Great warships

Chapter 254 Two Unfinished Modern Class Ships

Chapter 254 Two Unfinished Modern Class Ships

The Fedeker-class ship was just a shell, without any equipment on it. For a comprehensive supply ship, the equipment on it is more important.

These are not produced by the Ermao factory, but by Da Mao. Qin Tao has already ordered the two ships, and the related equipment must also be purchased.

This is not only to provide the navy with advanced comprehensive supply ships, but also to allow Mingzhou Shipyard to master relevant technologies. Siam already has an aircraft carrier, and it must also need a large comprehensive supply ship!Qin Tao must do this business.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the Far East and let Zaitsev follow you and help you," Nikolai said.

Great Northwest, St. Petersburg.

This name has just been changed, the former title of great man has disappeared, and the city has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Northern Shipyard.

An old man sat on the berth, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, and poured the wine down his throat.

"Lev, don't drink up all the wine, we bought it together, hurry up, put it down!"

Seeing that Lev was about to finish his drink, the old man on the side was very anxious, so he snatched it from his hand, and pointed the bottle at his mouth.

"Yasi, that's enough, it's mine next!" Before he was finished, the bottle was snatched away.

Soon, four or five people drank up the bottle of wine.

None of them had fun, but there was nothing they could do.

"Damn shock therapy, three months ago, this bottle of wine only cost half a ruble, but now, we have to buy it for a hundred rubles!" Lev looked at the empty wine bottle with anger on his face.

When the careerists began to take control of Da Mao's regime, a new reform began. This reform was initiated by an idiot named Gaidar. Compared with the map period, this reform is definitely bold enough.

In the first step, they let go of prices, including 90.00% of consumer goods and 80.00% of production materials. At the same time, their wages have also nearly doubled.

The wages of ordinary workers like Lev and Yasi have also risen to more than 500 rupiah, which was unimaginable in the past.

At that time, they were looking forward to a new life with yearning for a better life.

In the first few months, this kind of operation has achieved initial results. In their department stores, there are a wide variety of products, and there is no need to queue up!

With money in hand and goods in the market, a better life is already beckoning to them!

However, the good life lasted for less than a month, and soon, the prices in the market completely lost control, rising like a rocket.

Even if their wages are doubled, they will not be able to adapt to the new situation at all, because the price of goods has increased tenfold or a hundredfold.

The old man who loves to drink has no money to drink. These ordinary workers are hungry, so they can only get together, buy a bottle, and share the drink.

The wine had already been drunk, and they hadn't satisfied their hunger yet. At this moment, they sat on the slipway and looked around.

Although the factory's big sign has been replaced by the Northern Shipyard, and the slogans inside the factory have also been painted over to try to erase the traces of the Red Empire, they can still see the propaganda slogans inside.

Long live the Zhdanov shipyard!
190 Shipyard, our home!

Celebrate the start of construction of the 23rd Type 956 destroyer!
Before the collapse of the Red Empire, they were the 190th Danov shipyards, what a splendor it was then!

The berth was busy and non-stop. They started work on many warships one after another, including 4 Kenda-class ships, 4 Cresta I-class ships, 10 Cresta II-class cruisers, and 5 Cassin-class ships. …

What now?
Take the Type 956 Hyundai class as an example. They have already started construction on 23 ships, 14 of which have been completed. There are also three highly completed "Uneasy", "Persistence", and "Fearless", which have already been completed. The sea trial started, and it is said that the superior is fighting for funds and hopes to complete all the construction work. As for the two warships in the outfitting stage with a relatively high degree of completion, the prospects are not optimistic.

"The salary is paid, the salary is paid, go and get the salary! It is said that the salary has increased by 20.00% this time!" Someone shouted.

So, everyone jumped up from the berth, rushed to the salary department, quickly got the salary, and then bought daily necessities, because in the next month, I don't know how the price will rise!
When Qin Tao and Zaitsev walked into the shipyard, what they saw was such a lively scene. Countless workers flocked to a certain small building from all directions. The old lady gets free eggs as well.

"What is this doing?" Qin Tao asked Zhirkov, the sales representative of the shipyard who came to greet him.

"Salary," Zhirkov said.

"Well, this kind of spectacular scene is only available when they are paid. How is their salary compared to before?" Qin Tao asked knowingly.

"Wages are rising every month," Zhirkov said.

"Is it rising every month? It seems that you are doing well." Qin Tao said.

"What's good, wages are rising, daily necessities are also rising, and the rise is even more outrageous." Zhirkov said, even if he is already a middle-level employee in the factory, he still cannot live a decent life.

"I don't know when the ruble will become waste paper. I heard that Moscow is printing money non-stop to pay our workers wages, but..." Arshavin, Zhirkov's assistant, said.

After the separation, other countries can't pay wages, and their lives are tight. They are not stupid, they can pay wages, but what's the use of it?After their wages are paid, they are just waste paper, and their purchasing power is simply incomparable to before!

"I heard that each of you received [-] rubles in privatization securities?"

"Huh, what is [-] rubles? Last month, I sold it for [-] rubles, and then bought some daily necessities." Zhirkov said: "Thanks to the early sale, if this month, I can only sell it for [-] rubles." A hundred rubles!"

"That's right, the only thing that is strong now is the dollar, our ruble..."

The two sighed, and led Qin Tao and Zaitsev inside, only to see Qin Tao pull out two dollar bills like a magic trick: "You two, this is a small meeting gift, please accept it with a smile."

In the past, when giving gifts, you had to rack your brains to think of all kinds of high-end things, but now it is no longer necessary, and now you only need to send US dollar bills.

Sure enough, the two were excited when they saw a hundred dollars. They looked around vigilantly, and then stuffed the money into their pockets.

"Qin, you are very kind. By the way, we have ready-made gantry frames for the supply ships you need. Our factory is responsible for manufacturing related equipment for the Federco-class large supply ships. It is fully equipped. You You can buy it at any time." Zhirkov was very polite.

Although the Northern Shipyard did not manufacture supply ships, it did build related equipment, because their shipyard has large-scale equipment that can complete the production of those huge gantry and other equipment. After all, after the separation, the Northern Shipyard is a big hair The only factory that has the potential to remanufacture aircraft carriers, build some large equipment for supply ships, without any problems.

Although the Black Sea Shipyard is right next to the Kherson Shipyard, the Black Sea Shipyard is busy and has no time, so the task falls here.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, these related equipment are useless to you, in terms of price..."

"In terms of price, you must be satisfied. We can sell these equipment to you, and then write a report." Zhirkov said.

"Scrap iron price?" Qin Tao said casually.

"Yes, scrap iron price." Zhirkov nodded.

Just a fee of one hundred dollars can make Zhirkov sell the unimportant factory assets at a low price!
Qin Tao was very happy in his heart.Using the U.S. dollar to open the way is always beneficial. If the RMB can also have this effect in the future, that would be great!

After completing the procurement of equipment related to the comprehensive supply ship, Qin Tao looked at the slipway again: "It seems that the project you are building is also progressing slowly."

"Yes, our construction is still at a standstill. All resources are given priority to guaranteeing the three Type 956 ships in the sea trial stage. The others can only be temporarily delayed."

"Can I go take a look?"

"of course."

At the outfitting dock, two modern-class destroyers with a high degree of completion are waiting for an unknown fate. On the berth not far away, there is also a modern-class destroyer that is under construction and then shut down.The front end of the bow is painted with the marks of 878 and 879 respectively, but, as if it has gone through a long time, the hull even looks a little rusty.

"The two important ships and the Zhou Quan ship have been completed by 80.00%, as long as there is follow-up funds, the construction can be completed." Zhirkov introduced to Qin Tao.

"Cough, cough, section chief, you remember wrongly, and now they are called Yekaterinburg and Alexander-Nevsky respectively." Arshavin, the assistant on the side, corrected.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, in order to erase the memory of that era, many names were changed, whether it was a city or a warship.

Zhirkov smiled bitterly: "Yes, the name has been changed, but I can't remember these two names. Come on, please come and have a look."

It's not the first time for Qin Tao to step on the modern class, but this time his feeling is different from before. The previous modern class belonged to the old man, and now the warship under his feet will cross the ocean and sail to Mingzhou, becoming a famous ship in Mingzhou. The new flagship of the state's naval fleet!
Two 052 ships were built for the northern fleet, and two 051C ships were built to protect the capital. Therefore, these modern warships have nothing to do with the Mingzhou fleet.

Mingzhou still has to use the ancient 051-class destroyer, waiting for the further strengthening of the country's strength.

They didn't have to wait a few years before they arrived at the Modern Class. The two ships that will be completed soon, as well as the two newly started and four Modern Class ships, form the new four King Kongs of the motherland's navy.

It is still uncertain whether to buy the next two ships, but now these two ships will definitely be bought back, so that in 96, they can be driven out to show off their muscles.

Thinking of this, Qin Tao's heart is full of anticipation.

Although various domestic technologies are in the process of pre-research and have achieved remarkable results, the navy still needs outsourcing if it wants to develop rapidly.

After all, it takes several years for a brand-new warship to go from research and development to equipping troops. Even the 051C under construction in Mingzhou will take several years. After the construction is completed, sea trials are required, and various weapon systems have been tested. After that, you can serve.

The modern grade is different, it is completely mature, as long as you have money, you can buy it back at any time.

"Do you plan to sell these two warships?" Qin Tao asked.

These two warships, sold?
Both Zhirkov and Arshavin showed expressions of disbelief: "Qin, this kind of warship is the main force and backbone of our naval equipment, and Moscow will not agree to export it."

Er Mao has no scruples and dares to sell as long as they give money, but Da Mao is different. They need to consider their own military security.

Selling this kind of navy main warship, what should I do if the secret is leaked?
Qin Tao smiled: "This is not a cruiser. The weapons equipped on it are all low-end products. There is nothing that cannot be sold. You can exchange for foreign exchange. You can report to your superiors. I think Moscow will definitely agree. of."

If it is Kirov-class, Glorious-class, the old man will definitely not sell it, but the Modern-class, this hole will be opened soon.

Shock therapy did not solve Da Mao's economic problems, but made their economy worse. Now they rely on printing money machines, printing money crazily, domestic inflation, currency depreciation to an unbelievable level, the ruble will soon be able to and The Zimbabwean dollar is comparable.

The old man needs hard currency in exchange for foreign exchange. Of course, it is best to export low-end products such as modern grades.

Anti-ship missiles only have a range of more than 100 kilometers, and anti-aircraft missiles are only medium-range. What can't be exported?

What Qin Tao needs to consider is the domestic procurement funds. After all, if these two ships are to be bought back, they must use real foreign exchange. If the historical price of [-] million US dollars per ship is used, it will be enough for the navy.

However, the headache is not Qin Tao's headache, he only cares about matchmaking.In order to buy the Four King Kongs back then, the country was willing to use gold reserves, and now it is a big deal to continue to use gold.

That afternoon, Qin Tao stayed in the guest house of the North Shipyard. Before he could take a break, he contacted the country and told about the latest situation when someone knocked on the door.

"Qin, let me introduce you. This is Sergei Chemezov, our factory director, and Misin, the designer of our Northern Design Bureau. They want to talk to you." Zhirkov gave enthusiastically Qin Tao introduced two guests.

The other party came to the door so quickly, it seemed that he was very excited about his proposal!Qin Tao secretly thought in his heart, extremely happy.

"Come, sit down, Zaitsev, and pour coffee for the two guests!"

The strong aroma of coffee made Chemezov and Misin very happy. They hadn't had coffee for a long time. This person from the East is too kind.

"Qin, we have already made a report with Moscow. Although they are still discussing over there, it should not be a big problem to export our Type 956 destroyer in exchange for precious foreign exchange. After all, we can even sell Su-27 , not to mention this kind of mid-range destroyer." Chemezov first said: "Please connect us with the navy in the East. If we can sell these two warships that are being outfitted, the situation of our shipyard will It will make a huge difference.”

It will take some time for Moscow to agree to the sale. However, he believes that in terms of the current economic situation, there is no problem in selling the Hyundai. He just needs to wait for the president to sign a government document.

"Of course I am very willing to help." Qin Tao said: "As long as the price is right, it is fine. After all, our domestic economic capacity cannot support too expensive warships. Moreover, in terms of performance, the Type 956 is not advanced. For example , it is still using outdated steam turbines.”

One thing that people criticize in the modern class is that in the era when gas turbines are popular, they still burn boilers!

"At the time of design, we did plan to use gas turbines. However, the production capacity of the Southern Turbine Manufacturing Plant, which is in charge of manufacturing gas turbines for ships, could not keep up, so the Ministry of the Navy asked us to modify the power configuration and become the current steam turbine. We also There is a design drawing of 956.2 for the gas turbine version, and if you want, we can also modify it." This is Misin's turn to explain.

Qin Tao shook his head: "The gas turbine you want must be purchased from Ermao, right? There will be a lot of wrangling involved, we can't afford to wait, let's forget it, and the price should be considered according to the price of a steam engine Just do it."

The two smiled wryly, knowing that Qin Tao was right.

After the division, the marine gas turbine manufacturing plant stayed in Ermao, so that they had no possibility to continue to obtain gas turbines. If they want to purchase, they will face a lot of wrangling and uncertainty.

What Qin Tao used was the basic method of bargaining.

"Excuse me, do you have any comments on these two warships?" Misin asked.

"Of course there are still opinions. Although this kind of warship can park helicopters, it uses a retractable hangar, which is close to the back of the chimney. This kind of hangar is very inconvenient. For the maintenance above, you must modify the design behind, even if you remove a naval gun, you must provide sufficient convenience for the ship-borne helicopter."

This is the second shortcoming of the modern class: most of the time, the carrier-based helicopters are occasionally docked on it, and they are not carried for a long time.

This is also related to the mission of the Hyundai class. Shipboard helicopters are anti-submarine, but anti-submarine is the important task of the Dreadnought class. The main mission of the Hyundai class is anti-ship and air defense, so it is enough to carry a helicopter occasionally.

However, the navy of the motherland is not good. With two warships with the largest displacement, it can't carry helicopters for a long time?This shortcoming must be made up, even if the naval gun at the back is removed.

General warships place helicopters at the tail, but the Hyundai class has a double-mounted 130mm naval gun at the tail. It is said that when it was built, Lao Maozi used it as a fire support ship. .

However, the configuration of this pair of naval guns is tasteless to the motherland's navy. It would rather not have the tail guns, but also arrange the helicopters.

"Yes." Misin nodded and agreed: "Actually, in our design, there is a modified model with the tail gun removed, but a 16-unit 3C14 missile vertical launcher is installed in the removed space. Equipped with 3M54 anti-ship missiles with a range of 20.00 kilometers, it has stronger anti-ship capabilities. At present, the No. 20 No. 956 Violent No. [-], which has a [-]% progress in construction, is the first model of this plan. If you if you need…"

Qin Tao shook his head quickly: "We don't want it, you can keep it for yourself. If it is replaced with a vertically launched anti-aircraft missile, it will be more or less the same."

Lao Maozi has always liked to go to extremes. He has a special obsession with anti-ships, and he actually built a sixteen-unit vertical launcher for anti-ship missiles!
What are you doing?
Saturation attack on American aircraft carrier?The range is not enough!Against ordinary surface ships?Are the sunburnt anti-ship missiles in front not enough?
Compared with anti-ship, air defense is the most important!

"According to the plan of the Soviet era, the professional air defense ship is going to be changed on the Type 1155 destroyer (Dreadnought class), so we don't have any changes to the air defense for the time being. If you need it, we can change it according to this plan, but , the price may increase..." This guy Chemezov actually learned and used it on the spot, and started to trick Qin Tao.

"No, what you have is enough." Qin Tao said, "Let's talk about the price. I'll send you a message to see if the Navy is interested."


How much is appropriate?
Now it was Chemezov's turn to get nervous: "Well, how about [-] million?"

Hearing this, Qin Tao showed a smile on his face: "[-] million rubles?"

"Of course it's [-] million U.S. dollars, [-] million U.S. dollars for a ship. [-] million rubles, isn't that a joke?" Chemezov no longer felt anxious, it was just this price!
The American Perry class costs hundreds of millions of dollars per ship, but it is a frigate. The [-]-[-]-ton destroyer of our own costs [-] million dollars, which is very cheap!

"Mr. Chemezov, I wonder if you have heard of the aircraft carrier we built for Siam?" Qin Tao glanced at Chemezov: "That's an aircraft carrier! The contract is less than [-] million. Destroyer, it costs [-] million? You really know how to joke, with a price of [-] million, we can build two aircraft carriers in China! You are so dishonest, how dare I tell you back, the navy must not chase me with warships beat!"

"That's right, needless to say [-] million one ship, [-] million two ships are also expensive enough." Zaitsev echoed from the side. After a long time, he also learned to help Qin Tao bargain the price.

"Two ships? How is that possible? Moscow will definitely not agree."

Qin Tao glanced at Chemezov: "If it's [-] million ships, with [-] anti-ship missiles, [-] anti-aircraft missiles and thousands of shells, I can still bring a message to the navy. , forget it, if I didn’t say it, I’m also in the scrap iron business anyway.”

Chemezov swallowed: "Well, we can respond to Moscow."

"By the way, I also need a 20.00% rebate as a bonus fee. This is a common practice, and I can't do it for nothing."

Chemezov's face suddenly turned pale.

20.00 million a car is already the price of cabbage, and Qin Tao still needs a [-]% bonus?Then they only got [-] million?Isn't this too pitiful?
(End of this chapter)

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