Great warships

Chapter 252 Take Talent Away

Chapter 252 Take Talent Away

The Red Empire is powerful, but those are all in the past tense. Da Mao, after the family separation, has taken over the mantle of the Red Empire on the surface, but in fact, it is completely different from the beginning.

During the peak period of the Soviet Union, the military expenditure was converted to nearly 3000 billion U.S. dollars. What about the Mao period?
In 92, it was more than 300 billion. In 95, it was only more than 100 billion, which was less than a fraction of the Soviet period. With this amount of money, the soldiers could not afford to pay salaries, and they wanted to maintain equipment. run?

Therefore, they can only greatly reduce their army and reduce their weapons and equipment. Those gold-swallowing monsters should be eliminated quickly!
Even if Da Mao has illusions about the Varyag here, hoping to build it and drive it back, but Da Mao simply doesn't have the strength.

Needless to say, it is the Varyag, even the Kuznetsov they have driven back can only berth in the port, there is no money to burn fuel, no money to deploy carrier-based aircraft, this aircraft carrier can only be temporarily dormant period.

Even if Ermao agreed that Damao would only pay for the rest of the construction costs, he would not be able to afford the money at all.

Speaking of the Pacific Fleet, we have to mention the Minsk. The entry into service of this heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser once brought great shock to the Far East. There is also a novelist in the island country who wrote the book "Minsk Attack", which exaggerates threatened by the warship.

However, with the collapse of the Red Empire, the huge ocean-going fleet finally came to an end.

Near the Black Sea Shipyard, bar.

Qin Tao and Nicholas were drinking in the box of the bar. As for Alexander, he fell in love with a girl who was drinking in the booth of the bar. After a few drinks, he asked the girl out to explore the mysteries of the human body together.

"Qin, you are right. Although the service period of the Minsk has not reached half, our superiors have decided to include this warship in the list of decommissioning, which can reduce our military expenditure."

Speaking of this matter, Nicholas was also very depressed.

The Minsk is the flagship of their Pacific Fleet!It's so sad to decide to decommission this warship just because I can't afford it.

"Fortunately, our Novorossiysk is still there." Nikolai continued: "This warship is relatively new, and the superiors can't bear to retire it."

There are four heavy aircraft cruisers of the same type as Lao Maozi, the first is Kyiv, the second is Minsk, and the third is Novorossiysk. This warship entered service in 82, and it has only been ten years since then. .

Nicholas' emotion sounded funny to Qin Tao's ears. Yes, the Novorossiysk is new enough, but bad luck!

After the decommissioning of the Minsk, the Novorossiysk became the flagship. Within a few months, it suddenly caught fire!After the fire, this warship lay down and needs to be repaired?Then you have to go to the Black Sea Shipyard.

Da Mao persisted for a while and decommissioned this warship.

"After your Minsk is decommissioned, it's time to sell scrap iron?" Qin Tao said to Nikolai.

Nicholas shook his head: "I don't know for the time being. In case our economic situation improves in the future, this warship will be able to enter service again. However, please rest assured that as long as I decide to sell scrap iron, I will be the first to negotiate with you." You contacted."

Qin Tao shook his head: "Many people are staring at this warship. If you want to sell it, we can't directly operate it in secret. If there is an open bidding, we will not forcefully leverage the price with others."

Of course, Qin Tao is eager to bring the Minsk back immediately. Although it can only be built into a tourist attraction, he can also study the structure of the old Maozi aircraft carrier.

However, Qin Tao also knew that this matter was not that easy.

The Kimchi Country also has a dream of becoming a powerful country. Now the Kimchi Country has a good economy and strong shipbuilding capabilities. Therefore, if the Kimchi Country hears that the aircraft carrier is decommissioned and is willing to sell it, it will definitely bid for it.

I want it, and Kimchi Country also wants it. In this way, the two sides will be at odds, and the price will become higher and higher. Qin Tao does not do that kind of loss-making business. If he wants to buy it, he has to buy scrap iron, even if he waits a little longer. year.

and many more!

Qin Tao suddenly thought of something: "Nicolas, my friend, since we've reached this point, you might as well discuss it. If you plan to sell scrap iron in the future, our company can help you raise the price so that you can pay a higher price." Sell ​​this warship."

Qin Tao won't really buy it. If he wants to buy it, it will be the scrap iron price. However, other companies have ideas and are willing to pay a high price to buy it. At that time, as long as Qin Tao joins the bidding, he can raise the price.

Nicholas' eyes lit up.

The Minsk belongs to their Pacific Fleet. Even if they sell scrap iron, it is their Pacific Fleet that sells scrap iron. After the sale, the money they get is more than half of which will fall into their hands even if the country wants to take part of it.

If it can be sold at a high price, then their Pacific Fleet can also be more generous. As the person in charge, the more money he handles, the more money he can get into his own pocket.

Nicholas nodded excitedly: "Qin, please help me when the time comes, you are the benefactor of our Pacific Fleet."

Qin Tao smiled: "Nicholas, we are good friends, that's why I came up with this idea. In fact, there are many ways to sell the Minsk at a high price. Now, if this warship is decommissioned, It is also a good choice to modify it and sell it to the third brother."

Sell ​​it to third brother?

Nikolai did not understand.

"Third Brother has always wanted to maintain a strong maritime formation on the Indian Ocean side, but their own capabilities are limited, so they can only buy second-hand aircraft carriers from the West." Qin Tao said: "Now, what they have on hand The aircraft carrier is so broken that it can’t be broken anymore, you can sell the decommissioned Minsk to the third brother after a little modification.”


"That's right, your weapon system must be dismantled." Qin Tao said: "You can't reveal the secrets of your navy. The front deck is empty, and you can make a jump deck and carry a batch of MiG 29K carrier-based aircraft. Let the third brother be satisfied. You can make a fortune selling the aircraft carrier, refitting it, and making another fortune in the carrier-based aircraft, and the domestic military enterprises will be able to operate normally.”

Brother Keng, there was absolutely no discussion. The plan Qin Tao provided was already there, so everything was reasonable.

Nicholas's eyes lit up, yes, this is simply a chain trick.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

"What's going on?" Qin Tao was a little curious.

In the bar, it is common to drink too much and make trouble, especially the old man who strikes at the slightest disagreement.Although Qin Tao didn't bring any entourage with him, with Nicholas by his side, what was there to be afraid of?Zaitsev was still on guard outside.

"Kozlov, we can no longer give you wine on credit here, you haven't paid for it for a month!" A voice sounded outside.

"The factory has already owed me half a year's wages. As long as I have wages, I will pay you back immediately. Now, just give me a glass of vodka!" The man named Kozlov begged.

"No, we don't know when the wages of the factory will be paid. Our bar is almost out of support. Every worker who comes to drink will be charged on credit. If we still can't get the money for the drinks, we will have to close down!"

"Please, just one glass, just one glass, without this glass of wine, my life is meaningless!"

"Kozlov, how did you become like this? You are a famous welder in our shipyard! Your skills are among the best!"

"What can I do? It was my turn to stop building the house, and my wife went to Europe to start a new life. In my life, there is only alcohol left." Kozlov said: "So Luo Jin, where did you get the money for the wine, can you give me a sip? Just one sip."

"My money was obtained by myself."

"You stole scrap iron from the factory?"

"Hmph, what is stealing? The factory doesn't pay wages for half a year, so we have to live."

Creaking, the door of the box opened, and Qin Tao looked at the owner of the bar: "Boss, give each of these workers a bottle of vodka, and it will be charged to my account!"


In an instant, countless people shouted, they never expected that they would have such a good opportunity!I met a noble person today, invite them to drink!
The bar was crowded instantly, with countless hands stretched out, waiting to get drinks from the bar.

Kozlov got the wine, bit the lid off with his teeth, and gulped it down to his mouth. He hadn't drank so freely for a long time!
He barely paused, and blew all the wine into his stomach in one breath. There was a fire in his stomach, and his eyes began to blur: "Give me another bottle, I still want to drink!"

"One bottle per person, don't be too greedy!"

"Do you still want to drink?" A voice rang in my ear: "In the future, do you want to drink every day?"

"Think, think!" Kozlov kept nodding: "Where is the wine, where is it?"

"In the East." Qin Tao said: "If you want to drink wine every day, then follow me to the East!"

What he said was not only for Kozlov, but also for other people present. These people put down their bottles and looked at Qin Tao.

"I'm in the east, and I have a shipyard." Qin Tao said, "I need skilled welders, lathes, fitters, and all kinds of jobs. Just follow me, and after working eight hours during the day, you can have wine and drink." , a bottle every day!"

This is simply an opportunity not to be missed!

The Black Sea Shipyard is used to build aircraft carriers. The workers here are very skilled. However, they have no wages, their lives are in trouble, and they can't even drink alcohol. They can't live this day!

Qin Tao can provide them with a workplace and guarantee that they can drink after get off work every day!

Mingzhou Shipyard is booming, and their shipyard is in urgent need of a large number of excellent skilled workers. Even if Qin Tao asks his father to dig people from various shipyards, even if he digs with infamy, it is still not enough for the shipyard. of.

Now that we have met them, of course we should fool these outstanding technicians!

There are not enough domestic workers, so we hire workers from abroad!
"In addition to drinking every day, you will also get a generous salary." Qin Tao continued: "The money you earn in a month can buy enough food and drink for a year !"

Qin Tao didn't say how much money he earns, but he can compare it with food. With one month's salary, he can support himself for a year. This kind of rhetoric is more impressive to the people present.

"What you said is true?" Sorokin asked.

"Of course it is true." Qin Tao said: "We can sign a formal contract and follow the formal process. Our embassy will stamp your labor dispatch, are you afraid that I will sell you?"

"Do you distribute houses there?" Sorokin continued to ask.

"Are you planning to live with us permanently?" Qin Tao asked back.

Sorokin was a little surprised, and didn't think about how to answer, but Qin Tao continued to introduce: "I also think that as long as you go to the East, you will never come back, because the life there must be what you want. Yes. However, you can only live in workers’ dormitories at the beginning. We don’t divide houses there. As long as you work there for two years, you can buy a house with your own salary. After you buy it, the house will always be your own, and you can also Take your own family over, and you can also find someone you like, but we women in the East will control your drinking."

Just talking about the Black Sea Shipyard, there are more than 5000 workers. Although they build hundreds of houses every year, there are still not enough workers.

Many of the people present could only live in dormitories, and now they could not receive their wages. In comparison, they might as well go to the East to seek a living. Among other things, being able to drink wine every day was enough to make them excited.

"I can confirm that what he said is true." Nicholas also stood beside Qin Tao.

"You prove that you are? The Pacific Fleet..." A worker recognized Nicholas, and the wine was sobered up.

Since Nicholas is the guarantor, why hesitate?

"I would like to go!" Kozlov said.

"I'm going too!" Sorokin also spoke.

"I am coming too!"

The scene became enthusiastic.

"Everyone, don't worry. Listen to me now. Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, register at 308 on the third floor of the shipyard guest house, leave your contact information and relevant documents, and we will go through the formalities for you collectively. It will take about a week and it will be done. After these procedures, we will send you all to the East together!"

As a result, on the second day, the shipyard guest house was completely blocked, and thousands of people came all of a sudden!
Fortunately, Qin Tao made preparations in advance and left the playboy Alexander to help. At the same time, he also handed over this matter to him to coordinate. After all, these workers need to go to many departments for transnational labor services, and Qin Tao has no energy. Arguing with those government officials.Just spend some money and just ask Alexander to solve it. Alexander is still willing to do so, and is even considering the establishment of a project of a multinational labor service company.

In a small villa in the area of ​​the Black Sea Shipbuilding Factory, Makarov sat on the balcony on the second floor of his villa. From here, he looked at the Varyag outfitted there from a distance, and was speechless for a long time.

Makarov has been in this state since he came back yesterday, and it looks like he has been possessed by a demon.

It was no longer raining today, and the sun was shining brightly. However, there was no trace of blood on Makarov's face, and he looked as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden.

"The director, that new Qin, is looking for workers from our shipyard. There are thousands of workers who want to sign up to go to the east." The deputy came over and said to him in a low voice.

"Oh." Makarov agreed, but there was no reply.

"Director, we have to strongly oppose that Qin is too much! This behavior of undercutting the wall is simply hitting our shipyard in the face." The deputy was very annoyed.

"Against? Why do we object? The factory has not paid wages for six months. If the workers have a new way out, let them go." Makarov said.

The deputy was a little speechless: "Director, we..."

"We don't have to do anything, we can't do anything." Makarov said: "There is no strong country anymore, what else can we do?"

The assistant sighed and wanted to leave, but when he turned around, Makarov said again: "Fifty dollars a ton, if the other party wants it, sell it to them, but we need cash, and with this money , we can also pay some living expenses to the workers.”

"Isn't this too cheap?" the assistant turned around and said.

"It's cheaper than nothing. Send out all the salesmen in the factory. If we can take orders for a few ships, our factory can survive, otherwise..."

Makarov didn't say anything, just sighed.

His faith is gone.

Qin Tao didn't know that he had destroyed Makarov's spiritual world. At this time, he had just finished recruiting workers and returned to the guest house. Before he had a rest, he saw Zaitsev leading a man coming.

"Mr. Babbage, did you stay with Ermao?" Qin Tao was very curious when he saw the person in front of him.

"Yes, after some consideration, I decided to stay here, but if there is a need for the Nevsky Design Bureau, I will go to help." Babich said: "But today, it is Nikolai He called me here, and he told me about your idea, what a genius idea!"

Valery Vasilyevich Babich was born in Ermao in 1941. He had no memory of the Great Patriotic War. He grew up here happily. After graduation, he went to the Design Bureau in St. Petersburg.

When Lao Maozi started building heavy aircraft cruisers, Babbage returned to his hometown and became the director of the project production design department.

It is not easy to build a warship of this level. In the design stage alone, there are three stages: preliminary design, optimization design, and production design.

The famous Pavel Alekseevich Sokolov belonged to the chief designer, and under his leadership, the drawings of the entire warship were drawn.

However, when the drawings arrive at the shipyard, adjustments may be needed to combine theory and practice. Babich is the supervisor in this area and an experienced ship designer.

Since he was originally born here in Ermao and stayed at the Nikolayev Shipyard all year round, Babich chose to be Ermao.When the empire collapsed, this choice appeared in front of many people, and it was a difficult life choice for them.

Yesterday Qin Tao and Nikolai talked about the modification plan of the Minsk. Nikolai was very happy to hear that, so today he took the time to find Babbage and asked about the feasibility of this modification. Babbage was also shocked. When they arrived, after separating from Nicholas, they ran to find Qin Tao.

"A genius idea?" Qin Tao was very curious, what genius idea do I have?

"It is the plan to transform our current heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser into a ski-jump take-off aircraft carrier." Babich said: "I am very interested in your idea, can you explain it in detail?"

"of course can."

Qin Tao began to explain eloquently.

It is too easy to modify the Kyiv-class aircraft carrier. There are various modification plans in the time-traveling novels, and in reality there is the one that Ah San took advantage of.

An aircraft carrier needs to look like an aircraft carrier. On the front deck, those densely packed weapons, such as anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles, must be removed!

After dismantling, a 14.5-degree ski jump deck is installed on the bow, so that the problem of taking off the aircraft is solved.The left deck is expanded to form an angled deck, the starboard deck is also extended outward, and three sets of interception cables are set at the rear end of the flight deck.

During the whole process, only Qin Tao was talking, and Babbage was listening silently, with radiance in his eyes.

"When we were building it, it should have been built like this!" Babich said: "We built a nondescript heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser. It was not until the Ulyanovsk that we found the right way. Unfortunately, , it's too late."

Others may be cheering, a new era has arrived, but those of them engaged in the military industry are missing the empire that has disappeared, and only that empire can entrust their dreams.

"Mr. Babbage, if I say that we can realize your dream, would you like to go to the East?" Qin Tao asked Babbage.


"That's right, I, the boss of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, on behalf of our group, our shipbuilding industry, and our country, I can promise you that as long as you go to our place, you will surely realize your dream." Qin Tao Said: "We are now manufacturing aircraft carriers for Siam, and in the future, we will also manufacture aircraft carriers for ourselves. Believe me, if you go to the East, you will surely realize your life pursuit."

The [-] tons of aircraft carrier scrap steel can no longer satisfy Qin Tao's appetite. Since Qin Tao came here, he must get enough. The aircraft carrier expert in front of him must be kidnapped.

How?Of course it is painting big cakes!
Babbage shook his head: "How is it possible? Your country is too weak to afford an aircraft carrier."

Let me go, how dare this brother despise us?
A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face: "You're right, we don't have the financial resources yet, but since the reform of our country, the economy has taken off rapidly, and we will soon have this capability, we can see Look at the chicken farts of these years and draw a line."

(End of this chapter)

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