Great warships

Chapter 288 Let's open a shipyard for missile boats!

Chapter 288 Let's open a shipyard for missile boats! (plus more)

At the time of the M-7 missile test launch, in the quiet Anxi Bay, a huge oil tanker was sailing on the sea, and the English letters of BATILLUS were painted on its bow.

This is a 55.3-ton supertanker made in France, and it is also an oil tanker that entered the Guinness Book of World Records.

In the 70s, due to the restrictions on the Suez Canal, shipping companies had to detour. Since there is no need for the restrictions of the Suez Canal, of course the cargo ships are getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, the most amazing is the island country. Throughout the 70s, the island country built more than half of the world's ships with the power of one country, and super-large oil tankers continued to move off the slipway of the island country.

In 1976, France built the 414.2-meter-long "BATILLUS" VLCC with a deadweight of over 50 tons. As the world's first ship with a length of over 400 meters, this ship Tankers became the pride of the French.

They continued their efforts and built four ships in one go. The other three were "BELLAMYA", "PIERRE GUILLAUMAT" and "PRAIRIAL", all of which were launched in the late 70s.

Now, they have sailed at sea for more than ten years and are in the golden age of cargo.

On the boat bridge, a watchman was concentrating on the sea. This route was not safe. During the attack on ships in the past few years, no one cared which country the cargo ship belonged to. Then there is the possibility of being hit.

Although that period of time has passed, they are still cautious, this is not a peaceful place.

Suddenly, the watchman's eyes fixed on something, and his expression changed drastically.

That thing is about the size of a watermelon, but there are some thorns protruding from the surface, which looks like it is showing its teeth and claws.

"Damn it, mines, there are mines!"

"Quick, go around!" The captain yelled in despair.

The huge and heavy tanker slowly began to evade. When it passed by the mine, everyone was relieved. Nima, it was only a dozen meters away!

The news of the discovery of the mine quickly spread to all the nearby ports. For a while, there were different opinions, but no one dared to leave.

All the oil tankers that left the port returned to the port, and countries began to negotiate. Who did it?So dishonest?

However, cursing people is useless, you have to ask the International for help and send minesweepers over.

For a while, Anxi Bay was completely calm.

That night.

After eating and drinking, the crowd did not leave, because there was a new performance that was performed at night.

North of Bandar Abbas, on a hill in Siahu.

"Because of the curvature of the earth, although our anti-ship missiles have a range of 120 kilometers, our guidance radars cannot illuminate that far. If they are on missile boats, long-distance launches require relay guidance. Now we are deploying in On the mountain, this kind of problem can be avoided." Qin Tao explained to Kasim.

"Relay guidance? For us, this has a certain degree of difficulty." Kassim replied, if they just hit and run on the shore, they can guarantee safety, but if they send a helicopter to go there Following the guidance, then, on a fierce battlefield, it is likely to be sunk by others.

In 88, they had already experienced the experience. Under the attack of the enemy, several main warships of the navy were defeated and almost all were sunk. It was even more impossible for them to take off helicopters to guide them.

"As long as you think about it, there is always a way. For example, you can arrange the relay guidance radar on an oil drilling platform, so that it will be more concealed. In the future, after our over-the-horizon radar is successfully developed, we will be able to There is a better strike effect." Qin Tao said.

The weapons and equipment dismantled from the modern class are all very good, especially the music station radar, which is their sharp weapon for beyond-the-horizon strikes.

Now that the roof radar and the target illumination radar have been developed, this radar is almost the same, right?
Now, we have to use the most common sea-search radar. The radar antenna, which looks like an orange petal, stands on a radar vehicle and is searching for targets while rotating.

Next to the radar car, the missile launch vehicle has also adjusted its angle. The windshield in front of the car is covered by a layer of flipped steel plates to prevent it from being scorched by the flames of the missile launch. At this time, inside the radar car, countless people In the midst of intense work.

"Target found, [-] kilometers away."

Since the mountain is only [-] to [-] kilometers away from Bandar Abbas, the target [-] kilometers away is [-] to [-] kilometers away from the coastline, which is considered near the shore.

"That's right, that's our target ship." Salami said, "As long as there is no second target to make trouble."

"There is only one target, but the current electromagnetic interference is a bit severe."

Hearing the words, Salami smiled and said nothing.

Their tests are of course close to actual combat. In 88, they had no results under the enemy's electromagnetic interference. Last year, they saw how their old enemy was defeated by modern tactics. Fighting back, so they are also practicing new tactics.

If this kind of missile does not have the ability to resist electromagnetic interference, it will not be able to adapt to modern warfare at all.

Of course, this cannot be said.

"Ready to launch anytime."

Unlike the M-7 missile, which requires temporary refueling, although the C802 anti-ship missile must use liquid fuel, aviation fuel is not corrosive and can be refilled in advance.

Once the missile enters the launch box, it doesn't even need to be opened for three to five years, just a test according to the time.


Kasim's eyes were full of anticipation.

They have used silkworm anti-ship missiles before. They are big guys with liquid rocket engines. They are bloated like silkworm babies. When destroying enemy warships, they look like Tyrannosaurus rex. Cannot fly sea skimming.

Now, what surprises will this missile, similar to the French Flying Fish, bring them?

The flames rose, and the black hillside was illuminated. Driven by the solid booster, the red and white C802 anti-ship missile flew out from the launch tube, like a dragon coming out of the water.

The front four wings unfolded first, and the turbojet engine air intake appeared in the middle of the two lower wings. It continued to move forward, and the rear tail followed. Then, flames surrounded everything around.

Propelled by the solid motor, the missile began to accelerate. In the darkness, the flames at the tail were so bright, and then, with the afterglow of burning, it began to fall.

"Missile dropped?"

"No, the booster was thrown away. Now, the turbojet engine has just ignited." Qin Tao introduced.

On land, the missile was flying at an altitude of about 100 meters. When it flew to the seaside, the altitude quickly dropped to ten meters.

Generally speaking, anti-ship missiles are left alone after launch. After all, the active radar seeker is used. Although the range of action is not very far due to height and power problems, the target it wants to hit is not fast, so , After flying over, you will not miss the target if you go to find the target.

Of course, it would be even better if there is a relay guide in the middle.

The launching device is mainly to provide the initial data of the target. Now that the radar vehicle has completed its mission, it is monitoring the target while searching for the flying missiles. When necessary, it can also conduct a relay guidance.

The flying height of the missile has been reduced to ten meters, which was impossible for the previous Silkworm missile.

All are waiting.

"The distance is [-] kilometers, and the flight altitude is reduced to five meters."

"Ultra-low altitude flight will reduce the interception success rate of the opponent's anti-aircraft missile." Qin Tao introduced from the side: "In actual combat, we can also reduce the flying height of the missile to one or two meters, flying close to the waves, making the enemy hard to defend against. .”

"The last five kilometers, prepare to start the snake maneuver!"

"At the end, the enemy's close-in defense guns will attack. In order to avoid the opponent's dense barrage, in the final stage, we designed this S-shaped serpentine route."

Liu Shenggen was a little surprised. They only explained it to Mr. Qin once. Mr. Qin memorized all this, and now he can tell it to others vividly. He only needs to translate, without any embellishments.

For a subsonic anti-ship missile, it only takes 20 seconds to fly the last five kilometers. Just after the introduction, the C802 anti-ship missile has already pierced into the belly of the target ship with a roar.

Under the dark night sky, the huge target ship suddenly burst into flames, dazzling, even the mountains here can be seen clearly.

"Although our anti-ship missiles use a 165-kilogram warhead, they are semi-armour-piercing and definitely not that powerful." Qin Tao is very honest.

"That's right, if it's just your missiles, which are not so powerful, the current flame should be the remaining crude oil on that ship that was ignited."


Qin Tao looked at Karim in disbelief: "You actually use the oil tanker as a target ship for us?"

This is too extravagant, right?
Tanker, tanker!Although this thing runs slowly, it is definitely a sharp tool for making money!Who would have the luxury to use a tanker as a target ship?

"The oil tanker of more than 30 years should have been scrapped a long time ago. This time it happened to be used as a target ship. Moreover, in this way, no one can suspect that we threw the mine. After half an hour, we will announce it to the public. , our own tanker accidentally ran into a mine."

This, this, this?
Qin Tao found that the guy in front of him was more ruthless than himself, and he could calculate!This bitter trick kills two birds with one stone, and it's played beautifully.

"We are also very satisfied with this anti-ship missile. We will talk about the specific cooperation details tomorrow?"

Today was a very busy day. After returning home, Qin Tao fell asleep until noon the next day.

That afternoon, in a conference room.

"Our C802 anti-ship missile is the best among modern anti-ship missiles. It can display its strength on a warship, we think this is the most suitable choice for you, with it, you can do what you want at any time."

Some words don't need to be said, and obedient people can understand the meaning.

The previous grievances can be washed away now!

"Yes, we are very interested in this anti-ship missile, and we are willing to purchase two hundred pieces in the first batch." Kasim said, "I don't know the price?"

"If you only buy this kind of missile, it still won't give you enough protection. Therefore, we are also willing to export all the technology and production equipment of this missile so that you can produce it domestically." Qin Tao Said: "The total amount of this project is [-] million US dollars."

For the M-7 missile, Qin Tao just promised that he will export related equipment in the future, but the follow-up has not yet started. Therefore, as long as 802 million, the C[-] anti-ship missile is as famous as the French flying fish, and it is also sold directly on the production line. , The price of [-] million is definitely not expensive. In this way, Anxi Nation can mass-produce anti-ship missiles at any time!
What is two hundred, two thousand, twenty thousand are fine!At that time, it is completely possible to play the tactics of saturation attack.

"Moreover, after you can produce it yourself, you can continue to improve it. For example, if you install a more fuel-efficient engine, the range can reach two hundred, or even three hundred kilometers."

"That's right, we need to be able to produce it ourselves. We can accept this project!"

If you buy it separately, one piece will cost at least 200 million, [-] pieces will be [-] million, and the production line will be [-] million. This deal is definitely a bargain.

Moreover, what they are more excited about is the future upgrades and improvements. If the range can be increased to [-], or even [-] kilometers, it will be even more against the sky!

They can not only guard the gate, but also have the final say on the interior of Anxi Bay, don't you agree?Just do it if you don't agree.

"Of course, since the project is entrusted to you to produce independently, then don't use our number, you can give it a name yourself." Qin Tao said: "This thing has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, yes, I decided to name this anti-ship missile we independently produced as Nur!" Kasim made a decision on the spot.

How did you say it?

Only 31 million!The remaining [-] million belong to the Navy. Even if only half of the J-[-] project is allocated, there will still be [-] million funds. Now, the project can be launched quickly!

The remaining 054 million can also start the [-] air defense frigate project, and a large part of the money will still flow to the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, and no one else can say anything.

Of course, to Qin Tao, these are trivial matters. Next, the negotiation of missile boats is the main source of profit for their Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group.

"The Anxi Bay here has a long and narrow water surface. Your navy needs a fast and powerful water vessel. Cooperating with the Nuer missile, it can become the master here." Qin Tao continued to introduce: "We give you Fang has brought a brand new design, I hope you will be satisfied."

What kind of large warship do you want? In 88, weren't all large warships sunk?You have to take the path of guerrilla warfare at sea, which suits you best.

A large-scale design drawing was directly hung on the wall of the conference room. Looking at the graphics on it, everyone opened their mouths wide.

"Is this double body?"

"With a helicopter take-off and landing platform?"

"This displacement is only three hundred tons?"

"This shape looks very magical. Could it be invisible?"

"It's very similar to the missile boat in the east!"

Everyone was aroused interest.

"That's right, this is a high-speed catamaran wave-piercing transport ship." Qin Tao said, "The main task of this transport ship is to transport four Nuer anti-ship missiles."

Liu Shenggen, who was in charge of the translation, almost laughed out loud. Only Mr. Qin could speak out these nonsense in a serious manner. He forcibly held back and translated for everyone.

"Its stealth performance is very good, especially in complex sea conditions. It is difficult for ordinary shipboard radars to find its traces at a distance of [-] to [-] kilometers, and at that distance, its own radar is already Can hold the target firmly, and then accidentally trigger the Nuer anti-ship missile."

Inside the conference room, there was laughter.

We are not selling missile boats, we are transport ships!
"What is the performance of this missile... the transport boat? For example, the speed?"

"In our country, it is made of aluminum alloy, but if you produce it in your own shipyard, it is estimated that it will be built with steel. In this case, the performance of the ship will decrease, and the speed may be only 45 knots about."

Originally, the catamaran missile boat with more than 50 knots, after increasing the displacement, the speed must have dropped, but Qin Tao has no idea how much the speed has dropped, so let's say it lower now, so as not to be chased and complained by others in the future.

However, these people were obviously not struggling with this sentence, but were shocked by Qin Tao's other words.

"Our own shipyard?"

Where did our own shipyard come from?
During the previous dynasties of the Parthian Kingdom, they followed a policy of buying, buying, and buying. Anyway, they have good relations with the West. What can’t be bought?
Before 79, apart from the oil refining industry, they had no other industrial strengths in the country.

Originally, with a new leader, it was time to develop the economy. However, the deadly enemy came to the door and fought for eight years. It is absolutely nonsense to say that they can still develop their own national industry during the war.

Now, it has only been a few years of cessation, and the country's economy has recovered a lot, but when it comes to the shipbuilding industry, it is absolutely zero.

(The specific year was not found, but it was found that the shipbuilding industry in Parthia has a history of less than 30 years. Calculated from 2022, there should be no shipyards in Parthia now, and there are at most a few ship repair yards.)
"That's right, don't you think that you should have a shipyard? You have a large demand for oil transportation. With a shipyard, you can build oil tankers yourself. If you want to continue to purchase warships from abroad, it will be very difficult. , Even if you buy it, you are afraid of accidents along the way, so you build it yourself is the most reliable." Qin Tao said: "Take Bandar Abbas as an example, the terrain is very good, suitable for building a shipyard .In the future, maybe you can get rid of your dependence on oil exports, and become a shipbuilding powerhouse, building cargo ships for foreign countries.”

These words made Kasim feel excited, yes, if they have their own shipyard, what a wonderful scene it would be!

"Your country is vast, and there are countless mineral resources on those high mountains. As long as you introduce relevant equipment, you can build a modern shipyard here. You can be self-sufficient in raw materials, and you don't have to worry about being stuck by others." Qin Tao said : "If you have an idea, we can help."

Selling the missile boat directly would be risky. At most, Qin Tao would sell the design drawing of the missile boat, as well as the supporting engine, water jet propulsion, etc. How much money can he make from these?

If you want to make money, you have to trick them into making a big deal!

In order to build your own missile boats, just build a shipyard!

"You need to build a large number of missile boats and submarines. In the future, this bay will be yours, and no one will think about it." Qin Tao said.

Submarines can also play a huge role in this kind of bay.

Now, Kasim has been moved.

"Qin, you are right! We should develop our own shipbuilding business, but we are starting from scratch, and we still need your help!"

"I am very willing to help." Qin Tao said: "We have just built a 40-ton dock in China. If you want to complete it in one step, you must at least build a 30-ton dock. Our construction team can come to help .”

If you want to build a ship, you must have a slipway and a dock. After these constructions, the investment may be more than one billion, and half of it has to fall into Qin Tao's pocket!

"We still need a [-]-ton gantry crane. We can also help you find out from other countries and buy a second-hand one."

"Steel-making equipment, we can produce it domestically, and we can sell it to you."

After these projects are negotiated, we have to go for 20 billion.

Isn't it good to buy a bicycle?How did you end up in a Ferrari shop?
"This project, I need to report to the higher authorities." Kasim did not dare to make decisions, after all, this is a major issue related to the development of their country.

"Okay, then let's talk about this catamaran transport ship." Qin Tao said: "Its engine uses the MTU diesel engine that we can already produce independently in China, and it uses water jet propulsion, which is also produced by ourselves. If you need it, we can sell it in a package. You can choose the electronic equipment yourself."

"If you want to experience it, you can go to the East at any time in the future, and I will arrange it for you."

M-7 missiles and C802 missiles can be brought here for display, but the 022 missile boat cannot be driven here, it is too ostentatious, they can only go to the East if they want to visit.

For this missile boat project, Qin Tao intends to only sell the designs. Of course, if he is happy, he can give them the design drawings for free, as long as they are willing to hire a leather bag company specially established by Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group to contract the shipyard for them. construction projects on the line.

The meeting had been going on for a whole afternoon, and Qin Tao, who had a dry mouth, walked out of the meeting room with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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