Great warships

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Bold and resolute (plus more)
In the conference room, everyone's faces were sullen, and no one dared to speak. They knew that President Qin in front of him was going to lose his temper.

"Old Zhang, it's up to you to tell me what's going on."

"Mr. Qin, our factory has already started producing water jet propellers, and the quality of our products is steadily improving. The comrades in the machine tool factory are also very cooperative and continue to improve the processing capacity of our blades. However, after all, our demand is small. A 022 missile boat only needs two water jet propellers produced by us, and our monthly output is in single digits." Zhang Guangrong said: "With this little profit, we simply cannot support so many people in our factory. , So, it would be nice if we could offer a basic salary, don’t even think about benefits.”

Qin Tao nodded: "So, we have to start from two aspects."

The moment of fate has come!

Everyone held their breath, listening to Qin Tao's words, waiting for the judgment of fate.

"First of all, transfer half of the people who have nothing to do, and divert away those who have nothing to do. Today, none of the flatterers can be taken."

Qin Tao wasn't just joking, he was serious about it.

"Mr. Qin, please rest assured that the thirteen members of our personnel department will definitely complete this glorious and great task to help our factory lose weight and achieve better development." Hu De, the head of the personnel department, said.

Qin Tao glanced at the bearded middle-aged man: "In your personnel department, it is enough to keep two people, and the rest will be transferred to other posts. You and your subordinates must do a good job. It is mainly those departments that are not on the front line of production, and some departments are not necessary, such as the publicity department, and all of them can be transferred to different posts."

"Mr. Qin, our Propaganda Section is not without necessity. Our Section is responsible for workers' ideological work, which plays a big role in maintaining the order and stability of the factory." Zhao Min, the chief of the Propaganda Section, was anxious.

"Do the ideological work of the workers and stabilize the order of the factory?" Qin Tao glanced at Zhao Min: "When these workers besieged the factory leaders today, where is your propaganda department? With your little ability, can you maintain the stability of the factory? "

"However, after all, we have made contributions to the factory. If there is no credit, there is hard work. If our department is directly removed, we can't figure it out."

"You do ideological work for others, and you still can't figure it out?" Qin Tao said: "If you can't figure it out, then think about it, why is the factory like it is now? Isn't it because there are too many people who are not engaged in production and get paid? !"

Qin Tao looked at the people present, and some of them turned pale, obviously expecting to be laid off.

For those who sit in the office all day, it is indeed cruel to suddenly lose their jobs, but their good days cannot continue like this, because the existence of these people will make the company bear a heavy burden .

"This step cannot be avoided. The personnel department must be implemented." Qin Tao said: "The proportion of people sitting in offices in the factory cannot exceed [-]% of the total number of employees in the factory. If it exceeds, then Get rid of the personnel department."

Hood nodded quickly: "Yes, Mr. Qin, we promise to complete the task."

At this time, Hood was extremely entangled in his heart. Of course he knew that he was going to be a villain. I don't know how many people would scold him. Scarecrows are light. If he walks at night in the future, he will probably have to suffer from a sap.

Qin Tao sighed. In the 90s, the country has been open for more than ten years, and there are still some factories that lack the spirit of reform and are lazy. Their own staff really lack talents!
He can only enlighten these people, so as not to cause a bigger disturbance.

"I have just made it clear that we are called job transfer and diversion, not layoffs, let alone expulsion." Qin Tao said: "It is necessary to reduce the weight of the factory, but the means must be gentle. For example, to determine Those who come down can be given three months. During this time, the factory will continue to pay them wages, and they can find their own way out. The outside world is very exciting, maybe they can get along better outside! If they have any ideas, the factory can also help."

"What about after three months?"

"After three months, it will be half of the salary. After another three months, there will be no more." Qin Tao said: "Half a year's buffer is enough!"

No one dared to refute, because Qin Tao did not come to discuss with them, but to give them orders!

"Director Qin, you just said to prepare from two aspects, what about the other?" Zhang Guangrong asked.

"On the other hand, it is necessary to develop new products." Qin Tao said: "Since only water jet propulsion is not enough to feed us, then find a new way out. A nuclear factory can make ice cream, and an aircraft factory can make ice cream." To make refrigerators, can’t our factory make something else? If I had known that our factory had this kind of virtue, then I shouldn’t have taken over this factory in the first place. It’s better to build a new factory by myself than to take over this mess. Strong. Hmph, there is no one at work, everyone is very confident when it comes to benefits, and the group does not owe our factory!"

Everyone present bowed their heads.

Why should the group treat themselves as their own son?It was originally the last one, expecting the group to continue to give him blood transfusions, and then continue to lie down and live a comfortable life?Stop dreaming!The group doesn't want this kind of vampire.

They also feel ashamed.

Wang Jinbao raised his head and looked at Qin Tao: "Boss Qin, please show us a way, we will definitely work hard."

"Since we have started to make water jet propulsion, let's just go on this road and make it bigger and stronger. We will make the propulsion system of the ship." Qin Tao said: "Next, we will make the variable pitch propeller."

Variable pitch propeller?
Hearing Qin Tao's proposal, Wang Jinbao was shocked: "Boss Qin, this thing has a high technical content, and the requirements for precision machining are also very strong. If it is not done well, oil will leak from the propeller hub!"

"So, we can't do it?" Qin Tao asked.

Wang Jinbao lowered his head, hesitated for a moment, then raised his head again: "Boss Qin, we will try our best, if we don't do well, please fire me."

Those present here have already decided to leave a few, and the rest must be done by ability. Wang Jinbao is engaged in technology. If he can't make such a promise, then what qualifications does he have to stay here?
"Okay, I'll give you a year to make a variable-pitch propeller with a diameter of less than one meter. I will give you the relevant information."

"Do you have information?" Wang Jinbao was overjoyed.

Qin Tao nodded: "What you have to do is to study the technology, the precision processing technology, to ensure that it does not leak oil, the center of gravity is not biased, and there are no defects."


The matter of the propeller was finalized in this way. This was also a pre-arrangement of Qin Tao. He still has confidence in this place, but a reform is needed to let everyone in the factory know that if he wants good benefits, then You have to contribute to the factory well, only envious of the welfare of Mingzhou, not working hard, that's not enough, and at the same time reduce a large number of irrelevant personnel.

After such an operation, the atmosphere in the factory will be renewed. At that time, the Toshiba CNC milling machine obtained from Lao Maozi will be installed here, and it will become the largest propeller manufacturer in China.

Those who should be eliminated will be eliminated, and the rest are down-to-earth and skilled. The welfare of these people will definitely not be bad in the future.

"Is there anything else?" Qin Tao glanced at the people present.

No one dared to speak, only Zhang Guangrong's throat moved twice, but he still didn't dare to speak out.

"Old Zhang, just speak up if you have anything to say. As a person, I hate my subordinates' gossiping."

"Boss Qin, the workers' housing in our factory is still a big problem." Zhang Guangrong said.

So many workers in the factory came to surround him, and at the same time, Zhang Guangrong did not have the confidence to fight hard with the workers, because he knew that housing was indeed a big problem.

If it is a large state-owned enterprise, everything is self-sufficient. There are schools, hospitals, cinemas to which the factory belongs, and a special infrastructure department for construction.

However, their small water pump factory does not have so many departments. Of course, this also reduces the resistance to Qin Tao's drastic reforms. Moreover, this is also because the factory is located in Huating City, which is an international city. , the city's various supporting facilities are very complete.

However, the housing problem is indeed very serious. If it is not resolved, it will still be a landmine that may explode at any time in the future.

Qin Tao nodded: "The problem of housing is not our factory alone. The whole Huating and all factories have this problem. However, the era of welfare housing distribution has passed."

It's not that easy to live in a big city. When Bai Juyi wanted to settle in Chang'an, he couldn't even afford a house. Is it so easy to get a house at the foot of the emperor?

The same is true for the big city of Huating. It is very difficult to have a house to live in. In the 80s, as a large number of educated youths returned to the city, the problem of housing began to become prominent.

In terms of specific data, in 1980, the per capita living area in Huating City was only 4.4 square meters, and there were 2.5 extremely poor households with a per capita living area of ​​less than 42000 square meters. , kitchen) is less than 30.00%, and there are still more than 100 million square meters of dilapidated houses, shantytowns and simple houses that urgently need to be renovated.

At that time, they were calling for reform, but what happened?
Ten years later, the per capita housing area in Huating City has dropped from 4.4 square meters to 3.6 square meters, because more people have flooded into Huating City in the past ten years.

It is no longer possible to rely on units to distribute houses. This problem exists all over the country. Therefore, in February 91, Huating City officially issued a policy to "promote provident funds, raise rents and distribute subsidies, allocate houses to buy bonds, and buy houses. The housing system reform plan with the main content of giving preferential treatment and establishing the Housing Commission opened the prelude to the housing reform.Among them, the establishment of the housing provident fund system has become the core content of the reform of the entire housing system.

It is impossible to divide the house in the future, and you can only buy it by yourself.

Qin Tao never planned to do this kind of welfare housing distribution, which would cause too many problems. Huating has already kicked off the housing reform, so if you want a house, you have to solve it yourself.

"However, our factory has not yet established an account of the housing provident fund for employees." Zhang Guangrong said.

"Well, this matter needs to be caught up, and it can be done after the job transfer and diversion are completed." Qin Tao said: "As long as the employees who are willing to work hard in the factory can rely on their own efforts, they can buy house."

It's only the 90s, work hard, buy a house, future generations will enjoy the blessings.

The meeting ended, and the content of the meeting quickly spread throughout the factory, and everyone was anxious.

Qin Tao wandered around the factory with four square steps, and no one followed him. This is the best way to understand the factory.

"I heard that workers who are not engaged in production on the front line are likely to be diverted away. What should we do? I'm afraid we will all be diverted!" When Qin Tao walked to a warehouse near the gate, he heard There were voices talking inside.

The warehouse is at the door, which is convenient for the transportation of goods. In the past, their warehouses were full of raw materials and products, and they were once brilliant.

But now, the warehouses in this row are almost all idle, and the inside is empty. The warehouse management of the warehouse naturally has no work. They just come to show their faces all day long. Today, I heard that the boss of the group is here. They rushed over from home one after another, and went to work in earnest.

As for the troubles caused by the workers in the factory, they didn't participate either. For them, it's just a matter of day and day, and they don't care about so many benefits.

But now, it seems that they can't get along.

"Hmph, I should have done this a long time ago." At this moment, another voice sounded: "What's the point of messing around like this all day long? It's too tasteless. I want to go out for a living, but I'm thinking about this salary. I can't do it now." Well, it can be regarded as allowing us to make up our minds."

"Sister Ding, you feed the whole family by yourself, your husband leaves early, and you have no children. If you want to make a living, you can make a living. We are all family members."

"Widow Ding, are you talking sarcastic to everyone? Who is willing to give up this salary? You don't care, has someone already taken care of you?"

"Sister Wang, don't say that, it won't affect you well." Someone dissuaded her.

"Why, isn't she a widow? Did I say something wrong?" Sister Wang, who was obviously also a sharp-tongued person, said these words with acrimony.

"Hmph, thirteen o'clock." Widow Ding said relentlessly, "So what if I say that? Does it hurt your glass heart? Anyway, I won't say anything, the factory transfer and distribution arrangement, we people can't escape Why, instead of avoiding diseases and avoiding medical treatment here, it is better to be proactive and find a way for yourself! Why, there is a birthmark on the head, put down the hair curtain to cover it, and think that the birthmark will not exist?"

"You! You are very capable, let me tell you, what else can we sisters do besides guarding the warehouse and looking through the ledger?"

"You can do a lot." Widow Ding said: "Even if you guard the warehouses, you can do it. Anyway, these warehouses are useless, and they are still facing the street. We only need to open a door from here, and it will be a shopping mall. After decoration, this shopping mall will We can open!"

Obviously, Widow Ding is very intelligent: "There are quite a few factories nearby, and there are many workers who pass us by on the way to and from get off work every day. Moreover, there is no big shopping mall nearby. If we open it, people who go to and from get off work will pass by. When you buy something, you can get a lot of traffic.”

"Hmph, you put it lightly. Who knows how to sell goods? Today's salesperson is no longer the era when beating customers was strictly prohibited. To be a salesperson, you have to curry favor with customers. Hmph, who will do it!"

"Yeah, if you can make money by just sitting around, or even shopping around every day, who would curry favor with customers? It's not the era when you can hit customers." Widow Ding said: "But now, that era has passed The transfer of jobs is not just for fun. Qin always takes it seriously. The factory manager has become the workshop director. Can we still have a good life? Sisters, we all have hands and feet, and we can eat by our own hard work. Why should we be parasites? Moreover, as long as we do a good job, our income will also increase. Don’t be envious of the four or five hundred wages in Mingzhou. Big one, do you want to be the same people?"

As Widow Ding spoke, she pointed to the outside, and then she saw a man in a suit and leather shoes standing outside, holding a mobile phone.

Suddenly, everyone was curious, who is this person?

"Where did you come from? Eavesdropping on us?" A woman with long hair curtains that almost covered her eyes asked Qin Tao with her hands on her hips, "Do you want to report us?"

Qin Tao ignored her, and looked at the person opposite her. Just now, the two women were facing each other, and he heard more and more vigorously, so he took two steps forward. He didn't expect to be spotted by someone, but when he found out, he found out Yes, stand up boldly and be aboveboard.

At this time, Qin Tao looked at Widow Ding: "Do you want to open this place into a big shopping mall?"

"Yes, I have this idea." Widow Ding said: "In 84, the first grain, oil and food optional shopping mall opened on XZ South Road, Kuaiji Road. This store sold malted milk, instant noodles, and seasoning packets every day. These have a daily sales of 5000 yuan. A few days ago, Lianhua Supermarket, the first supermarket chain in Huating, opened in Quyang, and the shelves were empty every day, and the doors could not be closed at 8 o'clock in the evening."

Speaking of this, Widow Ding beamed: "What do they rely on? It's not a concept of a big supermarket. Some of them are cheap, such as Sprite, which is cheaper than wholesale prices, but some of them are also expensive, even cheaper than the half-dead state-owned shopping malls outside." Expensive, but if ordinary people don’t care about these things, they’ll be sure that it’s cheap, and the daily sales of that supermarket are at least hundreds of thousands!”

Widow Ding looks unattractive, but her mind is full of business experience: "If our warehouses are opened up and turned into a large supermarket, I can guarantee that the daily income will be at least [-] yuan! The profit will be at least [-] yuan. !"

"It's easy to say." The Wang sister said again: "It's opened up, and the goods are fully stocked. Do you know how much it will cost? You need to invest in business. What if you lose money?"

There was a contemptuous smile on Qin Tao's face. In any reform, you will meet this kind of people. They think they are smart, hold on to their immediate interests, obstruct reform, and others will make sarcastic remarks when they want to do something. In the end nothing came of it.

This kind of person is the most hateful, and she must be on the list, but right now, Qin Tao can't care less about talking nonsense with this kind of person.

"Shop Manager Ding, continue talking."

"Well, I think..." Widow Ding wanted to continue talking, but she stopped suddenly. She noticed something keenly. Just now, Qin Tao actually called her Manager Ding?
"What, store manager, hmph, who do you think you are?"

Seeing Qin Tao's contemptuous eyes, Sister Wang was very angry. This is not contempt, besides, who are you?Even if you are wearing a suit and leather shoes and holding a mobile phone, so what?You are just a bumpkin who has made money in the society, and we still have an iron rice bowl.

Although the job is about to disappear, the arrogance in Sister Wang's heart still exists.

Then, she thought of something else: Could it be that this boss-like man has taken a fancy to Widow Ding, and even has an affair with Widow Ding? "

"My name is Qin Tao, the boss of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group." Qin Tao has already opened his mouth. If Sister Wang speaks out her thoughts directly, Qin Tao will definitely give her two slaps.

"Boss? Wait." Sister Wang's face turned pale all of a sudden.

When he just went to work in the morning, Boss Qin fired a worker who talked back to him on the spot. He said that just now, Boss Qin will definitely fire him!
Fortunately, he didn't mention that he had a leg, otherwise... Thinking of this, Sister Wang's legs felt weak, and then she knelt down with a plop.

"Mr. Qin, your lord has a lot, please forgive me. I just spoke without thinking and contradicted you. Please calm down. I, I will slap my mouth."

As she said that, Sister Wang waved her palms, bowing left and right, the slapping sound was really loud, after a few slaps, her cheeks swelled up.

Only then did Qin Tao say the first sentence to her: "It's not that you speak without a brain, you don't have a brain at all. You should go aside and reflect on it first."

"Well, thank you Mr. Qin, thank you Mr. Qin." Sister Wang thanked her a thousand times.

He didn't say he was going to be fired on the spot, which means there is still a chance, but it really hurts!
Widow Ding was completely stunned. Mr. Qin, is it Mr. Qin?She looked at Qin Tao, feeling uneasy: "Mr. Qin, what I said just now was just casually. I can't be the manager of this store! Besides, I don't have the start-up capital."

"The problem of funds will be solved by the group. When this supermarket is established, it will also have the shares of the group. However, as the store manager of this supermarket, you will be the leader and be responsible to the end. You have thought about it and answered me, do you want to try it? ?”

"I, I am willing!" Widow Ding said: "I want to make a lot of money, I want to live a good life, I don't want to go on like this! It's better to do it vigorously than to be unknown!"

Qin Tao looked at the others: "What about you? What do you think?"

"Let's follow Sister Ding!" The other people understood that if they wanted to continue dawdling, they would either stay in obscurity or make a big splash. Anyway, with Widow Ding standing in front, they could just follow behind.

Fuck him!
"Boss Qin, I want to do it too!" Qin Tao turned his head in surprise. That sister Wang changed her sex so quickly?

 PS: I have troubled everyone today, and I will add a new chapter. I hope you understand.

(End of this chapter)

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