Great warships

Chapter 325 Sea Trial No. 115

Chapter 325 Sea Trial No. 115

How much more can I say?Is it that easy?Gotta be creative!
Qin Tao's mind was spinning rapidly, fishing sonar with fishermen's nets?It doesn't match this!

I am a shipbuilder, and that ship, No. 115, will soon have sea trials!
Wait, there it is!
"If we decide to do something next year, No. 115 may also complete the sea trial." Qin Tao said: "If the conflict escalates by then, then we can drive No. 115 over. If they dare to do something, we will use radar to lock it. them!"

No. 115 has been built, and the air defense problem that the navy lacks has been alleviated. Now that the situation in the south is tense, we should simply go for a walk to the south after the sea trial is over. If those guys dare to fly a plane to cause damage If so, play the locked game once!

"No. 115 will complete the sea trial next year?" Wu Shengli's face showed surprise.

"Yes, although it's not a four-sided phased array radar, as long as we point the stern of the ship in the direction of the troublemaker, we can be sure that nothing will go wrong." Qin Tao said.

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, you're right, after this meeting, let's go to the shipyard!"

The design of No. 115 is flawed. Even if the phased array radar placed at the back can be rotated, but when it is rotated to the front, it will still be blocked by the bridge and mast to a certain extent, and it cannot have an omnidirectional attack. However, as long as the stern of the ship is aimed at the threat direction, this is enough, and the powerful phased array radar is activated. Will those locked aircraft dare to continue flying forward?

Qin Tao's suggestion is considered creative. A few years ago in Nansha, after winning the battle, he had to withdraw from the battle quickly because he had no air defense capability and was afraid of being retaliated.

Now, with a professional air defense ship, there is nothing to be afraid of, what tricks can the other party play?
The meeting was finally over, and after having lunch at the base, the group headed to the shipyard.

Wu Shengli naturally got into Qin Tao's car, Xu Zhengyang drove, Zhao Ling sat in the co-pilot, Qin Tao and Wu Shengli sat in the back.

"Taozi, the dredger this time has a lot to do with it, so there must be no accidents!"

"Don't worry." Qin Tao said: "I promise to complete the task. If I don't continue the meeting, I have already arranged the task. The boys in our design department are in a hurry."

Although there are natural gas ship design tasks, it is obviously not enough for those energetic people. This special dredger can stimulate their enthusiasm for work.

"Don't use the meeting as an excuse. This meeting is also very important. You have given us a lot of useful suggestions, and we will implement them as soon as possible."

Wu Shengli looked at the approaching shipyard, and when passing by the guest house, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Dad, our guest house is absolutely luxurious and comfortable enough. If you come to Mingzhou for business trips, you can directly stay in our guest house!"

"Okay." Wu Shengli nodded: "Being in your favor, I, an old man, have to enjoy it too. By the way, you have to hurry up too."

"pay close attention?"

"My mother has been talking about holding her grandson."

Actually grasp this?Zhao Ling, who was in front of her, turned around and gave Wu Shengli a dissatisfied look, while Qin Tao nodded like a good baby: "Well, please rest assured, Dad, I will work hard, hurry up, and take advantage of this opportunity to try to complete the task."

Zhao Ling was speechless.

The car drove into the shipyard and went straight to the outfitting dock. After arriving, Qin Tao was surprised to find that the coils of cables wrapped around it were being untied, which meant that the degaussing work had been completed!

"It seems that we came at the right time, let's go up and have a look!" Wu Shengli was full of interest, and walked onto the warship together with other naval leaders.

The warship that has just been degaussed seems to have a special smell on its entire hull, just like a house that has just been renovated.

Everyone went up from the tail of the warship. The first thing they stepped on was the familiar flight deck. Due to the displacement, the flight deck was still very large.

"Our Zhiba can even dock on it." An officer said.

"Yes, this is the largest flight deck among all our destroyers." Another officer said.

"Unfortunately, there is only a flight deck and no hangar."

"Hangar, isn't the hangar in front?"


Following the shout, the reckless officer stopped, and he looked at the open hangar door in surprise, the inside was unfathomable.

"Go down the side gangway."

If this is the first time you come up, if you are not familiar with it, if you fall all of a sudden, you will be in big trouble!
"Why is it so deep here?"

From the top of the hangar to the bottom of the ship, the height is probably more than ten meters!
When walking to the bottom of the boat, looking up, you can feel even more spectacular, as if you entered a certain palace.

"Because the launching tube of the S-300 missile will be installed here." Qin Tao pointed to the top of his head and said: "After all the installation is completed, this place will be occupied by the circular launching tube. The marines have to pass through the middle of the launching tube to reach it." Back compartment."

The location of the hangar can accommodate four disc launching devices. After each device is loaded with 8 missiles, it becomes a big monster with a diameter of 3.8 meters and a height of 9 meters.For the 17.1C, which has a maximum width of only 051 meters, only two missile launchers can be arranged horizontally, which already occupies a width of nearly 2 meters. At the same time, in terms of height, it must be poked on the hangar.

After all, the launch tube cannot directly poke the bottom of the ship, and a certain amount of space must be left below.

It is conceivable that after the installation of 32 missile launchers, this place will become a forest of missile launchers, which is very spectacular.

"If this layout is followed, will our air defense ships not be able to have helicopter hangars in the future?" an officer asked.

"It depends on the size of our self-developed area air defense missile." Qin Tao said: "If the length is short, it can be placed in front of the bridge, and the space behind it can be released."

Why does the 051C sacrifice the hangar to install anti-aircraft missiles, but the 052C does not need it, and can deploy all six sets of launchers in front?
This is of course due to the difference in size.

The length of the Haihongqi 6.5 missile is only [-] meters, plus the launch tube, it is about seven meters. Lao Maozi's naval launcher is close to nine meters when installed. At the same time, there is a big difference in diameter.

In short, the domestic ones are smaller, so two groups can be stuffed in front side by side, thus freeing up space.

"The missile system will be installed for live ammunition testing after the sea trial and there are no problems with the hull. Now, we can follow the gangway here and climb to the top of the hangar to see our guidance radar."

The entire air defense missile system is almost transplanted from the land-based system. In front of the hangar silo, there is a 30N6E1 passive phased array radar. This thing has a huge area and is installed on a rotatable base. .

Looking from the direction of the hangar, beyond this radar, you can still see the roof radar erected on the rear mast, which also means that the forward view of the phased array radar is strictly blocked.

"How is the moisture and salt resistance of this radar?" Wu Shengli asked.

"The characteristics of Lao Maozi's weapons are that they are durable. Although this kind of radar is used on land, it is not a big problem to install it on a warship." Qin Tao replied simply: "During the service period, there will definitely be no problems. .”

"With it, our navy will also have area air defense capabilities. We have been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

In the past, it was the era of anti-aircraft artillery, and later with the Sea Sidewinder, at most it was able to intercept the flying anti-ship missiles once, and it was more or less just a sight.

now what?With this kind of weapon system, not only can it hit incoming missiles, but it can also hit flying enemy planes. Before the opponent has time to launch the missile, he can be beaten down by his own side.

On both sides of this huge radar, there are target irradiation radars, and two imitation versions of AK-630 naval guns are also arranged. Generally speaking, the weapons and equipment on it are all old men.

After crossing this tombstone-like radar and continuing forward, there is a chimney. Below the chimney is an anti-ship missile launcher. The square launch box looks familiar. Continue forward and pass the rear mast to reach the ship in front. The bridge is up.

"I finally saw the modern bridge!" When everyone walked onto the bridge and saw a row of display screens and keyboards inside, they finally felt emotional.

The previous era of relying on people to look out and command has finally passed, and they have also entered the computer age. This row of screens has never been seen on other domestic warships. Even No. 112 cannot compare with them. !
"The three here are the consoles of the S-300 air defense weapon system, and the other several are our comprehensive command system. The superior leaders have named this system the ZKJ-5 system. It can run automatically and intercept at any time. any incoming targets."

Looking at the faces of the people, Qin Tao knew how shocking everything in front of them was. Even if they had seen it on the design drawings or reports, it was not as visually impactful as seeing the real thing.

"It's an honor to be able to operate this warship!"

"Yes, please rest assured, leaders, we will definitely master the essentials of the operation as soon as possible during the sea trial with the shipyard workers, and we will be capable of combat when we serve in service!" A soldier following behind the crowd held out his chest I made up my mind.

This person is also Qin Tao's old acquaintance, Wang Qing, the captain of the 105 ship.

Since it was a warship for the northern fleet, of course officers had to be selected from them. Wang Qing was one of the best, and he stood out from the crowd of competitors and became the captain of the 115th ship.

Although the warship has not been equipped with troops yet, how can they sit still? When they heard that the sea trial was going to be held, the whole team came over. They came to the shipyard in advance to get acquainted, and participated in the sea trial together. Operated.

It is also customary that the sailors who receive it will accompany the ship during sea trials.

Now, they are eager to try.

Wu Shengli glanced at Wang Qing, then nodded: "Captain Wang, you are also an old commander, and I should be very relieved of you, but this warship is different from our previous warships in that it is very modernized. High. Therefore, you will not be able to operate this warship well with your past experience."

Wang Qing puffed up his chest: "Yes, report to the leader. During the period of waiting to receive the warship, all our officers and soldiers have begun to learn the operation of this advanced warship. There is no teaching material, so we have to ask for information from the design institute. There is no standardized operation. We will write the password ourselves, and now we are as familiar with every part of this warship as we are familiar with our own body!"

Hearing what Wang Qing said, not only Wu Shengli and others present, but even Qin Tao were surprised: "Captain Wang, you are really desperate Saburo!"

"Our navy has been aggrieved for many years because we have no area air defense capabilities." Wang Qing's expression was very serious: "Now, the navy's first area air defense ship is about to fall into our hands, and we must use it to its full potential. With all the strength, let it become the strongest shield of our navy and the most powerful weapon to protect the sea and air of the motherland!"

Qin Tao was also deeply moved. Because of the previous humiliation, the officers and soldiers of the navy were holding back their energy from top to bottom. Especially this year's Xingchen incident, the officers and soldiers of the navy had a sense of urgency. , now, with a group of the cutest people in our time like them, the seas and borders of the motherland will definitely be well guarded!
"It won't be long before our navy will have more powerful weapons." Qin Tao said: "The current air defense ships are just the beginning. In the future, we will manufacture a large number of professional air defense destroyers. The defects of our navy will be eliminated little by little. Fill!"


"I have an idea." Wu Shengli looked at the two sets of vertical launch systems under the porthole, and said, "The captain and political commissar of this warship should be in different positions at ordinary times, so they shouldn't all be crowded in the bridge."

Qin Tao glanced at the father-in-law helplessly: "What are you afraid of? Once the missile explodes during launch, leading to no leader? Don't worry about this. Our vertical launch system is mature and reliable. There is no problem. If it is an explosion, the Americans That kind of thermal emission is what makes it a nest once it explodes."

At the front of the bridge, there are two sets of vertical launching devices, which increases the risk. What if the missile explodes inside after ignition?What if the other missiles are also detonated?It is conceivable that the bridge will definitely be affected.

In the domestic army, in addition to the chief military officer, there are also political commissars. At critical times, the political commissars will temporarily take over the command. Wu Shengli's arrangement is to prevent danger.

However, in Qin Tao's eyes, this is not necessary at all, it is a typical way of taking off pants and farting...

Seeing the conflict between Qin Tao and Wu Shengli, Zhao Ling quickly said, "When will this warship officially start? While all the leaders are here, if the sea trial is possible, it should be done as soon as possible."

"The fuel is being refueled. If there is a sea trial, it will be done in an hour." Wang Qing said.

"Okay, then we'll wait, let's go and have a look on the front deck."

Wu Shengli was in high spirits, and jumped from the inside of the bridge to the front deck area.

In the past, warships had a walkway outside, and they could circle around the warship directly from the outside. However, new warships have begun to pursue nuclear, biological and chemical protection capabilities, and are fully enclosed. Warships like 051C must take care of the stealth requirements in appearance , Therefore, the side of the ship's hull extends directly upwards to the superstructure, and there is no aisle left outside, so it can only be drilled through the inside.

Looking at the naval gun on the deck, Wu Shengli felt a little emotional: "We have held several demonstration meetings. In terms of the selection of naval guns, the 130mm naval gun is the best choice for a warship with a displacement of six to seven thousand tons. OK."

The 051C naval gun has also gone through some demonstrations. Since Qin Tao drew the design drawings, he planned to use a single-barreled 130mm naval gun.However, since the French dual-mounted 100mm naval gun technology has been introduced in China, and this French product is also used on the 052, everyone is skeptical about Qin Tao's design.

Later, when the old Maozi's Hyundai class was disassembled by Qin Tao, in the process of imitating various subsystems, the 130mm gun was also accepted by relevant domestic units for imitation, and the single-barreled 130mm ship requested by Qin Tao was also manufactured. gun.

Hundreds of rounds were tested on the shooting range, and the advantages of the single-barreled 130mm naval gun are undoubtedly revealed. It has a long range, high power, and a high rate of fire.In addition, after purchasing the modern class, it was originally necessary to prepare 130mm shells.

As a result, the imported 100mm naval gun was considered abandoned.

Now, seeing the angular shell of this naval gun, Wu Shengli is very emotional. Every technical route pointed out by Qin Tao will be verified as correct.

"In low-intensity conflicts, naval guns are very useful. In the future, with artillery-launched missiles, such large-caliber naval guns will have more uses." Qin Tao said: "Of course, Chemical kinetic naval guns have come to an end, and in the future, our warships will use electromagnetic guns, which will be called advanced."

There was a buzzing sound from behind, the two diesel engines started to start, and puffs of black smoke came out of the chimney, and then the vibration began to become stable.

"Report, the cruise engine has been started, and the whole ship is ready for sea trials!"

"Then let's get started!"

The propeller at the tail stirred up the sea water, and the huge hull slowly left the dock like a giant beast. This was the first time it was driven out by its own power!
"Engine room intact!"

"The transmission shaft is intact and the oil seal is normal!"

"Two cars, three forwards!"

A series of test orders were issued. The initial test was mainly about the sailing performance of the ship, using diesel engines first, and then gas turbines.

Two hours later, the gas turbines started, and the huge warship raced across the sea.

Qin Tao still stood at the bow of the ship, facing the sea breeze, he was very relaxed.

"It seems that the quality of Lao Maozi's gas turbine is not bad. Our current speed should have exceeded 28 knots."

"Report, the current speed is 29 knots and has reached the maximum speed!"

"According to the output power of the gas turbine, this kind of speed is not easy, and this cannot be separated from the advanced design of your hull." Wu Shengli said.

The previous warships were all slender, so as to reduce resistance and achieve higher speeds, but the seaworthiness of this kind of warship was poor, it swayed severely in the wind and waves, and the internal space was narrow. Therefore, the new generation of warships, They all began to reduce the aspect ratio to make the warship more spacious and comfortable, but in this way, under the same power, the speed will drop.

"Thank you." Qin Tao was humbled for a rare time: "Our next round of destroyers will be built in batches, and we can only wait for the good news of the power system. I hope we don't have to wait too long. Our Mingzhou Group has already made preparations. , to bid for the design and construction of the Navy's next-generation destroyer."

Wu Shengli smiled: "Are you going to take over all the warship construction business of our navy?"

"It's a lot of work for those who can. If it weren't for me, would the navy have air defense ships now?"

Qin Tao was right. Without him, the destroyer under his feet would have been delayed for at least ten years.The overall design of the warship, gas turbines, anti-aircraft missiles, and various weapon systems were almost all obtained by him.

As for the 052C destroyer, they have already started to do basic design in their free time, and now they are waiting for the maturity of the Sea Star radar.

"Unfortunately, there are only these two ships. The next round of construction will take a few years." Wu Shengli ignored Qin Tao's arrogance, but became emotional.

"Yes, it will take a few years, and the cost of destroyers is too high. Next, after the first 054 is launched for sea trials, the navy can order more 054. This low-cost warship can quickly expand the size of the navy fleet. , especially in the south, this kind of 054 escort is almost enough."

At this time, the gas turbine at the tail has been shut down, just to test the maximum speed. It is not necessary to drive it all the time. It is most convenient to use two diesel engines for normal cruising.

At this time, No. 115 had already left the river, and the endless sea was already in the distance.

Even if the first day of sea trials were over, the huge warship drew an arc on the water and began to return.

"Report, found an abnormal sound underwater."

On the bridge, all kinds of equipment have been turned on, and the row of consoles with monitors is full of sailors, and behind them are technicians and engineers from the shipyard.

In the quietest corner, a special sonar console was placed. At this time, the sonar soldier wearing earphones issued a report.

After decelerating, the bow sonar was turned on. It was originally just a test, but in the end, an abnormal sound was found.

The engineers were taken aback for a moment. Is there something wrong with the sonar?

051C is a special air defense ship. For air defense, everything else can be weakened. It has no hangar, no "ancestral" anti-submarine rocket launcher, and no torpedo launch tube. It can be considered that its anti-submarine warfare capability is almost zero.

However, it must have a bow sonar, which is the only equipment it has to detect the underwater world.

Now, this thing is broken?

"No, everything was normal just now, but the sound now is because there are submarine activities underwater!"

"It's our submarine, right? Don't make a fuss."

There is a naval base nearby, and it is normal for submarines to come and go.

"No, this sound is different from that of our submarine!" While the sonar soldier was listening carefully, the information compared with the database was displayed on the monitor in front of him.

"Unknown submarine?"

(End of this chapter)

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