive, and the power of Spey is still slightly smaller.

Also, the Navy doesn't have the money to support two programs at the same time.

Speaking of taking off the Leopard fighter-bomber, Qin Tao felt a little bit emotional. The Navy needs long-range fighter-bombers, and the Air Force also needs them. However, the Air Force requires two-seaters side by side. However, due to technical problems, the Flying Leopard was designed as a tandem two-seater. , the air force immediately picked up the pick: our air force doesn't want it anymore!
Relying on meager funds, the navy matured the flying leopards, and then, the air force came to eat the grass again. The flying leopards are really delicious, and the air force wants to buy a batch!
With emotion, Qin Tao visited Factory 132. After having dinner in the factory, he arranged for the transportation of the washing machine. Qin Tao took the passenger plane that night and flew directly from the Land of Abundance to Huating.

When Qin Tao came here, he wanted to experience it and get acquainted with the transportation company. There is no need to go back, just take the plane directly.

I fell asleep on the plane, and when I got off, it was almost dawn.

Now that he has arrived at Huating, Qin Tao is not in a hurry to go back. After all, there is their factory here, and Zhao Ling has already left Mingzhou and came to Huating Aerospace Technology Research Institute, so Qin Tao plans to stay here. Stay for a few days.

When I got out of the taxi, it was already past eight o'clock.Qin Tao stomped and came to the water pump factory. The sign outside had been changed. The sign of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group Waterjet Propeller Factory was hanging there, with large golden characters shining brightly in the morning sun.

Huh?Is there no one at the door?

Qin Tao was a little curious. Anyone could enter the factory. What if they stole something and came out?Qin Tao was already a little dissatisfied. The management of this factory is not good. If necessary, he will have to make a big change!
Qin Tao's face became serious, but when he walked to the office building, he found a bunch of people surrounded here.

Hmph, the time for work has passed, these people don't go to work in the workshop, what are they doing here?The order of this factory is too chaotic, right?

Compassion does not command soldiers, that Zhang Guangrong is too weak.

"Director Zhang, we also belong to the subordinate unit of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. It is said that we were born to a mother. Isn't the difference in treatment too big?" A worker said.

"That's right, that is, the workers in Mingzhou can earn five or six hundred a month. Why should we get one or two hundred? We are Huating City, a municipality directly under the Central Government, which is much larger than their Mingzhou City. We are here In a big city, the cost of living is also high, what can I do with this little money?"

"I heard that they will give out year-end bonuses during the Chinese New Year in Mingzhou. People who get a lot can get thousands or even tens of thousands. It seems that the Chinese New Year is almost here. How much do we plan to give out in the factory?"

Under the siege of the crowd, Zhang Guangrong was sweating profusely. He said to the people below: "Dear workers, although we belong to a group, all factories in the group are responsible for their own profits and losses. Although we We have received capital injection from the group, but the current profit is still not much, please persevere, in the future, the profit of our factory will increase, and the benefits will definitely increase.”

"Hmph, you sounded good, can you wait, can everyone wait? Director Zhang, let's solve the housing problem of our factory workers first! Our per capita housing area is only three or four square meters. The group's average It’s about thirty to forty square meters!”

"That's right, that's right, they were all born to a mother, why are they treated so poorly!"

"Director Zhang, I think you are a coward. Why don't you dare to fight with the group? Why don't you dare to quarrel with President Qin?"

"That's right, that is, you dare not fight for benefits for our factory!"

There was a sneer on Qin Tao's face. He really didn't expect that this Zhang Guangrong was so hard-pressed, and he was staged a scene of forcing the palace by his employees here.Although he is the head of the factory by name, he can't stay here forever. In fact, the original Zhang Guangrong is in charge of the work.

This kind of thing will be encountered when the enterprise is restructured.

A state-owned or collective enterprise is poorly managed and is taken over by a private enterprise. After it goes up, all the management must be replaced. Why is this?It's chilling.

In fact, this is necessary. Only by replacing all the management can it be ensured that the will of the top executives of private enterprises can be conveyed and orders can be carried out without compromise. Otherwise, people who have long been accustomed to fishing Enterprises, positive and negative, loose style, the enterprise is still the same old, a mess.

It was because my will was not firm enough at the beginning, and besides, I didn't have enough talents at hand!
"If you don't want to work in the factory, get out!" Qin Tao shouted.

This voice happened to be between those workers shouting, and it was loud, so it was heard by everyone immediately. They turned their heads in surprise and looked at a person they didn't know.

"Where are you from?"

"What are you talking about? Chick!"

"Do you want to be beaten?" Someone has already rolled up their sleeves.

Hearing the voice, Zhang Guangrong thought of something, and a strange look appeared on his face, but, blocked by the crowd, he couldn't see anything, so he jumped up, looked out of the crowd, once, twice, three times, Finally he saw clearly, and his face changed drastically.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, what brought you here?" Zhang Guangrong hurriedly pushed aside the crowd and ran to Qin Tao. The sweat on his forehead had already swished out.

Originally besieged by these people, he could still handle it. Anyway, this kind of thing didn't happen once. After the big guy vented, he just did what he should do.

But now, Mr. Qin actually saw it, and now he's in big trouble. Why are these damn little bastards so worried.

"It's gone, let's go, it's time to go to work!" Behind Zhang Guangrong, Wang Jinbao also ran out, shouting to these troublemakers.

"You don't have to go. Since you're here and I've seen you, then open the skylight and speak up." Qin Tao stood there with a loud voice, and his eyes swept over the speakers.

"I heard what you said just now, and you were just complaining. Why are you all born to the same mother, so the treatment is so different?" Qin Tao said: "Now tell you, yes, you were raised by your stepmother! Back then, You almost died young, it was Lao Tzu who spent one yuan to take you over, if not Lao Tzu, you are all motherless children now, you should have been laid off a long time ago! How can you call me here. "

The workers fell silent.

That's right, in the past, their factory was not well managed and almost went bankrupt. If Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group hadn't taken over, they would have been laid off long ago, and their wages were gone. How could they make trouble here.

"You complain about unfairness, and tell you that there is no fairness in the market economy. Do you think it is the old era of big pots? It has long passed! Those who are capable can grow and grow by their own ability, and employees can eat meat. Those who are not capable , the factory went bankrupt and closed down, and the workers went to eat shit!"

Qin Tao was very angry, and his words were very ugly, but none of the people present dared to refute him.

Although they spoke very forcefully when they were making trouble just now, why didn't they dare to quarrel with Mr. Qin?Now, who dares?

Hmph, everyone shrinks back when working, and scrambles when asking for benefits. Do you really think you are in a state-owned enterprise?

"Today's situation is because I can eat enough, so I started to make trouble." Qin Tao said: "In this matter, the director Zhang bears the direct leadership responsibility. Now I announce that the director of the factory director Zhang will be removed." Position, as the workshop director, the original workshop director, as the deputy director!"

Everyone was silent.

The factory director, he was directly promoted to be the workshop director, so what about these workers?Will he be fired?
"The workers in the factory, transfer half of them!" Sure enough, Qin Tao raised his machete at them.

Hearing this, the worker who had been pushing the palace most vigorously just now yelled, "Why?"

"Just because I am the boss of the group, now I announce that you contradict the boss of the group and you will be fired! You can go to the personnel department to complete the formalities now!"

That person was dumbfounded, the misfortune came out of his mouth, just one sentence, he lost his job, and he felt a regret in his heart.

This is a shot at the head of the bird, why can't I recognize the situation?Do you think President Qin is as easy to bully as Director Zhang?But now, he has hit the gun point, has been killed as an example, and he has no way out.

"Huh, it's not interesting to work under such a leader who doesn't respect the workers. If you don't stay here, you have your own place. However, you have heard about the others. Half of the people in the factory will be fired. Between you Among them, only half of the people can stay. Now, shouldn’t you say something? Such a bastard leader will toss you in different ways in the future!"

"Xiao Zhang, what are you talking about? Don't slander our most respected President Qin!"

"That's right, you're slapping us in the face if you scold our President Qin. If you scold us again, be careful and we'll beat you up!"

Nima, are you going to flatter President Qin so soon?Looking at these people who were ruthless, the worker named Xiao Zhang also knew that he must not be able to motivate them, so he let out a sigh of relief, and then walked away angrily.

"President Qin, don't worry, let's." Before he could say the flattering words, Qin Tao interrupted him: "What time is it now?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Within 1 minute, if I still see idlers, I will be fired immediately!"

All of a sudden, everyone rushed back to the workshop and returned to their posts, and no longer dared to mention any benefits that should be on par with other factories of the group.

Zhang Guangrong wanted to leave too. After all, he had become the director of the workshop, but Qin Tao stopped him: "Old Zhang, Lao Wang, you stay here, and all the middle-level cadres in the factory, go to the conference room!"

 PS: The order of the two chapters was wrong, so they replaced each other.Please don't scold, the content is not repeated. Looking back at the previous chapter, it is already a brand new content.

(End of this chapter)

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