Great warships

Chapter 289 Watch him build a tall building, watch him collapse

Chapter 289 Watch him build a tall building, watch him collapse

"Mr. Qin, you have helped us a lot this time!" Liu Shenggen said to him as he walked, "Our C802 anti-ship missile can be sold so expensive..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's the Nuer anti-ship missile." Qin Tao said.

Liu Shenggen nodded: "Yes, the Nuer missile."

"Well, will Anxi really open a shipyard under your suggestion? Isn't it a bit too extravagant to open a shipyard for a few missiles...transport boats?"

"If it's just for building a few transport boats, it must be a luxury, but if it's for this country, it's definitely worth it. In the future, the shipbuilding industry here can really develop."

No one dares to question Qin Tao's deduction, so the plan proposed by Qin Tao is really likely to succeed!

There was still a lot of noise outside. Many people believed that the mastermind behind the launch of the mine was the Parthian Nation, but then, an oil tanker in the Parthian Country hit a mine accidentally and sank!This also clears the suspicion.

Parthia launched a ruthless attack and fought it all by itself. In later generations, a Nuer missile sank its own warship. Look, are our missiles powerful?See who jumps?Whoever jumps does who!
"President Qin, for the M-7 missile, they asked us to use an integrated launcher, this problem..."

Seeing Mr. Shen's worried eyes, Qin Tao said: "What's so difficult about this? There should already be imitations of Maz 543 in our country, so it's enough to match it? If we can't find it, let's start from Lao Maozi. It’s okay to get a batch of second-hand missile launch vehicles over there, and we are imitating Mercedes-Benz heavy trucks in China, so why can’t we find the chassis?”

If you want to talk about missile launch vehicles, you have to mention Lao Maozi's famous Maz 543. This kind of launch vehicle dedicated to Scud missiles is well known all over the world along with Scud missiles.

In 76, the country obtained one through a third party. After surveying and mapping imitation, in 86, a corresponding model was developed: Wanshan 580 20-ton 8×8 heavy-duty off-road vehicle, which was later renamed WS2400 type. In 91, the firm was officially adopted.

This kind of launch vehicle was mainly used as a carrier launch vehicle for party fee 11, and it has been continuously developed since then. Together with the products of Sanjiang Factory, it has supported land-based ballistic missiles.

After receiving so much money from others, of course you have to have good things, you can't keep them for nothing, and you are reluctant to use good things if you have good things.

If you want to get a mid-card chassis like Jiefang and Dongfeng, it will definitely not work.

Old Shen nodded, that was the only way to go. Although the output of this kind of chassis was small, there were only nine of them in Anxi, so it was not a big problem.

"By the way, this is not a one-shot deal. The quality of the first batch of products must be guaranteed. After the Anxi army uses them smoothly, there will be more orders in the future. It is no problem to introduce production lines. Export the idle HQ-2 missile production line to them."

Qin Tao really doesn't know much about this matter. After all, he is a shipbuilder. However, in his memory, it seems that the M-7 missiles have sold thousands of missiles. Therefore, the ninety missiles are now , is just the beginning.

Old Shen nodded: "That's natural, we absolutely can't smash the brand of our military industry."

Mr. Shen was very happy, and the technicians of C-802 were even more happy. Since they directly negotiated a big deal, the equipment they drove over simply didn't take them back. They just stayed here. Their technicians , also entered the role in advance, and began to train the relevant personnel of Anxi Country.

The matter of the M-7 missile and the C802 missile is considered to be properly arranged. As for the matter of the shipyard proposed by Qin Tao, it took a whole week before Kasim replied to him: "Qin, we hope to go to the East and inspect Take a look at your shipbuilding industry."

"Of course." Qin Tao knew that the other party would not be able to make a decision on such a major national event just because of his few words, but as long as he showed them the Dongfang Shipyard, they would definitely be interested.

In this way, Qin Tao and the others finally returned to their motherland after half a month of business trip.

A few of them stayed in the local area directly and continued to do follow-up work. In the end, all the equipment they brought was kept. Otherwise, I would have to waste the Il-76 and make another trip, which is not worth it.

Therefore, on this return journey, everyone took the C-130 transport plane of the Anxi Kingdom, and they flew at night to avoid the outside world from discovering the clues.

"Your side is really powerful. No matter how many sanctions you receive, you can keep the weapons in your hands well." Sitting in the cabin, Qin Tao said to Kasim with emotion.

After 79 years, Parthia severed ties with the West, and many people came to a conclusion: Before long, those American-made weapons in Parthia's hands would become scrap iron.

However, after eight years of fighting, the Tomcat fighter jets are still able to soar in the sky, and even after the Phoenix missiles are used up, they creatively put the surface-to-air missiles on the Tomcat fighter jets, replacing the Phoenix missiles, and continue to dominate the sky .

As for this C-130 transport aircraft, the same is true. Under pressure, they worked hard to achieve self-production of various consumable parts. They are even strong enough to help other countries sanctioned by the United States to renovate The C-130 transport aircraft turned the US sanctions into a joke.

"Yes, the sanctions have made us stronger." Kasim said: "Of course, we are also grateful to all the friends who have helped us, especially the friends in the East."

It is not entirely correct to say that they can completely manufacture vulnerable parts by themselves. After all, their industry is not good. Many parts are obtained through international smuggling. As long as they have money, they can buy what they want.

"You have two waters in Anxi Bay and the Caspian Sea, with a coastline of more than 700 kilometers. You also rely on busy sea transportation routes to develop the shipbuilding industry. You have unique advantages." Qin Tao continued to fool: "Especially Along the coast of Anxi Bay, the sea is deep, and there is no cultivated land along the coast. The land is sparsely populated and requires little investment. Take your coast near Bandar Abbas as an example, the area is equivalent to the total area of ​​many large shipyards in our country , with great potential for development.”

"Yes, Qin, I have reported to the higher authorities, and they are very interested in this proposal. If our country wants to continue to develop, we must have our own industry." Kassim said: "Our guards decided to take on this great task. As for the glorious mission, after this investigation is over, we may officially start construction.”

Qin Tao secretly sighed in his heart, this army in this country can do anything!
Mingzhou Shipyard.

A faint mist shrouded the shipyard, the weather in winter was like this, and everyone was used to it.

There are noisy voices everywhere, showing that the shipyard is in full swing. The fog will not hinder people's work. The sparks of the arc are faintly visible in the fog, like firecrackers at night.

Seeing that the New Year is about to come, the sound of firecrackers around makes people feel the atmosphere of the New Year.

"Zhou Gong, I heard that there will be a lot of year-end awards this year?"

On the berth, the second 051C destroyer has already started intensive construction work. The outline of the hull has just appeared, and countless workers are busy here. When they saw Zhou Yongfei approaching, someone asked.

"When did Boss Qin treat us badly? This income must be getting higher every year. Don't worry about this year-end bonus. Anyway, it will be paid tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Work hard now. If there is any mistake, be careful to deduct it." Your salary." Zhou Yongfei said.

The two 051C destroyers were both supervised by Zhou Yongfei. He was very attentive and absolutely did not allow any problems to arise.

"Well, I just wondered if I could replace the black and white TV at home with a color one for Chinese New Year this year."

"Do your job well! Return the color TV, work on the berth all day, and you still have the strength to watch TV when you go home? It seems that you are not working hard!"

"Where, it's not the woman at home..."

In the midst of this whispered discussion, there were some murmuring voices.

The big guy was a little curious. This voice didn't sound like an old man's, nor did it sound like those representatives of the shipowners. Is this a newcomer?
"At present, our shipyard is still manufacturing the most advanced air defense destroyers for the navy. These warships have the biggest secret of our navy. Please pay attention, you can only look at them, but not touch them." Qin Tao's voice came, followed by another chatter the sound of.

President Qin is back?

Everyone hurried to work and didn't dare to gossip anymore.

In the thin mist, a group of people came over.

Kasim was very excited. They had already seen the 40-ton dock, which was a spectacle. Now, they came here again to see the destroyer under construction in the East, which is still the most advanced destroyer!

"The displacement of this kind of warship has already exceeded [-] tons?" Kasim said to Qin Tao.

"That's right, due to the installation of advanced area air defense weapons, the displacement of this destroyer must not be small." Qin Tao said: "Once it is completed, it will become the most powerful warship in our navy."

"I really hope we can have such a warship." Kasim said.

"I'm very sorry. I don't think you need a large warship. For you, small ships with hundreds of tons are the sharpest weapons in Anxi Bay." Qin Tao said: "Of course, if your side If you want to own a warship of this level, you may not be able to buy it, you can only build it yourself."

"Yeah, we need to build it ourselves." Kasim nodded.

The sun in the east is slowly rising into the sky, and the thin mist is also slowly dissipating. Qin Tao took the Anxi country's investigation team around to have a look. I admire it very much, and at the same time, I also have a firm belief in my heart that I want to build a ship.

"Qin, after we go back, we must start this project, and ask you to send technical personnel to help us build a large dock."

Qin Tao nodded, and after some deception, the other party finally took the bait, and the infrastructure construction team was going abroad to make money. In the future, the reputation of the infrastructure madman would also be heard all over the world.

Suddenly, Qin Tao stopped in his tracks. He looked at the distant construction site in the gradually dissipating mist, and curiously asked the people around him: "Director Qin, we built those buildings. ?”

He didn't remember which area the family courtyard expanded to!

Qin Baoshan shook his head: "No, the area there is not owned by our shipyard. I heard that it is a developer from Hainan called Wanli Group. He took a fancy to this place and planned to develop it into a sea-view house. Half a year ago, they We started negotiating with Mingzhou City."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qin Tao glanced at his father angrily.At this moment, he felt as if he saw something shining over there.At this moment, he had guessed something in his heart.

"Aren't you busy all the time? Besides, although we also have an infrastructure team, we are shipbuilders after all. It is enough to build a family courtyard for ourselves. There is no need to compete with real estate developers in the society for business, right?"

"Hey, what do you know?" Qin Tao glanced at his father helplessly, then looked at Kasim who was a little confused: "Your Excellency Kasim, we have finished reading here, and I will send someone to take you to other places. Let’s take a look at the shipyard here, since you’ve come here, you should do more research.”

"and you?"

"There are some things in the shipyard that I need to deal with. When I finish, I will go to you and continue to introduce you. I am very sorry."

"Qin, since you have something to do, we won't bother you." Kasim was also sensible.

After these people got into the car and left, Qin Tao immediately called for Zhang Zhigang.

"Company Commander Zhang, please give me a platoon and follow me to do something."

Zhang Zhigang has changed from a platoon leader to a company commander, and his team is still here to do security work. At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Zhang Zhigang immediately replied: "Boss Qin, there is something that endangers the construction of our warships." ?"

"That's right, have you seen the construction site over there? I suspect that someone secretly photographed the construction of our warship here, and even sold the photos to foreigners!"

Zhang Zhigang immediately became serious: "Understood, I will personally lead a platoon to carry out the mission with you. President Qin, do you want to transfer more people from the base?"

"Need not!"

A row of people boarded several trucks in unison, and then headed towards the construction site at lightning speed.

At this time, the sun was gradually rising, and the fog had all dispersed. From a distance, the big slogan outside the real estate could be seen.

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom!

Wanli Kanhaixuan, the most beautiful sea view home!

The truck stopped at the gate of the construction site, blocking the road tightly.

"Surround the entire construction site and set up a cordon." Qin Tao shouted: "Then, send people in to search!"

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a voice came from inside, and a burly man came out from the inside: "Who is here to make trouble? Tell you, this is the territory covered by Lord Guo, who of you dares to be presumptuous?"

Although the winter in the south is not as cold as it is in the north, the guy in front of him deliberately opened his arms, revealing the chest hair on his chest and two dragon tattoos, obviously intending to use this to scare people.

Qin Tao glanced at him: "We suspect that someone here is betraying state secrets! Anyone who dares to stop them will be taken away directly, and those who instigate maliciously will be punished on the spot!"

Whoa, whoa!
The big man was obviously discouraged. He watched people pass by them, but dared to protest: "You can't do this, this is the first real estate development project in Mingzhou! It is of great significance. We, Wanli Group, are you in Mingzhou The city government invited you here, if you do this, the government will not let you go!"

Qin Tao sneered, hum, a real estate developer?They are all a group of guys who eat meat but don't spit out bones!In the past, it was okay if the well water did not violate the river water, but now, if you want to violate Lao Tzu's interests, there is no way!

After half an hour.

"Mr. Qin, let me introduce you. This is the vice president of Wanli Group, Zhao Wenlong, Mr. Zhao. This is Mr. Qin from the most famous shipping group in Mingzhou." Leader Zhang of the government, with a smile on his face .

"Boss Qin, I have long admired you." Zhao Wenlong stretched out his hand, intending to shake hands with Qin Tao. Qin Tao didn't even look at him, but just stared at Leader Zhang: "Leader Zhang, our government is becoming more and more capable. Make me anxious." Forget about me, move the entire group to Huating, don't even want a dime of tax from the government!"

Qin Tao's deliberate negligence made Zhao Wenlong very embarrassed. His face was blue and white, and his eyes even had a murderous look. However, when he heard the tone of Qin Tao and Leader Zhang talking, he was shocked again.

This guy is either stunned, or has a deep background!
They Wanli Group, in order to come here to develop real estate, enshrined these leaders of Mingzhou City as bodhisattvas. Where is the young man in front of him?How dare you curse at your mouth?
Leader Zhang also became embarrassed.

"Boss Qin, you build your own warships, and we build sea-view rooms here. There seems to be no conflict, right?"

"There is no conflict? There is a big conflict!" Qin Tao looked at Leader Zhang dissatisfied: "Our shipyard not only builds civilian ships, but also builds warships for the navy and submarines in the future. These all need to be kept highly confidential. Here If the sea-view room is built, as long as someone stands behind the window and holds a camera, he can take a picture of the warship we are building!"

The cold sweat on Leader Zhang's back immediately broke out.

He really didn't think of this.

This kind of thing can be big or small. If it is serious, no one who has signed the approval of this real estate project can escape!
A crime of leaking state secrets can shoot them to death.

"There is also a sea view room. There is still a distance from the sea. Why don't you build the house directly on the beach, but in the river at the mouth of our place?" Qin Tao said: "Besides, who would like to build a house here?" Buy, except for the workers in our shipyard, who would buy a house here and then go to work in the urban area? The city wants to develop real estate, why not develop houses in the urban area or next to the urban area?"

It’s only been in the 90s. Although various large-scale real estate companies have been established, most of them rushed to Hainan for development, and finally made a big hole. In a small place like Mingzhou, is there a sea view house?
There is definitely a problem here, check it out, does this Wanli Group have an island country, or a background from the Wanwan side?
"Boss Qin, we can assure you that we absolutely don't have such an idea, and we wouldn't dare to kill him!" Zhao Wenlong took all his unhappiness into his heart and began to pretend to be a grandson for Qin Tao.

"As long as you don't kill him, you dare." Qin Tao gave the other party a contemptuous look.

"Boss Qin, I can assure you that this will never happen."

"President Qin, our group has already invested 3000 million yuan in this project, and various banks in Mingzhou have lent us [-] million yuan." Zhao Wenlong continued: "This project is of great importance. Please raise your hand high. What are your conditions?" , you can mention it."

This is a common way for real estate developers to kidnap the government, and everyone will prosper, and everyone will lose!Qin Tao glanced at someone: "Leader Zhang, I found that the leaders of our government are courageous enough! The profits and taxes paid by our shipbuilding industry group are not enough to feed you! The 3000 million pit, Tsk tsk, you people, wait to be punished."

"Boss Qin, Boss Qin, you can't do this!" Leader Zhang was anxious.

Qin Tao snorted: "It can't be like this, what else can I do?"

"Let the house here be built."


"Catch him, catch him!"

At this moment, suddenly, shouts came from the construction site.

It seems that this sudden sneak attack is really rewarding!Qin Tao thought to himself, and he looked at Leader Zhang: "I guess, the person caught inside is a spy who stole information about our shipyard. Leader Zhang, who is guilty of leaking state secrets, can't escape."

Leader Zhang felt his legs go weak, and big drops of sweat fell from his forehead.

Soon, a few people twisted a short guy and walked out from the inside. This guy had a bruised nose and a swollen face. He seemed to have been beaten, and he was still whispering birdsong.

"The stolen goods are captured!" Qin Tao said: "Our government has no right to intervene in this matter. Let it be interrogated by the relevant state departments. Please our government, immediately control the relevant persons in charge of Wanli Group! "

Zhao Wenlong turned his head and was about to run, but Zhang Zhigang, who had been following Qin Tao, immediately made a move, throwing the guy over his shoulder hard.

this afternoon.

Government cars stopped at the gate of Mingzhou Shipyard. All the leaders were anxious and wanted to come to Qin Tao to discuss countermeasures. However, Qin Tao was not here at all. It is said that he went to the naval base. They can only be in anxiety, waiting for the unknown fate.

A lot of news has already flowed into their ears.

Wanli Guanhaixuan is a key project of the Mingzhou Municipal Government. There will not only be five or six-story small western-style buildings here, but also a twenty-story landmark building. This reinforced concrete frame-shear structure is the Many people have never been in contact with it. In order to ensure the quality of the project, a foreign expert was specially invited.

At the beginning, the city government had received this foreign expert, and he also attached great importance to it. He spent every day on the construction site. It’s just that this expert has a hobby, likes photography, and often takes pictures on the construction site. For such trivial matters, let him do it. up.

As a result, in the camera's film, some photos of 051C under construction were found!
Although this foreign expert refused to admit it, everyone knew that this matter was a big deal!
 PS: I entered a chapter yesterday, 287, which was released at noon. It is very exciting, and everyone is welcome to go back and read it.Today is still three chapters, dedicated to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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