Great warships

Chapter 249 Who are the built Il-76 and Il-78 sold to?

Chapter 249 Who are the built Il-76 and Il-78 sold to?

A few years ago, the Moscow International Commercial Bank had already made a name for itself. With the collapse of the Red Empire, the bank also began to expand to the capital of the original republic, and its business was busy.

If it weren't for Alexander's phone call, the bank would have no reason to refuse this kind of business. There is no reason to refuse people when they open their doors for business.

But now, they have to do this, because there is a chain meter behind it.

"Qin, they really came to receive and withdraw cash. I'm very surprised. How did you know?"

"Because the third brother always likes to do this!" Qin Tao said: "Their 20 must be given directly to Mikhail. Therefore, we only need to do something to make their purchase plan go to waste , this little move, let me do it."

Ah San has always done this kind of action in previous arms purchases. The price of the purchased weapons is so high that it is unbelievable. For example, the purchase of the French Rafale fighter jet is obviously a medium-sized aircraft that does not have stealth capabilities. But the purchase price is actually more expensive than the F-35 Lightning.

Is Ah San being taken advantage of?Of course not, some procurement personnel are full of oil.

In the procurement process, they played this method openly and transparently, and the [-]% rebate ratio was on the surface.And when purchasing some good things they want, they will also give suppliers red envelopes.Especially in the era of the Red Empire, they begged Lao Maozi to sell them weapons.Now that the Red Empire has just collapsed, they need this method even more if they want to complete the procurement plan.

Alexander shook his head: "Let me do it, hum, I will do it myself, and make them regret it!"

The thought of being offended by the third brother made Alexander very annoyed.

A few hours later, Rajna and Abhinandan finally came back. Their trip was difficult enough. Almost every bank would say that the direct transfer was fine, but the performance was not good. They went to four banks, Only $20 was collected.

The Platinum Country hasn't implemented foreign exchange control yet, so it's making things difficult for people like this!

Fortunately, it finally came together.

The next day, early in the morning.

"Damn it, how could we oversleep?" Rajna was very annoyed: "Now, we have to arrive at the Chkalov Aircraft Factory at eight o'clock!"

"Probably because of the time difference."

"What's the time difference, we're almost at the same longitude!" Rajna turned to complain to Abhinandan while walking hurriedly.

"Get your suitcases, nothing can go wrong!"

"Of course." Abhinandan said, "I will protect it."

While talking, the two had already arrived at the door of the elevator, and when the door opened, the two hurried inside.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Abhinandan screamed, and a person came out of the elevator, and bumped into him head-on, especially his arm holding the suitcase, which was very sharp. It hurts, my fingers are weak, I can't hold the handbag, and it actually falls!

Abhinandan yelled in his heart that he was not good. Although his body fell on his back, his eyes were still fixed on the handbags. In his sight, two handbags flew side by side to the corner.

"Damn it!" Rajna turned his head to see this situation, his face changed drastically, and he ran forward and rushed to the handbag.

At this time, there happened to be a waiter cleaning the window at the corner. When he saw the handbag flying, he immediately caught it, one in each hand, with a smile on his face: "Two guests, be careful."

Which is your own?

Rajna looked at the bag handed over by the waiter with his left hand, a little undecided.

The man who came out of the elevator had also run over and took the handbag on the waiter's right hand with one hand.

"Hey, that..." Abhinandan just stood up and wanted to stop it, but Rajna had already taken the bag in the waiter's left hand, opened the zipper, and let out a long sigh of relief.

The man was carrying the bag, and just weighed it. He felt that there was no problem, heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Abhinandan: "Reckless guy, apologize to me!"

"Time is running out, let's go!" Rajna ignored the man, called Khan Abhinandan, and got on the elevator.

"Damn you rude bastards!"

"Humph!" In the elevator, Abhinandan let out another voice from his nose: "If we weren't in a hurry, we must have a good argument with you!"

If it was in the era of the Red Empire, they would never dare to make such a mistake, but now, when they come to the small Platinum Kingdom, they all have a sense of superiority.

The Lada car was driving like lightning, and drove towards the Chkalov Aircraft Factory.

As usual, Mikhail went to work at eight o'clock, but today he was a little anxious. He sat and worked in the office, glanced at his watch, then stood up again, and walked around the room.

Jingle Bell!
The phone finally rang.

"Director, someone is looking for you outside."

"Ask them to come to the office."

Mikhail looked at his watch again, hoping that the two groups of guests would separate and not get together, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

"Sorry, Mr. Mikhail, we are late!" Rajna quickly apologized after entering, "We had a little accident on the way."

"It's okay." Mikhail said: "Your Excellency Rajna, we haven't seen each other for several years, and you are older than before."

Ah San has always been the traditional purchaser of Lao Maozi's weapons, so the relationship between the two parties is still very good. In previous purchases, Rajna had contacted Mikhail, and the two were old acquaintances .

It's just that Rajna has aged rapidly in recent years, and her beard has turned white.

"Yeah, I'm old, but the relationship between us will never change." Rajna said, beckoning to Abhinandan, so Abhinandan hurried up, holding his hand The box was placed on the table and the zipper was opened.

Inside, stacks of banknotes appeared, slightly green in color.

"My old friend, here is 20 yuan, which is a gift for you." Rajna said: "We know that there are many finished transport aircraft in your factory, which are trying to sell, and we hope to purchase them all. If If there is no problem on your side, then our official delegation will fly over to negotiate immediately."

Rajna and Abhinandan came here with two people, of course not a formal delegation, that kind of delegation is a large investigation group with dozens of people at every turn. Subsequent purchases will be very smooth.

After all, there is no precedent for this.

In the past, when they made purchases, they would fly to Moscow and negotiate with the people there. There was no need for the aircraft factory to come here at all.But the Red Empire collapsed, and these countries jointly divided up the property of the Red Empire.

However, how to realize the property is still a big problem. Just like this aircraft factory, it has to sell the aircraft it produces in order to make money.

They come directly to the aircraft factory to purchase, can it work?Will there be interference from Moscow?So they had to come here first to test the waters, to test their reputation, and by the way, to bribe the person in charge here, and when the official delegation came, everything would be in order.

At this time, Rajna looked at Mikhail's face while talking, and sure enough, he did not disappoint him.

Mikhail's expression betrayed him. 20 dollars is definitely not a small amount for Mikhail. After all, in the era of the Red Empire, the salary of Mikhail, the director of the factory, was only a few hundred rubles. , This money is enough for him to fight for decades, and now, he can get it easily.

"You want to purchase the transport planes here, of course there is no problem." Mikhail said: "It's just that you can't buy all of them. There are other customers who also want to purchase our transport planes."

Although there are a lot of transport planes being produced on their production line, they have already built them, but there are not many. He still remembers being entrusted by the Moscow boss, and there are people in the East who want to purchase. Although he has taken advantage, but, You have to leave some for others too.

"There are still customers? Where are the customers?" Rajna asked anxiously.

Mikhail shook his head: "Sorry, I can't reveal the client's secret."

"Could it be the Orientals?" Rajna's breath became short: "Mikhail, you can't sell them the plane! They don't deserve a transport plane of the Il-76 level, and they simply don't have enough military spending Come to buy this kind of aircraft, only we have this ability, and we want all the aircraft that have been built!"

Seeing Mikhail's embarrassment, Rajna continued: "As long as you can refuse their purchase, we will give you the same reward after we complete the contract!"

20 is just a foreshadowing. After the event is completed, there will be another 20.

This is the US dollar, the currency that can be circulated all over the world!

"Here, I will try my best." Mikhail said.

Just then, the phone rang again, and Mikhail picked it up.

"Uncle Mikhail, I'm Alexander, the person in charge of the Moscow International Commercial Bank here. We had dinner together a few days ago, and we've arrived at the door."

"Okay, I'll pick you up and show you around the factory." After Mikhail finished speaking, he put down the phone.

"You two, I still have something to do. You should go back first. I will report this matter to my superiors. Your delegation will come back in a week, and it should be almost done."


Rajna didn't care too much, he had already seen the greed in Mikhail's eyes, so there shouldn't be any problem with this matter.

The Red Empire is gone, and these factory directors are trying their best to get money out of their own pockets, so Mikhail will definitely not refuse this temptation.

Qin Tao and Wang Lao stood at the gate of the factory, looking at the scene inside.

Rows of factory buildings are row upon row, and among the factory buildings, there are tall and straight trees. Even in this season, there are no leaves on the trees, which can give people a sense of vicissitudes.

This is the largest aircraft factory during the Red Empire period!

"Uncle Mikhail, you are finally here. Let me introduce you. These two are guests from the east. This is Qin, and this is Wang." Alexander introduced to Mikhail. .

"Well, some things have been dealt with just now, let's go, I will take you to the factory to have a look."

Mikhail never looked at Qin Tao and Mr. Wang, which was a sign of guilt.

Of course he knew what the two of them were doing here, but since he had already accepted other people's benefits, of course he had to reject the person in front of him.

Although this will make Vinogradov dissatisfied, it is not the era of the Red Empire after all. He is in Tashkent, and he does not have to be afraid of Moscow's dictating.

"It's so big here!" After entering, Mr. Wang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Mr. Wang once visited the aircraft factory where Yunba was manufactured, and was shocked at the time, but now, when he sees Lao Maozi's factory building, it is not at the same level at all.

The entire Yunba aircraft factory and all the production plants combined are not as big as the production workshop in front of me!

The Il-76 has a wingspan of 50 meters and a height of about 15 meters. The production workshop in front of me has a width of hundreds of meters and a height of 30 meters. A channel of more than 76 meters is reserved to facilitate the transportation of various materials. As for the length of this workshop, it is estimated to be several kilometers!Because looking in from the entrance here, the Il-20s that are being assembled one after another are neatly photographed in a line, and you can't see the end at all. Just looking around, you can see at least twenty The vertical tail of more than one Il-76.

The length of this kind of plane is also 50 meters, plus the gap left between the two planes, one plane has to occupy a distance of almost 100 meters, twenty, that is two kilometers.

Although the monthly output is in the single digits, there is no assembly line for the assembly of aircraft, and they are all installed at fixed stations. Dozens of aircraft are installed at the same time to ensure that only a few of them leave the factory every month.

Spectacular, so spectacular.

Qin Tao is a shipbuilder, so it is said to be more grand, but now, seeing such a spectacular scene of aircraft production, Qin Tao is still very shocked. I guess there is only Boeing's production plant, which can be compared with this one, right?

Soon, Wang Lao looked at one of the fuselages being assembled. Unlike other planes, the nose of this plane did not have a transparent bombardier cabin, but was fully enclosed. , You can also see additional openings, those air intakes, are likely to be used for heat dissipation of the aircraft's internal devices!
"This aircraft is the airframe of our specially built A-50 early warning aircraft, but now its production has completely stopped. We are fully committed to producing ordinary transport aircraft and tankers. After all, those aircraft can be sold when they are produced Go, but for the airborne early warning aircraft, we can only produce the airframe, and we have to send it to the relevant department to install the radar equipment." Mikhail said.

In the Soviet era, it was easy to coordinate the production of various equipment, but now it is different. It has to cross countries. Production, sales, and profit distribution are all big problems. It is difficult for those airframes to be used anymore.

"How far is the assembly progress of this machine?" Qin Tao asked, trying to keep his words calm.

"At present, this frame has been assembled to 90.00% five." Mikhail said: "However, there is no need to continue to assemble it. Even if it is assembled, it is meaningless."

"That is to say, its final fate is to be sold for tatters?" Qin Tao took a deep breath: "This pile of tattered copper and tattered aluminum can be sold for about 100 million if you take it apart. Do you want to sell it?" ?”

Qin Tao started to do his old job again.

Sell ​​junk, 100 million?

Mikhail wanted to shake his head subconsciously, what a joke!This aircraft is about to complete its final assembly. After completion, it will be able to fly and become a platform for early warning aircraft.

How much is an AWACS?Hundreds of millions at every turn!
Even if there is no electronic equipment in it now, it is just an aircraft platform, that is not enough for 100 million. Take a look at the American medium-sized tactical transport aircraft, C-130, which can still sell for 4000 million!

Elder Wang's heart became inexplicably excited. This plane was originally specially built for the early warning aircraft. Therefore, if this plane is bought back, there will be a platform for building early warning aircraft in the future!
Moreover, it is still 100 million, which is definitely the price of cabbage!Although the country is poor, the 100 million is definitely affordable.

Alexander just smiled there. After a few contacts, he was very satisfied with Qin Tao, and the two were considered good friends, so this time it was a good friend to help. Qin Tao would spend 100 million to buy the body of such an early warning aircraft. That's definitely here to pick up a bargain. Now, it depends on what Mikhail has to say.

Mikhail's expression is wonderful.

He was about to say that the other party was joking, but then he thought of what he had just promised.

Ah San wants to buy all the transport planes and aerial refueling planes that have already been built, but the platform of the AWACS aircraft that has not been built in front of him is obviously not among them. If this is the case, sell this plane to the customer from the east , wouldn’t that be the best of both worlds?

Thinking of this, he coughed, cleared his throat and said, "Qin, this plane is only 5.00% short of the process, and it can be assembled and become a brand new plane. Sell ​​state property. If you are interested in it, at least ten million."

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, 1000 million is too expensive. If you buy the transport aircraft and aerial refueling aircraft that have just rolled off the production line here, it is still a reasonable price, but this type of aircraft has been modified for the use of early warning aircraft, partially strengthened, and the aircraft is heavier. , Even if it is bought back to fly civil aviation, it is not economical, it is unnecessary, unnecessary, 1000 million US dollars should not be wasted like this, after all, we cannot print US dollars ourselves.”

Needless to say 1000 million, even if it is 3000 million to buy it, it is definitely worth it. This is a strategic large transport aircraft!

However, Qin Tao is not in a hurry, he has plenty of patience, and he will definitely be able to negotiate a suitable price.

Suddenly, Qin Tao remembered something, and said to Alexander at the side: "By the way, it seems that a certain fat man has made a large amount of Jia coins recently and entered the market. We have already checked out several batches in our country. You should also be careful." what."

"Our Moscow International Bank has also discovered that someone has used this to fool us. However, our staff are all experienced and can be found on the spot. There is really a difference, the biggest problem this time is the ink, the green emblem and number on the right side of the ticket, after rubbing hard on the white paper, there will be obvious green marks on the paper, and the fake ones can’t be wiped out.”

When talking about this, Alexander laughed: "There is something even more ridiculous. Someone actually took a batch of the same number and wanted to deposit it in our bank. Do you think it's funny? Hahaha."

Qin Tao also laughed, and Mikhail, although he was also laughing, was obviously unnatural, and he had something on his mind!

Everyone continued to move forward, and after waiting for a few minutes, Qin Tao saw Mikhail's absent-minded look, and knew that just a little more medicine would be enough.

"Your Excellency Mikhail, I heard that there are a batch of fully assembled aircraft here, can we go and have a look?" Qin Tao said: "We have already prepared the payment, even if it is 2000 million, we will buy it."

Looking at the plane?Want to buy those planes?I have already promised Ah San.

Mikhail suddenly covered his stomach: "I'm sorry, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable. I'll excuse you for a while, Sergey, take the guests to continue watching."

Mikhail said, and ran outside.

Sergey is Mikhail's deputy, and now, he can only lead everyone to move forward.

It has to be said that the foundation of this factory is not bad. So far, it has not shown signs of decline. The workers are still working normally, the factory has a large number of spare parts, and the production is still continuing in an orderly manner.

Qin Tao seemed to have forgotten his proposal, and continued to look forward, visiting the legacy of the Red Empire.

Mikhail trotted all the way back to his office. From the safe, he took out the handbag and unzipped it.

He took out a stack from the inside, took out the first one, and looked at it carefully. The second one and the first one didn't have the same number.

so far so good.

However, this paper doesn't seem to be crisp enough.

He tried to wipe the green emblem and number on the right side of the paper, and then looked at the white paper, as if there was nothing?

Should not be ah.

He kept pushing, but still nothing.

An ominous premonition surged in Mikhail's heart, he continued to draw out the second one, and when he looked at the third one, his face suddenly became ugly.

Nima, the number on the third one seems to be the same as the second one?

Look at the bottom, each number is the same as the previous one!
The second bundle and the third bundle, he kept taking out the contents inside, flipping through them with his hands, and with a simple glance, he knew that they were all heavy numbers.

Mikhail slammed the suitcase onto the ground, it was too much, too much, Ah San actually used this kind of thing to fool him!

The other party was sure that within a short period of time, he would not dare to deposit the money in the bank, but could only lock it in the safe, so he used this dirty method to deceive him.

Hmph, still want a plane?I won't give you one!

Mikhail clenched his fists.

 PS: Thanks to book friends Amitabha Ami, book friends 20220814141921184, swaying tadpoles, drifting with the wind の 一叶小船, ironic romance, l599xl and other friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting.

  The subscription for these two days has become a dog, and the hero of East China is no longer calling for subscription. There will be two updates in the morning of the 20th, and ten chapters will be added at 2:21 pm. In the early morning of the [-]st, in addition to the original two updates, four more updates will be added. , all saved manuscripts will be cleared, I hope everyone can read it in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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