Great warships

Chapter 253 Xuelong's hometown

Chapter 253 Xuelong's Hometown (Addition 1)

Therefore, Qin Tao talked about the economic development and the political situation, spit stars and splashed, and in his mouth, he described a beautiful scene: the far east will gradually become stronger, and even become as prosperous as the Red Empire, and collapse in the Red Empire Afterwards, World Police would have Orient as its main rival.

The East needs an aircraft carrier, and the East will also have this strength. Only by going to the East can Babbage's ideal be realized!
"At least from now on, as long as you can go to our east, we will set up a design room for you. You can design on paper now, it can be a brand new aircraft carrier, or it can be the current Varyag. modification plan."

It is better to act than to be excited, even if the aircraft carrier cannot be produced now, but now we can win on paper!

Since the collapse of the Red Empire, although Babbage has stayed, he has nothing to do. Now, Qin Tao promised to give him a special design room and let him design aircraft carriers. To him, this is quite attractive, even if it is just Talking about war on paper, that can also make him happy!

"I can promise you that within ten years, you will definitely see the hope that what is on paper will become a reality." Qin Tao continued.

Babbage finally nodded: "Okay, I'm willing to go!"

In fact, during this period of time, many people have approached him, hoping to hire him to work in related departments in the West with a high salary, but Babbage did not agree, because apart from salary, he also has ideals.

With the West as the imaginary enemy, he has worked for half his life, and now he is suddenly asked to serve the West, he cannot do it.

Qin Tao didn't promise to give him a high reward, but Qin Tao gave him his dream, and also gave him the possibility to realize his dream!
Babbage can continue to live in his ideal world, and he has no possibility of refusing.

"I will specially arrange for you to leave Ermao and go to our east. You can't be with those workers." Qin Tao said: "After you go back, you can't stay in Mingzhou. I will arrange for you to work in Huating. Build a design unit for you."

The West will find out that Babbage has disappeared. If Babbage is known to have gone to the East, it will be detrimental to Qin Tao's future plans. Even before Varyag is dragged back to China, Babbage cannot be exposed.

Qin Tao fools the workers from here, and will not arouse their vigilance. After all, Mingzhou Shipyard needs a large number of workers. There are ready-made workers here. Qin Tao has a good reason, but if a designer of Babbage's level Thao had been poached, and that would be suggestive.

Qin Tao needs to say hello to the embassy, ​​ask them for help, and make careful arrangements.

This is just the beginning, let the embassy get acquainted with the routine. In the future, a large number of Ermao technicians will go to the motherland under the arrangement of the embassy.

Nicholas only came back that night. He mainly ran to contact the officials of Ermao to discuss the matter of Varyag, but obviously, things did not go well.

"Those guys whose eyes are higher than the top are all bitten to death and want the full payment. Hmph, if this continues, that Varyag will also be dismantled into scrap iron and sold for a scrap iron price." Nicholas said incomparably. said angrily.

"You guys have big differences, let's forget it." Qin Tao is also persuading Nicholas, only if they let them abandon the Varyag, this huge warship will become an abandoned child, and eventually be forced to sell the scrap iron .

"Ermao attaches great importance to these warships that they have not yet built. Not only the Varyag of the 444 shipyard, but also the fourth ship of the 445 cruiser in the 1164 shipyard is also offered as gold and silver, etc. No one wants to turn it into scrap iron in the future." Qin Tao said to Nicholas.

There are two large shipyards in Nikolayev. The Black Sea Shipyard is famous for building aircraft carriers, and the 61 Commune Shipyard is famous for building cruisers. Now, there are semi-finished products there.

Compared with the 60.00% progress of the Varyag, the progress of the unfinished Glory-class cruiser No. 90.00 is even higher, reaching [-]%. However, even so, the remaining [-]% is basically nothing. If it cannot be completed, even if it is built, there will be no buyers at all.

Big hair?

Da Mao can't afford to support his own warships, so can he buy them at a high price?East?Only Dongfang is left, and Ermao came to sell twice, but Dongfang doesn't need it!In the first sale, Dongfang couldn't afford it, and in the second sale, Dongfang already had its own [-]-ton drive, so why do you need such junk?
Therefore, the Glory-class cruiser was left to rot.

"Type 1164? You really should go and have a look." Nicholas said, "I'll go and have a look tomorrow, Qin, will you go with me?"

"Of course." Qin Tao was very happy. It's one thing to buy it, but another thing to see it. Now that you're here, of course you have to go and have a look.

Compared with the old-fashioned character of Makarov of the Black Sea Shipyard, Moskalenko, the head of the 61 Commune Shipyard, is quite interesting, and Qin Tao also likes to deal with such people.

Even if you don't buy that cruiser, you can get some other good things back!

The next day, 61 commune shipyard.

The construction here has also stopped. The 90.00% built warship is quietly docked on the outfitting dock. The huge missile launch tubes on both sides are still showing its power, just like a show. The muscles are average, the appearance is still glamorous, and it has not experienced 30 years of wind and rain.

"Nicholas, are you going to buy this Admiral Robov warship back? It only has some internal equipment installed. As long as there are customers, it will be installed soon and delivered to the Navy. It is The most powerful cruiser!"

When it was first built, it was called the Komsomolets, and it was only recently renamed "Admiral Robov". Later, it will be changed to Ermao's country name, which is enough to show how much Ermao attaches importance to this warship.

But so what?If no one buys it, it's just a pile of scrap metal.

"If we only pay the remaining [-]% of the construction cost, we can consider it." Nicholas said.

"My friend, you are joking! It is now our Ermao's property. You have to pay [-]% of the price before you can drive it away. It is worth at least [-] million U.S. dollars!"

Both of them were friends, and they talked more casually, as if joking. After finishing speaking, Moskalenko looked at Qin Tao again: "Qin, do you want to buy it?"

"If I buy it, it's fifty dollars a ton." Qin Tao said, "It's the same as the scrap steel price of the aircraft carrier in the Black Sea Shipyard. Do you sell it?"

Moskalenko shook his head: "Of course not. This is a warship that is about to be completed, not scrap steel. Even if I want to sell it, others will not agree."

It's not scrap steel, just find a way to turn it into scrap steel!Such a thought flashed through Qin Tao's mind, but he still controlled it. This kind of method cannot be played all the time, and one day it will be played off. It is also possible to find a warship that is not valued by others. The plant is someone else's treasure, if it is really tampered with, it is likely to be found out.

"For scrap steel, if you want the floating warehouse over there, you can buy it at the scrap iron price, or make room for us. Our shipyard has the right to decide." Moskalenko pointed at the 956 Said the hull of the destroyer.

That was a disgrace to their 61st Commune shipyard. A major accident occurred during construction, and as a result, they were disqualified from building destroyers. They focused on building cruisers. The hull of that destroyer was also used as a water warehouse to use its waste heat.

The Red Empire has collapsed, and it is very difficult for every shipyard. It will be easier to sell some junk. Last time Qin Tao said he wanted to buy it, they dared not sell it. This time, it will be no problem.

Qin Tao glanced at the rags: "Okay, the price of scrap iron, we will settle it now, and take it away with the scrap steel of the aircraft carrier from the Black Sea Shipyard."

Anyway, it is necessary to hire a freighter. The warehouse is filled with scrap steel, and then dragged to this floating warehouse later. The trip is considered full.

Moskalenko's face was full of excitement. Compared with the previous bartering, he preferred the current one, which is directly settled in US dollars!
"It would be great if there are other rags." Qin Tao continued to look at the shipyard: "For example, other floating warehouses, floating oil depots and so on."

"Well, there is one at the Kherson Shipyard in the city next door. If you need it, I can take you there."

Ermao also has many shipbuilding bases along the Black Sea coast, and Kherson, which is tens of kilometers away from Nikolayev, also has a large shipyard, but it is mainly for civilian ships, so it is not very famous.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the manufacture of civilian ships that after the collapse of the Red Empire, the Kherson Shipyard finally survived after a difficult period of transformation. Through the business of receiving civilian ships, it was able to survive at least until later brothers Fighting, the workers in the shipyard woke up, hey, the owner has changed?

The one at the Kherson shipyard?

Hearing this news, Qin Tao also became excited. What he had promised to the navy at the beginning will soon be realized!
"It's a Fedek-class large integrated supply ship with a full load displacement of nearly [-] tons." On the way, Moskalenko introduced it.

"Fedko class? It seems that there is no such class in our navy?" Nicholas was a little curious.

"Yeah, it was originally just an oil tanker, and it was converted into a large supply ship during the construction process. However, it has a large displacement and carries a lot of supplies, which can fully meet the navy's ocean-going equipment. Qin, as an intermediary, can contact you. Iron is such a pity, it can be built into regular military equipment," Moskalenko said.

Qin Tao said lightly: "We can go and have a look first, the price is right."

He can't be in a hurry, he's not in a hurry, it's Ermao's people who are in a hurry.

Kherson Shipyard.

"Welcome, very welcome." Factory director Vakim Nowinski enthusiastically stretched out his hand, and first held Qin Tao's hand.

Moskalenko had a good relationship with him. They were classmates in college. They were later assigned to different shipyards and gradually climbed up. Both of them became factory directors and they had a close relationship.Well, Nikolai is from the Pacific Fleet of the Far East, and he often sees him, so it’s okay to be left out for a while, but this young man with an oriental face in front of him is their savior!

"I heard that there is scrap iron here, so I came to have a look." Qin Tao said: "I have heard Moskalenko introduce it to me along the way. Is this rebuilt from an oil tanker?"

Collect scrap iron?
Wakim frowned, we didn't intend to sell those things as scrap iron!
He suppressed his displeasure, and squeezed out a smiling face: "Yes, it was originally a large oil tanker, but it was planned to be converted into a comprehensive supply ship later, and the construction work was half completed. It would be a pity if it was scrap iron. Come on, Come and take a look first."

A group of people came to the unfinished supply ship.

The hull has been built, it looks like a big-bellied oil tanker, and the rear deck has been sealed.

"The power plant has been installed. It uses a steam turbine with more than 1 horsepower to drive a five-bladed variable-pitch propeller. The design maximum speed is 1 knots..."

"It really is a pile of scrap iron." Qin Tao couldn't help muttering: "Nicholas, your navy, do you want a comprehensive supply ship that is as slow as a snail? When your fleet needs to sail at high speed, You have to leave your nanny far behind, especially since there is only one power system, which is fine for civilian use, but if it is for military use, once it is damaged on the battlefield, it will completely lose power and become a living coffin on the sea! "

Nicholas shook his head cooperatively.

Warships also have at least two shafts and two oars, just in case they are damaged on the battlefield, at least there are backups, and they can withdraw from the battlefield slowly. This single shaft and single oar is too dangerous.

"Moreover, the superstructures, gantry, etc. required by the supply ship have not been installed. This ship can be used as an oil tanker when it is bought back. However, it is too small to be an oil tanker, so it is not economical at all." Qin Tao Shaking his head: "Bad chicken ribs, chicken ribs!"

Now the oil tankers sailing at sea are getting bigger and bigger in order to pursue economy. For example, the oil tankers going to the Suez Canal are generally around 15 tons.It is not cost-effective to drive such a [-] to [-]-ton tanker.

Qin Tao belittled the ship to nothing. At the same time, he looked around. When he saw another stopped ship parked nearby, his eyes lit up. He raised his arm: "Let's go to that piece of scrap metal to have a look!"

The hull is wide, the shape of the bow is special, there is a crane at the front, the superstructure at the back, extending to the rear, there is a helicopter platform, and at the back, there are special lifting equipment and so on.

You can tell at a glance that this is a special ship, and if you add Qin Tao's knowledge to confirm it, you can come to the conclusion: this is Lao Maozi's unique icebreaker!
Sure enough, Wakim's tone was full of dissatisfaction: "It's not scrap iron, it's our Vitus-Bering-class icebreaker!"

Qin Tao repeatedly belittled their ships just to lower the price, Wakim's dissatisfaction has become more and more intense!

Qin Tao didn't care about Wakim's tone, but ran onto the icebreaker.

This is completely unintentional, since it happened, Qin Tao of course can't miss it.

The mysterious Antarctic, covered with snow and ice, hides many scientific mysteries. All countries are heading to the poles to study the virgin land that has not yet been developed.

Of course, China can't be content to lag behind. In November 1984, 11 people formed China's first Antarctic scientific expedition team. They took the "Xiangyanghong 591" ocean-going scientific research vessel and the "Navy J10" salvage lifeboat to Antarctica for the first time, establishing my country's first Antarctic scientific expedition team. Scientific research station - the Great Wall Station.

You can tell by looking at the location of the Great Wall Station, it is on the edge of Antarctica, why not go further?
Of course not, because these ships do not have the ability to navigate in ice regions at all, and they cannot continue to penetrate the Antarctic continent at all. Even Xiangyanghong 10 was affected by the harsh weather during the completion of its first Antarctic expedition mission, and the hull was damaged in violent turbulence Seriously, the result is useless, and it is impossible to sail to the Antarctic again. Since then, there are no professional ships for Antarctic expeditions!

In 1985, the National Antarctic Expedition Committee purchased the ice-resistant general cargo ship "Reia" from Finland. After the purchase, it was refitted in China and became the second-generation polar research ship.

After the ship entered service, it greatly eased the situation that there were no ships available for Antarctic scientific research, and successfully completed the expansion of the Great Wall Station and scientific investigation tasks.

However, you can tell by looking at the name that it is called an anti-ice ship, not an icebreaker. Therefore, this kind of ship cannot really meet the navigation needs of the high latitudes of Antarctica. After decommissioning, a total of 86 Antarctic research voyages have been completed.

Antarctic scientific research requires a professional icebreaker, and now, the ship under Qin Tao's feet has a B1-level icebreaking ability. aisle!

Specifically, it can break through ice 1.5 meters thick!There is no road on the ice, but when the icebreaker comes, there is a road!

When it comes to icebreakers, Lao Maozi is absolutely unique, because Lao Maozi has such a need, and it is difficult to sail in the Arctic without an icebreaker.Over the years, Lao Maozi has built a lot of icebreakers successively, and has accumulated rich construction experience. There are even nuclear-powered icebreakers, not to mention this Bering-class icebreaker.

Now, the 2-ton icebreaker under his feet is simply tailor-made for the Antarctic expedition team of the motherland!
"This scrap iron seems to be in good condition." Qin Tao said, "Together with the scrap iron just now, the package price of the two together is 3000 million US dollars, how about it?"

Wakim immediately felt a surge of enthusiasm, what, 3000 million US dollars?What are you kidding!
"This is no longer the price of scrap iron. It is much higher than that of scrap iron. We also have to take a big risk." Qin Tao said: "As long as you are willing to sell, we can trade now."

"No, of course not!" Wakim said angrily, "What's the difference between this and selling scrap iron? These two ships are the two best ships in our shipyard. How can they only sell for 3000 million US dollars?" ?”

Qin Tao smiled: "That's right, it's 3000 million, not only the boat, but also all the blueprints and crafts. If you sell it, you can sell it, or if you don't sell it, you will pull it down. Today is almost enough, let's go! By the way, In the future, if you change your mind and are willing to sell it to us at this price, you can come to me anytime.”

Moskalenko was a little embarrassed. After all, he brought the person here, and now they broke up, and there was an unpleasant scene?
"Qin, can you add some?" After getting into the car, Moskalenko looked at the figure still standing on the icebreaker and couldn't help but said.

"How much?"

"Plus..." Moskalenko was deliberating his words, adding 3000 million would not be much, but if he said it, would Qin turn against him?
Therefore, Moskalenko was at a loss for words.

"Adding 200 million is enough." Qin Tao said: "Moskalenko, my friend, as long as the business can be done, I can give you 100 million benefits and Vakim 100 million benefits."

100 million benefit fee!

Moskalenko's eyes widened in an instant, and he swallowed: "But, at your price..."

"I used to collect scrap iron." Qin Tao said, "They still want to sell those scraps for hundreds of millions? Don't dream, two ships cost 3000 million, which is already a lot."

"I think, this 100 million, it is very difficult for me to earn."

"What's the problem? I'm at the Black Sea Shipyard. I have recruited thousands of workers to work in the East. You can spread the news to the Kherson Shipyard. If I'm not wrong, this shipyard has also defaulted Have you been paid for a long time?"

It's only been 92 years, and it's been less than half a year since the collapse of the Red Empire. Therefore, many people still have expectations, hoping that life will be better than before. Qin Tao must break their illusions and create a crisis for them.

For a shipyard, the most important thing is skilled technical workers. If these workers are lost, even if there is an order in the future, they will not be able to complete it.

Kherson Shipyard is capable of receiving orders for civilian ships. If the workers run away, how can they continue to develop?If the workers don't run away, then they have to be paid, and if they want to be paid, they have to be rich, and if they want to be rich, they have to sell the boat!

Except for customers from the East, who would take a fancy to their boats?You can ask Western Europe, who will buy it?People can make it themselves!

Qin Tao has set a price, and it will not be higher. The next time is the stage for Moskalenko to play. The temptation of 100 million US dollars is enough to make Moskalenko work hard and let Moskalenko The entire Kherson Shipyard is full of people's hearts, and the order is in chaos.

At that time, in order to stabilize people's hearts, Wakim can only be forced to accept it.

The price of 3000 million yuan is really not low. If you take it apart and sell scrap iron, you can't sell it for this price.

Nikolai smiled at the side, and everyone who sees it has a share. Since Nikolai came with him, he will definitely have his share of benefits, but he cannot say it in front of Moskalenko.

After returning to Nikolayev City and sending Vakim and others back to the residence, Nikolai said to Qin Tao, "Qin, I'm going back now, do you want to visit my place?"

"I must go, but now, I have one more thing to do."

"what's up?"

"Go to St. Petersburg and order a set of equipment for the comprehensive supply ship."

(End of this chapter)

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