Great warships

Chapter 248

Chapter 248
Chkalov Aircraft Factory has a long history and glorious honor.

That year, after the Ilyushin Design Bureau completed the design, they flew the first mass-produced Il-1973 transport aircraft into the sky in 76. In 1978, after the first batch of 10 mass-produced Il-76s were produced, Cheka The Love Aircraft Factory began production of the modernized and improved Il-76M/T.

After producing about 170 Il-76M/Ts, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory began to switch to Il-76MD and Il-76TD, which are the most produced models in the history of Il-76. Improved wings gave these planes even more performance.

By the time the Red Empire collapsed, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory had produced about 700 Il-76s, with an average annual production of 50. From these data, we can see the production capacity of this factory.

(It can be compared with Yunba, which has been produced for decades, but only a few dozen.)
At the same time, it also established the important position of the Il-76 in the history of transport aircraft. Its output is more than the total output of other transport aircraft of the same level!
For example, based on the data as of 2014, there are 22 An-68s and 124 An-55s. Looking at the Western ones, there are 141 C-276 transport planes, 5 C-131 Galaxy transport planes, and 17 C-256 transport planes. There are only [-].

How much is IL-76?
After the collapse of the Red Empire, the Il-76 has been in production, only at the Chkalov factory. After production came to a standstill in 95, a total of 944 Il-76s were manufactured!

It is a pity that this factory went bankrupt later. There were many reasons. Da Mao wanted to produce by himself, but of course he didn’t want to see competitors appear. Many parts of the aircraft needed to be purchased from Da Mao. There was a shortage of parts, and the aircraft could not be used. production, into a vicious circle.

The sigh of future generations, I will talk about it later, at least now, Qin Tao knows that there are six fully assembled Il-78 tankers there, and they can fly back at any time!

This Il-78 aerial refueling aircraft is refitted on the basis of the Il-76MD military transport aircraft. The specific method is to install two aviation kerosene tanks with a capacity of 14 tons in the cargo compartment and integrate them into the aircraft fuel system. Fuel can be delivered both through the fuselage and through the fuel tanks under the wings.

These two fuel tanks are obviously impossible to fill the entire cargo box. In fact, aerial refueling aircraft can be used as guest transport aircraft at any time. After all, the fuel tanks are only fixed on the cargo floor, and the space in the cargo cabin can still hold things. , and even when needed, the fuel tank can be removed and used directly as a transport aircraft, which is entirely the responsibility of a generalist.

Like the prototype, the Il-78 has a maximum take-off weight of 190 tons. Although the two fuel tanks can only hold less than 1000 tons of fuel, its own fuel tanks can also contribute fuel.For example, when flying 65 kilometers, it can refuel [-] tons for other aircraft.

What about the domestic boom oil six?A total of 37 tons of fuel can only be loaded to provide fuel for the oil receiver, which is a maximum of 18 tons.

One Il-78 is equivalent to the effect of three or four Fuyu-[-]s.

At this time, Wu Shengli swallowed after hearing what Qin Tao said, "Since we have this opportunity, we must not miss it. I will ask my superiors to allocate a special purchase fund for us!"

"How long will it take for the superior to allocate funds?" Qin Tao glanced at his father-in-law: "These tankers must not only be watched by us, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, we'd better do it as soon as possible."

This kind of procurement can easily cost hundreds of millions, and it will take a long time to complete the complicated process.After all, it is impossible for Qin Tao to say a word and Wu Shengli to react, and the superior will immediately make a decision and hand over the money!

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Wu Shengli frowned again. This is indeed a problem!
"Our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group currently has [-] to [-] million US dollars in its account, which should be enough. We can pay in advance, but well, before the process is completed, we can't be idle. The group can use this batch of aircraft We can set up an airline with the navy, and the navy will provide us with the procedures, and we will operate it, and when the procedures are completed and the money is allocated to our account, we will hand over the aircraft to the navy.”

(It suddenly occurred to me, can our group directly open an account abroad? Customers transfer US dollars into our account, and we purchase from abroad, and we also directly use this account to trade completely overseas, avoiding our domestic foreign exchange control?)

Qin Tao's suggestion is well-founded. In 1994, the Air Force planned to develop an early warning aircraft and purchased four very new Il-4MD transport aircraft from Da Mao. In order to provide cover, these aircraft were not purchased by the army, but In the name of United Airlines, these four planes were painted with the logo of United Airlines, and they were proper civilian airliners. It was not until 76 that the military was transferred to civilians and merged into China Eastern Airlines.

At that time, the fares of these planes were very cheap, and it was said that they were almost the same as sleeper trains.

It’s a pity not to buy those IL-78s now. If you buy them, the state’s appropriation may be slower, so you might as well buy them first and operate them yourself. The group has a dedicated transportation company. This transportation company can go. The land can also go to the sky!

Anyway, they also ran out of the XZ line. In the future, high-value goods can be transported directly by plane, and there is no problem in making profits.

When Zhao Laosi and the others found out that they had a plane under their command, how would they feel?Thinking of this, Qin Tao actually had some expectations.

"Well, that would be perfect." Wu Shengli said, "If the approval process is slow, then it will be no problem to give you a title first, so that you can operate. The navy will provide the necessary pilots and so on."

With one word from Wu Shengli, Qin Tao solved a big problem. In the transportation company, it is easy to train drivers, but it is not easy to train pilots. Naval aviation soldiers directly fly their planes to transport goods to earn extra money. This scene, thinking about it, makes people think look forward to.

"Is the Chkalov Aircraft Factory also producing the body of the A-50 early warning aircraft?" At this moment, Wang Lao asked again.

Qin Tao nodded. If he remembered correctly, the production of the A-50 was the busiest when the Red Empire collapsed. It seemed that more than a dozen aircrafts were in production.

"In this case, can you take me with you when you go to the Chkalov Aircraft Factory? I really want to see it."

Qin Tao was a little speechless. In the past, every time he went to Lao Maozi's place, he brought beautiful girls, but now?Every time you go out, you are replaced by an old man?

"President Qin, if you have any difficulties, forget it!" Seeing the strange expression on Qin Tao's face, Mr. Wang flinched.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course there is no difficulty, it's just a little...forget it, it's no big deal, I'll contact you now, and if everything goes well, we'll leave today."

leave today?So fast?Elder Wang was a little surprised.

"If you go late, you may be caught by others." Qin Tao said: "Since we have made a decision, we must act quickly!"

Platinum Country and China do not border each other. The country is surrounded by other countries with the word Tan. Therefore, if Qin Tao goes by land, he has to cross the borders of other countries.

Therefore, it is most convenient to fly.

When I got off the plane, I could feel a damp breath head-on, and the light rain was falling, which was really rare.

"Spring rain is as expensive as oil." Qin Tao said with emotion.

Located in Central Asia, this place has always been dry and rainless. The only rainy seasons are winter and spring. Now it is March, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. This light rain is coming. For the people here, Definitely a great day.

As most of Central Asia is extremely arid, there are many desert areas, but Tashkent is much better. It is the largest city in Central Asia and the fourth largest city during the Red Empire.

It is located in the west of the Chatkar Mountains, in the center of the oasis in the valley of the Chirchik River, a tributary of the Syr Darya, so it is still suitable for human habitation compared with most of the arid lands.

Of course, this is also related to the season. If it comes to summer and the heat wave is rolling, the taste will be uncomfortable.

Qin Tao looked around, although the airport was still on the outskirts of the city, he could already see the outline of the city, there were some ancient buildings with domes, and there were also some modern buildings, such as the landmark tower, which was similar to the Oriental Pearl TV Like a tower, ancient and modern meet here without making people feel abrupt.

"President Qin, there seems to be someone waving to us in front of us." Elder Wang said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao only cared about admiring the exotic scenery, coupled with the light rain, so he didn't pay attention to the people around him, so that Qin Tao didn't notice the people over there waving continuously.

Hearing Wang Lao's words, Qin Tao looked over, and then smiled.

"Hey, Alexander, my friend, I didn't expect you to come pick me up in person."

If Qin Tao came alone, the people from the Chkalov Aircraft Factory would not pee on him at all, so he had to find an introducer, and after a few phone calls, he left Vinogradov's relationship.

It's just that Qin Tao didn't expect that Alexander would come to pick him up in person.

Alexander didn't come alone, there was a beautiful woman standing beside him.

The woman is tall, more than 1.7 meters tall, with a slim figure, black hair, and dark eyes. She looks like a yellow race, but her nose bridge is high, her skin is fair, and she is somewhat different from orientals.

She stood there with a smile on her face, wearing a white windbreaker, she looked noble, like a princess.

This guy always changes girlfriends!
"Qin, this is really a coincidence. Our Moscow International Commercial Bank has just set up a branch in Tashkent. I came to help my father with something, and then I heard that you are here." Alexander stretched out his hand to Qin Tao, and then , Seeing Qin Tao's gaze, he hurriedly introduced.

"This is Dalia, the secretary recruited by our branch here, who mainly serves me." Alexander did not hide the relationship between the two of them at all. When he was speaking, he had already put his arms around the girl's shoulders.

There was a smile on the girl's face: "Welcome to Tashkent."

"Well, we're honored."

A group of people left the airport, got into the car, and drove towards the city in the drizzle.

"Qin, today is Sunday, and the factory doesn't work. I'll take you there tomorrow." Alexander said, "My father has already said hello here, we can go directly to the person in charge of the factory, Mi Hayir Sergeyev."


Qin Tao frowned: "This seems to be a Russian name!"

"That's right, of course it belongs to our Russian nation. If it's a local, does it have the ability? It's almost the same as driving rivets on the production line." Alexander said.

The education level of the five Central Asian countries is not good. Even in the era of the Red Empire, there were no arrogant engineers and technicians here. Therefore, although the aircraft factory was established in Tashkent, the technicians inside, Even the factory manager and others were sent from Moscow.

In Lao Maozi's era, this kind of situation was too common. The design bureaus and production plants of various aircraft were not located in one place, and the transfer of personnel was also very frequent.

Mikhail was reluctant to part with the aircraft factory, so after the collapse of the Red Empire, he decided to stay and continue his old business.

If it is in other countries, such as a few neighboring countries, there may be some problems, such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, their national subjects are all single, evolved from the Mongolian, and the xenophobia will be more serious, but The Platinum Kingdom is different. Since the ancient Silk Road, there have been intermarriages with other races here, and there are many mixed races. In the era of the Red Empire, a large number of old men came here and married the locals, and more and more mixed races.

Just look at this girl named Dalia, and you will know that she has a lot of blood in her body.

Therefore, people here are very tolerant of outsiders.

The aircraft factory is a professional. Even if the government wants to replace the person in charge of the aircraft factory, there is no suitable candidate at all, so it can only maintain the status quo.

Mikhail and Alexander's father have a good relationship, and they knew each other when they were in Moscow in the early years. Therefore, with this relationship, it will be very easy for Qin Tao and the others to purchase.

During the conversation, the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Dalia, the driver, got out of the car first, held up her umbrella, opened the back door, and let Alexander get off.

Buzz, tick, crunch!
At this moment, another car drove by in the rain. The speed of this car was very fast. When it passed Daria, it splashed countless water splashes. Daria subconsciously wanted to avoid it. The movement was swift, but he reacted after a while and blocked in front of Alexander.

The beautiful white windbreaker was immediately stained with stains.

Dalia's face was ugly, so she hurriedly wiped it off with her hands, but unfortunately it didn't work.

"Come on, it would be better to absorb it with a paper towel." Qin Tao handed the paper towel over, and then looked at the car parked in front after passing them: "Who is this person, so rude."

The car I'm riding in is a high-end GAZ 13 car!It is the best car of the Tashkent branch of the Moscow International Commercial Bank. In Tashkent, there are probably not many cars of this level. The other party is so rude?
It was just an ordinary Lada car, who was sitting in it?

Under Qin Tao's watchful eyes, he saw a dark-skinned guy with a beard getting off the co-pilot, and then went to open the rear door. An old man with a white beard and fair skin came out of it.

This combination of white and black immediately made Qin Tao guess something, and his luck is too good, so he met the third brother?Look at the posture of his gestures, he is very upright, definitely from a military background.

Alexander's face was a little ugly: "These guys are too much, I have to teach them a lesson!"

If it's just Daliya being splashed with water, that's fine, the key point is that Qin Tao and the others are also there. If Alexander doesn't show his anger when he is offended in front of the guests, then Bai Jiahei thinks he is a sick cat?If it was in Moscow, he could even find someone to kill these guys and bury them.

"Alexander, don't worry, you are already the person in charge here, and you must deal with things calmly." Qin Tao said: "Now, let's not inquire about the origins of these people, and then dig a hole for them."

Alexander nodded: "Daria, you can go to the front desk later and inquire about it. Let's go upstairs first."

Knowing that Qin Tao was coming, Alexander booked a room in advance, and now he can go up directly, but Bai Jiahei has to go to the front desk to check in.

Dalia's work ability is very strong. After Qin Tao brought Mr. Wang to move in, Dalia found out the news clearly.

"The white man's name is Rajna, and the black man's name is Abhinandan. They are from the Asan Air Force. The purpose of coming here is unknown." (Daria doesn't know how to address Ah San, but to avoid suspicion, we will call him that.)
Daria would not know the other party's purpose, even if it came from the Asan Air Force, it was analyzed by Daria when the other party showed off his pilot sunglasses at the front desk of the hotel.

"The purpose of their coming may be the same as ours." Qin Tao said to Alexander: "Next, we only need to follow them and we will know."

"Stalking?" Alexander's eyes lit up: "That's right, if their purpose is really the same as ours, we must not let them succeed! Darya, go and supervise them, and follow them whenever they go out!"

It was just a trivial matter to be offended before, but now, if the other party is here to grab your own business, you must not let them go!

Seeing Dalia go out, Qin Tao was very emotional: "Alexander, I thought this secretary was just your life secretary, but I didn't expect her to be very capable at work!"

"Of course, she used to work for the KGB. Later, when the Red Empire collapsed, she lost her job and was recruited by us. She was also responsible for her daily life, and she was a good hand at other jobs."

"KGB? Could it be Swallow?" Qin Tao wanted to remind this man that the one in Moscow before seemed to be Swallow, right?

"Of course not. She wasn't from the Operations Department. She was recruited at that time, when Yanzi was already over the age. When I met her for the first night, she was obviously a novice, and she was popular after seeing her." Alexander said this kind of thing, Speak generously.

Novices can pretend, and reds can be repaired, Qin Tao secretly thought in his heart, but as long as Alexander is happy.

Soon, the phone rang.

"Target is out."

"Well, catch up!"

Two 10 minutes later.

"Target entered Kaufman Street."

"The target stopped in front of our company!"

The news kept coming in one after another, making Alexander a little curious: "What are they going to do?"

"If I'm not mistaken, they may go to your bank and request to receive a remittance, and then withdraw all the US dollars. The amount is at least 20, or even more." Qin Tao said: "You can call and ask , if that’s the case, I have an idea.”

Alexander's eyes widened: "Qin, your method is really interesting."

Moscow International Commercial Bank Tashkent Branch, VIP Room.

"Two, what business do you handle?" the beautiful female bank clerk said to the two people in front of her with a smile.

"We need to receive an overseas remittance, the amount is 20 US dollars, and we hope that after receiving it here, we can withdraw the cash and take it away." Abhinandan said.

"Well..." The female bank employee was about to nod her head in agreement, when someone shouted, "Annie, the general manager is on the phone!"

"Two, please wait a moment, I'll answer the call." Annie greeted with a smile, then picked up the phone on the table, and pressed the answer button for the internal broadcast.

"Hey, what? Yes, yes, I see."

Annie put down the phone, with a smile on her face: "Both, I'm sorry, if you want to exchange local currency or rubles, we have enough stocks in our treasury, but the US dollar has always been in short supply. We don't have that much cash, if we transfer money, we can help."

If you want to withdraw a large amount of currency from the bank, you need to make an appointment in advance, because there may not be so much in the bank's vault. If it is their head office in Moscow, these cash can be easily withdrawn, but, they This is the branch!
"Really, I came here because of the reputation of your Moscow International Commercial Bank. I didn't expect that you couldn't even get 20 US dollars in cash!" Abhinandan said angrily.

"Forget it, since there is no one, let's go." Rajna said: "Tashkent is not the only bank that operates this kind of business."

They don't deposit money in this bank and then withdraw money across regions. They directly receive overseas remittances. Although they have VIP accounts, not all requirements can be met.

For the bank, it is just a small amount of remittance fee.However, the $20 in cash is very precious, and it is understandable for the bank not to exchange it for them.

If it weren't for the troublesome customs inspection, they would just bring it here!
"I'm very sorry, both of you can go out and turn left. After an intersection, there is Tashkent Bank, which can provide this business."

"Hmph!" Abhinandan complained with a snort, and then left.

(End of this chapter)

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