Great warships

Chapter 223 With a full rudder, the people on the deck are gone?

Chapter 223 With a full rudder, the people on the deck are gone?
Standing on the ship island, overlooking the huge deck below, is another feeling.

Although Uskimenko has also looked down on warships from the islands of other heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers, every time it gives him a different feeling, and now this feeling is even more indescribable.

This is the most powerful warship of the Soviets!
With such shock, Uskimenko looked at the deck, and then he heard footsteps behind him.

"Boss Qin, we succeeded, and now this warship has been driven away by us." Uskimenko said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, we are not out of danger yet, and many accidents may happen at any time."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, the expression on Uskimenko's face became serious: "Mr. Qin, please speak."

Uskimenko has seen a lot of bad guys like Qin Tao, but Qin Tao gave him a completely different feeling.

The other losers are talking about business. In their eyes, they only have money. If they were another person, they would definitely come up to discuss how to buy scrap iron.

But Qin Tao is different. With Boris' relationship, he is still very polite. He not only gave himself good things, but also pointed out one thing. Facts have proved that Qin Tao is very predictable.

At this time, Qin Tao said that he was not out of danger yet, so he naturally attached great importance to it, and wanted to hear what Qin Tao had to say.

"Dangers are divided into internal and external causes. I don't know if there are Ermao sailors on our warships. These people are not of one mind with us." Qin Tao said.

Yaregin shook his head: "When I received the call back, I took this into consideration. There is not a single dick who sleeps on our warship."

Qin Tao nodded. It was easy. Otherwise, when those Ermao sailors woke up and found that they had left the port and were going to Da Mao's place, it would be very troublesome, and there might be a small coup d'état.

Thanks for the advance notice.

"That's good. I was worrying too much. The external reason is that we need to pass through the Bosporus Strait, and then we may be monitored by the Americans along the way. Now, we need to notify the base and send a warship to pick us up. At the same time, we have to be prepared, by the way, what kind of carrier-based aircraft is on this warship?"

An aircraft carrier is a fighting machine, but a single aircraft carrier has poor combat effectiveness. It has to form a formation to be effective. Now this heavy aircraft carrier, although it has some self-defense weapons, will still have friction when facing the US military of.

Yaregin shook his head helplessly: "There are only two Ka-27s."

"Get these two helicopters on the deck and take off at any time. If they encounter friction from the enemy, even if they collide, they must be knocked down!"

"Yes, you are quite right." After Yarekin finished speaking, he glanced at Uskimenko. In fact, the two had already talked about these things just now, but they didn't expect that an international loser would have such foresight.

"President Qin, if it wasn't for Boris' recommendation, I would have thought you were from the army." Uskimenko said with emotion.

"I also want to be a soldier, but my eyesight is not up to standard." Qin Tao pointed to his eyes: "Although I don't wear glasses, I can't shoot Miaozhu. , the secretary and bodyguard I brought with me has a military career."

Yang Xi carried the brand of the army on his body, and his every move exposed it, so Qin Tao said it openly, so that it would be easier to gain the other party's trust.

Yaregin nodded: "That's right, it's from the army. By the way, since you are guests on our warship, I will arrange rooms for you to live in."

"No need, this warship has your top secrets, my assistant and I just make do on the deck, it's not convenient to walk back and forth."

Qin Tao is very self-conscious, which makes Uskimenko very emotional. Qin Tao left a very good impression on him when he first met. He has a vision, dares to speak, and is very conscious. Such a loser is really good. , I can contact you more in the future.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we don't mess with our equipment, besides, after a few glances, it won't leak the secrets. You have also stepped on the American aircraft carrier to see it. Have you found the secret of the American aircraft carrier?"

Listening to this question, Qin Tao nodded: "I found it."

"What secret?"

"This kind of warship is like the guy in a man's crotch. The bigger the better." Qin Tao said.

All the people present laughed, deeply agreeing with Qin Tao's words.

"Please come with me." Major Stolchak took the two of them, left the island, walked down to a row of dormitories: "There are pilot dormitories here, you can live in whatever you want, the innermost The ones with portholes, I recommend that you live in them."

"Okay, we promise not to wander around." Qin Tao said, "However, we need to know where the bathroom is."

After getting into the pilot's dormitory, Yang Xi said with some emotion: "The treatment of this pilot is really good."

"Yes, Lao Yang, tell me, what is the difference between this old man's warship and the American's?"

Qin Tao lay on the bed, so he didn't have to worry about any bugs. After all, the other party was in such a hurry that he absolutely didn't have time to make these arrangements. Moreover, they chose this room at random, so they could chat boldly.

"The bow of the ship is the jumping deck."

"anything else?"

"I heard that there is an anti-ship missile launcher under the front deck. This thing is called a heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser, which makes sense."

"anything else?"

"There is a four-sided phased array radar on the island."

"anything else?"

Yang Xi couldn't figure it out, so he spread his hands.

"The size of the island."

"Yeah, when you say it like this, I found out that the island is too big. The island of the US aircraft carrier is not even a quarter of the size."

"The island of the US aircraft carrier assumes the role of command, but the island of Lao Maozi also assumes the living quarters. Anyone with a little bit of status must live on the island. After all, it is more comfortable here. Therefore, their The ship island is huge." Qin Tao said: "However, I am also grateful for their arrangement, otherwise, we would have to sleep below the deck."

If it is reduced to an American ship island, then at least two or three more carrier-based aircraft can be arranged on the deck. It seems that Lao Maozi does not regard the number of carrier-based aircraft as the first priority at all. The anti-ship missile launcher in front also occupies Lots of space.

With a displacement of [-] tons, it can only carry [-] or [-] carrier-based aircraft.

"I've been tired all day, go to sleep." Qin Tao pointed to the bed beside him.

"I want to go out and have a look."

"There will be opportunities in the future, let's go to bed now." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he got under the covers.

It was not the first time for Qin Tao to sleep at sea. However, on this huge warship, he didn't feel too much shaking, just like on land. This is the benefit of the large displacement.

The Kuznetsov was still emitting black smoke, and headed towards the Bosporus Strait at full speed, which is the only outlet of the Black Sea.

Lao Maozi's largest shipyard is the Black Sea Shipyard, a large number of warships will be built from here, but Lao Maozi's Black Sea Fleet is not the strongest, so these built warships have to leave here and sail to other ports.

This will involve a problem: it must pass under the nose of the chicken.

In the past, every time a large warship came out, Lao Maozi would say hello to the local chicken in advance, and then drove the warship swaggering past, whether it was the Moscow class or the Kyiv class, it was the same way.

The current Kuznetsov is considered Lao Maozi's third-generation mother ship, but when this powerful warship passed by, it could not notify the local chicken in advance, otherwise it would leak the news.

When the eastern sky slowly brightened, the outline of the Bosporus Strait could already be seen.

The Bosphorus, also known as the Strait of Istanbul.It connects to the Black Sea in the north, the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Mediterranean Sea in the south, separating the chicken into two parts, Asia and Europe.Coming out of the Black Sea, the European part is on the right and the Asian part is on the left.

Although the two sides of the strait belong to two different states, the golden color is very similar. Although it is the end of November, but because it belongs to the Mediterranean climate, you can still see some green on both sides of the strait, with tall buildings, huts, and a view of the Roman Empire. And the majestic royal palace left over from the Ottoman Empire, although it is just a broken wall, it can also remind people of the power of the two empires.

Qin Tao slept very comfortably this time, but Yang Xi was restless, tossing and turning almost the whole night, and when he woke up the next morning, his eyes were a little red.

There was a knock on the door outside, and a big hairy sailor took the two of them to the only open restaurant on the warship for dinner. The breakfast was also very simple, just a big potato.

After eating, Qin Tao and Yang Xi came to the deck and looked at the approaching strait.

Qin Tao knows the data here clearly. The total length of the strait is 30.4 kilometers, the widest part is 3.6 kilometers, the narrowest part is 708 meters, the deepest part is 120 meters, and the shallowest part is only 27.5 meters.

Although ships from all over the world can pass here, if the chickens want to stop them, there are still many ways. The chickens must consider the safety of the strait. If the ships passing here may lose control, they have reason to refuse up.

Especially, if it is a huge ship that has no power and can only be towed, their reason is even stronger.However, Qin Tao had already prepared for it. His Shenzhou floating dock was capable of sailing.

Thinking of this, Qin Tao glanced back again. The Black Sea Shipyard had long since disappeared, but there was still a huge ship like the Kuznetsov waiting for him.

"This is the largest suspension bridge in Europe, it's really spectacular." At this time, Yang Xi looked at the majestic modern cable suspension bridge in front of him, and said with emotion.

Without this bridge, the navigation on both sides of the strait would be very difficult. Therefore, in 1973, Tuji built this 500-meter-long bridge in the narrowest part of the strait. In the middle of the bridge, A striking white line is also drawn as a breakdown of Eurasia.

Although it was early in the morning, there was already a lot of traffic on the bridge.

Eight nautical miles from this large suspension bridge, there is a second bridge.

"Yes, it's very spectacular." Qin Tao said: "So, any ship should be careful when passing by. If it hits a bridge pier, the local chicken will arrest the ship."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao glanced at the ship island. The people there must be worried at this moment, right?

At this moment, there was a roar on the sea in the distance, and a patrol boat of Tuji was riding the wind and waves, and started to come.

"Attention, prepare for battle!" The officer with the old hair shouted.

Although a patrol boat can't do much, the big guy is still very nervous.

However, the native chicken is obviously not hostile.

The patrol boat was approaching quickly, and the sailors of Tuji stood on the deck of the patrol boat, waving their arms to greet the huge warship, with smiles on their faces.

The atmosphere of the Cold War has disappeared. In their eyes, this is not a confrontation at all, but a routine patrol.

A local chicken sailor picked up the camera and snapped photos. After all, this kind of large warship is not common. Now that we have encountered it, of course we have to take pictures.

The patrol boat circled around the Kuznetsov and moved forward. When the huge warship passed under the drawbridge, it also attracted the attention of many people on the drawbridge. They stopped the car and watched from the railing, letting this The morning rush hour is even more congested.

Qin Tao sat cross-legged on the deck, looked at the scene on both sides, and read a poem from his mouth.

"The monkeys on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the light boat has passed ten thousand mountains."

"These two sides are not monkeys." Yang Xi said.

"Yeah, it's not a monkey, it's a clown who can do both."

"Look, what's over there?" Yang Xi raised his arm.

On the distant sea, a fleet appeared!
Kuznetsov's journey home was destined to be unsettled. When he got the news of this warship, the US Navy aircraft carrier formation patrolling in the Mediterranean encountered an encounter!
This is destined to be unusual, and it is also the last time the two giants collide at sea before the collapse of the Red Empire!
Since the warship was unarmed and had no escort, the Americans were very bold. Their aircraft carrier braved the wind and waves and moved over to observe the Kuznetsov at close range.

Two helicopters took off from the deck of the US aircraft carrier, flew to the Admiral Kuznetsov, and then, plopping down sonar buoys in front of her sailing.

"Damn!" On the island, Colonel Yaregin cursed angrily, and then shouted loudly: "Take off our helicopter and drive these damned bastards away!"

The other party threw sonar buoys, of course, to collect the sound characteristics of their warships and record them into their database. After arriving, the Los Angeles nuclear submarine sailing underwater can easily find their warships hundreds of nautical miles through the sound.

Absolutely must not let the opponent's conspiracy succeed!
The two Ka-27 helicopters had already been lifted onto the deck, and the pilots hurriedly ran to the helicopters. Within a minute, the two Ka-1s took off to meet the enemy.

For submarine soldiers, the most troublesome thing is the anti-submarine helicopter in the sky. At this time, Yang Xi looked at the helicopter with two large plates above his head with serious eyes.

The overall size of this helicopter is similar to that of the Ka-25, because it was required to be able to use the hangar of the Ka-25 when it was designed, but its performance has been completely changed, and it can carry more equipment and be more maneuverable.

Although they do not have air combat capabilities, these two helicopters bravely fly towards the American helicopters in order to protect the safety of their mothership.

"Let's watch a good show, what Lao Maozi likes to play most is hitting." Qin Tao said to Yang Xi.

Yang Xi nodded, his face still serious.

The Ka-27 roared and flew towards the Seahawk helicopter. When they found them coming, the Americans actually gave up. The two Seahawks that were still dropping sonar buoys immediately turned around and flew back!

This made Qin Tao, who was planning to watch a good show, a little unhappy, why not collide with each other and create some sparks?

The fighter jet may be fine. The Su-27 performed an aerial scalpel in the Barents Sea. However, once the helicopter collides, it will be quite dangerous. When the helicopter is not close, the large plate on the top will hit it first. One click, it is definitely a plane crash and death.

Under such circumstances, the Yankees dare not continue to fight hard. If there is a collision, the Ka-27 has two big plates, and they only have one, and they cannot cut each other.

However, although the helicopter flew away, the confrontation was not over. A Perry-class frigate sailed out of the aircraft carrier formation and rushed towards the Kuznetsov.

I don’t know how many times I have played this trick during the Cold War. However, the old Maozi Navy didn’t fight alone in the past. If the opponent came over, they also had their own warships to destroy them. Now, there is only one Kuznetsov, The opponent can easily approach their warships.

"Oh, I can't watch the excitement on the deck anymore, let's go back." Qin Tao waved to Yang Xi.

Sure enough, as soon as the two entered the ship island, their feet tilted up, so that they had to push the wall with their hands quickly.

The full rudder operation under full speed sailing is so domineering. If you look at it from the outside, it is estimated that the entire deck will tilt into a hill!
Then, there was the sound of creaking metal rubbing against each other. Although they couldn't see what happened outside, both of them knew in their hearts that there was a collision!

A small Perry class, but also want to play wild in front of the Kuznetsov?
On the bridge, Uskimenko's face was full of disdain. Just now, when the other party was approaching, they suddenly turned full starboard. Now, the Perry-class ship has separated from them, but, from the bow to the At the stern of the ship, obvious deformation can be seen, the railing is also crooked, and several sailors even fell into the sea.

"That's right, if they still dare to come, we'll overturn them!" Yaregin said beside him.

Even if the opponent's cruiser comes over, they are not afraid. The only thing that can take advantage of the collision is the opponent's aircraft carrier, which is the only one with more displacement than them.

But do Yankees dare?

Looking at the Perry-class ship that fled, the answer is already ready.

Suddenly, Uskimenko's face changed: "Where are the people on the deck?"

He remembered very clearly that the two guests were watching the fun on the deck, they were very well behaved, and there was no running around, which made him feel at ease.

But when the confrontation just started, he forgot about it. When he found the American warship approaching, he devoted himself to the confrontation. Seeing the opponent approaching, he immediately ordered the rudder to be full, immersed in this pleasure among.

It was only now that he remembered, those two people, wouldn't they be thrown out?

Ordinary warships have railings, just to prevent people from falling into the sea. However, the deck of the aircraft carrier is wide and flat, and it seems that there are no railings.

In some places, railings must not be set up. For example, at the front and rear parts, the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft cannot hit them, so the anti-fall nets can only be placed flat. There are no elevators or railings between the filling pipes. .As for the two sides, there are normal railings, and these railings can also be brought down. Generally, for the sake of saving trouble, they are directly brought down and are level with the deck.

Therefore, it is really not a big deal to step on the air and fall on the aircraft carrier.

In order to avoid this kind of problem, there is a special observation post on the aircraft carrier. The task is to stare at the sea to see if anyone has fallen. After all, the jackets worn by sailors are designed with inflatable life jackets. Once they fall into the sea, the sailors can Inflate the jacket and float on the water, waiting to be rescued.

It’s fine to call for help, but you can’t hear them at all. Everyone on the deck of the aircraft carrier wears earmuffs because the noise is too loud.

If someone falls into the sea, they should be salvaged quickly. If they are not found, then they will be resigned to fate. Therefore, a responsible captain will often carry out the roll call of all crew members, just to prevent someone from falling into the sea without being found.

Now, these two guests are not wearing any vests, if they fall off, the consequences will be unpredictable.Now they only have one-third of the staff, and there are no watchmen at all!
When thinking of this, Uskimenko frowned: "Quick, send someone to find those two guests immediately!"

"Report, they have returned to the ship island!"

After receiving this news, Uskimenko was relieved.

"Except for the deck, you can go wherever you want, and walk around as you like." Yalekin followed.Along the way, there will definitely be a confrontation. The Yankee aircraft carrier will accompany them all the way. The deck will be very dangerous, and they will make full rudder actions at any time.

Therefore, let these two guests stay in the cabin, but the cabin is rather stuffy, so just go shopping if you want, because you can't see anything anyway.

As a result, Qin Tao and Yang Xi gained more freedom. They could wander back and forth on this huge warship. In order to prevent them from getting lost, Yalekin specially sent someone to lead them. , introducing a visit to this warship.

This kind of huge warship is equivalent to a small city. If you don't master its structure, it is easy to get lost.

Qin Tao and Yang Xi were obedient rather than respectful, and wandered around on the warship. They wandered around the cabins on the ship island and the lower floors. Soon, the old sailor who followed Qin Tao and the others was very tired. It was soon discovered that the two never got lost, as if they were very familiar with this warship.

(End of this chapter)

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