Great warships

Chapter 311 The Big Airplane Chapter is here!

Chapter 311 The big plane is back!

"Our Pacific Fleet has always valued reputation very much. It is precisely because of this that we cannot hand over the Novorossiysk to Dazhou Company now. As long as they dismantle the Minsk at hand into scrap iron, we will Deliver immediately!"

"That's right, that's it. If we deliver the Novorossiysk now, we will be surprised to find that one or even two ski-jump aircraft carriers appear in Asia. The military balance in Asia has wreaked havoc!"

"We did this precisely as a responsible performance. Dazhou Company breached the contract first. We just delayed the delivery time a little bit, and it's not that we didn't give it to them."

"Doing this fully demonstrates our sincerity in maintaining world peace, even if it means getting a bad name for it, we will not hesitate."

The head of the Pacific Fleet, Nicholas, held a press conference. Facing the reporters who kept asking questions, he gave impeccable answers one by one.

South Kimchi Country, Dazhou Company, conference room.

The atmosphere was deadly silent.

Everyone knows that they have no way to go. Since their establishment in 73, their company has been making great strides, but now, it is coming to an end!
"Factory, we want factories!"

"Work, we want to work!"

Outside, the wave of protests has begun again.

The people in the room only felt the great irony. Some time ago, these guys have been complaining about long working hours, asking for rest, low wages, and asking for salary increases. Now, seeing that the company is about to close down, they are starting to make trouble again. Already working!
Do they think that as long as they make a fuss, they can get what they want?

At least, in terms of work, it's useless even if they make a fuss. Their Dazhou company may go bankrupt and go bankrupt.

"The court has already made a judgment that our patent infringement against the Norwegian company's natural gas ship is valid." In the midst of silence, a person walked in and told them such a terrible thing.

This means that the funds they have been frozen will be transferred to the account of the Norwegian company, and their company is completely over.

On the main seat, the old man stood up and looked outside. Through the window, he could see everything inside the shipyard.

It was not easy for this shipyard to develop slowly from small to large, but the destruction came so quickly.

They are completely dead.

"Let's wait for the government. Let's see what the government can find for us. They won't watch so many workers lose their jobs." After a long time, he said such a sentence.

Huating, Northeast, Baoshan District, Dachang Town.

A circle of more than 1 meters long moat river flows slowly from here, and there is a wide runway surrounded by this circle of rivers.

On one side of the runway, a large number of hangars have been built. In the hangars, there is the outline of a large aircraft. The wing roots of the aircraft, and the interior of the two huge cylindrical devices are its engines.

As long as you see this layout, you can know that this is a common H[-] in China.

Here is a large military base of the Navy.

In the distance of the base, there are still a large number of factory buildings, silver-white passenger planes, and its outline is exposed on the apron at the end of the factory buildings. The outlines of the bulging engines on both sides of the tail of the aircraft are so clear.

This is the McDonnell Douglas-82 passenger plane assembled by Huating Aircraft Factory!

Dachang Town is almost completely occupied by these buildings. On the one hand, this is a large military base for the naval aviation, and on the other hand, it is also a test flight field for Huating to assemble passenger planes, which can be regarded as both military and civilian use.

And now, in a corner of the Dachang base, outside a small gray two-story building, a new sign has been erected.

Mingzhou Shipping Group Transportation Company Air Transportation Branch.There are a lot of these characters, and the handwriting is very new, obviously just painted on it.

Ma Laoliu, Zhao Laosi and others all came to Huating from Mingzhou. At the door of the small building, they looked out expectantly until a Mercedes-Benz big G appeared and rushed to meet it.

When Qin Tao got off the car, their faces were full of smiles: "Mr. Qin, you are back!"

"Boss Qin, who is this?"

Looking at the man in suit and leather shoes who came down with Qin Tao, with his straight body and sonorous and powerful steps, he was from the army.

"This is Brother Wang. He used to be the driver of my father-in-law. Now, he is the person in charge sent by another joint venture partner of our air transportation company. From now on, Mr. Zhao will be here permanently. You must cooperate with Brother Wang." !"

If this air transportation company wants to do something drastic, it must have the support of the army, otherwise it will not be able to apply for the route, not to mention the driving and maintenance of the aircraft, all of which need the help of the army.

Therefore, according to the original agreement, Mingzhou Group and the army each have half of the shares.Qin Tao's old father-in-law was still a little awkward at first, thinking that the army was not good for doing business, but this time, when he learned that a big guy was flying back, the old father-in-law didn't hesitate anymore, and in order to better coordinate, he simply followed him. The driver for more than ten years was transferred to be the person in charge, and worked closely with Zhao Laosi to develop the company together.

"Welcome, welcome, Brother Wang. From now on, you have the final say on our company!" Ma Laoliu, Zhao Laosi and others hurried up to shake hands with Wang Ge.

Brother Wang smiled: "No, I'm mainly in charge of logistics support. How the company operates is up to you. As long as it's needed, the army can requisition it at any time."

He didn't come to seize power, and he didn't pursue power too much. For him, as long as the interests of the army could be guaranteed, that was enough.

Now, after hearing Brother Wang's words, Ma Laoliu, Zhao Laosi and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let's go in and add up first." Qin Tao said: "At present, this place is not big enough. When the big guys from our transportation company fly over tomorrow, I am afraid there will be no place to occupy it. Should the navy make another sacrifice? Carve out a space for us, and let's park the big guy."

"Of course no problem." Brother Wang nodded: "Also, we need to give you two more warehouses to facilitate the installation of those accessories."

"Big guy, how old is it?" Zhao Lao Si asked curiously.

"Big, big."

Qin Tao's statement is too general, but everyone knows Qin Tao's speaking style, so they don't take it seriously.However, when the plane flew back the next day, everyone was stunned.

Whether it's the navy's aviation unit or the personnel of the Huating aircraft factory, they all raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Just listening to the movement of that plane can make people feel different!
They raised their heads and looked at the huge guy. When the outline gradually became clear, countless insiders shouted: "Six engines, six engines!"

A large number of people stood in front of the small building of the air transportation company. Today, not only Wu Shengli and others came from the capital, but also Gu Laosun Cong and others from the farther north.

The big guy stood there, looking up at the sky in the distance, looking at the outline of the huge transport plane, full of emotion.

"82 million dollars, except for Mingzhou Group, there is no other company in our country with such great courage!" Gu Lao said with emotion: "The McDonnell Douglas [-] over there can buy two or three!"

"How can the McDonnell Douglas-82 compare with it?" Qin Tao said: "After flying down, you can feel the hugeness of this transport plane. If the McDonnell Douglas-82 takes off the wings, you can directly stuff it into it. Carry it in the stomach!"

"Yes, this aircraft has a great advantage in transporting large parts." Wu Shengli also said from the side: "Besides, you don't have to worry about the risk of sea transportation by flying over. Everything can be transported by this plane.”

When he said this, many people present fell silent.

At this moment, the roaring sound came, and the huge plane began to align with the runway and landed.

"Is it too wide?"

When the plane was level with the runway and the edges of the wings almost fell outside the runway, someone shouted.

The airport here has a long history. After the fall of Huating, the devils forcibly expropriated land here and built an airport with a 2000-meter-long runway. Later, after the war was won, the navy took over the airport here and became a naval aviation base. After the aircraft factory cooperated with McDonnell Douglas, in order to take off large aircraft from here, the airport was expanded.

Ordinarily, this runway is already one of the best in the country, but now, compared with the huge outline of An-225, it is simply nothing!
The An-225 taxied to the end of the runway before slowly stopping. Then, under the command of the ground, it slid to the apron specially prepared for it. It has far exceeded the height of the H-[-] hangar. When it slid past a H-[-], you could see how small the H-[-] was in front of it, just like a toy.

"This plane is really too big!"

Everyone said with emotion.

Qin Tao was also very excited: "Come on, let's see!"

"No, we didn't prepare such a long gangway!" Xiao Wang suddenly thought of something and patted himself on the head.

Look, the cockpit of the plane is tens of meters above the ground, and there is no gangway. How can the people on it get down?

"The transport plane, when it was designed, has the conditions to take off and land at the field airport. Even if there is no ladder, they can come down." Qin Tao said.

This can't be blamed on Xiao Wang. He has been driving Wu Shengli. Although he has seen a lot of things, he is not a professional after all, and it is impossible to master these detailed knowledge.

Just as everyone walked over, the roar of the aircraft engine had disappeared. Under the huge belly of the An-225 transport plane, a side door slowly turned downwards, turning into a gangway for travel.

It’s almost the same as a small business jet. When it was built, the side door was made into a gangway. In this way, the people inside first walk through the inner gangway, go down from the cockpit to the cargo compartment, and then follow this path from the cargo compartment. Going down the ladder, there is no need for any layout on the ground.

One, two, three... The old men came down one after another. For them, this was a new beginning!
Galunenko, Kowalski...their hearts are all excited.

They have come to the east and will have a brand new start!
"My friends, welcome to the East. Come, let me introduce you. This is our leader Wu..." Qin Tao introduced them.

During Qin Tao's introduction, Sun Cong couldn't wait to get into the plane. He, Gu Lao and others came here, of course, for the things inside the plane.

Sure enough, when he entered, he was stunned by what he saw.

Two aircraft similar to the Su-27 were fixed on the floor of the cargo warehouse. For each aircraft, only one wing was removed, and the other wing was folded directly to allow the aircraft to meet The size of the warehouse.

The slightly downward-sloping nose is like the head of an eagle. There are smooth side strips on both sides of the nose, extending backward to the wings. However, unlike the land-based Su-27, there are additional There are two more small duck wings.This makes it a specially constructed three-plane aircraft!

A large number of parts are scattered and fixed in the warehouse. Sun Cong can step on the parts box and jump onto the fuselage of the plane. Due to years of feng shui and sunlight, the surface of the plane has faded, and even a row of rivets can be seen The head is so conspicuous, he looks backward, looking at the rear of the huge body, the wide body extends backward to the tail, and a short tail vertebra appears...

"Let's wait until the evening to unload the things here, and drag them directly into the hangar." At this moment, Qin Tao's voice sounded outside: "Let's go to dinner first, and celebrate these guests who came from afar."

Although Qin Tao said so, those people obviously didn't listen to Qin Tao. Instead, they continued to pour into the cabin, looking at the two planes inside, expressing their emotions one after another.

Fortunately, martial law has long been imposed on the outside, and idlers are not allowed to enter. Although the base here is shared with the Huating Aircraft Factory, there is a clear difference, and it is impossible for them to come here.

Domestic security measures are much stricter than Lao Maozi's.

Well, just watch it.

Qin Tao knew that these two planes were very attractive to everyone.

"As a carrier-based aircraft, the wings must be able to fold, which will increase the weight of the aircraft, and the landing gear has also been strengthened. Therefore, if an ordinary land-based fighter is converted into a carrier-based aircraft, the mass will increase. It can even increase by more than one ton." Qin Tao also introduced: "However, when we produce our own, we can use composite materials in a large area to reduce the weight of the aircraft. The self-weight of the weapon can be used to increase the weapon's mount and fuel."

"In particular, the nose of the aircraft uses radar equipment weighing one ton, which is too backward. After we can produce it ourselves, we can replace it with our own radar equipment. Just this radar, the weight loss of [-] kilograms is not enough. question."

Military fans know that the Su-27 is a beautifully designed aircraft, but this aircraft is dragged down by radar.

It was originally planned to equip the flat-panel slot radar, but as a result, the relevant institutions were not strong enough to get it out. In the end, the radar used by the MiG-29 could only be simply enlarged and installed. Therefore, the whole set of radar plus the cooling system weighed up to A ton of these scary numbers.

Because the radar was overweight, Simonov took his team and began to reduce the weight of the aircraft, and even punched holes in the beams. In this way, the aircraft was eventually developed with soft bones. In the transonic range, if the overload exceeds 7.5G, it may fall apart, which happens to be the speed range most commonly used by fighter jets for close combat.

Therefore, the Su-27 is still flawed.

Lao Maozi's electronic technology is not satisfactory, and our domestic ones come from behind. The 14th Institute has already produced a flat-panel gap radar, installed it on a Flying Leopard fighter-bomber for testing, and when it matures, it can be replaced at any time in the country.

Gu Lao nodded: "Yes, at present, in the aviation industry, more and more composite materials are used, which can greatly reduce the weight of the aircraft. However, this weight is not reduced casually. If the weight is reduced casually, Then the center of gravity of the aircraft may change. The aircraft may even lose control because of it.”

Weight loss is not something that can be lost casually.

Take the domestic J-80 as an example. In the [-]s, under the leadership of Tu Lao, improvements were made. Marconi's radar equipment was used on the nose to reduce the weight.

However, the center of gravity of the aircraft will change in this way. In order to avoid risks, an additional piece of cement is added to the nose for counterweight.Later, when it was changed to a double-delta wing aircraft, a lot of aerodynamic calculations were done, and the counterweight was finally removed.

This is only the second generation machine.

The three-generation Su-27 has a beautiful aerodynamic layout, but with the strength of the 601 Institute, it will take a long time to fully understand it.

"We need to thoroughly understand its technology." Qin Tao said: "Su-27 has many items that need to be improved. For example, the analog telex needs to be replaced by digital telex, and the entire electronic system of the aircraft must be replaced. In this way, Only then can we use our own weapon system. Now we import the Su-27, and we have to import the supporting missiles, the old man will not open the weapon interface for us, we have to replace these, and we can change it at any time in the future.”

"Yes, Taozi is right." Wu Shengli agreed with his son-in-law.

The import of the Su-27 allowed the Air Force to gain the capability of medium-range interception for the first time. However, this required the purchase of Lao Maozi’s air-to-air missiles. For this thing, one shot would be one less. In peacetime, it is necessary to purchase certain missiles. It's okay to come to training, but what about wartime?There are too many things that the missiles in stock are exhausted, and then the relevant suppliers do not sell them.

In addition to money issues, there are also strategic considerations. Therefore, the Air Force must have air-to-air missiles that can be produced domestically.

In fact, domestic air-to-air missile technology has been developing. After the introduction of related technologies from Noodle Country in the 80s, domestic air-to-air missiles have also been developed.

So, can domestically-made missiles be hung on imported fighter planes?
Of course not, this requires people to open up the weapon interface, and only fools will provide it. On the one hand, it is the requirement of technical secrecy, and on the other hand, it is driven by profit. Wouldn’t it be good to sell missiles for a long time in the future?
Therefore, after entering the 21st century, the first batch of imported Su-27SKs that were used intensively were retired soon after reaching their service life.Is it not good to continue to use Life Extension?

The answer is not good. Compared with improvements, the newly manufactured J-11 can mount all kinds of weapons produced by itself. That is the best choice. In this regard, it must not be controlled by others.

Old Gu nodded, of course he knew how important it is to thoroughly understand the Su-27's technology and then improve it.but…

"Now, it's too early for us to talk about this." Gu Lao said: "After all, we talked with Lao Maozi several times, and Lao Maozi didn't let go. They planned to sell finished products, and they didn't plan to sell production lines at all. Now Lao Maozi , is no longer the old man!"

Speaking of these, Gu Lao was still emotional.

When the motherland was just established, the relationship with Lao Maozi was very good. The first aircraft factory in the old industrial base in Northeast China was established with the help of Lao Maozi. Moreover, the direct production was the most expensive aircraft factory in the world at that time. Advanced jet fighter.

From J-21, to J-[-], to J-[-], even if the relationship with Lao Maozi had been broken at that time, the blueprints of that car are still extremely precious. Without those blueprints, it is impossible to imitate MiG-[-] come out.

What now?
The current negotiation is difficult!
Speaking of this, Wu Shengli was also very emotional: "Yes! After the Air Force purchased the batch of Su-27s, they were very satisfied with the performance of the aircraft. It is of great significance to us to continue to purchase and introduce production lines. One thing. However, Lao Maozi also grasped our point, he just refused to let go and refused to provide us with a production line."

Does it matter if you sell eggs or hens that lay eggs?
Lao Maozi will not let go of his life and death, and the negotiations are at a stalemate.

The navy is still waiting eagerly. Now that the prototype of the Su-33 has been obtained, the navy is even more eagerly looking forward to imitating this carrier-based aircraft after domestic production. Qin Tao also planned this way, so , and got these two T-10Ks.

It's a pity that there is no preparation in the early stage!

Qin Tao smiled: "They are trying to manipulate us, but we are not so easy to be manipulated." Qin Tao said: "It is not their family that has the plane."

"You mean Dassault's Mirage 2000?" Mr. Gu started to analyze: "In the past, this possibility was indeed possible, but now that Wanwan has purchased a batch, it is impossible for us to purchase aircraft of the same model as theirs. No one will believe it!"

Qin Tao hadn't planned to get in touch with this aspect at first, but now, after hearing Mr. Gu say this, he remembered something. It's a piece of cake to make trouble for those guys on the opposite side.

However, let's arrange it later. Now, let's talk about my own ideas.

"Of course not. The Sukhoi family is not the only one in Da Mao's family. Sukhoi doesn't provide production lines, so let's go to the Mikoyan Design Bureau!"

Wu Shengli patted his thigh: "Yeah, why didn't we think of that?"

(End of this chapter)

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