Great warships

Chapter 287 A Small Goal: Earn $1 Billion

Chapter 287 A Small Goal: Earn [-]-[-] Million Dollars
The Scud is a tactical ballistic missile mass-produced and used by Lao Maozi, and it is also exported in large quantities. Although the relationship between Parthia and the Red Empire is not good, they also obtained a batch through a third party, and they can imitate it themselves.

However, the accuracy of the Scud missile is quite cheating.

Although Lao Maozi claims that the maximum circular error is 300 meters, that is to say, if a circle is drawn with the theoretical impact point as the center and a radius of 300 meters, the warhead should fall within this circle.

However, in actual use, whoever uses it will know.

The one who got caught the worst was the opponent who had fought with them for eight years. After a few years, he invaded neighboring countries and provoked the Western world, but was attacked by multinational forces.

They fought back, using Scud missiles, but the hit rate is too low, it is usually one or two kilometers. If the error can be within the 300 meters claimed by the old man, there may be more tragedies in the Arab Dhahran military camp. Americans have to get out of here.

As for the interception success rate of the Patriots, only God knows.

Now, the error of the missile in front of me is within 100 meters, or even tens of meters. This is unthinkable. This is simply a sniper attack with a ballistic missile!
"It cannot achieve long-distance attack, but at the same time, it is small, not easy to be found, and easy to hide. It is also very cheap and can be deployed in large numbers. When it comes to the battlefield, it can attack important targets behind the enemy's positions. Fixed-point clearing." Qin Tao said: "I believe that this weapon will definitely meet your needs."

Kasim nodded repeatedly.

"So, starting tomorrow, we will be able to demonstrate our weapon system, which one do you plan to see first?"

"Just this surface-to-surface missile." Kasim looked at the missile on the trailer, and for some reason, it felt familiar.

The missile test was held on the morning of the second day. In the early morning of this day, several vehicles set off from the base and headed north.

Of course, there is no possibility of cheating in the missile test here. The launch location and target are all designated on the spot.

The road conditions here are not good. All the cars are all-wheel drive off-road vehicles. Qin Tao and the others are riding on a Bobcat armored reconnaissance vehicle imported from Germany. At this time, half of his body is exposed from the turret. Looking at the high mountains around, I was very moved: "The mountains and rivers here are as magnificent as those in our country!"

"That's right, our motherland will not be conquered." After hearing the translated words, Kasim agreed.

In the world, the few anti-American fighters who stand still have their own reasons, and the country of Anxi is no exception. It is either a mountain or a desert. The mission of the US special forces to rescue the hostages is here in the harsh nature. The environment has fallen into the sand, and it has become one of the few shames.

Now, the convoy drove up a high mountain, and they could already see the Lut Desert behind them from a distance.

"Stop!" Kasim yelled.

The whole convoy stopped.

"Here is our launch point." Kasim said, "In the desert over there, let's find a predetermined impact point."

"Your Excellency Kasim, it's a bit difficult for you to answer this question!" Qin Tao said, "All the latitude and longitude are unknown, and there is also an altitude factor. The wind is not small today."

Kasim smiled: "This is the only way to test the true effectiveness of a missile in actual combat. If the error can still be kept within 100 meters under such circumstances, then we will definitely purchase a large number!"

"Okay, but it's too general to plant a flag to designate the impact point in the desert. We need to send someone to accurately measure the coordinates of the impact point so that the missile can be fired more accurately."

"of course."

Kasim agreed, unable to point at the map: here it is!The error is too large. In actual combat, the target of the attack must be accurately located. Now, such harsh test conditions must be accurately located.

I just don't know, what method will they use for precise positioning?
Most of the vehicles stopped, only a Lynx armored reconnaissance vehicle, and a Chinese person in charge of positioning passed by. He was holding a large brick-like instrument in his hand, and he didn't know what it was.

It's getting busy here too.

The M-7 missile trailer was quickly set up, the wheels were disassembled, and the chassis was securely fixed on the ground. Then, a support vehicle drove up nearby, and several operators wearing gas masks appeared. Refuel with fuming nitric acid and kerosene provided by Parthian.

Qin Tao and others stood in the distance, watching this scene, pointing and introducing.

"M-7 is a two-stage missile. The first stage is a solid rocket motor, which can be directly loaded with propellant powder. The second stage is liquid fuel. Because we came here by plane, in order to prevent accidents, we did not advance Refueling, in fact, its fuel tank is corrosion-resistant and can store fuel for a period of time, so if you want to fight, you can refuel before departure, drag it to the battlefield, set it up and fight, Hit and run, in addition to this kind of trailer chassis, it also has a self-propelled chassis, which will be faster."

Kassim nodded: "If we order, all of them must be self-propelled chassis. It would be better if its control equipment and missiles can be concentrated on one vehicle, just like the Scud missile."

"Of course there is no problem, but the price of this method will be higher."

"Money is not a problem." Kasim waved his hand.

For countries with black gold under their feet, they don't care about money at all, especially for the Anxi country, it is not easy to buy weapons if they have money, so they don't care about the price even more.

A technician, holding an identical brick in his hand, operates in front of the missile.

"What positioning method are they using?" Kasim knew it was positioning, but felt strange about this method.

"Satellite positioning receiving terminal." Qin Tao introduced: "This is the most advanced positioning method at present."

If you want the missile to hit accurately, you must measure the location of the launch and the location of the target accurately. After all, a slight mistake is a thousand miles away.

For export-oriented weapon systems, satellite positioning systems have already begun to be used.

Launch special navigation satellites into space, these satellites are equipped with the most sophisticated atomic clocks, which continuously provide time signals, and the terminals on the ground receive this signal and then compare it.

Compare with what?
Of course it's the difference in time.

It takes a certain amount of time for the signal to reach the ground. The receiving terminal receives the signal, and then calculates the distance between itself and the satellite based on the stored satellite orbit information.

If the time signals of three satellites are received at the same time, there will be three distance values. According to the position of the satellites, using geometric knowledge to calculate, you can know your precise coordinates. If you add the fourth satellite, you can measure and calculate height information to come.

In this kind of open middle and low latitude area, there are at least six or seven above the head, so the position was determined in this way, very easy.

This method only passively receives signals and does not actively transmit signals. Therefore, with this device, you don't have to worry about being discovered by others, let alone your location.

The only risk is that the signal is cut off by others.

After all, the GPS system is used by the U.S. military. In 1983, the passenger plane of Kimchi Country yawed and flew towards Lao Maozi's intercontinental ballistic missile launch area, but was unceremoniously killed by Lao Maozi.

After the incident, the Americans announced that they would open up their global satellite navigation system to civilian equipment.

However, the Americans still kept a hand. They reduced the accuracy of the satellite positioning system. In fact, they blurred the precise time signal, so as to prevent some users from using this system for military purposes without permission. .

Before 91, a license was required for exporting GPS terminals. After 91, there was no such restriction. As long as you have money, you can buy whatever you want.

A system capable of precise positioning must of course be used in the military. Moreover, the problem of insufficient precision was quickly solved by smart technicians. Since the Americans took the initiative to make errors, let’s eliminate the errors!

The Yankees soon discovered that a large number of differential positioning terminals came out.

According to different principles, there are three kinds of correction methods, among which the pseudo-range difference is the most widely used, which requires a special ground reference station, where all satellites are observed, and based on the known coordinates of the reference station and the coordinates of each satellite, the The real distance from each satellite to the reference station at each moment, and the real time signal value is calculated.Then compare it with the satellite's value to get the pseudo-range correction number, and then transmit it to the user's receiver. After such a lot of tossing, you can get meter-level positioning accuracy.

In later generations, for the convenience of users, the motherland even established 20 beacon stations (that is, the reference stations of the differential system) along the coastline from south to north to send RTCM differential correction information 24 hours a day without receiving any Cost, the client only needs a mobile station GPS to achieve high-precision real-time positioning.

The Yankees stare blankly, but there is no way. This is the same as satellite TV. It costs a lot of money to launch communication satellites, and it is not free for users to use. However, after cracking the terminal password, countless satellite receivers have been stolen by counterfeit factories. Produce it, buy it once, and watch it for free for life.

After all, the satellite signal is broadcast, and there is no way to control who receives it. However, if you are in a hurry, you can cut off the satellite signal.

The Yankees have done this before, and completely lost the positioning signal in an area.

Therefore, if you use other people's systems, you will be controlled by others. In order to avoid this situation, China has vigorously developed its own satellite navigation system. The famous Beidou has also become the pride of the motherland.

(Beidou is a satellite. Most mobile phones in later generations have built-in Beidou receiving chips. Whether we use Baidu or AutoNavi, we are already using various satellite signals, such as GPS, Lao Maozi’s GLONASS, and ours. Beidou, don't spend money to buy some Beidou navigation app, this is Li Gui.)
Now, with the use of the high-end differential GPS navigation terminal, the launch coordinates and target coordinates can be located at the meter level. This kind of strike accuracy will of course be much higher.

A call came from the radio: "The target has been identified, the location coordinates..."

A TV camera and broadcasting equipment were left there. After all, it was too dangerous to keep people watching. On the TV screen here, the condition of the target was also transmitted: in the endless desert, on a random sand dune, set up A flag was raised and fluttered in the wind.

The car that arranged the impact point drove out five kilometers away and established a special observation position, and they were waiting for the next moment.

In the missile launch preparation vehicle, the atmosphere was a bit tense, all kinds of data were entered into the computer, the trajectory was calculated, and the flight route was designed. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

3 minutes later.

"Preparations have been completed, request for launch!"

When he heard this voice, Kasim was very excited: "So fast? We will launch the Scud missile, and it will take more than 10 minutes to prepare!"

"Of course, we have the most advanced missile launch system." Qin Tao said.

The Scud missile is a liquid missile, and the fire control system is also very primitive. The ballistic calculation is still a mechanical computer, and it will be damned soon.

"Can launch!"

Following the order, the solid engine behind the M-7 missile was ignited on the inclined launch pad, and hot flames spewed out backwards, and white smoke enveloped the entire launch site. Qin Tao and the others stood upwind and watched the spectacular scene , with emotion.

"Our Scud missiles are launched vertically. How can this kind of missile use an inclined launcher?" Someone asked a question.

This is of course brought out of the mother's womb. Its prototype is the Hongqi-2 missile. As a 60s air defense missile, of course it uses the oblique launch method. Now it is directly modified at low cost. Of course, it cannot be changed to vertical launch. , that would be too wasteful.

The missiles flew up into the sky with tongues of flame. Watching these missiles leave, Qin Tao said: "It seems that you have a soft spot for Scud missiles! Now, how many missiles do you have in stock? Do you want to buy another one?" batch?"

"Can you get Scud missiles?" Kasim swallowed, "We need at least two hundred!"

Although they have a lot of inventory, although they can still produce it themselves, after all, the output is low. In the missile war a few years ago, they fought a lot, and the inventory is running out. If they can buy a batch, it will be another It couldn't be better.

"Okay, then I'll get you two hundred coins, how about one million coins?"


Easy, a deal is done!

100 million Scud missiles, is it expensive?Compared with the party fee -3, which is [-] million US dollars bought on the opposite side, it is absolutely cheap!
However, for Qin Tao, this deal can make him a lot of money!From now on, his career as an international loser will reach a new level. From Lao Maozi, he can buy one for 15 to 20, and if he buys [-], he can get one as a gift!
When you come here for the first time, set a small goal first, earning him [-] to [-] million is enough.

Liu Shenggen, who was in charge of the translation, was very emotional there, Mr. Qin's business is simple and easy!

Liu Shenggen admired just the way he walked in the garden. If he knew that Qin Tao had achieved a small goal with a few simple words, he didn't know how he would feel.

The flying speed of the missile was very fast, and while they were chatting, the missile had already flown to the target.

"Attention, the missile is about to arrive!" Following a message from the observers five kilometers away, everyone looked at the TV screen, where suddenly a half-length missile appeared, and swished, piercing towards the Knowing the position of the flag, when seeing the landing point of the missile, the insider exclaimed: "The error is within 20 meters!"

According to the size of the flag, the impact point can be compared. The distance between the missile landing point and the flag is about four flagpoles, and the exposed part of the flagpole is about five meters. Then, the error is on the order of 20 meters.


This is under the gust of wind, and in the case of a large drop from the high ground, if it is a Scud missile, it will definitely be able to hit an error of more than one kilometer.

An error of 20 meters is simply unbelievable.

In the sound of the explosion, the fireball rose up, and the flagpole and flag disappeared in an instant.

The people watching nearby also opened their eyes wide. The entire sand dune was enveloped in flames and thick smoke. After the thick smoke dissipated, the sand dune was gone!It was blown away!

"This power is not much worse than the Scud missile, and the killing radius is at least 200 meters!"

As an air defense missile, the warhead of the Hongqi-2 missile weighs 170 kilograms. As long as it is hit by it, there is absolutely no way out.After being converted into a surface-to-surface missile, the weight of the warhead has increased to 250 kilograms. It is an exaggeration to say that it is similar in power to a scud missile with a one-ton warhead. , directly lifted the sand dunes, and it still looks very spectacular.

"Not bad, not bad! The performance of this missile is great, and the accuracy is so high. In the future, when we hit the enemy's key targets, we will be able to have a big killer." Kasim was very satisfied with this test launch. Satisfied, he nodded immediately.

When they returned to their residence, everyone was very happy. In the restaurant, a lively dinner party was going on.

"Today's test firing opened our eyes. From then on, we will be able to obtain a precision strike weapon." Kasim was very happy, and he raised his glass: "Come on, let's prepare for today's test firing." Cheers to success and let us wish you all the best."

Although he was holding a wine glass in his hand, what was inside was the pomegranate juice that had just been squeezed from the juicer on the side. It was bright red in color, similar to wine.

As for the guests from the East, everyone's glass is full of fake wine.

Qin Tao raised his glass: "Yes, let's toast to today's successful test launch!"

For Qin Tao who is used to drinking vodka, drinking a glass of wine is nothing more than rinsing his mouth.

Since then, there has been no alcohol here, at least on the surface, but in fact, there are still many underground workshops, especially a kind of strong alcohol called dog sweat. It is said that drinking it will burn violently in the stomach , just like the Beagles.

But, if you think about it, you still have to respect other people's customs here. If local young people are caught drinking, they will be tied up and whipped. Only foreign guests are allowed to drink.

"We plan to purchase nine transport-launch integrated vehicles and [-] missiles in the first batch."

The number nine is special because it is three threes.This is not nonsense. In the army, many are organized in threes and threes. One missile launch vehicle forms a squad, three squads form a platoon, and three platoons form a company.

"Please make a price." Kasim said.

"By the way, Lao Maozi's Scud missile, such a backward weapon, also costs 100 million US dollars a piece. Our missile is far more accurate than the Scud, and the preparation time is still short. This advanced missile must be more advanced than the Scud. Scud missiles are better to use, for the price."

Qin Tao glanced at Kasim, and then said: "Ninety missiles, nine launch vehicles, plus personnel training, etc., packaged together, how about [-] million?"

Elder Shen, who came along with him, swallowed and spit, two hundred million?Mr. Qin is really ruthless!

They originally told Mr. Qin that they only planned to sell 60 pieces!How can this thing be compared with a Scud missile?Ninety pieces, that's only more than 5000 million, plus the supporting launch vehicle, selling for 7000 million is enough.

Qin Tao directly wants [-] million!You know, these are all waste products in China, and they are things that need to be dismantled with money. Now, they can be sold for sky-high prices?
When picking up the plane yesterday, Kasim once said that money is not a problem, but even if Anxi is not short of money, it can't be taken advantage of like this!
At this time, Kasim also looked a little embarrassed. Normally, since it is a business, it is normal to bargain, but now, Haikou has already boasted. If it is too expensive, it will be embarrassing.

As if knowing what Kasim was thinking, Qin Tao smiled: "For your side, ninety missiles are far from enough, and you will definitely need a huge number in the future, but if you just buy them, It is not in line with your national defense policy, so after this deal is completed, we will also help improve your production plant so that you can produce this advanced weapon yourself."


The price of [-] million is indeed high enough, but if the technology is introduced along the way and it can be produced by itself, then this deal will definitely be a bargain!

"We will also send experts here to help guide the production work. If you have other questions in this field, you can also ask our experts."

Kasim became excited: "Thank you for your support, we have no problem with this deal!"

Laymen watch the fun, experts watch the doorway, and experts can save a few years of detours with a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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