Great warships

Chapter 316 Difficult Negotiations

Chapter 316 Difficult Negotiations

"Yesterday's negotiation went very smoothly." Gu Lao's face was full of smiles: "Except for the engine, everything else has been negotiated. The old man will inspect our production line, and the equipment that needs to be updated will be obtained from them. directly removed from the production line."

"That's right, we first use high-volume components to open up the final assembly line, then use medium-volume components to open up the assembly line, then use low-volume components to open up the production line, and finally use raw materials to open up the parts manufacturing line. Within a few years, we will be able to manufacture Su- 27 fighter jets." Sun Cong was also very excited.

"I heard that yesterday, people from the Mikoyan Design Bureau went to the higher-ups to respond. Alas, we are really embarrassed." Gu Lao continued.

"It's okay, this is a normal business cooperation, we have to choose what is best for us." Qin Tao finally spoke.

Everyone nodded. Comparing the two, the Su-27 is of course more suitable for the East than the MiG-29.

In anticipation, everyone came to the meeting room, and then, Qin Tao froze for a moment.

In the conference room, Lao Maozi had a few more people, especially one of them was very obtrusive.

At the beginning, during the first Su-27 negotiations, there was this guy with a high-spirited look, no matter what it was, he would shake his head, and then put forward his set of theories, saying that he was fighting for the interests of the country, In fact, it is deliberately finding fault.

What's more, this guy is different from others, he doesn't make any money, he can't impress him with benefits, he belongs to the most difficult opponent.

This guy coming here means that the next negotiations will enter a difficult period.

Seeing Qin Tao's dissatisfied gaze, Simonov was also a little embarrassed there.

"Everyone, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Trissen, the general manager of our Damao Arms Export Company. This is Mr. Grishin, the deputy general manager of the Arms Export Company. From now on, our country's arms exports must go through This company will do it."

"Can I ask, when was this company established?" Qin Tao's tone was full of resentment.



Qin Tao reacted.

This old man is really shrewd enough to fill in the loophole so quickly.

Yesterday, our side went to negotiate with the Sukhoi Design Bureau, and Mikoyan was so angry that he went to his superiors to cry.

Although the Mikoyan Design Bureau no longer has the power and status it used to have, their superiors obviously take a longer-term view. In the future, what if the various military enterprises in their country tear down each other in the future of arms exports?
There are several companies that can build aircraft, and many companies that can build ships. All companies are in a recession and are waiting for orders from outside.

Although it is said that competition is everywhere, it is one thing to compete with others, but another to fight against oneself. Of course, the shrewd old man will try his best to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

How to do?
Coordination is necessary. Therefore, a special arms export company was established. No matter what company it is, if it wants to export weapons, it must first negotiate with this company. .

However, in this way, Qin Tao and the others are at a disadvantage.

At this time, Gu Lao and the others obviously did not realize the particulars of this newly established arms export company, but they could feel that Qin Tao's mood at this time was not as relaxed as it was just now.

"Let's continue yesterday's topic." Gu Lao said: "Yesterday, we have already negotiated. In addition to the second batch of finished Su-27 fighters, we also have a huge production of 27 Su-15s. Mission, initially, we will purchase [-] aircraft in parts..."

"I'm sorry, those agreements yesterday are all put on hold, we need to start from scratch." Grishin said: "I think that the first batch needs to assemble at least seventy, not eighty parts, and then it can be transferred to our own. process for producing parts."

Everyone here was stunned.

Almost everything was negotiated yesterday. The production quantities at different stages, the time required, and the specific technical details were all settled. However, who would have thought that all of them would be invalidated now, and the negotiations should be re-negotiated?
Moreover, the other party is too dark, right?This means that you need to assemble eighty pieces first?How much does that cost?
Why self-produce?Not only is it cheap, domestic labor costs are not only low, but also the parts produced are cheap. Therefore, self-assembly is cheaper than importing, and self-produced parts are much cheaper than imported parts.

At the price of importing 160 parts and assembling them, at least [-] can be produced by ourselves!
The other party is really a lion with a big mouth!

"We believe that it is impossible for you to master the assembly technology of the Su-27 in a short period of time. It must be assembled through a large number of parts, so that the technology can be honed." Trieson smoothed things over: "So, the first ten In the next year, you should focus on assembly from parts."

"Yes, after all, your current production line is still producing the second-generation machine. From the second-generation machine to the third-generation machine, it is a huge leap, and we can't go too fast." Another old guy who had been to the East explained : "To use your words, that is, if you take too long, you will get scratched."

The people here were immediately annoyed.

The last sentence was still spoken in Chinese, with a weird tone, definitely a joke.

"It seems that they have lost all sincerity." Qin Tao said, "Let's go!"

In negotiation situations, it is very common for one party to walk away because of a bad negotiation.

At this time, Qin Tao said that he would stand up and walk, and the others also stood up and kept pace.

"It's useless for you to go to the Mikoyan Design Bureau again, because the arms export of the Mikoyan Design Bureau is also in charge of our Da Mao Arms Export Company." Grishin seemed to be convinced of Qin Tao and the others.

Qin Tao smiled: "Mikoyan Design Bureau? We are leaving this time. Of course, we are leaving Moscow and returning to our own country. We don't do business with people who backtrack."

"Then how do you develop a modern air force?" Grishin asked mockingly.

"This is not something you should worry about. Don't forget, we have powerful surveying and mapping imitation capabilities. Let's go!"

This sentence shocked the old man.

Speaking of surveying and mapping imitation, everyone is familiar with it. After all, the old Maozi also surveyed and mapped many American aircraft. The classic Tu-4 bomber was copied from the B-29.
The Easterners have obtained a batch of Su-27 fighters. If the old man refuses to cooperate, they will make a survey and imitation of the Su-27 fighters!

In this way, the old man will lose all his benefits!

Now, it was Lao Maozi's turn to change his face.

In fact, it is not so easy to imitate the third-generation aircraft in surveying and mapping. Compared with the second-generation aircraft, the third-generation aircraft has developed by leaps and bounds, and various aviation materials and processing techniques have been rapidly improved.

Therefore, it is very difficult to use the technology of the second-generation machine to map out the third-generation machine. However, these people present also know that nothing is absolute, and the East can create miracles!

"Everyone, everyone!" Simonov quickly stood up and ran to stop the crowd.

At this time, Simonov had already scolded Trisen and Grishin in his heart. They had already talked about it yesterday. This matter has become obsolete, the guys from the newly established Da Mao Arms Export Company can slap their ass and leave, what about them?Their Sukhoi Production Complex is struggling.

Simonov was annoyed, a big sale of [-] planes, even if only some spare parts are provided in the future, there are huge benefits!

After several years of contact, Simonov has also gained a deeper understanding of the Orientals. The other party has a bottom line. If it exceeds this bottom line, the other party will never compromise. They simply cannot handle each other.

This guy, Grishin, has increased the number of aircraft assembled from parts by five times. He is not here to help negotiate, he is clearly here to make trouble!

When Qin Tao said that he wanted to copy Su-27, Mr. Gu and others were also dumbfounded. Do you think copying is so simple?There are so many titanium alloy parts, composite materials, and various technologies that we have never seen before. How to survey and imitate it?

But now, seeing Simonov coming, he also knew that this was Qin Tao's negotiation strategy, and now, this strategy has succeeded.

As long as the other party comes to talk, there will be something to talk about.

"We had already negotiated yesterday, and the fact that all these agreements can be voided today is enough to show that you are not sincere." Qin Tao's attitude is still very cold: "Also, if you take too big a step, you will get involved. We There is also a saying here, without the right to investigate, there is no right to speak. The person who spoke just now probably has never been to the East. How do you know that we are not capable of producing third-generation machines? Over the years, we have been in contact with the West, and we have opened up a long time ago. Eyesight."

Qin Tao kept talking, and Simonov could only laugh along with him.

"For example, we have installed a 2B data bus in the J-1553 fighter jet. What kind of data bus do you use for your Su-27? The J-H-400 fighter jet we are currently flying has a computing power of 27 million times, what is the computing power of your Su-[-] fighter jet?"

When Qin Tao said something, everyone present was stunned.

Although the overall scientific and technological strength of the East is not strong, the East has learned many advanced concepts from the West through contact with the West.

For example, 1553B data bus technology, which is an information transmission bus standard specially developed by the US military for equipment on aircraft, is also a protocol for transmission between devices.

The 1553B bus is the abbreviation of the MIL-STD-1553 bus, where B is BUS, and the MIL-STD-1553B bus is a time-division command/response multiplexed data bus inside the aircraft.

Although the agreement was formulated by the Americans, it is just a rule. All countries can refine it according to their own rules, and various related companies can also develop corresponding bus interface modules under the framework of this agreement.

It can be said that this protocol is used throughout the West, not to mention other things, just the speed, its transmission rate is 1Mbps, it is equivalent to a neural network, linking the data of various subsystems on the aircraft to form a whole.

What about Lao Maozi's Su-27?There is no such technology at all, they still use the ordinary way, each system works independently, just look at the various instruments in the cockpit to know, the old man is still used to running a watch shop.

(In my impression, what kind of low-speed bus is used by Lao Maozi's plane? It is equivalent to the early 1553 level, but I can't find it after searching for a long time. Come to write, anyone who knows is welcome to write a book review here.)
As for the on-board computer of the fighter, it is even more incomparable. The computing power of the Su-27 is only 25 times per second, which is less than one-tenth of that of the Flying Leopard.

At this time, Qin Tao said these things like a cannonball, and the faces of the old men present were all ugly.

In terms of avionics systems, they are indeed lagging behind. What they are strong in is the ability to integrate the system.

And the Chinese people present felt a sense of comfort, Mr. Qin came out, that's how powerful he is!
"Since there is no right to speak without investigation, how about we go to the east, visit your aircraft factory, and then determine the production quantity of spare parts?" Simonov tried to ease the atmosphere.

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded.

Although Qin Tao expressed his anger, this matter cannot be completely deadlocked. After all, the current method is just a means.

A few days later, Factory 112.

"You have already started to use composite materials on the aircraft, which surprised us very much." Simonov looked at the J-2 fighter that was being assembled, and a large area of ​​composite materials was used in the vertical tail part, which was very emotion.

When the MiG-21 was exported, there were no such things. Now, seeing the large version of the MiG-21 with this kind of material, Simonov knew that the technology here is better than they imagined. Be advanced.

"Don't just pay attention to these, everyone, please take a look, the skin of our aircraft is being riveted." Qin Tao said, touching the skin with his hand, it was smooth, and there were no rivet heads at all. .

"Our planes have begun to adopt western technology, using countersunk rivets, so that there will be no raised rivet heads on the surface. During the high-speed flight of the plane, the rivet heads will also cause flight resistance."

These are lessons learned from failed Paradigm Peace projects.For China's aviation industry, after being exposed to Western advanced technology, its vision is constantly broadening, and continuous improvements have been made in production.

At this time, the Su-27 still had exposed rivet heads, which looked very rough.

"That's right, the production technology here is very advanced. We believe that the parts of [-] aircraft are enough to get through the assembly line." The old Maozizhuanjia who was present finally bowed his head in front of the facts.

Although Grishin still had some reservations, since so many people agreed, he couldn't hold on any longer.

After visiting Factory 112, everyone went to the capital again to carry out the next negotiation. On the night of arriving in the capital, Mr. Lin led the team to clean up the old men who came from afar.

The thin and tall Dionysus appeared in the banquet again and showed his might in the banquet hall. However, Grishin, who was experienced, did not attend the banquet at all.

Next, the negotiations continued in the hotel conference room in the capital.

Negotiations remain difficult.

"According to the conditions we negotiated in advance, except for the fire control radar, other parts are within the scope of transfer." Gu Lao flipped through the agreement documents.

"No, no, that's not what we wrote here." Grishin said: "It's not the fire control radar, but the fire control system. In addition to the radar, there is also a fire control computer, a helmet sight, a head-up display, and a fire control system. There are ejection seats and so on, these are not within the scope of the transfer, you need to purchase directly from us."

Disagreements emerged again.

Formal international contracts are all written in French, because French is the most precise language in the world, without any ambiguity, and no other language can do it.

Now, one is holding an agreement in Chinese and the other is holding an agreement in Russian, and the two sides have started discussions again.

At the beginning, Lao Maozi just planned to keep the engine in his hand and not provide the engine technology, but during the negotiation, because the Su-27's fire control radar was too backward, and the domestic advanced flat-panel slot radar technology had made a breakthrough, so, There is no need to import it.

Originally, they only planned to save some money for the country, but now, differences emerged.

Generally speaking, the fire control radar is the core of the fighter's fire control system, but Lao Maozi's third-generation fighter still has some excellent subsystems. For example, the MiG-29 and Su-27 both use helmet sights.

In a fierce air battle, the pilot only needs to turn his head to the target, and the missile seeker mounted under the wing will then point to the target, quickly lock the opponent, and thus gain the opportunity to launch.

At the same time, in the advanced fire control system, the head-up display is also an important part. It can directly project various data on the head-up display, so that the pilot does not need to look down at the instrument, and it is easier to concentrate.

The fire control radar is no longer needed, but systems such as the helmet sight and the display must be introduced.

Moreover, why did the other party bring the ejection seat along?

Lao Maozi's ejection seat is absolutely unique. It has saved the lives of many pilots. Even when there was an accident at the air show, the ejection seat still shined brilliantly.

However, Qin Tao did not participate in the whole process of these difficult negotiations, and he is not engaged in airplanes, so there is no need to spend time with everyone.

In the small courtyard of Huilou, Qin Tao sat with Wu Shengli and Mr. Lin, drinking and chatting.

"Good things take time. These projects still have to be completed in the end. In fact, the old man has repeatedly dawdled in order to get more funds. Let's work on it first. If it doesn't work, we can increase the budget." Qin Tao said.

Elder Lin nodded: "Yes, the superior also thinks so. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, when it is time to increase the budget, we have to increase it."

"Report!" At this moment, a subordinate came in and reported to several people.

"Just now, Lao Maozi agreed. Except for the No. [-] computer for the photoelectric targeting system, other fire control system technologies can be transferred, but we have to increase the procurement funds."

The No. [-] computer is the same as that used by the fire control radar, and the Chinese side of the fire control radar has already stated that it does not want it, so the No. [-] computer will not be transferred.

"Where's the ejection seat?" Wu Shengli asked.

"The old man thinks that the ejection seat is not specially developed for the Su-27, whether it is the MiG-29 or the MiG-31, and a large number of aircraft, all use this type of ejection seat, so it is not for sale. In the range."

"We also have ejection seats, so let's make do with it." Elder Lin nodded.

"After the negotiation is completed, we can produce it by ourselves. However, because many technologies of the Su-27 are outdated, we only need to master the aircraft technology during assembly, and then we will start to improve independently." Qin Tao said : "This is crucial to the development of our domestic military aircraft."

Wu Shengli frowned: "Didn't we promise to produce at least two hundred aircraft?"

"A promise is a promise. When the time comes, we find it's not suitable. How can the old man force us to lag behind?" Qin Tao glanced at his father-in-law. You are so old, why are you still so childish?
"That's right, as long as we master the production technology and have a thorough understanding of the aircraft, we can start secondary development!" Elder Lin nodded happily: "Let this aircraft truly become our own aircraft!"

"Mr. Lin, let me remind you that the Air Force can't favor one over another. After all, the Su-27 is an imported product. Imported ones are easy to use, and self-developed ones can't be discarded."

Qin Tao didn't want to influence J-ten.

Mr. Lin nodded: "Of course, the Su-27 will put some pressure on our domestic models. Now, the relevant units are already assembling prototypes, and it is estimated that they will soon fly for the first time. They produce single-engine aircraft, which have a cost advantage. As long as they can When it is mature, the air force will definitely purchase a large number of aircraft. At that time, the two aircrafts will be matched and become the main force of our air force. In the future, let’s see if the other side dares to make a mistake.”

"That's right, even if the opposite party purchased the Mirage 2000, it can't compare with our fighters in terms of performance." Wu Shengli also said.

Qin Tao rolled his eyes: "Although we can't stop this transaction, it's okay to cause them some trouble."

"Creating trouble?"

"That's right." Qin Tao said: "They have committed serious corruption during this purchase. I think this matter should be disclosed so that those who single-handedly operated this project will step down."

Both Mr. Lin and Wu Shengli brightened their eyes: "If there is really an inside story, of course it must be disclosed!"

"That's right, let Zhang Zhong disclose it. He has a lot of influence. However, in order to avoid variables, let's wait until our negotiation is over, so as to save those guys from making trouble for us."

"That's right, let's talk about the improvement of the Su-27."

"This, which is related to us, is the titanium alloy structural parts. Lao Maozi uses small forgings and then welds them together. I think we are now capable of forging large-scale overall titanium alloy parts." Qin Tao mentioned Get up and relate to yourself.

"Yeah, we need more advanced technology. By the way, are those titanium alloys enough?"

"If it's not enough, just go to Lao Maozi and tow a few scrapped submarines."

(End of this chapter)

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