Great warships

Chapter 224 Titanium Alloy Submarine

Chapter 224 Titanium Alloy Submarine

"Our Shenzhou floating dock has also arrived, and the time is just right." When Qin Tao got off the huge Kuznetsov, he was pleasantly surprised to find that a huge ship had already parked on the distant pier. On the floating dock, the large characters flying and phoenix dancing on the side are very clear.

During this time, there was no delay at all, just waiting for the Shenzhou floating dock to start.

Thinking of what happened along the way, Yang Xi was filled with emotion. With Mr. Qin, everything is possible. They successfully visited the entire Kuznetsov and listened to the confrontation outside. Later, the Northern Fleet came to meet him. The warship arrived, and the Americans had to leave angrily.

Along the way, he has seen too many things. After leaving the nuclear submarine, he did not expect that he would have such an opportunity. It is really rare.

At this moment, Yang Xi was feeling emotional while watching Uskimenko walking towards them with a person.

"Mr. Qin, let me introduce. This is Kanishevsky. He is in charge of the scrap iron north of Kola Port. He will take you there," Uskimenko said.

After getting this heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser back, there are still many follow-up things, so Uskimenko went to work. Before leaving, he personally introduced the person in charge to Qin Tao, which showed his respect for Qin Tao. attention.

"Okay, thank you." Qin Tao said to Uskimenko, and then looked at Kanishevsky: "Thank you for your hard work, take us to have a look."

Several people boarded a Lada sedan and walked along the Kola Peninsula for an hour, and came to a deserted pier.

Surrounded by white snow, a dark green train appeared on the flat land. This train was still an ancient steam locomotive, gasping for breath, dragging four flatbed cars away. There is a steel tank, the side is not covered by snow, and the logo of the skeleton can be seen vaguely.

"Those things..." Yang Xi said in surprise, but didn't continue.

"I guess, what was transported inside were the things dismantled from the nuclear submarine reactor." Qin Tao said: "These things were transported away, and they should have been buried deep in the ground in a no-man's land, right?"

Kanishevsky nodded: "Yes, you are right, this train runs every three months..."

Having said that, Kanishevsky also stopped, and he shouted to the driver: "Ivan, you drive the car slower, let's stay away from that guy, you didn't see the extra device on our car Is your Geiger counter ticking numbers right now?"

Ivan hit the brakes.

After the train started to leave, it stopped for another three to five minutes before the car continued on the road, passed through the railway crossing, and continued to move forward.

The decommissioned nuclear submarines are like sharks, floating side by side beside the port. It is freezing cold, and the parts of the nuclear submarines out of the water are covered with a thick layer of snow, but the sea water next to them is not frozen. It looks very weird.

"The submarines here have all had their nuclear reactors removed, and they are already the safest. Therefore, I suggest you choose scrap iron from here. Your Excellency Uskimenko has explained that we will not treat our good friends badly."

This is also a mistake. If there is no experience of returning from the warship with Uskimenko this time, I guess the old man would strongly recommend the one with a nuclear reactor. After all, they don’t want to deal with nuclear waste. Qin Tao might still You have to accept it, but now, the relationship between the two parties has become more friendly, so the priority is to choose from nuclear submarines with dismantled reactors.

"Is this also a nuclear submarine? Is it too small?" Yang Xi pointed to a submarine ahead.

Yang Xi is a submariner and is very familiar with all kinds of submarines. The submarine in front of him has a very smooth shape. Even the conning tower is perfectly integrated with the hull of the submarine, which is quite beautiful.

However, it is too small, right?According to visual estimates, it is about two to three thousand tons. Even ordinary diesel-electric submarines can reach this displacement. Nuclear submarines, at least five or six thousand tons.

However, after Qin Tao saw it, he couldn't help but get excited: "If I'm not wrong, it should be a Type 705 nuclear submarine?"

Kanishevsky nodded: "Yes, it is our second-generation nuclear submarine."

Only then did Yang Xi come to his senses: "Titanium alloy..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Tao stepped on him and shut up quickly.

"This submarine, scrap iron price, we want it!"

Unexpectedly, I picked up a treasure when I came up, and unexpectedly encountered a titanium alloy submarine. Buy titanium alloy at the scrap iron price!
In later generations, titanium alloys have become rotten. Even spectacle frames can be made of titanium alloys, which are light and durable, which is also an advantage of titanium alloys.

Specifically, the density of pure titanium is about 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter, which is only about half that of carbon steel, but the ratio of tensile strength to density reaches 62, and it reaches more than 200 after alloying. The value is only 36.

In other words, under the same performance, using titanium alloy to build a submarine can greatly reduce the weight of the submarine itself. Under the same weight, the strength of the submarine will be great, and it can dive into deeper water.

At the same time, the low magnetic properties of titanium alloy itself can help submarines better hide underwater and avoid detection by geomagnetic detectors.Therefore, in terms of the characteristics of the material itself, titanium alloy is suitable as a manufacturing material for submarines.

However, except for titanium alloys used in aerospace, submarines in other countries have never seen titanium alloys.

The advantages are outstanding, but the disadvantages are even more prominent!

The first disadvantage is that it is expensive. In the era when this 705-class nuclear submarine was built, the price per kilogram of titanium alloy plate was as high as 14.5 rubles!Not only is the price expensive, but also the processing is complicated, because the ability of pure titanium and titanium alloys to absorb hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen increases significantly after high temperature, which eventually leads to obvious embrittlement of welded joints and a serious decline in mechanical properties.Therefore, titanium alloys cannot be welded in the air, and need to be carried out under protection or even in a vacuum environment.

The titanium alloy welding of the aero-engine means that the welder wears a full set of clothing and goes into a fully enclosed welding workshop, just like an astronaut.However, it is impossible to build such a large sealed workshop for welding submarines.

So, soldering is difficult.

Lao Maozi's first titanium alloy submarine was Type 661, which took more than ten years to build.And, being an experimental submarine, only one was built.

Type 705 is the second titanium alloy submarine.

Nuclear submarines, why are they only two or three thousand tons in displacement?It's not because it has to be made of titanium alloy!It's so expensive, so difficult to solder, and it's too big, how much will it cost and how long will it take?

Lao Maozi also has to count the cost, so this type 705 submarine has an underwater displacement of just over 48 tons, which is simply the younger brother of nuclear submarines. When it can only dive to 3 meters, its diving depth can reach 300 meters. Although it is incomparable with the 400-type submarine with a depth of more than 1000 meters, it is still very powerful in this era.

The size of the submarine is small, and other components have to shrink. Although the ordinary pressurized water reactor is safe, it is too large. Therefore, it uses the VT-661 lead-bismuth liquid lead-bismuth metal reactor improved from the 1 submarine. , small in size and strong in power, it has successfully allowed this submarine to travel faster than forty knots underwater, even faster than some torpedoes, so when it encounters a blow, it can rely on endurance like the MiG-25 win.

But the disadvantages are also great. Whether it is titanium alloy or liquid reactor, they are all too advanced technologies, and these technologies mean risks.

During the service of the 705 submarine, there were many accidents abroad. For example, the first boat K-64 was found to be cracked in the pressure hull before it was in service in 1971. The reactor cooled and solidified in 1972. It was decommissioned in 1974 and dismantled solved.

In 123, the K-1982 boat suffered nuclear pollution due to a leakage accident in the primary circuit of the reactor.

At the beginning, Lao Maozi built a total of seven submarines of the same model, but none of them lived normally. After they all joined the Northern Fleet, they basked in the sun on the pier all year round, and could not go to sea to perform missions at all.

Therefore, last year, all Type 705 submarines were decommissioned and placed on the dock.

If it's another submarine, just throw it here and it's over, but the Type 705 submarine is different, it uses a liquid metal reactor!

What's the problem?
Big problem!Except for mercury, ordinary metals are solid at room temperature. Therefore, after the nuclear reactor of the 705 submarine is assembled, it must be in operation all the time, and the heat inside must keep the metal in the pipeline in a liquid state.

For other nuclear submarines, it is enough to stop the reactor directly. For this kind of submarine, it is over to stop the reactor.

Therefore, other decommissioned nuclear submarines can be placed here, exposed to the sun and wind, but the 705 type is different. After this type of submarine docks at the dock, the reactor must be dismantled and taken away.

Therefore, it must not have a nuclear reactor, and it has saved Qin Tao a lot of trouble, but it is far from enough to have only this one.

"Is there any scrap iron of the same model as it?" Qin Tao asked Kanishevsky.

"This K-316 is the first ship to be dismantled. Currently, K-463 is being dismantled, and it will probably take a few days." Kanishevsky glanced into the distance, here Although it is a submarine cemetery, there are still workers working there. The lonely pier in the distance is equipped with cranes and other equipment to dismantle nuclear reactors.

Qin Tao nodded: "Then let's wait a few more days, and we will take the two submarines away after they are disassembled." Qin Tao said: "Next, let's see if there are any other suitable scrap iron. "

Scrap iron price, buy two 705 submarines to go back, this business will be profitable, a 705 nuclear submarine uses [-] tons of titanium alloy!Qin Tao is elated.

In addition to making money, the appearance design of this nuclear submarine is also quite good. If you take it back and study it, it may also inspire the designers of nuclear submarines.

Anyway, Qin Tao can't use it. His Mingzhou Shipyard is not capable of tinkering with things like nuclear reactors, at least not for the time being.

This 705-type nuclear submarine has other technologies besides titanium alloy and liquid reactor. Hertzian circuits are quite different, increasing the efficiency of alternating current and reducing the size of various electronic components.You can take it back for research.

There are also automated attack systems, etc., which are all good.

My own floating dock is very large, so it's not suitable to bring only two small submarines. Anyway, I have come here to see if there are other scrap iron.

However, the good luck seems to have been exhausted, and none of the remaining submarines is attractive. They are all old first-generation submarines, with nothing useful inside, just pure scrap iron.

"I heard that you have a Type 941 submarine. Did an accident happen during the exercise?" Qin Tao couldn't help asking Kanishevsky, thinking of the Typhoon class.

"Yeah, it was lucky that there was no explosion at that time. The shark drove back to the Severodvinsk Shipyard for repairs."

Like other nicknames, Typhoon was given by NATO, and Lao Maozi called the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine Shark.

Lao Maozi has many shipyards. The No. 444 shipyard in Nikolayev City is well known by everyone because it can manufacture aircraft carriers. However, this shipyard was not ranked among Lao Maozi before building aircraft carriers. .After all, the Baltic Sea was the most important thing in the Tsarist Russia era.

Lao Maozi has two nuclear submarine production plants, the largest of which is the Admiralty Shipyard in St. Petersburg (also known as the Admiral Shipyard, the 194th Shipyard). This factory was established in 1704 and has a long history. After World War II, Just produce all kinds of conventional submarines and nuclear submarines.

The two titanium alloy submarines that Qin Tao wants to buy now are the masterpieces of the Admiralty Shipyard.

In addition to this factory, there is the Severodvinsk Shipyard. The famous Typhoon-class submarine comes from this shipyard. These two are also the only shipyards that can weld titanium alloy nuclear submarines.

At this time, thinking of the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine, Qin Tao also felt itchy. He said to Kanishevsky, "I wonder if we have a chance to visit the Severodvinsk Shipyard?"

Kanisevsky shook his head: "I'm sorry, there are our navy's top secrets there, you can't go."

Lao Maozi attached great importance to nuclear submarines. Later, when Da Mao was in the most difficult situation, he eliminated a large number of warships, but he still squeezed funds out of his teeth to complete the construction of new nuclear submarines.

Now, Qin Tao wants to visit the nuclear submarine manufacturing plant, but that is impossible. After all, he is here to collect junk, not to travel, and Kanisevsky has not accepted such a request.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was too abrupt, please accept this little gift." Qin Tao said, and took out another gold watch, which was exactly the same as the one given to Uskimenko.

Seeing the gold watch, Kanisevsky's eyes lit up. He put the watch on his ear and listened carefully to the sound inside. Then, he wanted to bite the case of the gold watch with his teeth, but in front of Qin Tao's face was a little embarrassed.

Now that you have taken something, of course you have to help.

Kanishevsky thought for a while, and then said: "It is impossible to visit the Severodvinsk Shipyard, but there is a Nekhba Shipyard near us. I am very familiar with it, and I can take you in for a visit, where a Type 949 nuclear submarine is currently being repaired."

Don’t even think about the Type 941 Typhoon-class nuclear submarine. After all, the level of secrecy at the Severodvinsk Shipyard is quite high. However, the level of secrecy at the Nekhba Shipyard on the Kola Peninsula is not so high. They are nearby, so they often walk between each other. Kanisevsky is very familiar with that side, and he can take Qin Tao there to experience his eye addiction.

That's right, it's just an eye craving, and it's impossible to take those submarines back as scrap iron.

Qin Tao nodded: "Thank you very much."

You can't watch the typhoon class, but you can also look at the Oscar class.Qin Tao is quite satisfied with this arrangement.

After all, we still have to wait for another submarine to dismantle the reactor, and then take it away together, so Qin Tao is not in a hurry. He can still go around in the past few days.

He brought two gold watches, and gave one to Kanisevsky in front of him.

A few people sat in a Lada car and headed for Neheba Shipyard.

Under the aura of countless large shipyards in the Soviet Union, Nekhba Shipyard has always been unknown, but because it is on the Kola Peninsula, it also has unique advantages.

Rather than saying it is a shipyard, it is better to say that it is a ship repair yard. If there is a small problem with the warships of the Northern Fleet, they will choose to repair them here.

In the late 90s, due to the increasing number of nuclear submarines retired by Lao Maozi, the potential risks were also increasing. Therefore, in order to avoid getting burned, several countries in the vicinity offered money to help Lao Maozi solve the problem of nuclear submarines. Neh The Pakistan Shipyard has also begun to dismantle the decommissioned nuclear submarines. However, the processing speed is still very slow, and there are occasional problems.

The Lada sedan drove into the Nekhba Shipyard with ease, even the guards at the gate didn't check it, obviously they were very familiar with this car.

The car quickly drove to the side of the dock, and when several people got off the car, the huge Type 949 nuclear submarine was under construction in the dock.

The shipyard here doesn't look as good as the unprosperous Mingzhou Shipyard. When he saw the scene of construction in the dock, Qin Tao felt like he couldn't laugh or cry.

On the way here, he kept thinking, this Oscar nuclear submarine is different from the titanium alloy submarine, it is very mature!I have never heard of the need to enter the dock for maintenance in 91. What is going on?

Now that he saw the construction scene, he realized that the so-called construction was actually to re-paste the fallen sound-absorbing tiles!
As a behemoth with a displacement second only to the typhoon class, it looks like a huge shark. Since anti-ship cruise missiles are arranged on both sides, its cross-section is not the circular cross-section of an ordinary nuclear submarine. The square with four arc transition corners, people can stand on it without worrying about falling.

"This is the second of the 949 nuclear submarine, the Murmansk." Apparently Kanishevsky is very familiar with it, and introduced to Qin Tao: "It has been in service for nearly ten years, and some of the sound-absorbing tiles on it have fallen off, so now it is rebuilt." Paste."

The nuclear submarine without the sound-absorbing tiles looks very shabby, just like a fish that has lost its scales, and it looks like huge scars one by one.

In order to pursue a good mute effect, the surface of the submarine must be covered with sound-absorbing tiles to prevent the transmission of sound. However, this thing is not so tightly bonded to the steel shell, so it is common to drop it.

You can’t feel backward just because Lao Maozi’s submarine sound-absorbing tiles fall off. Americans and British nuclear submarine sound-absorbing tiles have been found to fall off in large areas, and some can even see large areas of rust after falling off.When it comes to sound-absorbing tile technology, Lao Maozi should be the most advanced, after all, they were the first to study it.As for the island country in the east, because they can't figure out the problem of pasting, they simply fix it with screws, which is another way.

It is normal for submarines that have been in service for nearly ten years to shed some sound-absorbing tiles. Only when the shedding area reaches a certain level do they need to be re-pasted.

Now the surface of this submarine is full of potholes, and even a large area is detached. If only the top is detached, it can be operated directly in the port, but the side and bottom cannot, and must be repaired in the dock.

Standing on the dock, looking at this huge submarine, Yang Xi's eyes were full of envy.

Ordinary submarines have a small space, so the sailors sleep in hot bunks, because the sailors work in three shifts, and there are always people sleeping on the beds, so they got such a name. If there are guests, they can only go to the torpedo cabin to make a hammock , Even sailors who sleep in hot beds like to live in the torpedo cabin, after all, it is spacious.

However, this kind of nuclear submarine is not the case. The huge displacement allows it to have a spacious interior space, which can be luxuriously divided into single rooms and double rooms. Even the most ordinary sailors can live in quadruple rooms.

"Yes, the outer sound-absorbing tiles are easy to paste, but the inner sound-absorbing tiles are not easy, right?" Qin Tao said.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Most of Lao Maozi's submarines are double-hulled. (It seems that titanium alloy submarines are single-hulled?) By the time they developed into Oscar-class nuclear submarines, Lao Maozi’s technology has also been superb. They have laid sound-absorbing tiles on the inner shell. The main purpose of the inner shell is to prevent internal noise leakage. , the outside is to reduce the reflected signal, even, their latest sound-absorbing tiles, like dolphin skin, can also reduce the resistance of water, and the underwater speed is higher.

At this time, what Qin Tao said was also a pun. If you take us to see, are you only going to see the work of masons outside?We have to go in and see!

"Yes, the ones inside are difficult, but the ones inside generally don't fall off very much. The large pieces outside are also caused by a scratch." Kanishevsky said: "Now, I bring Go inside and have a look."

For the price of a gold watch, it was right to bring these people in to have a look. Kanishevsky greeted the construction workers on the dock, and then brought Qin Tao and Yang Xi in.

Yang Xi was extremely excited. After seeing the aircraft carrier, now he wants to see the submarine. This time, he came out at the right time!

In China, this kind of situation will never happen. After all, the country’s confidentiality policy is very strict. If someone dares to bring a friend to visit, it is estimated that they will have to go in and eat corn bread for a few years. Have to eat peanuts.

However, Lao Maozi's place is really too chaotic.

As long as they give some benefits, they can leak their country's military secrets!
(End of this chapter)

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