Great warships

Chapter 310 I like to mention the warship, what, can't I leave?

Chapter 310 I like to mention the warship, what, can't I leave?

Pacific Fleet Command.

The location of the auction was still the original room, which gave Li Jinshan a special feeling. At the beginning, he auctioned the Minsk in this place, but it also became a hot potato and the source of the company's losses. .

When it was heard that the Novorossiysk would continue to be filmed, countless people objected, thinking that such a crazy move should not be made, and that we should not suffer any more.However, the old man sitting on the main seat finally agreed to his suggestion.

Of course, the company has no money, so it only collected 500 million for him, and the remaining 500 million was obtained by selling his house, car and other properties. In this way, it is considered a bet everything about him.

He is very determined. This time, he must not fail, he must succeed!As long as the boiler on the Novorossiysk is removed, they can completely get out of trouble, and their navy will also have an aircraft carrier!
Think about what happened a few months ago. At that time, the Da Mao Pacific Fleet did so chicly. Isn't it because they had the Novorossiysk?

An aircraft carrier is a symbol of a big country, and their kimchi country also needs an aircraft carrier!

With this in mind, he sat on the chair, and then saw Qin Tao on the other side, and waved to him.

When he saw Qin Tao, Li Jinshan had mixed emotions. Is this person a friend or an enemy?Did he do all of this?

Li Jinshan didn't know, and he didn't want to think about such messy things. For him, as long as no one disturbed him, that was enough.

Even if the other party is making trouble, I won't be fooled, because I only have 1000 million US dollars in my pocket!
Li Jinshan just nodded to Qin Tao, and then ignored Qin Tao. For him, the most important thing at present is to clean up his mood, and then deal with what is going to happen next.

Are there other companies?

Indeed there are.

The companies that bid last time came again. However, even if the Novorossiysk was taken away by them, there is no need to worry too much. You can buy the disassembled boiler from them, which is also possible.

"I'm very happy, everyone once again joined our auction. This is a new contribution made by our Da Mao to world peace. After the Minsk, we decided to auction Novorossiysk. Like last time, we dismantled After removing all the weapon systems, there is only an empty shell left. At the same time, we also require that the party that wins the bid, after taking the warship away, needs to dismantle it into scrap iron and cannot use it for any other purposes, otherwise If you don't, you are violating our agreement. Now, let's start!"

"The starting price is 100 million, and the price will increase by 50 each time."

In this way, the auction kicked off again.

"150 million!"

"200 million!"

"250 million!"

After the price was called 250 million, no one called the price anymore, which is already very high for scrap iron.

"500 million." Li Jinshan yelled out a price. After yelling, he looked at Qin Tao. Now, will Qin Tao jump out and cause trouble for them?

Qin Tao was playing with the bidding sign with his hand, and when his hand was about to be raised, Li Jinshan's heart was in his throat.

However, I let it go.

"500 million once."

"500 million twice."

"Four million three times!"

"Unfortunately, this bidding did not reach the seller's psychological reserve price, so this auction..."

The host's tone was full of regret. Although the auction started from 100 million, this was not the seller's psychological reserve price. If the price did not reach this price, the transaction would still not proceed.

But what's the base price?

Nobody knows.

Could it be 8000 million?That old man was dreaming.

"1000 million!" Li Jinshan shouted out.

If what Qin Tao said is correct, and Lao Maozi's reserve price is 1000 million, then he can use this reserve price to obtain the Novorossiysk.

Although the warship was bought for 1000 million yuan, it can be sold for a few million after dismantling the ship, which is equivalent to using the remaining few million to buy a boiler. It is still very cost-effective. A little scale or something, and then use it should be no problem.

1000 million!

Countless people looked sideways at Li Jinshan, isn't this a swollen face to pretend to be fat?Their Dazhou company has recently experienced a serious crisis. Who would have thought that they would still pay a high price for this kind of scrap iron? I really don't know what to think!

Li Jinshan didn't pay attention to the eyes of these people, but just looked at Qin Tao. If Qin Tao offered 50 million, he would be compared with him, and then their Dazhou Company would be over.

Qin Tao's hand started to play with the bidding card again, he wanted to raise it up a few times, and then put it down again.

"1000 million once!"

"Four million twice!"

"1000 million three times! Congratulations, Dazhou Company is pleased to mention the Novorossiysk!"

Li Jinshan finally breathed a sigh of relief, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and he slumped limply on the seat.

The Novorossiysk was bought, and their Dazhou company was also saved. They only need to remove the boiler inside and install it in... No, as long as they are sure that the boiler is intact, they can ask the navy for money!

With this money, they have nothing to fear.

Li Jinshan was panting heavily, and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"What's wrong with you?" Pu Douxuan was worried when he saw Li Jinshan's appearance, "Should I call you a doctor?"

"No need." Li Jinshan said: "Go through the formalities immediately! Get the Novorossiysk back as soon as possible!"

"Well, don't worry, I'll do it now."

Li Jinshan closed his eyes, and in his mind, the appearance of a refitted aircraft carrier appeared, jumping over the deck, the angled deck, and F-18 fighter jets took off and landed from above. Although they have gone through hardships, history will remember them Dazhou Company, remember him Li Jinshan!

"Mr. Li, congratulations." At this moment, Qin Tao came over and extended a friendly hand to him.

"Hmph, Qin, the boiler matter and the gas ship matter are all related to you! What you have done is too much!" Li Jinshan's face changed: "We will file a claim against you!"

"Mr. Li, this is not very good. Is this crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?" Qin Tao looked at Li Jinshan, still smiling.

This guy's performance is really good, he is rushing to tear himself apart, of course I want to fulfill him!

"Crossing the river and demolishing bridges, all of this is your conspiracy. You cheated us of a large amount of funds from Dazhou Company, and we will never let it go!"

"Okay, from now on, you take your Yangguan Road, and I take my single-plank bridge." Qin Tao said: "If you have any means, just use them. Sigh, this is really a story about a farmer and a snake. !"

Qin Tao sighed, shook his head and left.

"Huh!" Li Jinshan felt very relieved.

He has learned the technology of the natural gas ship, and the bidding for the Novorossiysk has been completed. In the future, he has nothing to cooperate with Qin Tao. Now, thinking about those things in the past, he always feels that he was given by Qin Tao. Cheated.

Although there is no evidence, it still needs to be addicted to the mouth!
Seeing the back of Qin Tao leaving, Li Jinshan felt very relieved.

the other side.

"Okay, 1000 million has arrived in your account. Now, can you take me to see that warship? We need to drive it back as soon as possible." Pu Douxuan said to the person in front of him.

"Of course, I will take you to go through the handover formalities immediately."

The last Minsk was driven directly to the shipyard by the old man. Now the Novorossiysk must not be like that. The handover must be completed here at the base, so as to save the old man from driving the warship past. By the way, the boiler exploded!
They can also be regarded as gaining wisdom by eating a pit.

The person in charge was just about to take Pu Douxuan when the phone rang. When he picked up the phone, the expression on his face changed, he answered several times in succession, and then put down the phone.

"What's wrong?" Pu Douxuan asked curiously.

"Sorry, you can't take over the Novorossiysk for the time being."

"Why? We've already paid the money!" An ominous premonition surged in Pu Douxuan's heart.

"We just got the news that you took over the Minsk and did not dismantle it into scrap iron according to the original agreement. Now, several large international companies have lodged serious protests against us. They think , our Pacific Fleet is helping your Kimchi country acquire aircraft carrier power."

A thunderbolt from the blue sky hit Pu Douxuan on the head with a click, and his mind was in a mess.

"International company, protest? What international company?"

"European, some shipyards in America."

"Those companions who bid? How could they do this!" Pu Douxuan was completely dumbfounded.

"Where is your commander? I want to see your commander." Pu Douxuan said, "I will assure him that after the Novorossiysk returns, it will be dismantled into scrap iron soon. !"

"Moscow found out about this and was very dissatisfied with our Pacific Fleet. The commander went back to Moscow to explain." The staff member said: "The call just now was from the commander, asking us to temporarily suspend the transaction, otherwise , will lead to more serious international disputes.”

"Then, can we ask to terminate the transaction? Give us back our 1000 million." Of course, Pu Douxuan knew that the situation of their company had deteriorated to the point of no return. This 1000 million was the last sum of money, yes Their hope is that now, since the transaction cannot continue, the money must be returned.

This kind of thing has to be reasonable. If you take the money and don't give it to the warship, then of course you have to refund the money.

"Okay, I'll ask for instructions right away." The other party was sensible and called right away, but...

"Sorry, the money was in our account, and it was deducted in less than a minute."


"That's right, our base owes a large amount of water and electricity bills, and there are still a lot of wages. After the finance side got the money, they immediately transferred the money. Now, we are recovering it. There are about [-] yuan in the account." Dollar…"

Pu Douxuan didn't know how he got back to the hotel. His face was pale, he was trembling, his body was sweating non-stop, and his clothes were completely soaked, as if he had fallen into the water.

When Li Jinshan saw Pu Douxuan for the first time, he immediately reacted: something happened!
"We've been tricked!" After Pu Douxuan said this, Li Jinshan only felt his eyes go dark, and then fainted.

Pacific Fleet, Command.

"Qin, this trick of yours is really useful. We got 1000 million yuan, and we don't need to deliver the ship. The Novorossiysk is still ours!" Nicholas was so beautiful in his heart. .

Only Qin Tao can come up with this kind of strategy, and even if the other party files a complaint, it's useless!

"I can only blame the people of Kimchi for being too greedy. You made it clear at the auction that it must be dismantled into scrap iron and not used for military purposes." Qin Tao said, "If they only take away the Minsk, Then we have nothing to do with them, but now, they are still coming to shoot the Novorossiysk, this is simply a sheep sent to the door!"

If you don't kill Dazhou Company, who will you kill?

They were breaking the rules anyway.

Originally, what was said was good, the Minsk was bought back and scrap iron was to be dismantled, what happened?Just don't listen, want to transform into an aircraft carrier!

If there was only that one ship, it would be fine, but they actually took the Novorossiysk away. Now, it is Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it!

Kimchi country has an aircraft carrier, many people will not be unhappy, such as those in the island country, such as the Americans, etc., several of their steel companies that failed to bid, stood up to expose the true intentions of Dazhou Company, and exposed the Minsk Therefore, the Pacific Fleet can only maintain fairness and justice.

"That's right, those people didn't pay attention to my words. As long as the Minsk is dismantled into scrap iron, the Novorossiysk must belong to them. We will never covet this warship. Come, drink !"

The wine glasses of the two collided again.

"Your Excellency Nicholas, just got the news that Li Jinshan suddenly fainted and is being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment!" Zaitsev came to report.

"We must use the best doctor, and we must not let him die here. Otherwise, the reputation will be bad." Qin Tao said.

This is the largest city in the Far East of Lao Maozi, and there are still many famous doctors. If Li Jinshan dies, it will be a bit unpleasant.

"This kind of person shouldn't be able to die." Nicholas said, "Come on, Qin, let's continue talking. Can you repair this warship for us in Mingzhou?"

"Of course there is no problem with repairing. The 1000 million sent by Dazhou Company is enough for the maintenance fee. But, Nicholas, we can't move now. We have to wait until Dazhou Company goes bankrupt. The warship is here to stay, so we can repair it."

Nicholas nodded: "When will that company go bankrupt?"

If you wait a few years, then the 1000 million US dollars will probably be spent!

"I estimate that it happened in the last one or two months." Qin Tao said.

Nicholas nodded, one or two months, still waiting!
Dazhou Company must go bankrupt, and this is just the beginning!If these competitors are not beaten down, how will other domestic shipyards make money in the future?

Qin Tao had already thought about his next plan.

After this meal, he drank very happily, and drank from noon to night before Qin Tao returned to the guest house.

Then, Qin Tao was surprised to see that someone was waiting at the gate of the guest house. After seeing Qin Tao, he came directly and knelt down.

what?Qin Tao yelled in his heart that it was not good.

Who knows if there are paparazzi here, if this scene is filmed, then Qin Tao and his Mingzhou Group are likely to be the target of public criticism.

After all, no matter when and where, losers will always be sympathized with. If there is any conspiracy theory in it, it will be easier to be poked in the back.

Qin Tao didn't want to be splashed with dirty water.

"President Qin, President Qin..."

In the midst of several people's shouts, Qin Tao poured down unsteadily, still shouting: "Wine, let's have a toast!"

Mr. Qin is drunk?
Several people supported Qin Tao and carried him back to the guest house. After the others left, Qin Tao sat up: "Old Zheng, pour me a glass of water, I'm dying of thirst."

Zheng Ming quickly came over with a water glass: "President Qin, you are really amazing! Now, Dazhou Company is going to go bankrupt, right?"

"They went bankrupt, what does it have to do with me? By the way, can the TV here receive our domestic programs? Today is just the time for Zhang Zhong to be on TV."

"Well, I'll try."

Soon, Zhang Zhong's figure appeared on the TV, and he has become a star.

"Today, we just received news that the Novorossiysk of the Da Mao Pacific Fleet was photographed by Dazhou Company at a price of 1000 million, which caused a shock in the industry. Many companies protested to the Pacific Fleet. Regarding this matter, Let us ask Zhang Zhong, a famous military analyst, to introduce him to all of us.”

"Hello everyone." Zhang Zhong sat there, very naturally: "Let's take a look at the content of the protest first. Last year, Dazhou Company obtained the Minsk through bidding. According to the statement at the time, it was to be dismantled into Scrap iron, but after it was towed back, it has not been dismantled, so many people think that Dazhou Company wants to restore it into an aircraft carrier."

"So, could it be because Dazhou Company has not freed up manpower for the time being? We know that in the past year, Dazhou Company's operating conditions have not been very good, and workers have often gone on strike to demand higher salaries. Could it be that They can't take care of dismantling for the time being?"

"That's right, the Dazhou Company also stated this way, but we can see that after the warship was towed back, it entered the dock, and then set up scaffolding. We all know that for a shipyard, the dock It is very precious, as long as it goes in, it must be constructed as soon as possible, but the Minsk has stayed in the dock for a year and has not come out, which is incomprehensible for a normally operating shipyard."

"They also said that they can build dozens of tons of oil tankers, so if they really want to build an aircraft carrier, then they can build it themselves, and there is no need to modify Lao Maozi's decommissioned aircraft carrier. What do you think of this statement?"

"There are many countries in the world that can build oil tankers, but few can build aircraft carriers, because the technologies required by the two are completely different. Among other things, few countries in the world can manufacture the steel needed for aircraft carriers." Production."

As Zhang Zhong said, he raised his palm: "No more than five!"

"Now, the general opinion from the outside world is that Dazhou Company encountered difficulties when transforming this aircraft carrier. We know that this was originally a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, not an aircraft carrier. Now, Dazhou Company has to go ahead to transform it. If they build a jump deck, it is very likely that they cannot produce the corresponding deck steel, so they have to buy the Novorossiysk and use the steel on this warship to meet their transformation needs."

Qin Tao looked at Zhang Zhong's analysis, he has nose and eyes, not bad!

"However, the public's eyes are discerning. In fact, the Dazhou Company was already full of doubts when it first purchased the Minsk. If the warship was disassembled and sold for scrap iron, it would not exceed 500 million yuan, but they spent It cost 8000 million. And now this ship, the Novorossiysk, cost another 1000 million. They will not make a loss-making business, so there must be monsters if things go wrong."

"Then, why didn't Da Mao realize it in advance?"

"This makes us feel emotional. Since the collapse of the Red Empire, Da Mao's army has been in the sunset, and many of their spy satellites are also unusable. Otherwise, they would have discovered that the Minsk had not been dismantled. It is simply impossible to sell Novorossiysk to the same company."

This analysis is really good. The people of Dazhou Company saw it, what would they think?
The next day, before Qin Tao got up, there was another knock on the door.

If I knew it earlier, I would have to change my place of residence!
Outside, Pu Douxuan looked anxious.

"President Qin, President Qin, please save our company!"

"Help? The person in charge of your company, Li Jinshan, wanted to hold me accountable yesterday, saying that I lied to him, and we broke up. Today, why are you begging me again? I can't bear it. "

"No, Mr. Li is very ashamed and regretful. He has been in a coma for a long time. After waking up, he directed me to come to you to apologize."

"Apologize? Are you looking for my help?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, please help us!"

"How can I help you? Sigh, seeing how sincere you are, I'm going to forget that I'm a villain."

"Mr. Qin, please help us lobby the top management of the fleet to hand over the Novorossiysk to us as soon as possible."

"This is..."

"President Qin, please help us!"

"Okay, I can go and tell you about it, but, as you know, it needs activity funds, first give me 200 million activity funds, and I will help you to carry out the activities."

What? 200 million?Pu Douxuan was dumbfounded.

"What? You all want empty-handed white wolves, right? How can I go about activities without funds?" Qin Tao looked at the person in front of him dissatisfied: "You don't know this rule, do you?"

"Our company is at the end of its rope, we have no money!"

"No money? If you don't have money, there's nothing you can do."

(End of this chapter)

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