Great warships

Chapter 273 You don't understand, I can teach you

Chapter 273 You don't understand, I can teach you
Qin Baoshan is also a person who keeps pace with the times. He can still understand and digest the knowledge Qin Tao instilled in him.

The problem of patents is very serious. If it is only used domestically, then foreigners will come to China to fight a lawsuit, and they will not win. However, if they want to mix in the international market, they may be messed up by others. broke.

In the past, their MOSS tanks were imitated by surveying and mapping!

Qin Tao smiled: "Old man, you are finally smart."

"I've always been very smart!" Qin Baoshan said to Qin Tao, "How do you plan to solve this problem?"

"Aren't we solving it?" Qin Tao said.

Qin Tao has already considered the issue of patents since they surveyed and mapped the MOSS tank.

In the whole world, only the Norwegians own the patent of the MOSS tank natural gas ship, and the little-known Mingzhou shipyard has also built this kind of natural gas ship. So, will it be an infringement?
The Norwegians must pay attention and investigate, but it will take time!

Now, our side has only delivered the first natural gas ship, and there are orders for three or four ships on hand, which are in production. The Norwegians want convincing evidence, which will take time.

By the time the Norwegians were sure and went to the nationality court to sue, they had already switched to producing membrane natural gas ships in an all-round way!
Qin Tao spent a huge amount of money on transformation, on the one hand because of the advantages of membrane-type natural gas ships, and on the other hand, to avoid patent issues.If the Norwegians want to cause trouble, they can go to Dazhou Company. At that time, Dazhou Company will just start building natural gas ships with MOSS tanks.

Qin Tao dug countless pits, but he didn't believe that Dazhou Company would not go bankrupt!

Competitors from other countries will be counted as one family.

Qin Baoshan also quickly understood what Qin Tao meant, that in the future, he would completely switch to the production of this kind of membrane natural gas ship, which is a way of thinking.

"However, what if they hold on to our old boat?"

"If you insist on it, then our group will change its name and make the previous group go bankrupt." Qin Tao said irresponsibly.

If you want to sue, you have to have someone, right?Just changing the name will solve the problem perfectly, claim?Infringement?The previous company is gone!
This trick has long been played by some companies in later generations. After taking a project and finishing it, as long as it needs to be credited, the company will immediately change its name, change its location, and after-sales services can be avoided. Find a corporate legal person?It's an old man and old lady who has nothing but borrowed his ID card for a few tens of dollars.

Now, if the Norwegian plays too much, Qin Tao can of course get out of his shell.

Qin Baoshan was there, a little emotional, he was an honest and responsible person, how did his son become like this?However, what his son did was for the development of the entire group, so he did not continue to express his views.

After making arrangements for the shipyard, Qin Tao embarked on the road of going abroad again. This year, he spent more than half of his time abroad and was extremely busy.

But this time, they were going to France. They went out with Qin Tao. There were Zheng Ming, who was in charge of naval equipment, and Ma Ming, plus an interpreter. There were four of them.

Ma Ming was very excited. He remembered very clearly that when Qin Tao went to find him, the conversation was very pleasant, and the next scientific research also had a direction. At this time, even on the plane, Ma Ming couldn't talk too much. endlessly.

"Mr. Qin, after we chatted with you last time, we have started research. At present, we have produced a prototype of a twelve-phase generator in the laboratory and conducted various tests. We have also discovered The defect of this generator."

Ma Ming has always been a person who does what he says. Although it was Qin Tao who returned to Mingzhou to plan the launch of the Siamese aircraft carrier, it took less than half a month before and after Ma Ming started to study the twelve phases. Although the generator cannot be used as an engineering prototype, many theoretical studies can be carried out.

"If the navy is not in a hurry, we can develop a twelve-phase generator for ships within two years." Ma Ming continued: "This time to negotiate with the Germans, we can just ask some technical questions .”

"Yes, after all, this thing was invented by the Germans. They have a lot of experience. However, we can't be superstitious about them. We have heard the truth first, and we have specialized skills. Maybe we can be better than them."

Ma Ming smiled shyly.

"Yes, this thing was invented by the Germans. In those years, we fell behind!"

Speaking of this, Zheng Ming was very emotional.

When the alternator was first invented, it was three-phase power, and the three-fire one-zero has been used until modern times. However, in the use of ships, the three-phase alternating current has always been insufficient. The rectified direct current has a large pulsation and cannot be used. Compared with the stable direct current provided by the battery.

(For this point, you can look at the tape recorders of the 90s. It is very quiet when using batteries, but there will be noise when using AC power. It was not until the switching power supply appeared later that the rectified DC power was of high enough quality.)
The generator on the warship is AC, and many electrical appliances on it need to use DC, so this contradiction has always existed.

Then, a technician named Harrington had a whim: since the three-phase power is not easy to use, it is better to insert twice as many coils in the generator to make six-phase power, and the rectified direct current, The pulsation will be greatly reduced!

(This explanation is too professional and needs to draw repeated sinusoidal curves. Compared with three lines and six lines, six lines must be more stable.)
In 1970, the Germans made this kind of industrialized six-phase generator, and then, it was out of control. Ten years later, they changed the six-phase into twelve-phase, which was extremely perfect. At the same time, it became The leader in the field of multi-phase generators, it was not until the 21st century that [-]-phase generators appeared, reaching the peak of this field.

Therefore, if you want to import this kind of generator, you have to find Germans. After all, even Britain and the United States do not have relevant technology.

The long voyage passed quickly during the chat. Although Qin Tao is not professional in naval power systems, he was the chief engineer of an aircraft carrier in his previous life, and he was from a high position. Many things he said made Ma Ming feel enlightened .

Deco Electric Company, conference room.

"Guests from the East are very welcome, and your choice is the most sensible." Lambert smiled on his face: "Our twelve-phase generator is the most advanced product of this era, and it will definitely meet your needs. .”

"Mr. Lambert, before we purchase, I hope to learn about your [-]-phase generator technology, not just a few parameters." Zheng Ming said.

Hearing this, Lambert's smile disappeared, and a serious expression appeared on his face again: "I'm sorry, it's not that we don't want to talk about it, but because this technology is too advanced, even if we talk about it, you guys I don't understand either."

There is a hidden saying that he didn't say, of course we can't say it, we are afraid of your copycats!

This kind of exported generators are all sealed. If it is damaged, it will affect the warranty. Moreover, the Germans are very confident that if the Orientals buy it back, if they disassemble it, they will not be able to put it back at all!
Just like Ah San, I bought their tank engine parts and went back to assemble them myself. As a result, the diesel engine that could output [-] horsepower originally could not output [-] horsepower in Ah San's hands!

Assembly is also technical.

Therefore, they are not afraid of these things, and now they are asked to explain the technology, of course not.

After Lambert finished speaking, he saw that the faces of all the Orientals present were not good-looking, so he continued to comfort him: "Actually, you don't need to understand these technologies in depth. You just need to buy our products. You can't go wrong!"

This guy, sometimes sings bad face, and sometimes sings bad face, showing the ugly face of the salesperson to the fullest, Qin Tao can't help but sigh in his heart, hum, this company with great technology, the sales are also so good.

However, since you don't say it, don't blame us for kicking the gym.

"You push three blocks and four blocks like this, isn't it because your generator has technical defects, and you are afraid that we will see it?"

The translator was a little hesitant, Qin Tao waved his hand: "The next thing, you can just translate it according to the original words!"

"How is it possible?" Lambert said: "Our technology is perfect, there can be no problems, what do you know!"

"Of course we understand that the biggest problem in the [-]-phase rectifier generator system is the natural oscillation." Ma Ming said.

"Natural oscillation? How is it possible?" Lambert's expression turned ugly. Are you here to buy a generator, or are you here to quarrel?

"Mr. Lambert, you can't. You don't understand things in this professional field. You should invite an expert to come over." Qin Tao said: "You tell the expert the word inherent oscillation, and they should come."

Lambert walked out angrily, and soon, a middle-aged man with a mustache walked in: "Everyone, I am the engineer of the twelve-phase alternator, Erich, and I am in charge of technical issues. It can be guaranteed that the inherent oscillation you mentioned does not exist at all in our generator."

"Really?" Qin Tao glanced at Erich: "Magong, we don't know whether the Germans really don't know, or they don't know, or they pretend to understand. Tell them about it!"

"En." Ma Ming said, took out a large-scale drawing from his briefcase, and spread it out.

Erich's haughty expression just now disappeared immediately. He looked at the design drawing in surprise: "This is impossible. Why is this design drawing the same as the design drawing of our generator system, don't you guys?"

Subconsciously, Erich meant that his top-secret technology had been leaked, but he didn't say it when he got to his lips.

Leak, how is it possible?The twelve-phase alternator is the top secret of their company, and neither the United Kingdom and the United States can obtain it, nor do other companies in Germany, and they are the only company that owns it.Dongfang has never imported this kind of engine at all, and this is the first contact with it, so it cannot be a leak.

If it is not a leak, that is to say, this blueprint was drawn by themselves, and they have already mastered the principle of the twelve-phase alternator?
"Lambert, please invite Mr. Harrington!" Erich said.

Lambert was very surprised, what's going on?Mr. Harrington, that is their company's technical leader, and he will not be dispatched easily at all. Now, he is actually invited to come over, as for it?
However, seeing Erich's serious expression, Lambert had no choice but to go out and make a phone call.

Ma Ming, on the other hand, has already analyzed the drawings.

"Okay, since you said that the design drawing is the same as ours, then this problem cannot be avoided." Ma Ming said: "Let's analyze it in detail."


"This is the problem of the inherent oscillation encountered by the twelve-phase alternator. It is like Brownian motion. There are no rules, no prevention, and no symptoms. However, if it occurs, then it will cause the equipment to be completely powered off, and the consequences will be too great." Terrible." Ma Ming's analysis was finally over, and at the same time, a series of formulas and calculation derivations had been written down in the blank space next to the design drawing.

"Compared to the theory you are talking about now, I can't understand it at all. The so-called inherent oscillation problem is even more bizarre. I think..."

Nima, this is putting your face on and letting yourself beat it!Qin Tao was extremely excited and planned to say a few domineering words, but at this time Ma Ming had already looked at him with a pair of deep eyes.

"You don't understand, I can teach you, sir, we are discussing science!"

The translator was stunned, and Qin Tao smiled, "Well, let Ma Ming say what Ma Ming says, as long as he is aggressive enough."

For many years, foreigners have been teaching Chinese things. Not long ago, Qin Tao spent huge sums of money to introduce patents for membrane-type natural gas ships. Now, it is finally the turn of foreigners to ask us for advice!

Have fun, let off steam!
"According to the literal translation! One more thing, I don't charge a penny, I teach for free!"

Erich was stunned on the spot, as if struck by lightning.

If you don't understand, I can teach you!These words shocked Erich too much, and they kept repeating in Erich's mind.

If you don't understand, I can teach you!If you don't understand, I can teach you!
"This drawing, can we take it back and study it?" Just then, another voice came.

At some point, Harrington came in. He stood behind the blueprints, looked at those cumbersome calculations, frowned and thought, until now, he finally spoke.

He is the inventor of polyphase alternator technology!He is the best god in this field!Now, of course he can't ask Ma Ming to teach him a second time. He has to look at these formulas and study them by himself.

"of course can."

"Guests, I'm deeply sorry for delaying your trip because of our research on this issue. All your expenses here will be paid by our company."

Lambert, who doesn't understand technology but only understands sales, was stunned. He would never have thought that Harrington, the company's chief engineer, major shareholder, and technology guru, would have such a low profile!
"Thank you." Zheng Ming felt extremely emotional in his heart. It was difficult to come out to negotiate in the past, and the foreigners are all superior. What about now?Now it's our turn to play tricks!

Sure enough, it was right to bring Ma Ming here, Ma Ming is too powerful, and President Qin is really discerning!

Qin Tao and the others went back to the hotel to rest. Harrington immediately took the most capable technicians in the company to start research. Late at night, in their company's laboratory, a twelve-phase generator for testing magically This intrinsic oscillation phenomenon occurs.

Only very special circumstances can induce this kind of oscillation, but once it occurs, it is absolutely catastrophic!

Harrington frowned: "Thanks to this young engineer, if he hadn't discovered this fault, then our equipment would have been operating with hidden dangers. At some point, once it broke out, it would be catastrophic!"

Among other things, these generators have been widely used in submarines built in Germany. Think about it, the submarine is charging in the snorkel state, and suddenly the generator stops, and the whole boat is cut off. , How fearful and desperate it must be!
The problem is found, then, the next step is how to solve the problem.

"On the generator, we have achieved perfection, and there is no better way. If we want to solve the problem of inherent oscillation, we need to find a way in the back, and arrange the relevant compensation circuit behind the rectification circuit, so that That will solve the problem," Harrington said.

If the alternator itself cannot be solved, we have to find a way to make up for it later. The technical expert Harrington spoke up, and the others could only follow suit.

But how can it be solved?

It's hard to say.

"Should we ask the Orientals to study it? Since they brought up this defect, maybe there is a solution." Erich said.

Harrington shook his head: "No, the twelve-phase alternator was developed by us. If there are problems, of course we need to solve them. Looking through the literature, especially the invention patents in recent years, I believe that we Europeans It is smart, and there must be a solution to the relevant problem!"

So, the technicians came to the library and flipped through them.

Time passed little by little, and the eastern sky slowly brightened. Suddenly, Erich exclaimed excitedly: "I found it, I found it. In the authoritative British publication "DERWENT", there is a special report with rectifiers. The invention patent of the multi-phase synchronous motor stabilizing device for the load! Great, great!"

Although they searched all night, they finally got something. As long as they can buy this patent, they can solve this problem.

Sure enough, they are the smartest Westerners.

Harrington also became excited. Just now, he was so tired that he fell asleep. Now, when he heard the patent, he immediately ran over, which was completely out of proportion to his age.

"Who is the inventor, we will contact immediately."

"China, Naval Engineering University, the first inventor, Ma Ming." Erich read the owner under the invention patent entry, and was immediately shocked: "Yesterday, the person who raised this question with us seems to be also named Ma. Ming? Will..."

This kind of professional circle is usually very small. Yesterday, Ma Ming’s explanation was still in front of him. In Erich’s mind, the words came up again: “You don’t know how, I can teach you what!"

For some reason, Erich shivered.


"Ma Gong, Lao Zheng and I went to the street for a walk and bought some things, do you want to go together?" Qin Tao asked Ma Ming.

"No need." Ma Ming sat in front of the table, spread out his notebook, and was still writing something. For him, time was very precious, and he didn't want to waste it.

dong dong!

Not long after Qin Tao and Zheng Ming went out, there was a knock on the door. Ma Ming thought that Qin Tao forgot to bring something, so he went to open the door, but he was taken aback by the person standing at the door.

"Mr. Harrington?" Ma Ming knew yesterday that the person who took away his drawings is the founder of polyphase generator technology. As far as he is concerned, there is such an aura as a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers. How about authority?When three people walk together, there must be my teacher, and there will always be someone who can't.

"It's me, Mr. Ma, your technology is too strong." Harrington walked in, sat on a chair, and looked at Ma Ming: "The inherent oscillation you mentioned really exists in our generator. Now , on behalf of the company, I sincerely invite you to help us solve this technical problem, and we will give you 150 million marks as a reward."

150 million!Deutsche Mark!If converted into RMB, that would be seventy-eight million!

In 92, it was absolutely unbelievable for an ordinary person to be able to master this kind of wealth. In the era when ordinary people's monthly salary was only two or three hundred, if they had a fortune of several million, they would probably be able to enter the rich list.

The translator brought by Harrington spoke his words, while he was observing Ma Ming's expression.

"If you want, you can stay in Germany forever and work as a technical consultant in our company. You can get a salary of [-] marks every month." Facing the expressionless Ma Ming, Harrington continued to increase his wages.

"Thought it! Wait a moment!" Ma Ming said suddenly, and then ran to the notebook, tossing about.

After a while, Ma Ming was still thinking about technical issues just now!

Harrington was embarrassed.

After Ma Ming finished solving, he looked at Harrington: "I'm sorry, what did you say just now?"

Harrington could only repeat himself.

"This." Ma Ming said: "Why are you so sure that I have a way to solve this inherent oscillation problem?"

"Because of this, you just applied for the patent of the multi-phase synchronous motor stabilization device with rectified load. We think this can solve our problem."

Ma Ming was so happy. Although the name is called a multi-phase motor, in fact, what he studied was a three-phase motor, because there was nothing else. He did not expect that this invention could solve the problem of twelve-phase AC. The inherent oscillation problem of the motor!

What is it called?There is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

Seeing Ma Ming's expression, Harrington thought he agreed: "If so, then I hope we can cooperate happily."

"I'm sorry, the property rights of the patented technology not only belong to me, but also to China." Ma Ming's answer was sonorous and forceful: "Since I was born as a Chinese, everything I own also belongs to my motherland!"

"You need to purchase our invention patent, and then disclose the detailed technical data of the twelve-phase alternator to us, and then, in China, we will jointly solve this problem."

(End of this chapter)

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