Great warships

Chapter 312 The Bomber Who Runs Out of the Alphabet

Chapter 312 The Bomber Who Runs Out of the Alphabet

That night.

Two prototypes of the T-10K were pushed into the warehouse.Maybe for a long time, these two prototypes need to stay here quietly. After all, the production of the Su-27 has not yet started, and the Varyag has not been brought back. Therefore, the two The plane is temporarily unavailable.

However, their fate has changed. They will not be exposed to the sun and wind in the Nitka base and eventually turned into scrap iron. They will become the hope of the Chinese Navy's carrier-based fixed-wing aviation!
Countless people stood in front of these two planes, imagining the future.

"This time, from the Antonov Design Bureau, we dug a group of people back, in addition to the pilots, there are also designers." Qin Tao began to talk about the arrangement of these people: "Their current establishment is our aviation team. The employees of the transportation company, but it would be too wasteful to keep them here."

Qin Tao didn't care about paying these people salaries and letting them settle down, but after all, these people are technical experts, and it's a bit wasteful to maintain aircraft here.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a waste for them to stay here. However, our aircraft factory in the old area is just discussing the large aircraft project and has not officially launched it. After all, the country's funds are not enough to maintain too many aviation projects. .”

Now, the Air Force and the Navy already have Il-76 and Il-78 in their hands, which is really cool. Of course, they want to have more similar aircraft, but if they want to make a new domestic development, it is not yet possible. mount.

"At present, we can only improve some old projects at hand." Wu Shengli continued: "For example, we are very satisfied with the engine used on the Il-76. If this engine can be changed to our H-[-] , the performance of the H-[-] can be greatly improved."

Although the prototype of the H-16 is Tu-[-], which is a product of the Tupolev Design Bureau, those who are engaged in large aircraft can understand by analogy. Now, it is also possible to help develop a modification of the H-[-]. .

Although the D-76K engine used on the Il-30 is Lao Maozi's first-generation turbofan engine with a large bypass ratio, it is also much more powerful than the turbojet-8 engine installed on the H-30.00, and its fuel consumption is reduced by [-] %, abruptly increased the range of the H-[-] from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers, so that a tactical bomber became a strategic bomber!
Even, because the thrust of the D-30K engine is too large, the throttle cannot be fully opened when it reaches the H-[-], which reduces the thrust and improves the service life.

This modification is totally appropriate.

"Okay, then ask the relevant higher-level departments to help coordinate, and I will introduce it to the old men. If they are willing, I will take them there."

The person was invited by Qin Tao, and of course Qin Tao had to make proper arrangements.

"Hey, there are so many people, I'm late." Just then, a voice sounded from behind.

"Mr. Lin? What kind of wind brought you here?" Qin Tao looked at Mr. Lin and the other air force leaders in surprise. This T-10K is used by the navy.

"Hmph, this morning, I heard a large plane flying over my head. I looked up and saw, my dear, six engines. After asking about it, I came here." Elder Lin said to Qin Tao with a smile.

Qin Tao scratched his head helplessly: "Well, Mr. Lin, our An-225 flew back from Ermao. It doesn't seem to pass through the capital, right?"

"Of course I don't pass through the capital. Did I say I came from the capital?" Mr. Lin looked at Qin Tao with a smile: "You boy, you are really rich! One hundred million dollars, you bought such a big plane! "

The An-225 was parked outside. Before Mr. Lin came in, he had already made a big circle around the plane.

"Fancy? Fancy, [-] million US dollars, you buy it, I don't want the activity expenses, gas expenses, etc." Qin Tao is very magnanimous.

Mr. Lin shook his head: "Where does the Air Force have the funds? If they really have the money, wouldn't it be good to buy two more Su-27s? By the way, I heard that you gave us an idea to make the old man willing to sell the production line?"

"Yeah." Qin Tao nodded, saying that good things don't go out, and bad things spread for thousands of miles. How can such a good thing spread so quickly?

"Our country has a vast territory and needs heavy-duty air superiority fighters with a long range. Both our air force and navy need the Su-27, especially the navy. With the Il-78 air tanker, we can obtain a patrol radius of three to four thousand kilometers. In the future , there can also be a two-seater combat bomber, so we must be able to produce independently, and we must not rely entirely on procurement." Qin Tao said: "If the old man doesn't sell it, we have to find a way to let them ask for it. Let's buy."

Elder Lin nodded: "You are right!"

"Before the collapse of the Red Empire, the MiG-29 of the Mikoyan Design Bureau had been sold to many countries, and a production line was set up at Asan's side. However, the war in 91 made the MiG-29's reputation bad. , The problem of short legs of this aircraft is very prominent, so the MiG-29 cannot be sold. On the contrary, after the Sukhoi Design Bureau’s Su-27 obtained the export license, it has shown a good market prospect.” Qin Tao Analyze carefully: "If we go to the Mikoyan Design Bureau now, the people there will definitely happily agree to any of our requests."

The wind is turning.

In the past, few people heard about the Sukhoi Design Bureau. This design bureau did not seem to have any reputation, and was completely overshadowed by the Mikoyan Design Bureau.

On the battlefield in the Far East, the MiG Corridor is famous all over the world. At the peak of the Cold War, the MiG-25 fighter jet flew at three times the speed of sound at an altitude of 29 meters, which attracted the attention of countless aviation experts.The MiG-[-] has become the best among the three generations of aircraft.

Who would have thought that after the collapse of the Red Empire, the Mikoyan Design Bureau would be gone?In the end, because the subordinates could not be paid wages, even the head teacher committed suicide in shame and indignation?

In the era of the Red Empire, they didn't care what kind of fighter jets they exported, but now it's different, each design bureau is responsible for its own profits and losses, if the planes can't be sold, then they have to drink the northwest wind.

The old man now has a good grasp of the Chinese Air Force, thinking that the Su-27 is the only choice. As long as he throws himself into the arms of the MiG-29, Sukhoi should be in a hurry!

"Boss Qin, you are so right." Elder Lin said, "So, we would like to invite you to visit the Mikoyan Design Bureau."

"What? Me again?"

"Yes, those who can do more work."

"Isn't it better for those who can? What benefits do I have?"

"Benefits? Which route your air transport company wants to fly, our Air Force will approve it in seconds!"

"Okay. However, I have to arrange domestic affairs first before going."

Mr. Lin nodded. The matter was settled just like that. He circled the plane and said, "The three-plane layout looks really domineering. By the way, I heard that for these two planes, You set Nitka Base on fire?"

Qin Tao's complexion changed: "Old Lin, red mouth and white teeth, you can't talk nonsense. The weather is dry and dry, and a cigarette end may cause a fire. What does the fire over there have to do with me? It's like the fire in Daxing'an Mountains. It is said that it was caused by Fei Xiang's singing, and now I am more wronged than Fei Xiang."

Elder Lin laughed out loud.

The next day, the tarmac.

"An-24? I really didn't expect to see such an ancient aircraft here!" Kowalski said with some emotion.

This is a passenger plane converted from a small transport plane, with a single wing and a turboprop engine on both sides. It has a small body and an ordinary shape.

"You can say this, this is our domestically produced Yunqi." Qin Tao said: "We are about to take this plane and go to the domestic aviation companies to inspect it. Everyone, come up with me!"

So, Kowalski, and more than 40 technicians he brought, walked into the cabin.

This kind of small aircraft naturally has a small interior space, but the advantage is that you can look out from the portholes on both sides at any time.

The propellers on both sides began to spin.

"No, why is the noise of this plane so low? I have been on An-24 before, and in the cabin, I need to shout at the top of my voice." Kowalski suddenly noticed something and said to Qin Tao.

He has been on almost all the products of Antonov Design Bureau, and he is very impressed.

"Because this aircraft has undergone a lot of improvements. For example, the engine with the loudest noise outside is already imported from Canada, including the propellers, which are all low-noise." Qin Tao said: "After improvements, the old products are also It can radiate new vitality. What do you think?"

Up to now, Qin Tao has not said the purpose of this trip. He is afraid that after he speaks, these people will lose all interest. Therefore, it is better to keep it a secret and take them there.

Along the way, it happened to be a foreshadowing, and now this opportunity is not bad.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Kowalski nodded: "Yes, you are a magical country in the east. MiG-21, a backward aircraft, can also tap its potential through continuous improvement. It is said that , You also have a major reform plan called Super Seven, which has been changed to two-ribbed air intake, and the performance has been greatly improved."

Although the old bus had given up on the Super Seven project, Tu Lao did not give up. He went to the Mikoyan Design Bureau and contacted for a long time, so it spread in Lao Maozi's aviation circle.

For Lao Maozi, the MiG-21 is a transition, and soon there will be a variable-sweep fighter like the MiG-23, while in the East, the MiG-21 has been developed into a series, constantly competing with Keep pace with the times.

For the Super Seven, the air intake was changed from the nose to the two ribs, and the nose was vacated to install the radar, claiming to achieve 1670.00% of the F-[-]% combat capability.

"Of course, when all kinds of aircraft are in our hands, they will tap their potential to the extreme. This time, we will visit the factory in the old area, and let you see this ability. In our words, it is called An old tree is in spring."

Under Qin Tao's flickering, Yun Qi flew over the mountains and rivers, crossed the Qinling Mountains, and landed on the dustpan-shaped Weihe plain.

"Everyone has come from afar, thank you for your hard work. On behalf of the 603 and 172 factories in our old district, I welcome you." Just on the tarmac, a large number of people stood there, the leader was gray-haired and hale and hearty.

Mr. Zheng, although he is not very famous in the aviation industry system, he is a veteran of the aviation industry.

In the past, he participated in the trial production of the H-16 together with the senior Ma Fengshan. He was responsible for the most critical overall design and structural strength calculation. You must know that the structural strength data of the Tu-[-] bomber given by Lao Maozi is missing. , After this project, he had a thorough understanding of the H-[-], and then he came up with a modified design of the H-[-].

Later, he played a prominent role in the surveying and mapping imitation of Yunqi and the development of Feibao. He was even the deputy chief designer of Feibao.

Now, when he heard that Qin Tao had brought a large number of Lao Maozi's technicians, he was extremely excited, and immediately put down the work at hand, and came to welcome them together.

Standing behind him is a new generation of technicians, Zhou Zhengguo and Jiang Jianjun, who are in their 30s, are working tirelessly on the modification of Hong Liu.

Mr. Qin is here, bringing Lao Maozi's designer!They are also looking forward to it.

In terms of technology, the people in the motherland are not bad. When they were poor and white, they were able to establish the aviation industry. They have the ability. However, most of the work is surveying and mapping imitation, and they have not developed large aircraft by themselves. Therefore, The arrival of Lao Maozi's designer just happens to learn from each other's strengths!
(I don’t know if some readers will scold, why are they always messing with old-fashioned technicians? What about ours? Is this belittling our own scientific researchers?)

Kowalski got off the plane, the noon sun was a bit dazzling, he turned his head aside, and then he was surprised.

"Why, you are still producing this kind of aircraft?" Kowalski pointed to a H-16 next to him and said, "Tu-40, it has a history of [-] years, and it has long been outdated!"

Although a lot of preparations have been made on the plane, when he came here, Kowalski was still very emotional when facing the old plane.

Although at the base in Huating, these old men have already seen several naval H-20s there, but those planes have a certain age at first glance, maybe ten or twenty years ago. These are very normal.

But here is different, this is an aircraft factory!That shiny plane is still made of aluminum alloy, without paint!Absolutely new aircraft from the factory.

This Tu-16 is still in production?
At this moment, everyone present was a little embarrassed, but Qin Tao was very confident.

"Kowalski, my friend, what you are talking about is the Tu-16, our current model is the H-[-]!"

"H-16, isn't it Tu-[-]?"

"Of course not." Qin Tao answered very simply, he looked at the person in charge opposite: "Old Zheng, can you take him to that plane first?"

"of course can!"

This H16 was improved from Tu-50. The old Maozi’s product in the [-]s has no secrecy at all. Moreover, when these old people came here, they originally planned to ask them to help modify H[-]. It is normal for them to have a look. of.

The big guy was a little nervous, but Qin Tao was very confident.

If it is said that the H-16 produced at the beginning is indeed no different from the Tu-[-], but in the long production process, the H-[-] is also constantly improving!

The original bomber had no suffix. Later, it was necessary to be an atomic bomb carrier. It was first improved and named Hong Liujia, followed by a medium-range bomber equipped with various reconnaissance equipment, Hong Liuyi, a bomber with electronic warfare capabilities. Liubing, used by the navy, can launch anti-ship missiles.

After the appearance of Hong Liu Ding, it began to gradually integrate with the West. Therefore, Hong Liu Ding became Hong Liu D again, and after that, it was a model of various letters.

Among them, many models are under design and have not been produced. For example, in the early 70s, there was a H-707I bomber matching the JT3D-3B turbofan engines used by four Boeing 6s. Two of them One is installed in the wing root engine room, and the other two are hung under the wings on both sides.

Later, the brain hole gradually opened up. There was a layout of putting two Speys into one engine compartment, and a plan of hoisting six engines under the wings. If it was really done, it would be similar to the An-225.

In later generations, there will be the famous H50K, H[-]J, H[-]N, etc. The aviation unit is very satisfied with this bomber, so much so that it intends to let it play the remaining heat for another [-] years. The only worry is that the letters are not enough. .

Therefore, it is not as easy to use as the original celestial stems and earthly branches. When combined, there are sixty numbers, which is more than double the number of alphabets.

Now, Mr. Zheng led the crowd to the plane. The old men were also studying this plane, and quickly realized: "The nose of this plane doesn't have a transparent pilot and bombing compartment?"

The layout of the Tu-16 bomber is a classic World War II layout. There are two pilots and a deputy in the cockpit, and there is a radio operator behind it. The cabin of the nose is transparent, and there are pilots and bombers sitting in it. The tail gun is on the other side. There are people.

It takes six people to fly such a bomber, and the ejection seats of four of them are still ejected downwards. If the height is not enough, it will definitely die.

The early domestically produced H-[-] also had this layout. The nose of the aircraft in front of me is already covered with aluminum alloy, which looks shiny.

"Mr. Kowalski, I have already said that this aircraft is different from yours. It is a H-[-]. Our H-[-] has a transparent glass cover on the nose, which has long been outdated."

Qin Tao said it confidently, and Mr. Zheng was a little embarrassed.

That's right, this one is indeed not there, because this new aircraft is a bombardment six!

The air tanker modified by H-[-], why do you need that transparent cover?
However, of course he couldn't say it out, everything was left to Qin Tao.

"Modern aviation technology is developing rapidly. The previous method of flying over the enemy's head to drop bombs has long been outdated. Our bomber is positioned as a launcher for cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles. Therefore, it has long been There is no need for a transparent glass cover, it has been replaced with advanced electronic equipment, and its combat effectiveness has undergone a radical change."

It is clearly an aerial tanker!

Elder Zheng frowned, can you keep fooling around like this?When these old men stay to work, they will soon find out that this plane is a tanker. At that time, will the old men think that their side is lying?
At this moment, Zhou Zhengguo on the side spoke: "Boss Qin said well, if our bomber wants to continue to play a role in future wars, we must change its function and use it as a missile launcher!"

Although there are many models of H-601, only H-[-] Ding, which is an anti-ship missile carrier aircraft, has real combat experience. Under the wings of this bomber, there are fat C[-] anti-ship missiles hanging in the bay. The ship attack battle started, and the results were quite rich.

At that time, Zhou Zhengguo was considering the way forward for Hong Liu. Now, Qin Tao's words finally confirmed his idea, allowing him to boldly shout out that it is the most suitable for Hong Liu to make it into a missile-carrying aircraft. position!In this way, H30 can serve for another [-] years!

"That's right, this kind of bomber is most suitable for hanging missiles on the wings. If it can be strengthened, a few more hanging points can be installed under the wings to improve the ability to mount missiles. Even if there are only three hanging points on one side, the It can hang six long-range missiles and launch attacks on the enemy hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers away."

Qin Tao was very satisfied with Zhou Zhengguo's answer, and continued to introduce: "In this way, the bomb bay inside the aircraft has no effect, so we completely removed the bomb bay inside the aircraft and turned it into a fuel tank, increasing its capacity. Fuel capacity, which increases its range."

As he spoke, Qin Tao pointed to the belly of the bomber.

If it is an ordinary bomber, of course it has an internal bomb bay, fly to the top of the target, open the door of the bomb bay, and pour out the bombs carried inside, the scene is absolutely spectacular.

But now, this is the Fuyou-[-], which has become an aerial tanker. In order to increase the fuel carrying capacity in the aircraft, of course, the bomb bay must be sealed and replaced with a fuel tank.Qin Tao's introduction made a lot of mistakes.

The old men nodded.

"If a missile pylon is installed inside the belly, then the launch of the missile will be very cumbersome. It is the easiest way to have an external pylon. In this way, it can also increase the fuel load." Kowalski said: "I just don't know how the engine of this plane is? Does it still use the old turbojet engine?"

"Yes." Qin Tao said: "We still use the turbojet-8 engine, which consumes a lot of fuel. If there is a suitable engine to replace it, its performance can be improved to a higher level."

"The planes of the Antonov Design Bureau all use large engines, which are not suitable. Small ones like the Il-76 use suitable engines," Kowalski said.

"Yes, the D-30K engine should be the most suitable choice." Another engineer also spoke.

Qin Tao was overjoyed, and quickly flattered: "Everyone's suggestion is really great! However, we don't have this modification experience now, do you want to stay and try to install the D-30K engine into this bomber? ? It must be a piece of cake for you guys.”

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the answers from the old men.

Kowalski nodded immediately without any hesitation: "Yes, this is a small matter for us. Are you really planning to do this?"

"Of course, if you can help, we will immediately hire you as designers for this project!"

(End of this chapter)

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