Great warships

Chapter 315 Introducing the Su-27 Production Line

Chapter 315 Introducing the Su-27 Production Line

Selling the aircraft production line seems to be an act of drinking poison to quench thirst and exhausting water for fishing.

Selling the whole aircraft can continuously make money, and the mid-term life extension of the aircraft, etc., all cost money.After selling the production line, the user produces it himself, and finally abandons the original factory, so how much money can he make?

However, only by selling production lines can we attract customers.

Moreover, when a user buys a production line, it cannot be produced immediately. This has to be transitioned slowly, from the initial assembly of parts to slowly increasing the localization rate. During this process, the original factory can make a lot of money. money.

Therefore, if the user has no choice but to buy the whole machine, the original factory is happy. If the user has other choices, then exporting the production line to help the user produce is also an alternative choice.

After all, making money comes first.

Sukhoi Design Bureau.

"What? The inspection team from the east wants to reach an agreement with the Mikoyan Design Bureau? How is this possible? Aren't they already using our Su-27 fighter jets?" Simonov stood up from his seat and looked at the people.

"Yes, they did take a fancy to our aircraft. The first batch of aircraft performed well in their hands and were full of praise, but...the Orientals have been pursuing their own production of this aircraft. If we don't agree to their If required, they can only choose other aircraft." Pugachev said angrily: "For our Sukhoi aviation complex, this is a huge blow."

After the collapse of the Red Empire, various military enterprises have undergone great changes. They, Sukhoi, combined their aircraft factories together to form the Sukhoi Aviation Complex.

For them, the eastern market is the most important. Their Komsomolsk factory in the Far East, from top to bottom, even a three-year-old child knows that it is the order from China that saved their factory.

The first order made them full, and then they planned to eat the second order. What about the third order, Dongfang wants to produce it by itself?how is this possible?

They have already grasped it, thinking that the East is very satisfied with the Su-27 and has no other choice. Who would have thought that they would actually choose the MiG-29 that they did not want!
"Why would they like the short-legged MiG-29?"

Nikosev smiled wryly: "Yes, the MiG-29 has short legs, which is its biggest problem. However, the guests from the East have already put forward suggestions for improvement to the Mikoyan Design Bureau. Suggestions such as auxiliary air inlets and adding conformal fuel tanks on the back of the aircraft, etc., if these items are implemented, the MiG-29 can increase the fuel in the aircraft by [-] liters, and the range can reach about [-] kilometers."

From one thousand five to two thousand five, this is already a qualitative leap!
Simonov's face became serious: "Is it a suggestion for improvement from the Orientals?"

Nikosev nodded gravely.

This news is very important, which shows that the Orientals are very careful about the MiG-29!If the Orientals choose the MiG-29, it means that their subsequent export of the Su-27 will come to naught!

Although there are also many customers who have taken a fancy to the Su-27, their purchase quantities are very small, single digits, and tens of digits.

The East is different.

They have already estimated that Dongfang needs at least two hundred Su-27 fighters, and at most, more than five hundred. Dongfang will become the most important user of Su-27 besides Lao Maozi.

In other words, just orders from the East can make their Sukhoi Aviation Consortium live a very healthy life.

But what about now?
This piece of meat is going to fall to the Mikoyan Design Bureau?

"No, we must not watch such a thing happen!" Simonov clenched his fists: "We must make the Easterners change their minds."

"Then, we have to show our sincerity." Pugachev said: "The Easterners want to purchase the second batch of Su-27 fighters, and at the same time introduce the production technology of the Su-27. If we want to continue to cooperate , then you must agree to their request.”

They only want to sell fighter planes, not technology, but now, they suddenly find that if they want to sell fighter planes, they must sell technology!

How to do?
"So far, Dongfang can only produce the second-generation aircraft." Nikoschev said: "So, even if they want to produce independently, they still need us to provide a large number of accessories, and even at the beginning stage, they still need all the accessories. In the initial order, we can still earn a lot of money. With this money, we can improve our fighters. The two-seater Su-30 and the high-performance Su-35 all need funds to come Research and development. In the future, even if they have mastered the Su-27 manufacturing technology, they will have to continue to ask us for help in order to produce more advanced models."

The Su-27SK currently exported is a simplified version for their own use. It is the first generation product, and the problem of schizophrenia has always existed.

It was not until the Su-35 that this problem was solved.

The two-seater Su-30 is a more powerful fighter-bomber. This aircraft was originally produced as a two-seater trainer type for the Su-27. It turned out that it has good performance and can be converted into a special fighter-bomber.

In the East, the H-30 has been used for decades, and the usual flight load is only six tons. What about the Su-[-]?You can hang nine tons of weapons and equipment!Therefore, the two-seater has changed suddenly and has begun to become a sharp weapon for ground attack.

Although the prototype had already come out before the collapse of the Red Empire, the electronic equipment at that time was too primitive and backward. If you want to sell it, you have to carry out a package of improvement plans, all of which cost money.

Simonov finally nodded. Since we can't just export equipment, let's sell technology. This is better than ceding the market to the Mikoyan Design Bureau!

"We contacted the Orientals, and we agreed to sell the production line. However, because the technology of the third-generation engine is relatively advanced, they cannot produce it. Therefore, we will never sell the Su-27 engine. This is our bottom line."

Simonov still kept a hand.

Just when the top executives of the Sukhoi Design Bureau were forced to compromise, Qin Tao, Gu Lao and others continued their investigation. They had already visited the aircraft factory and came to the Mikoyan Design Bureau.

"We are here to cooperate with you this time. In addition to the MiG-29 fighter jet project, we also plan to introduce the MiG-29 subsystem." Qin Tao continued to flicker: "The J-29 developed and produced in our country Fighter planes lack qualified radars, so we plan to transplant the MiG-[-]’s radar and fire control system to it.”

Belyakov's eyes lit up immediately, is there still business?

"Of course no problem. The N29 radar used by our MiG-019 is an advanced pulse Doppler radar..." Belyakov introduced, and then said: "If you need to modify it, you'd better send the plane to Come to us and we'll do all the refitting and tuning."

Qin Tao was speechless.

what is this?The kind of people who are in the middle of nowhere still have to have a proud heart, how did they think about it back then?

"Sorry, we have suffered a lot in cooperation with the United States. In order to avoid similar problems, we will not hand over the plane to others. Also, we don't want the backward card antenna radar, We want a more advanced flat-panel slot radar." Qin Tao made a request.

Elder Gu and the others had serious expressions on their faces.

What Qin Tao said was exactly what they had in mind.

They have learned a lot from a pitfall, suffered such a big loss in the peace model project, and were finally forced to raise the price. The lesson is too profound, so they will never make the same mistake again.

In fact, Belyakov didn't mean to deceive others, he just got used to being the boss.

When Tu Lao from Factory 132 came to ask for help, hoping to help solve some problems of the Super Seven fighters, they also asked to be the general contractor, so that the project was delayed for a long time, and in the end it was just a shape.

Now, they also want to be the general contractor for the J-[-] radar modification project.

However, when Qin Tao said this, he also reacted: "Well, it is also possible. Our Faztron Radar Research Institute (some translations are Fazuolong, Phazotron-NIIR) is developing a brand new beetle radar. , This radar uses a flat-panel slot radar antenna. We are planning to use this radar to improve our MiG-29 fighter.”

"Is there a real machine?"

"The actual machine is still under development, and we currently have some design materials on hand."

Everyone listened carefully.

This radar, code-named Beetle, has good performance. It uses advanced technologies such as traveling wave tube transmitters, flat-panel slot array antennas, and programmable signal processors. The head-on detection range for targets with an RCS of 3 square meters is 100 kilometers. It can track 10 targets simultaneously and engage 4 targets in track-while-scan (TWS) mode.

Everyone's eyes widened. This radar has the same performance as the American radar they planned to purchase before, and it is even more advanced!
"Cough, cough." Qin Tao couldn't help but said: "Please don't introduce the design parameters to us, we want to know the performance that has been realized now."

This kind of PPT introduction is really boring.

It only makes sense to know the real performance.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Belyakov was a little embarrassed: "We don't know the specific performance. If you want to know, we can go to the Faztron Radar Research Institute in the afternoon."

Now the old man has also learned to fool people!
Everyone just listened to the introduction so hard, and thought it had already been realized. It was not until the afternoon, when they went to the Faztron Radar Research Institute, and listened to the other party's introduction, that they realized how much the data had shrunk.

The maximum detection range is only [-] kilometers, and the tracking distance is [-] kilometers. It can track ten targets at the same time, but strike two at most at the same time.

However, what interested them was a new ability.

"In addition to being able to use R-27 missiles, it can also use R-77 missiles." The person in charge said: "This missile is an active radar-guided missile with more advanced performance."

Semi-active radar-guided missiles require continuous radar exposure from the carrier aircraft, and cannot move at this time, so they are very dangerous.After developing this missile, all countries will continue to develop more advanced active radar missiles.

The seeker of the missile can not only receive radar waves, but also emit radar waves. In this way, it does not need to be illuminated by the carrier aircraft, and the safety will be greatly improved.Although due to the size of the missile, this kind of seeker can only be switched to active mode at a distance of more than ten kilometers, but as long as there is this final sharp blow, it is enough.

Of course, Lao Maozi has already started research in this area. He started the plan in the early 80s, and started testing the sample bomb in 84. It was completely completed by the end of 91, and he was ready to enter the stage of small batch production.

At this moment, the Red Empire collapsed.

Although it was originally planned to be produced by the KoMMunar factory in Moscow, this has just begun, and part of the production technology of the missile is still at Ermao.

For example, the "Torch" Design Bureau and Alchem ​​Production Company, which is responsible for the detailed design and production of the mesh tail and braking mechanism, and the "Communist" factory that produces the 9B-1348 seeker, so the R-77 has been unable to do so for a long time. Put into active duty.

After China and India purchased the Su-30 and matched it with the R-77 missile, Da Mao had the funds to build a new production line to produce this advanced active missile.

Now it can only import the corresponding parts from Ermao and assemble them in Moscow. Even so, it can be considered a success.

Being able to guide active air-to-air missiles, this high-end technology has made Gu Lao and others very interested. Even if the performance of the radar is poor, it is not unacceptable. If such active radar-guided air-to-air missiles are mounted on the On the J-2 fighter plane, you can get a completely new change!

The day's visit and investigation came to an end, and everyone returned to the hotel to rest.

"Today's harvest is really not small." Gu Lao said with emotion: "The performance of this beetle radar can still meet our needs. Next, we hope to install it on the J-2 fighter jet for testing and solve the J-2 radar as soon as possible. [-] fighters cannot carry medium-range missiles."

"Yeah, this is really a good harvest, especially being able to guide medium-range missiles, it's perfect!" Sun Cong was also very happy.

"That's fine, even if we didn't introduce the MiG-29 in the end, it can be regarded as an explanation to the Mikoyan Design Bureau, and it has given them some benefits." Qin Tao said.

"Mr. Qin, are you so confident?" Gu Lao said, "Let's come to Mikoyan Design Bureau for a walk, and Sukhoi and the others will be able to bow their heads?"

At this time, Gu Lao still had some doubts.

Just then, the phone rang.

Sun Cong was sitting next to him, so he picked up the phone first, and when he heard the voice inside, he immediately became excited.

"What? Really? Okay, we'll go tomorrow!"

Putting down the phone, Sun Zhuang tried to calm himself down: "I just received a call from the Sukhoi Design Bureau. They invited us to negotiate tomorrow about the introduction of Su-27 production technology."

This time, everyone became excited.

"President Qin, your method is really powerful!" Elder Gu looked at Qin Tao in admiration.

93, April 9.

Sukhoi Design Bureau.

"Welcome to Moscow, everyone." Simonov said with a smile: "Since you are here, why didn't you say hello in advance? You can just come to our Sukhoi Design Bureau. Our Su-27 has already undertaken the defense. Your mission in the national airspace."

"Yes, we were also very satisfied with the Su-27 fighter jets, but you have been unwilling to export the production line, so we can only settle for the next best thing. After all, our air force and naval aviation have thousands of aircraft Fighter planes are outdated and need to be replaced. It is impossible for us to purchase all the time, and the introduction of production lines is too important to us.”

Qin Tao snapped his fingers: "Dolphin helicopters, Sea Sidewinder missiles, 105mm guns, all kinds of weapons and equipment, we have to produce them ourselves. This is also one of the purposes of our weapons procurement."

Others can be discussed, but if you only want to sell aircraft, it is absolutely impossible.

Simonov nodded: "Yes, we have already negotiated with our superiors, and the superiors also agreed to our request to export the Su-27SK production line. In fact, we have long wanted to export, but the superiors did not agree."

Simonov dumped the pot on top.

Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart, these guys can quickly adapt to the market economy, no wonder they can still thrive in later generations.

"In this case, let's discuss the details of the import."

The two parties sat in the meeting room and started the negotiation. When it came to professional issues, there was no business for Qin Tao. Qin Tao looked around boredly and listened to each other.

"You don't have the production and processing capacity of titanium alloy for the time being. Therefore, we need to provide you with the first batch of titanium alloy airframe structural parts of the aircraft. Many of them are super long and super wide parts. These can be used The An-225 transport plane purchased by you to transport."

At this point, Qin Tao has to get involved.

"We have been able to produce a large amount of TC4 titanium alloy in China. This alloy data is a two-phase titanium alloy with good performance. It can be used to manufacture titanium alloy structural frames in aircraft. As long as we import special molds from you, it should The production of this structural part can be completed." Qin Tao said: "We can still make the shell of the aircraft."

In the past, there are still a large number of titanium alloy casings that were brought back!When he got it back, Qin Tao had already made a plan. Except for the leftover materials used to produce some gadgets such as spectacle frames, the main material was used to make the Su-27.

If there are any equipment such as engine fans and compressor plates, better titanium alloys must be used. However, for the structural frame and girders of the aircraft, those titanium alloys should be used properly.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Simonov could only nod his head: "Okay, if the products you produce can meet our quality requirements, then you can use your own products. However, you can't produce aircraft engines yet. , can only be imported from us.”

Sure enough, Lao Maozi is not willing to hand over the Su-27 production line to China, and always wants to produce some moths.

In the past, starting from the J-27, a full set of production technology was imported, packaged together, and [-]% independent production can be achieved in China. However, on the imported Su-[-], the old man left a hand: no engine.

In this way, Lao Maozi can control the production of China's Su-27 through the engine.

In particular, aircraft produced in China are fine for personal use. If they want to export to a third country, the old man will definitely cut off the supply of engines.

This is the old Maozi's last move. In this regard, they will not compromise, so Qin Tao didn't say anything: "It's up to Gu Lao and others to decide."

The AL-27F (nicknamed the third uncle) engine used by the Su-31 fighter jet is of great significance to China's aviation industry. It is not only used on the Su-27, but also on the J-[-]. If technology can be introduced to produce If so, it is very good.

However, the old man does not sell it, and if the third uncle is bought back, then it is conceivable that the turbofan ten should be discontinued, and then the pace of domestic self-developed engines will stop again.

Only when the engine is faced with the situation of being stuck by others, will the country invest funds in research, develop turbofan [-], and then develop subsequent advanced engines. Therefore, everything has two sides.

Qin Tao didn't intervene, Gu Lao and the others agreed to this request after discussing it.

If you don’t want to import the technology of the engine, you should buy it first. In the future, if the turbofan is very successful, the third uncle will not have to buy it.

Compared with the two engines, each has its own advantages.

The performance of the early turbofan [-] is very unstable, and it can still be used on the twin-engine J-[-]. However, the single-engine J-[-] still has to be used honestly. However, with the turbofan Tens of continuous development, progress, stability is also constantly improving, and performance is also constantly developing. When turbofans ten B and turbofan ten C are fully mature.

If the third uncle's production line is introduced, it will not be so easy to improve on the basis of this engine, after all, it is not developed by itself.

Negotiations at the Sukhoi Design Bureau continued, and when the Mikoyan Design Bureau heard the news, they immediately felt a thunderbolt.

"Damn it, these damned fellows!" Cursed Belyakov, clenched his hand into a fist, and slammed it hard on the table, smashing a piece of glass on which the table rested.

Who is he scolding?

Of course they are from the Sukhoi Design Bureau!

Their Mikoyan Design Bureau had just seen the dawn of hope, and it was extinguished by the Sukhoi Design Bureau!In the past, I only saw various foreign manufacturers dismantling each other during arms sales. I didn't expect that it would be their turn now!
"That's right, they've gone too far, we have to go over and confront those damned guys face to face!" His deputy was also angry.

"That's right, let's go together!" Someone picked up a fire stick.

"No, you can't do that." Although Belyakov was angry, he hadn't lost his mind after all.Now is not the era of the Red Empire, and their Mikoyan Design Bureau has long since lost power.

If they hit the door, it would be a fight!No matter whose fault it is, there will be no ending in the end.

"Then shall we bear it like this?"

"I'll go to the superiors!" said Belyakov.

 PS: Chapter 313 has been released, everyone is welcome to read back.

(End of this chapter)

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