Great warships

Chapter 326 There Are Big Fish Underwater

Chapter 326 There Are Big Fish Underwater

Ships with a slightly larger displacement have a big protruding nose under the bow, just like the clown's nose. The professional name of this thing is bulbous bow.It is used to reduce wave-making resistance and improve the navigation efficiency of ships.

Generally speaking, after the bulbous bow is installed, it can reduce the propulsive power of the main engine by 20.00% of the ship and achieve the same speed when other conditions remain unchanged, which has significant economy.

For warships, the bow also has this big nose, but it can not only reduce wave-making resistance, but also, the most professional bulbous bow sonar can be installed in the big nose of the bow, and it can also It's the bow sonar.

No matter what kind of warship it is, even the modern class that Lao Maozi specially exists for air defense and anti-ship, it also has this kind of equipment, which can provide the warship with the ability to detect underwater movements. There will be no shortage of such equipment.

Moreover, since the 115 destroyer is currently the largest domestic displacement destroyer, its bulbous bow sonar is naturally the largest.

For something like this, performance is directly proportional to size.

If the technology is not advanced, then pile up more sonar arrays to increase perception through the number.

In terms of performance, the previous Type 051 used the first-generation bow sonar, and this Type 115 uses the same second-generation bow sonar as the Type 112, but with a larger array, combined with the subsequent digitalization Processing system, its performance is far stronger than any domestic bow sonar.

At this time, a group of people had already rushed from the bow to the bridge. Although Wu Shengli was not young, his physical fitness was still good. After running this way, he did not need to breathe. He looked at the sonar soldier calmly: "Unknown submarine? "

"Yes, just now when we were turning around, we heard its movement, indicating that this unknown submarine was following us, but now, we have lost its sound."

When it comes to the various sonar performances on a warship, the sonar array towed by the stern is the most sensitive. Since it leaves the hull, it reduces the impact of its own noise. This sonar array can detect farther distances and hear smaller sounds. the sound of.

If both sonars are available, many bow sonars can even only have active functions, and passive snooping depends entirely on towed sonars.

"Did I hear it wrong? Or is it a problem with our equipment itself?" A technician said.

"No, it is absolutely impossible for me to hear it wrong!" The sonar soldier said: "I am the best sonar soldier in the entire fleet. I can even hear coins dropped by someone on the target!"

Can you still hear the national emblem above or below?Such a question popped into Qin Tao's mind, but he didn't ask it out. The atmosphere at this time is definitely not suitable for saying such a thing.

"This shows that some people are very interested in our warship. After the warship was tested, they followed behind. After we slowed down and turned, because they did not operate in time, they appeared on our side. They were discovered by us." Wang Qing said: "But after a while, they turned into a silent state, making us mistakenly think that there was a problem with our equipment."

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, our territorial waters are definitely not a place where they can come and go at will! Contact the fleet immediately, take off the anti-submarine helicopter, and find that unknown submarine!"

When he said these words, Wu Shengli's face was extremely serious.

This is the territorial waters of the motherland, and a submarine of unknown nationality broke in. If it was a war, it would definitely suffer huge losses!

Although the opponent's target is the shipyard, the naval base is nearby, and the underwater monitoring equipment of the naval base did not find this unknown submarine. This is a dereliction of duty, an absolute dereliction of duty!

"If the opponent turns silent, our anti-submarine helicopters will be powerless." At this moment, Qin Tao spoke.

What is the silent state of a submarine?It is this submarine that completely stops any sound, the engine stops, and even the personnel cannot speak loudly, making sure not to make any noise, completely hidden in the quiet sea water, and some even sit directly on the bottom of the sea, just like a big rock .

At this time, even if the anti-submarine helicopter came over and dropped all kinds of sonar buoys, it would be meaningless unless the other party restarted. At this time, the competition is who is more patient.

In normal times, when a warship conducts various military operations, Qin Tao would not have the right to speak, but it is different now. The warship is now in a test state. Theoretically speaking, before it is delivered to the navy, it is the people in the shipyard who said it. Calculated.

As for Qin Tao saying this now, of course he also has his own purpose.

"If we don't use anti-submarine helicopters, what do we use?" Wu Shengli asked.

warship?At such a short distance, there is no need for military dispatch. If a warship comes over, it may cause greater interference. It is more convenient and quick to use a helicopter.

"Use the active mode of our bow sonar." Qin Tao said: "This kind of sonar also has topographic mapping capabilities, even if the opponent is sinking on the bottom of the sea, we can find it!"

"That's right!" The technicians from Institute 715 became excited: "Our sonar has this capability, now, let them know how powerful we are!"

In China, Institute 715 is specialized in researching sonar, and they developed the sonar of warship 112. When Lao Maozi's Hyundai class was taken apart by Qin Tao, the sonar system was also taken back by Institute 715 for research.

Combining various technologies, coupled with the fact that the bow sonar of the 115 ship is larger and the back-end processor is more advanced, this sonar has multiple functions, including terrain mapping!

Aren't they meant to be a big rock?Then let us find this big rock!
"This is the estuary of the river, and the water in the lower layer flows into the ocean." Wang Qing also agreed with Qin Tao's proposal: "If we use helicopters to drop passive sonar buoys, then we may return without success. They Keep silent, and follow the underwater currents to enter the depths of the ocean."

If the water below is still, then of course they can wait, the game of cat and mouse, even if they play for days and nights, it will be fine.If the sea water below hits the continental shelf, that is, when the tide is high, then our side can wait patiently and watch them being washed and stranded.But now, the ocean current here is flowing to the depths of the ocean. If you don't act quickly, the opponent will take advantage of the navy and escape.

Therefore, they must take the initiative.

"Okay, then take the initiative to search!" Wu Shengli nodded, he is the highest position here, of course he has to make the decision, but he is definitely not the kind of stubborn person, he is good at listening to the opinions of his subordinates.

Moreover, he has never seen the radar of a warship have the ability of terrain surveying and mapping. This time, it just happened to be an eye-opener.

"Attention, left rudder three, adjust the direction to the position where the target disappears, and then turn on the active sonar, synthetic aperture mode!" Although this is the first time Wang Qing commanded the 115 ship and issued the synthetic aperture mode for the first time, but here Before, they had already conducted countless trainings.



Everyone in every position is busy.

The sailors in the engine room adjusted the engine to the idle state to minimize their own noise. The helmsman operated the steering of the warship. After aiming at the direction where the target disappeared, the active sonar mode was activated.

Bang, bang, bang!
The low-frequency sound is formed on the sonar membrane, and then propagates along the sea water, and ripples suddenly appear underwater. The mechanic pays attention to the power supply of the warship. At this time, with the active mode of the sonar Start, the power supply is still very stable.

This kind of active sonar has a transmission power of more than 300 kilowatts and a power consumption of more than [-] kilowatts. After all, the efficiency of converting electricity into sound is not high. However, when designing this modern warship, it is deliberately The power supply margin has been increased. According to Qin Tao's explanation, in addition to meeting the power demand of the huge S-[-] weapon system, it must also provide convenience for future modifications.

Although it is a new warship, Qin Tao knows that the 051C is just an emergency alternative. After the Navy's Aegis warships keep making dumplings, the two 051Cs will become more and more embarrassing.

It is not cost-effective to make large-scale modifications, and it is unnecessary to make small troubles. Putting aside how to modify in the future, at least there must be enough power supply support.

Now, other weapon systems have not shown their power, and the neglected bow active sonar has been used first.

Countless low-frequency sound waves spread to the surrounding sea water, and then were reflected back. On the screen in front of the sonar soldier, underwater graphics began to appear.

The display speed of the graphics is very slow, just like when the network speed is not strong and the picture download is slow when viewing a webpage. Now, the graphics only occupy a horizontal bar on the screen, but the people who see it are already very excited.

"Chart, this is exactly the same as our chart!"

"That's right, I really didn't expect that our sonar has this ability!"

"The sonar on the ocean exploration ship has this ability. However, the sonar array is so large that it covers the entire ship's side. It is not easy for our bow sonar to do this."

"Everyone keep quiet!"

The little sonar soldier spoke, so everyone dared not speak again, for fear of disturbing the operation of the sonar soldier. At this time, the sonar soldier is the most important thing!
The graph is getting bigger, the second sonar wave goes out, and when it is reflected back, there is one more graph, the third, the fourth... Finally, the screen is full.

"Sea area No. 42, there is an unknown object in this trench!" The sonar soldier pointed to the graphics on the screen and reported.

The other party was too cunning. After being discovered, he chose to hide in the trench directly!If it wasn't for the active sonar's mapping mode, you wouldn't be able to find it at all!

This trench was also washed out by the river water, so the opponent's submarine can follow the trench, slowly move outward, and leave the continental shelf silently.

Cunning, so cunning!
"Okay, I found it!" Wu Shengli said, "Now, give them a threat!"

"Understood!" Wang Qing shouted loudly: "Active sonar, attack mode, send me two sonar waves to scare these bastards to death!"

Wang Qing's order was full of murderous intent.

"Understood!" The sonar soldier was also very excited at this time.

If the passive monitoring mode is used, the other party will not know that it has been discovered, but the other party is too cunning, and found that the warship in the trial voyage immediately switched to the submarine search state after turning, and immediately judged that it might be detected. After discovering it, I immediately chose silence, while looking for the trench, intending to slip away quietly.

Then, our side used the surveying and mapping mode. In this mode, sonar waves are emitted in all directions around. After being reflected back, they are received separately. Through computer calculations, the topographical conditions of the seabed can be known.

But now, in the active attack mode, all the sonar waves will be gathered together, and the sonar waves of hundreds of kilowatts will spread in the same direction!
Is the sound of the square dance loud enough?It's only a hundred watts, and the power of hundreds of kilowatts is equivalent to a thousand square dance speakers, aiming at the same place!Also, sound travels more forcefully in liquids than in gases.

For any submariner, this would be death sentence!

Bang, bang!
Two powerful sound waves left the bow sonar, and the sea water along the way was full of waves, and even formed a series of eddies. The terrifying sonar waves moved forward quickly, heading straight for the submarine that was about to abscond in the distance! (Exaggeration, the real thing should not be so powerful.)
Bang, bang!
If the sound hits the steel submarine shell directly, then it will be like ringing a bell, and the people inside the submarine will cover their ears in pain and scream in an instant. However, this unknown nationality ship For submarines, a thick layer of sound-absorbing tiles is laid on the shell. This layer of sound-absorbing tiles absorbs part of the energy of sonar waves and slows down the transmission of sound.

However, even so, this sonar wave still brought a terrible experience to the sailors inside.

Bang, bang!
The terrible sound came in through the hull of the boat, stimulating their eardrums. At this moment, they all covered their ears in pain. Some veterans could still remain calm, and a dozen novices couldn't restrain their inner fear and screamed stand up.

"Oh, damn it, shut them up!" the captain cursed.

"Captain, what should we do?"

The impact of this terrible active sonar wave is not only to scare people, it is like locking the target in the confrontation of fighter jets. Now this kind of active sonar wave detection is also performing attack data calculation. At this time, the opponent The calculation and binding of the torpedo data has been completed, and the anti-submarine torpedo can be launched at any time!
"They can't do anything to us, they don't have torpedoes!"

The captain obviously refused to leave.

Ship 115 is a warship with unbalanced performance. Its first purpose is air defense. For air defense, it can sacrifice many other performances.

It has no hangar, and it cannot carry anti-submarine helicopters for a long time. It has no towed sonar at the tail, only the bow sonar. At the same time, it has no torpedo tubes, and even the ancestral rocket depth bomb launcher.

On domestic warships, at the front of the bow and in front of the naval guns, you can see two arc-shaped devices with launch tubes on them. This is the ancestral rocket depth bomb launch device. When the enemy submarine is found, You can launch anti-submarine deep bombs to kill the enemy.

Compared with torpedoes, the biggest feature of this thing is that it is cheap. Therefore, in many exercises, you can see this thing being launched whizzingly, and the scene is very spectacular.

However, there is no such thing on the No. 115 warship, except for the bow sonar, there is nothing else.

Now, they have completed all the preparations before the attack, but they have no means of attack!
"They have no intention of surrendering!" There was anger in the sonar soldier's words.

This kind of confrontation between submarines and surface ships was very common during the Cold War. Generally speaking, as long as one side launches active sonar waves and hits the opponent's hull, it means Game Over, and the opponent should obediently float up. After all It's not in a state of war, so there's no need to really kill him, but if he doesn't come out, then the surface fleet can really do something wrong.

Now, the other party is so confident?
Everyone had angry expressions on their faces, and the other party insisted on refusing to come out. Was it because they decided that they were toothless tigers?You can only call out a few times, but you can't really go up and bite the other party?
"It seems that we have to take off a few anti-submarine helicopters and drop anti-submarine deep bombs directly!" At this time, Wang Qing had no other choice but to invite equipment from his brother unit to the field.

There is a fleet base in Mingzhou nearby, and you can join the battle at any time and besiege the opponent!
"We must teach them a profound lesson." Qin Tao said from the side: "How about we continue to attack them with sonar before the helicopter arrives?"

Even if it is the fastest, it will take more than ten minutes for the helicopter to come over. During this time, are they going to watch helplessly?
of course not!
For sonar, the lifespan is very long, launching several active sonar attacks will not cause any damage to sonar.

Wu Shengli's eyes lit up: "That's right, shock them to death!"

So the sonar soldiers started the system again.

Bang bang!

Two sonar waves pierced through the water waves and headed towards the underwater submarine again.

Bang bang!

When the sound entered the eardrums of the submariners, they felt their hearts trembling.

"They have no other choice but to use this method to swear their sovereignty. We can't go up. That's the most shameful act!" The captain still insisted.

Bang, bang, two more.

Miraculously, no one shouted inside the submarine this time, and the captain nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that they have no other tricks, they will only use sonar to attack us."

"Report, I heard the sound of something falling into the water!" At this moment, the sonar soldiers on the submarine shouted.

"What?" the captain was surprised.

This is definitely not a good sign.

"That thing is falling rapidly in the sea water, it may be an anti-submarine depth bomb!"


The captain was completely shocked: "Are the other ships coming?"

"If they have an advanced data link system, they can transmit the target data discovered by their sonar to other ships in the fleet, and those ships can launch anti-submarine depth bombs from a long distance!"

"We can no longer hesitate. There is no explosion this time. They are still demonstrating. If we remain silent, then we will really be bombed!"

"Damn it, sail at full speed and leave this damned place!" The captain finally gave up.

Destroyer 115.

The blue smoke spread from the muzzle of the 130mm naval gun. On the bridge, everyone stared at the gun with great emotion.

Only Mr. Qin can come up with this method.

Just before the arrival of the helicopter, they could only use active sonar to attack and deter their opponents. However, Qin Tao had a whim: "Let our naval guns try!"

naval gun?

Hearing Qin Tao's suggestion, everyone was a little curious: "What's the point of using naval guns?"

"Shooting at a high elevation angle, imitating anti-submarine deep bombs falling into the water."

Wang Qing nodded immediately.

There was no live ammunition loaded into the naval gun at all, only a few training ammunition. After receiving Wu Shengli's affirmation, the sailors operating the naval gun immediately got busy.

A fireball shot out from the 130mm muzzle, and the shell flew out, drawing an arc in the sky and flying towards a target twenty kilometers away.

The sound of the shells falling into the water was also heard by their sonar soldiers, and then the sonar soldiers shouted.

"They sped up!"

"They're sailing at full power!"

A submarine can sail silently at low power, and even disappear without a trace when the engine is turned off. If it weren't for the sonar with terrain mapping capabilities, it would be impossible to find it.

Now, it is actively sailing at full power, and the noise is also enlarged. Even the old Type 051 destroyer can hear clearly.

Even though it didn't surface, it was an admission of defeat.

"Let's catch up and send it out!" Wu Shengli said.

It is a polite way to say that it is sent out. In fact, it is equivalent to expelling the other party.

The submarine under the water had already conceded defeat. As they started at full power, the sound was quite loud, and the underwater detection system of the naval base also discovered their existence.

On the surface of the water, No. 115, which had just sailed on the first day, just followed behind the opponent, escorted the submarine, and sent it out for dozens of nautical miles.

The gas turbine at the back is running continuously, and it happens to be able to test the high-speed sailing ability of the ship.

"It's time for us to return, how about a full rudder?" Wang Qing was a little excited.

"As long as the leader agrees." Qin Tao has no objection.


Thus, Wang Qing's voice sounded throughout the ship: "Attention, the whole ship pays attention, the rudder is about to be full left!"

Everyone supported the things around them, and at the next moment, the huge hull tilted up, and a beautiful arc was drawn on the water surface, and the warship was still stable.

"The design of this warship is really good, and the construction quality is also very high. In the future, the brand-new ships will be designed and built by Mingzhou Group. Our navy is most at ease!"

Some leaders have expressed their views.

Any warship would not dare to do this kind of operation on the first day of sea trials. Now, the warship has completed a 180-degree turn and started to return. Everyone is very satisfied with the sailing performance of this warship.

"Thank you for the praise and support from the leaders. We will definitely make persistent efforts." Qin Tao replied.

(End of this chapter)

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