Great warships

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Mingzhou Shipyard.

On the [-]-ton berth, flags and flags fluttered, and the sound of beating gongs and drums spread far away, making it look very lively.

Under the crane standing on the berth, a huge banner was hung with a line of big characters: I wish the launching ceremony of the Chakri-Nalubet aircraft carrier a complete success!
The United States, the smallest aircraft carrier in the world, is about to launch!

Qin Tao was very rarely dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and was very formally dressed. He was busy on the slipway early in the morning, watching the autumn wind knock down a row of flowers, and then hurriedly ordered people to arrange them.

"For a while, be honest with me, don't look blindly, don't lose our face!"

"President Qin, don't worry, we are not people who have never seen the world!"

"By the way, who is it?"

"I heard that it's the last one."


Qin Tao looked at his subordinates with disdain, hum, you guys who have never seen the world!
Finally, under the escort of the concierge team, several high-end cars drove into the Mingzhou Shipyard. This was the first time in the history of this shipyard!
The local officials in Mingzhou are not qualified to stand in front at all. They can only be with the workers. The big leaders from Huating and the capital can stand in a row with Qin Tao.

"As far as concierge reception is concerned, our Hongqi sedan is pretty good." Qin Tao said with emotion, "I will also get one in the future. This Mercedes-Benz G will always feel like a nouveau riche when driving out."

Before I drove it, I had some expectations. After I drove it, Qin Tao felt that this kind of car didn't match his temperament. It's just that he didn't have a good choice before. When he saw this car today, he suddenly discovered the gap.

I am an upstart myself!I will get one in the future, one that can open the roof, and can also place a microphone...

The convoy stopped directly in front of the slipway. The long black skirt stretched out from the car door first, and then the whole person stood out from inside.

Noble, elegant, with the temperament of a room member in every gesture, this is the distinguished guest of today's launching ceremony, the person in charge of smashing the bottle, Mrs. Sirikit!

At the other end of the car, an equally beautiful lady also came down. She is also a great woman who often appears on news broadcasts. It is considered polite and thoughtful for her to accompany Sirikit.

In the car behind, other people also came down one after another, including Naris, Lakour, and Wu Shengli.

The arrival of these people made the Mingzhou Shipyard flourish. Qin Baoshan was so excited that his body kept shaking, but Qin Tao's expression was very natural.

"Everyone, on behalf of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, I welcome your arrival." Qin Tao and the government entourage went up, politely.

"I'm very glad that our most powerful warship is finally going into the water." Mrs. Sirikit said with a smile, her gaze passed over everyone's face, and then landed on the large warship on the berth.

The beautiful hull is like a graceful woman, and the slightly raised bow seems to be dancing. Although Sirikit does not understand military affairs, she can also feel that this warship is so beautiful. mighty and majestic.

"Yes, please come here."

Next to the berth, a rostrum was temporarily set up. Under the lens of countless cameras and video cameras, Sirikit spoke generously.

"Today, I am very glad that on behalf of the Siam government, the country, and the army, I am here to attend the launching ceremony of the warship named after our founding monarch Chakri Narubet. This is a great historical moment..."

While everyone was watching, Mrs. Sirikit pressed the button, and the rope hanging the wine bottle was released. The bottle drew a graceful arc in the air, and then hit the bow of the ship.

Water splashed, glass flew, foam stained a large area of ​​the bow, and countless people applauded.

Bang, bang, bang!

The fireworks that had been prepared for four weeks also began to rise into the sky, colorful, although it was not very clear during the day, but the festive atmosphere was well set off, and the military band played along with it. Surrounded by countless ribbons, The huge warship hull began to slowly move backwards.

When the stern of the ship entered the sea water, some water splashed, followed by the hull, the bow, and the huge warship, like a big whale, entered the water and floated up.

"Why is there an opening in the tail?" Naris couldn't help asking after seeing the outline of the entire warship deck.

The progress of the Mingzhou Shipyard was so fast that he couldn't believe it, but it was impossible to joke about this kind of thing, so he came here, but when he saw the big hole on the aft deck, he couldn't believe it. Still very dissatisfied.

"Because the LM2500 gas turbine imported from the United States has not yet arrived, in order to avoid re-cutting the deck in the future, we reserved an installation opening in advance." Qin Tao said: "You need to coordinate with the United States as soon as possible to deliver the power system to We'll bring it over."

What?Haven't arrived yet?

Naris looked at Rakul, and at this time, Rakul's face was also a little embarrassed: "Yes, it is like this."

"Since the power system has not arrived, why should it be launched?"

To save money of course!Qin Tao secretly thought in his heart that this excuse cannot be used.

After visiting Ma Ming, the shipyard called to discuss launching with Qin Tao.

The Yankees don't know what the purpose is, but they are dragging away the LM2500 gas turbine. This aircraft carrier with its shell welded has been unable to launch for a long time, occupying precious berths.

After hearing about it, Qin Tao didn't say a word, and immediately coordinated the launch. There is no gas turbine, but the diesel engine from MTU has already been installed in place. We can't delay the construction. Launch it when it's time to launch!
There was nothing to say on Lacour's side, and they went through the process report, and then these people came over with great interest.

After arriving, I realized that the power system hadn't been installed in place yet, and it went into the water!
"The MTU diesel engine imported from Germany has already been installed in place. Even sea trials are possible, let alone outfitting. If it remains on the berth, it will be impossible to outfit. This will waste construction time and delay the progress." Qin Tao Explained: "I don't think you want this aircraft carrier to be able to enter service after five years of construction?"

"That's right, these are Americans playing tricks!"

Naris nodded, it seems that this is the case.After going back, go to the Americans to protest!
"The aircraft carrier has already been launched. We can go up and have a look. After reading it, we will give you a system report." Qin Tao said.

The two distinguished ladies left after attending the launching ceremony. Senior officials of the Siamese Navy, it is not easy to come here. You have to go up and have a look, and then listen to the detailed introduction.

The big opening on the aft deck is quite crappy, but there is no way around it.The responsibility is not here, and the officers of the Siamese Navy can only give up.

If you don't look at the big hole, the aircraft carrier is still very spectacular. After all, it is the largest warship they have ever come into contact with.

Standing on the deck, they could still see the 051C destroyer under construction on the berth. Looking at its gradually taking shape, they were also very moved.

"That warship has a displacement of more than [-] tons, right?"

"Yes, that is the anti-aircraft destroyer we are building, and various technical details are still kept secret for the time being."

"An anti-aircraft destroyer?"

"That's right, it is equipped with area air defense missiles, which are specially used to perform air defense missions."

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of technology." Naris said with emotion: "In the past few years, your development on warships has been very rapid."

"Yes, I heard that you bought the Kyiv from Lao Maozi. Where is that ship?"

"It's still on the way. If you can wait a few months, you can go up and have a look." Qin Tao said.

"A few months? No, it's too long." Naris shook his head.

"You bought the Kyiv, did you come back and transform it into a ski-jump aircraft carrier?"

"Well, military secrets, no comment. However, if you are lucky enough, you can catch up with an oil tanker we bought from the old man."

"Oil tanker? Can't you build it yourself?"

"After buying it back, we can change it into an oil-water supply ship." Qin Tao said: "If you are interested, you can introduce it to everyone in the meeting room."

Oil and water supply ship?Isn't that a supply ship?

A group of Siamese military officers were very interested.

An empty aircraft carrier was quickly finished. After arriving in the conference room, Qin Tao introduced the next outfitting, and then introduced the oil and water supply ship.

"The full load displacement of this ship is close to 2.4 tons, and it can hold up to 2 tons of supplies, including 2000 tons of fuel oil, 1400 tons of ammunition, 600 tons of food, and [-] tons of fresh water. It has two gantry frames, and related The equipment can carry out horizontal and vertical replenishment in high sea conditions."

The design drawing was printed on the screen, and everyone looked at the design drawing with greedy eyes.

"For a supply ship, the most important thing is the supply equipment on it. Can you produce these equipment yourself?" Naris asked.

"Of course, we already have ready-made equipment in our warehouse, and we can quickly refit this supply ship after we get it."

Although the ship has not returned yet, the batch of supply equipment has already been shipped back, and they are just throwing it away in the warehouse of their shipyard. In order to avoid accidents, the nameplates of this batch of equipment have been polished off, just for Qin Tao Opportunity is provided.

So, everyone came from the meeting room to the warehouse, and looked at the brand-new production equipment that had been sprayed with paint, and they were extremely moved.

"After your aircraft carrier enters service, you will find that you need an integrated supply ship to accompany it and provide supplies at sea at any time." Qin Tao said: "You are welcome to visit our supply ship's transformation at any time."

Even if Siam is rich, it is not an upstart. They cannot invest a large sum of money at one time. They have to wait until the construction of the aircraft carrier is completed before they will consider the order for the supply ship. Now Qin Tao is just a foreshadowing, and it is slowly subtle , in the future, they will naturally choose Mingzhou Shipyard to build relevant supply ships for them.

"President Qin, when our aircraft carrier enters service, the comprehensive supply ship is not necessary, but the problem of carrier-based aircraft is urgent." Naris said: "I don't know, your previous proposal..."

Qin Tao was also taken aback. Back then, when he was bidding, in order to get the order, he boasted all the time, and he talked like a hype, but now that the aircraft carrier is launched, people come to ask about the carrier-based aircraft, how should he answer?

Was it a fool at the beginning?Of course not!

Show them the information that has been obtained and the relevant pre-research conducted?It is also inconvenient.

Qin Tao rolled his eyes, and then said: "Currently, Lao Maozi has eliminated two heavy-duty carrier-based cruisers, and the Yak-38 carrier-based aircraft originally carried on their warships has also been retired. If you need it, I will I can help you get them here, and the unit price will not exceed 100 million."

Fighter planes are quite expensive in this era. The price of the first batch of Su-27 purchased from Lao Maozi was 3000 million US dollars, and the price of the second batch rose to more than 4000 million US dollars. Even if it is a single engine China's light fighter jets, such as the F-16, are priced at US$2000 million.

The Yak-100 with a unit price of 28 million US dollars, even if you purchase 2000, it will only be [-] million. At this price, you can only buy one fighter jet from the West, which is definitely a good deal.

"If you spend 1000 million yuan and buy ten planes, you can probably get two from Lao Maozi as a gift, which will be enough for this aircraft carrier. However, the maintenance of the aircraft and the like will depend on Lao Maozi. , I can help hire a group of veteran ground crews including pilots, and help you train a group of Yak-38 pilots."

Qin Tao's suggestion is very good, but Siam, which has always been close to the West, still has difficulty in hiring a large number of Lao Maozi's technicians to operate Lao Maozi's aircraft.

"We need to think carefully about this plan." Naris was very cautious: "We can only continue to contact you after discussion."

Qin Tao nodded: "By the way, the Kyiv we bought gave two Yak-38s as gifts, and I don't know if it can fly. If you are interested, you can go up and have a look when the aircraft carrier comes over. .”

Naris nodded.

The task of deceiving was completed in this way, and the officers of the Siamese Navy did not stay too long, and left in the evening. After they left, looking at the empty slipway, Qin Tao was in a good mood.

"Leader Wu, as long as the navy allocates funds in place, our berth can start welding the second 051C. If the navy delays the time and we weld the next natural gas ship, the navy may have to wait."

"Don't worry, the funding is guaranteed. These two 051C ships are to protect the capital, and the superiors attach great importance to them." Wu Shengli said, "How is the progress of that ship?"

"The welding of the hull is still in progress. According to the progress, the power system will be installed next month." Zhou Yongfei said with some excitement. He became the person in charge of 051C and worked hard every day.

Compared with Siamese warships that rely on imported LM2500 gas turbines, their own ships rely on the batch of gas turbines that Qin Tao got at the beginning, coupled with domestic diesel engines.

During this period of time, Zhou Yongfei had already repeated countless times in his mind about how to install the power system. There must be no problems, after all, there is no redundant gas turbine.

"By the way, the planned generator is not in place yet." Thinking of this, Zhou Yongfei became anxious again.

"Well, the relevant procurement will be arranged immediately, and the construction of our warship must not be delayed." Wu Shengli said.


"That's right, we need to import from abroad. In the future, we will definitely be able to produce this kind of generator ourselves." Qin Tao said.

There are more and more projects, and Qin Tao is getting more and more busy. After the launching ceremony of the aircraft carrier is over, Qin Tao will go out to purchase again.

That night, Wu Shengli and others had already left, and many jobs in the shipyard still needed to be reported to Qin Tao.

"Mr. Qin, the ten welders we selected have all obtained G certificates, completed the training tasks, and are back." Cong Ju said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "Not bad, it took less than two months, much faster than the peers."

Generally speaking, it takes a skilled welder three months to complete the training task. However, the master welders of Mingzhou Shipyard have completely refreshed the record. The fastest, Cong Ju, took only one week, and the slowest It didn't take two months for a master welder!
"Of course, each of our welders, when they heard about the training fee, worked hard, 15 yuan, the factory has spent so much money for everyone to train, how can everyone waste it?" Cong Ju said: "We're all qualified for welding, but..."

"However, the French still kept a hand. They just trained us to learn welding techniques. However, they still didn't tell us how to weld various parts, such as invar steel trihedrons, such as invar tubes."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Cong Ju's eyes widened. At first, he thought that he was tricked by the French, but unexpectedly, Mr. Qin had already seen all of this!

"After we came back, we tried to make it, but it all failed." When talking about this, Cong Ju was a little frustrated. She was originally a character who refused to admit defeat, but now, she is also a little impatient.

"Failure is the mother of success. It is very difficult for Invar steel, which is as thin as paper, to be welded at a high temperature of 250 degrees. Difficulties are normal." Qin Tao said: "As long as we don't bow our heads and reflect and summarize in the constant failures, we will be able to solve these problems in the end. We must learn to weld, and we must weld better than the French and others. it is good!"


Before Cong Ju finished speaking, Qin Tao continued: "Don't be afraid of waste, even if the Invar steel used in our trial production is imported, it still needs to be practiced, if you don't practice, you will never be able to If you do it, you can't bear that your child can't catch a wolf, and you can't bear that Inwagang can't practice skills."

Although Invar steel can already be produced in their laboratory, the output is still very low. The large-scale industrial production equipment is still being purchased. After installation, production will probably take place by the end of this year, or even next year.

Their thin-film natural gas ship, can't wait any longer, must start groping now.Therefore, some Invar steels were imported in the first batch, and all of them were used to practice welding skills, which is definitely a luxury enough.

Cong Ju and the others didn't dare to experiment too much, because they were afraid of wasting money. This was simply burning money.

Qin Tao waved his hand, don't be afraid of spending money!
Cong Ju was moved deep in her heart. She had never regretted coming here from Huating, and it was exciting to work with a leader like Qin Tao!
"French, it's disgusting, how much money did we make from this project!"

Hearing this emotion, Qin Tao smiled: "One trick, you can eat it all over the world. All the patents belong to the French, and they can make a lot of profits while lying down and sleeping. Who made us start late?"

"The first to invent and make money, and the later people have to pay them honestly, which is not fair!"

unfair?If there is a fair place in the patent system, if there is no such system, then who will spend huge sums of money on research and development?If I invest tens of millions in research and development, and others copy it with tens of thousands of dollars, the research and development company will go bankrupt!

Qin Tao smiled, knowing that it is impossible to make big guys pay attention to patents, but well, there are still solutions.

"We are just in the learning stage now. When we arrive, we will make a brand new invention and apply for a patent, and we will be able to lie down and make money."

"Let's do it ourselves? It's not that easy." Qin Baoshan shook his head aside.

"What's not easy? We can get some new patents for this first boat." Qin Tao said.


"Improve the heat insulation box so that the natural evaporation rate inside the cargo box will be reduced from [-]% to [-]%." Qin Tao said.

On the surface, the French GT company seems to be sleeping on patents, but in fact, they are constantly improving.

Although they are all called NO.96, in fact, there are constant modifications, just like a spider web. On the surface, weave a web, and then sleep well, waiting for insects to throw themselves into the net. In fact, use After a day, the viscosity drops, and the spider still has to eat the silk into its stomach and process it again.

The improved NO.96-LO3 uses glass wool and polyurethane foam to replace the original perlite used in the heat insulation box. It turns out that the natural evaporation rate in the cargo box is reduced by one-third!

This indicator is quite important.

Liquefied natural gas will continue to evaporate, changing from liquid to gas. These gases must be released, otherwise, the tanks storing the liquefied gas will explode, causing serious accidents.

In later generations, the natural gas heavy trucks popular in the north would not dare to go to the south at all. In the north, the gas may be released only once a day. In the south, the gas must be released once an hour. If the car is parked in the parking lot for half a month, then, One tank of natural gas, all gone.

The same is true for natural gas ships. Cargo owners attach great importance to this natural evaporation rate. What evaporates is lost. If this value can be reduced, customers will definitely rush to order.

(In later generations, we will not be able to compete with the natural gas ships of the Kimchi country, because this indicator is higher than others.)
Cong Ju nodded in shock. Although the money was spent, Mr. Qin will definitely make the most of the money!Mr. Qin is so powerful!
In fact, this is just pediatrics, and Qin Tao has even bigger plans.

"Speaking of patents, I thought of our MOSS tank natural gas ship." At this moment, Qin Baoshan spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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