Great warships

Chapter 255 The Fate of the Minsk

Chapter 255 The Fate of the Minsk

This time, there will be absolutely no decision. After all, this kind of purchase will eventually require the higher leaders of both parties to sit together and discuss. However, the price determined in advance is very important. No matter how you talk about it later, it is impossible to deviate too much many.

Now the old man is undergoing shock therapy, domestic prices are soaring, and the old man’s demand for foreign exchange is still very strong. After the oil price plummeted in the 80s, the oil price in the 90s is still running at a low level, and the old man has no way to export. Energy and ore are used to obtain sufficient foreign exchange, so it is still very cost-effective for them to sell two Hyundai-class ships and earn more than 3 million yuan.

It is estimated that there will be many negotiations in the future. Anyway, in the second half of the year, the economy here in Damao will deteriorate even more. Qin Tao has to wait patiently.

After seeing off the two guests, Qin Tao was still thinking about the next arrangement when the phone rang.

"Hi, Nikolay, my friend, what can you do?"

"What? The Minsk is officially decommissioned?" Qin Tao glanced at the calendar. It's only April, and the Minsk is decommissioned?

"Yes, it has been decommissioned. The next operation of this warship is the focus of the navy. You have provided us with a lot of suggestions, so we invite you to be a special consultant for this warship." Niguo on the phone La, very excited: "We must let this warship play its maximum value!"

"Of course, I am very honored." Qin Tao replied: "I can go to the Far East immediately."

"That's right, you need to come to the Far East immediately, and the navy will send a plane to bring you over."

"Airplane? It's just a few of us. Isn't it a bit of a luxury to fly?"

"No, there are also some technicians from the Neva Design Bureau."

Neva Design Bureau?

In the Soviet era, there were a series of well-known design bureaus. On the surface ships, the Neva Design Bureau located in St. Petersburg (it seems to be called the Nevsky Design Bureau in the old Maozi era) is definitely the well-deserved boss, because those of the Soviet Union The Type 1143 heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser is all their masterpieces!

Now, Nikolai actually said that he would be invited to go there with the people from the Neva Design Bureau. That is to say, the old man is going to modify the Minsk and sell it to the third brother?
With curiosity in his heart, Qin Tao rushed to the airport. After boarding the plane, he saw a group of old men sitting there and discussing it.

The cabin was relatively dark, and Qin Tao didn't recognize them immediately, but just listened to their conversation there.

"At the time of the original design, we had a variety of plans. Our ninth set of plans is very similar to the idea of ​​the Pacific Fleet." A person said, "It's just that this plan is on paper."

When designing the Kyiv-class aircraft carrier, they were tortured. At that time, Gorshkov had an idea every day, and the designers of the Neva Design Bureau had to modify a set of plans every few days. In just 75 days During the time, they came up with a total of nine sets of plans, which showed their strong technical level.

Among these plans, there are 4 aircraft-based cruiser plans, 2 anti-submarine cruiser plans, these are conventional, and 3 aircraft carrier plans, which are private goods carried by Gorshkov.

At the beginning, I was tortured to death, but now?Now it finally comes in handy!
"However, those design plans are different. Now, we want to convert a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser that has already been built into a medium-sized aircraft carrier. This is a bit difficult." Another person said.

"Yeah, it's simply impossible! I really don't know what Nikolay is thinking. He actually wants to make this kind of modification plan. The construction difficulty of this kind of modification is even higher than that of building a new one!"

"That's right, we don't have a suitable shipyard to remodel!"

"Hehe." Just then, a voice laughed.

These people looked over curiously and saw a young guy with an oriental face sitting in the cabin: "What are you laughing at? Did we say something wrong?"

"Everyone, you need to change your thinking. Don't just consider the problem from a technical point of view. You also have to consider the economic aspect. How many employment opportunities can the transformation of this warship bring to the shipyard here? How much foreign exchange income will it generate for the country? Your Neva Design Bureau will also get a share of it. Since the collapse of the Red Empire, you have no projects, right? What are you questioning?"

A penny stumps a hero, can't these people see the benefits in it?
"That's right, that's right." An old man said, "I'm Sergey Orlov, the head of the Neva Design Bureau. May I ask who you are?"

"I am a special consultant invited by Nikolai. The modification plan of the Minsk was the first thing I proposed to Nikolai." Qin Tao said: "Now, I will also go there to help, you can call me Qin. "

"You brought it up first?"

"Yes, this warship is tailor-made for Ah San." Qin Tao said: "Through this project, the Neva Design Bureau, the Pacific Fleet, and the shipyards in the Far East will all get a lot of benefits, so I hope everyone Get rid of skeptical thoughts and devote yourself to this work wholeheartedly, which is related to whether your pockets can be bulged."

Orlov nodded: "That's right, that's it. We must get Ah San's approval. Qin, since it was your plan, what do you think we should do first?"

"Everyone can draw a modified rendering first. If you bring tools, you can also make a model, which is more intuitive and convincing."

"We don't have a design yet, how do we draw renderings and make models?" asked a person beside Orlov.

With gray hair, thick glasses, and the appearance of an old expert, Qin Tao quickly connected him with the person in his memory.

Pavel Alekseevich Sokolov, chief engineer of the heavy aircraft cruiser.

"Of course, it's how you draw it, how beautiful it is, as long as it makes Ah San happy." Qin Tao said: "As for the detailed design in the later stage, that's a matter for the future. If you can't get Ah San's deposit, you can Do you want to start design work?"

"That's right, that is, Sokolov, we have to listen to Qin. If we can get this design project, our design bureau can continue to survive." Orlov said.

Sokolov was still a little unwilling, but he also knew that without an order, their design bureau would be finished. Now, it is very important to be able to fool Ah San into placing an order!
Station of the Pacific Fleet.

The morning sun shines down, the sea is sparkling, and the warships are also bathed in the morning light, inlaid with a gold border, which is very beautiful, and the Minsk, which has lowered its flag, is even more spectacular .

"Our heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser is still in its prime, but it has to be decommissioned due to cuts in military expenditures. In fact, we prefer to seal it up and drag it out for re-service when the economy improves in the future. However, for Our friendship, we decided to give it to you free of charge, and only charge a symbolic dollar." Nicholas said to the people around him.

This man was not tall, with fair skin, a black beard, and a radiant look in his eyes.

He was Sukjidal, an officer of the Asan Navy, and rushed over immediately after receiving the news that Lao Maozi wanted to buy an aircraft carrier.

Behind him, followed by a group of subordinates, all of them felt that their eyes were not enough to see, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

Now, Sukjidar was even more excited when he heard what Nicholas said: "You really decided to give us this warship for one dollar?"

"Really." Nicholas said with a smile.

The advice Qin Tao gave him was really great, so when Nikolai reported it, Moscow really agreed!

Now the country's economy is in a mess, as long as you can exchange foreign currency, you can do anything!
Anyway, their fleet still has a heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser. Compared with using it to make a fortune, the latter is of course more important!
Moreover, those advanced weapon systems need to be modified and dismantled, so there is no need to worry about the secrets of the navy being leaked, they have nothing to hesitate.

Or sell it to make money!
This is a huge warship with a displacement of more than 4 tons. If this warship enters the navy of Ah San, how far will the strength of their navy expand!
Thinking of this, Sukjidal was tempted.

"However, it is only a heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser. If you want to transform it into a ski-jump aircraft carrier, you need to pay a certain price." Nikolai continued: "Our relevant design bureau is on the way. , How to modify it and how much it will cost, we still need to wait for the opinions of these experts.”

At this moment, he saw a few cars approaching from a distance, and immediately stretched out his hand happily: "Did you see it? They've arrived!"

The car stopped at the pier, and everyone got out of the car and boarded the Minsk.

Qin Tao walked among the crowd, unremarkable at all, and he was also feeling emotional in his heart.

What will be the ultimate fate of the Minsk?Will it become an aircraft carrier park, or will it continue to gallop across the ocean?
Of course, the former is more likely, because Qin Tao still has a series of methods in the future. What he wants to do is to cheat Ah San, not to make Ah San have stronger naval combat capabilities.Even if it does, it will take two to 30 years, and we will wait until we have a dual aircraft carrier formation.

Delaying time is also very simple. A fire broke out during the refit, and a boiler was blown up during the sea trial, which is too normal.

"Come on, let me introduce, this is the head of our Neva Design Bureau, Sergey Orlov, this is the chief designer of our heavy aircraft cruiser, Pavel Alexievich - Sokolov."

Sukjidar looked at Orlov, because he was holding a beautiful model in his hand!

The model was made of wood and hadn't been painted yet. It looked a bit crude, but when he saw the model, he felt his heart beating violently.

It is simply a reduced version of the Kuznetsov!
The front is the deck for the ski jump, and the left side has an angled deck. Even if the area of ​​the island on the right side is slightly larger, it does not hinder its overall shape.

"This is a model we rushed to make on the plane." Orlov was very happy. Sure enough, Qin was right. It is the most attractive thing to make a model to fool people. No matter what the design is, Let's talk about the technical details first after fooling people.

"We know that your navy was originally operating a ski-jump aircraft carrier. However, the displacement is very small and the age of the ship is very old. There is a big gap with the refitting of our warship. After the refitting of this aircraft carrier, After equipping your navy, you will definitely be able to dominate the entire ocean!"

"How many planes can it hold?" Sukjidal asked.

"Fifty," Orlov said.Of course, this is just casually speaking. There are no models. The small Sea Harrier and the Yak-38 are almost enough. If the large Su-33 is halved, it may not be enough.

Ah San's current aircraft carrier is operating more than a dozen fighter planes. The aircraft carrier in front of him, after being refitted, can actually operate fifty fighter planes. This is definitely powerful enough!
However, after being excited, Sukjidar still asked carefully: "So, how much does it cost for modification?"

This is the most important thing. If the cost is too high, they can't afford it, or just buy a new aircraft carrier. Why do they need this second-hand modified aircraft carrier?
"This, how much is it..." Orlov was still hesitating, and a voice sounded from the crowd behind: "One billion."

"That's right, one billion, one billion dollars." Orlov said: "This price is already very cheap. You will never find a better deal than this in the international market. The new French plan to manufacture Aircraft carrier, at least more than 20 billion."

One billion dollars!When Orlov heard Qin Tao say this estimate, even he was shocked. This modification project must be carried out, and it can bring huge profits to the whole Da Mao!

Nicholas was also taken aback, and he could hear it too. In Qin Tao's voice, didn't we say slaughter slowly?One billion at a time, okay?

"This... I need to contact the country. Can you give me that model?" Sukjidal asked hesitantly.

Seeing the back of Sukjidal leaving, Nicholas looked at Qin Tao who came out of the crowd with some concern: "Qin, isn't one billion too much?"

"Of course not much, this is just the cost of refitting the aircraft carrier, and later there will be carrier-based aircraft, packing 15 billion." Qin Tao said: "In this way, the fleet, design bureau, shipyard, and the country can all breathe a sigh of relief. "

15 billion, if you can get it, it's good, but the price is too high, what should I do if it scares people away?
Nicholas was very worried. Looking around the world, apart from Ah San, there was no other Yanghu.

"Don't worry, they will agree. For them, the price is very reasonable and completely within their affordability. They are looking for a replacement for the Vikrant, and now this ship is very suitable. Yes Now, where is your swallow? Can you have a close contact with Sukjidar, and we have to make two preparations." Qin Tao continued: "Release the news of the decommissioning of this warship. If Ah San doesn't take over, Put this warship to public auction!"

"Public auction?" Nicholas thought of the plan proposed by Qin Tao before, and it seems that there is such a trick, but how much can the public auction sell for?
"That's right, when the time comes, it's okay to call a few more bidders and keep driving up the price, even if it reaches a price of [-] million," Qin Tao said.

A price of [-] million?

Who would believe this?If it is bought back to dismantle scrap iron, it can be sold for 1000 million, right?

As the designer of this warship, Sokolov couldn't help shaking his head, but he couldn't understand these operations anymore.

"However, these are follow-up measures in case Ah San doesn't take the bait." Qin Tao continued: "At present, we need to complete the detailed modification of this warship as soon as possible. The design drawing was obtained from the Neva Design Bureau, and the modification design is carried out here."

After hearing Qin Tao's words, Sokolov finally spoke out: "If you want to carry out the modification design, of course it must be in our Neva Design Bureau. Why do we have to get all our design drawings from the Neva Design Bureau?" Bring it over? Do you know how much train skin it takes?"

"Design drawings, train skin?" Qin Tao was extremely surprised: "Don't you guys start using computer-aided design? Isn't this too backward?"

"Now, of course, computer-aided design has begun to be used, but this warship was designed in the 60s. At that time, where was there any computer-aided design?"

In the late 50s, Lao Maozi first built the first-generation Moscow-class helicopter carrier for anti-submarine operations in the Atlantic Ocean. In the 60s, Lao Maozi began to consider follow-up models. At that time, the Yak 36 took off and landed vertically. The development of fighter jets has already begun, so Lao Maozi is also planning to equip the Yak 36 to the Moscow class, which later gradually evolved into the Kyiv class.

The era of design was in the 60s, and the era of construction was in the 70s. At that time, there was no computer-aided design at all, okay?
Qin Tao suddenly realized: "That's it! However, I still think it's better to come here to design. After all, this warship belongs to the Pacific Fleet, and the factory for refitting will be in the Far East. The drawings are designed here. It should be The most suitable one, the other ships are not needed anyway, Nikolai, what do you think?"

There was something in Qin Tao's words, and of course Nicholas understood what he meant.

Now, the money for the modification and design belongs to their Pacific Fleet, and the Northern Fleet still has two ships. If it is designed by the Neva Design Bureau in St. Petersburg, the Northern Fleet might take advantage of it!
This is not allowed!Life is difficult for everyone, and we must not let others take advantage of it.

Nicholas made up his mind: "That's right, I think the design here is better. Since everyone has come, you should stay here for a while and make the design drawings for the modification. Anyway, the construction is here. It saves you having to transport the drawings in the future.”

"Anyway, it's just a simple modification, and there's no need to produce detailed design drawings." Qin Tao continued: "In the future, it's not too late to design while constructing."

Sokolov's face was dark and he didn't speak.

Orlov didn't say anything, but he also knew that since Nikolai had said so, it would be very difficult for him to change his mind.

Stay here to design?If you can make money, stay and stay!

Minsk is decommissioned!

The news quickly spread all over the world.

At the beginning, the Minsk traveled thousands of miles and came to Lao Maozi's Pacific Fleet. Because of the extreme shock of the surrounding countries, this 4-ton warship became the most powerful ship in this region! (U.S. troops do not count.)
Some people mentioned it with relish, while others had fear in their eyes.

But now, it has retired after only fifteen years of service, and it is even more embarrassing to end the curtain in this way.

That powerful empire is gone, and the big hairy navy, which inherited its mantle, is now sunset.

Some people are also excited that this warship died young, so is there any chance to get it back?If it were to join the navy of its own country, what would it be like?

Kimchi Country was tempted, and they looked to the north, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

And in the capital of the big eastern country, there was also a group of people discussing this.

Yellow House, conference room.

"Old Wu, your son-in-law has been with Lao Maozi recently, right? Has he participated in the Minsk incident?"

Hearing this question, Wu Shengli shook his head: "I don't know what he's been doing recently. The last time I contacted him was ten days ago. At this level, he shouldn't be eligible to participate, right? He's not an old man. people."

"It's a pity that such a huge warship is decommissioned. You say, if we buy it back and remodel it, can it become our first aircraft carrier?"

"Buy it, remodel it? How much will it cost?"

"If someone else bought it, they might have to pay a high price, but, Lao Wu, your son-in-law is different. He might be able to buy it back for a few million dollars, and spend another few million dollars to remodel it."

"It's simple." Wu Shengli glanced at the old man: "Even if it doesn't cost much, what about the carrier-based aircraft? What do we use?"

"Yeah, that's really a problem."

"Whatever, let's fix it first, and then we'll even use a helicopter."

"You all, use your brains, don't be dazzled by desire, that warship is not suitable for us at all. If it is dragged back and dismantled, let's take a look at the internal structure, it will be fine." Wu Shengli said: "Now There is one more thing that needs everyone to make up their minds."

"what's up?"

"Old Maozi, there are two modern-class destroyers that have been built to 80.00%. Qin Tao has already talked with Lao Maozi. The initial price is [-] million ships."

"Modern grade, [-] million? No, it's too expensive, too expensive."

"That's right, Qin Tao and Lao Maozi asked for a 20.00% rebate, so, calculated in this way, one car is 6000 million."

"6000 million? This price is reasonable enough, but, Lao Wu, this is not in line with your son-in-law's style. How did he bargain? Why didn't he erase the whole thing?"

"This time it's a normal arms sale, not buying junk!"

(End of this chapter)

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