Great warships

Chapter 335 Purchasing Kilo Class

Chapter 335 Purchasing Kilo Class

"Boss Qin, you played an important role in solving the espionage case this time, but there is one thing I still don't understand." Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao while driving.

"I know you can't hold back, you want to ask about the relationship between the two cases, right?" Qin Tao said with a smile.

Many people didn't ask, they were just guessing. However, Xu Zhengyang and Qin Tao have a good relationship, so they can be more direct when they ask these words.

Qin Tao's establishment has made great contributions. They successfully cracked a spy case, and they are also important persons in charge of the key national heavy weapon project. This case is quite big. Many leaders were shocked and demanded a thorough investigation. Qin Tao's contribution is indispensable.

However, until now, it has not been found that this has anything to do with Qin Tao's murder. That Vaughan explained a lot of things, but he never explained the case of Qin Tao's murder. It is said that compared with leaking secrets, this murder case has nothing to do with it. It's nothing.

As for the video tape, Vaughan prepared it in advance, knowing that someone might come to investigate, so he prepared it specially. In fact, he was very calm, because he really didn't know about this case.

Moreover, from another perspective, even if Qin Tao was regarded as a thorn in the side because of the shady situation of the military purchase case, it would not risk exposing Vaughan!The intelligence that Vaughan can collect is too important, and it definitely belongs to the most valued intelligence personnel on the opposite side.

So, this should be a mistake.

Then, why was Qin Tao so sure at the beginning?

"That's right, we can't take it lightly if we can't catch the people behind it," Xu Zhengyang said.

"These two cases may really have nothing to do with each other, but we have cracked such a major case, which can be regarded as revenge." Qin Tao said: "I also know that the relevant departments have strengthened their protection for me, and the other party wants to fight again. It's not that easy to commit murder, and besides, I'm not an important person, and they may have given up."

Xu Zhengyang nodded.

A few days later.

Nizhny Novgorod, Red Solmovo shipyard.

This city sounds like it is not well-known, but this city located at the confluence of the Volga River and the Oka River is also the oldest city in Damao. It was officially established in 1221, and then it prospered because of commerce. In 1849, shipbuilding was established. Factory, in 1862, built a [-]-kilometer railway to Moscow.

In 1932, it was renamed Gorky City, and it was changed back to its original name after the collapse of the Red Empire.

During the Great Patriotic War, a huge military industry developed here, and the shipyard also grew at that time.

As for now.

Since it is located in an inland area, only connected by rivers, and lacks commercial talents, the life of this shipyard is not easy.

Therefore, they attach great importance to the guests from the east.

"Our No. 112 factory has a long history. In 1850, we manufactured the first wooden-hulled paddle steamer in China, which was put into operation on the Volga River." The factory director Rapilov excitedly introduced: "In During World War II, we produced a large number of T-34 tanks, which strongly supported the Great Patriotic War. During the Cold War, our factory mainly produced submarines, especially Type 877 submarines.”

Although the Red Empire has disappeared for several years, these old people still like to use the original name, such as their shipyard, the number of Factory 112 is still from that era.

People can't forget that era, especially after the shock therapy and the rubles in their hands became waste paper, they began to miss that great country deep in their hearts.

"Really? I heard that the 877 submarines are mainly manufactured at the Komsomolsk Shipyard and St. Petersburg Shipyard?" Qin Tao asked from the side.

There were not many people in the inspection team, only a dozen or so. Except for Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang, they were all representatives of the navy. Zheng Ming was in charge of leading the team. However, the two had cooperated tacitly for a long time. The big guys only watched and talked. , mainly to Qin Tao.

"Yes, the submarines we use domestically are mainly manufactured by those shipyards, but all export-oriented submarines are built here." Saipilov said: "In 84, we We built the first Type 877 submarine for Poland to export, and in April of that year, we started construction for Romania. The two ships currently on the slipway are the second batch of Type 877 submarines ordered by Poland, but they no longer want them. Over 80.00% complete, we can complete the rest of the build within three months if you require."

The construction of Kilo-class submarines is very fast. When the first ship was started in Komsomolsk, it was completed and delivered to the troops in eight months, but now...

Qin Tao looked at Rapilov: "Are you sure that the project can be completed within three months?"

"Of course!"

"Then when we sign the contract, if we can't finish the project on time, we need to have a compensation clause."

"Of course not!" Seeing that Rapilov was about to fall into the trap, a person in Da Mao's team spoke.

Da Mao Arms Export Corporation, Grishin.

This lingering guy, of course, was going to follow. At this time, when he heard Qin Tao's statement, he immediately expressed his objection.

The submarine manufacturing here has been shut down, so people here don’t know that their submarine manufacturing industry chain is incomplete. Many upstream manufacturers have problems. Although only 20.00% of the construction tasks are left, it goes without saying It's been three months, it's not bad to finish it in a year!
If the compensation clause is signed, then they will definitely lose money by then!
"No? Mr. Grishin, isn't your arms export corporation in line with international standards? In the field of shipbuilding, it is always necessary to agree on a deadline. If it cannot be completed, then you have to compensate for the loss."

"Of course it must be in line with international standards." Grishin said: "However, this time is not suitable. We signed a contract with a one-year deadline."

Raipilov looked at Grishin in surprise, not knowing why Grishin made such a long request for one year, but it didn't matter to them. They agreed to deliver it in one year, and then it would be completed in three months. Isn't it better?
"Okay, here we are, right in front." Lapilov pointed to the front.

The slipway in front has a shed!This discovery made Qin Tao a little surprised. With the shed, the things inside are not exposed to the sun and rain. It is estimated that the condition is not bad, so the price cannot be lowered.

Things like submarines involve a lot of secrets, so the general shipyards are built on the slipway with a roof, so as to avoid being discovered by reconnaissance satellites in space.If you are more particular, build it directly in the workshop. After the construction is completed, use hundreds of tires to drag the submarine out and launch it directly into the water.

At this time, inside the berth, the submarine sections one by one were standing there.

It's like a thick ham sausage, cut into sections, and it still looks very spectacular when placed there.

Submarines are built differently than other ships.

Although other ships are also built in sections, some openings can be reserved during construction to facilitate the later installation of huge power systems, etc., and then welded after installation.

Moreover, in the outfitting stage, all kinds of equipment can be hoisted and installed at the outfitting dock, and the hatches of warships are still very large.

But what about submarines?

After ordinary submarines are welded, there are only a few small hatches that can accommodate one person to enter and exit. Therefore, there is almost no outfitting project in the submarine. All the large parts inside the submarine: engines, electronic equipment, and complicated pipelines , batteries, etc., are all installed after welding the sections.

For example, the German 209 submarine is divided into three large sections, front, middle and rear. After installation, the head and butt are welded together, and the work is completed.

However, Lao Maozi's submarine is different because they use double-hulled submarines.

What you guys see now is the inner shell of the double-hulled submarine. The cross section is circular. You can see that there are two decks inside. All kinds of equipment seem to have been installed in place, and it looks full.

The construction of submarines is quite interesting. If a common saying is used to describe it, it is "a dojo in a snail shell".

"Currently, the construction of the inner sections has almost been completed. What we need to do next is to weld them together to form a complete inner shell, and then put it into the outer shell for outfitting."

Ordinary single-hull submarines do not have the step of outfitting. This is a special treatment for double-hull submarines. First, the lower half of the double-hull hull is welded, then the inner hull is put in, and the support columns are welded. Install all the equipment that should be installed in place, and finally weld the upper half of the shell.

The ballast water tanks, various pipelines, horizontal rudders and the like needed for submarine diving can all be placed outside, especially for large nuclear submarines with a displacement of more than [-] tons, the distance between the inner and outer shells is often two or three meters, even if it is The torpedo can't be blown through.

"No, these shells are already rusted." Qin Tao pointed to the sub-built submarines and said.

After all, it is not in the workshop, even if there is a roof, the humidity by the river is very heavy, after a few years, there is indeed a layer of rust on the surface of the steel plate.

"These are just superficial conditions, as long as it is polished, it will disappear. We can guarantee that it will never affect the performance of the submarine. When the construction is completed and the dive test is completed, I can go down with you!" Lapinov Said anxiously.

Ordinary surface ships can run out in time even if they encounter risks during the test. However, submarines are different. Once a few hatches are closed, the interior will be completely isolated from the outside, especially underwater. Under the huge pressure, the seawater is poured in instantly, which can easily cause terrible accidents.

According to the design index, the Kilo class can dive to a depth of 300 meters. According to the ten-meter-one atmosphere, this is thirty atmospheres! (About the indicators, there are two data, the mission submerged depth is 240 meters, and the maximum submerged depth is about 300 meters. Go online to determine the status of the submarine.)
Rapinov is very anxious. If these two export-oriented submarines can be sold, they will get a huge sum of money from the shipyard!

He was willing to go all out, even if he took the risk himself.

Qin Tao looked at Rapinov solemnly: "Mr. Factory Manager, I can understand your feelings. In fact, we are also very disappointed to see it rusted. After all, we also want to buy it back."

"Don't try to lower the price in this way." At this moment, Grishin said, his eyes were serious: "Even if it is rusty, we can't sell it at a low price. Having said that, we have the confidence to go down with you to test it when the time comes, and besides, after the submarine has been in service, it has been in contact with sea water, and the surface will be rusted.”

Rust is no excuse!Even the photos taken in the port of the US nuclear submarine, behind the fallen sound-absorbing tiles, are all large areas of rust.

It's nothing terrible, expect it to rust through?How old is that?

"Mr. Grishin, please pay attention to your words." Qin Tao looked at Grishin with dissatisfaction: "You are Party B, and we are Party A. Since you are an export company, how can you treat customers like this?"

In later generations, Party A is the father, and Party B has to kneel and lick. Did Grishin think it was in the era of the Red Empire?

"If you continue to speak rudely like this, then we will end this trip immediately." Qin Tao's face was already showing anger.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, what do you think about the sick cat?

Rapilov's sweat swished down.

In fact, it is well known that Grishin is not a gregarious guy. He often messes up all kinds of business, and he will forcefully ask for a new start at the originally negotiated price. Therefore, many people treat him dissatisfied.

However, Moscow attaches great importance to him, because after Grishin's intervention, the price can be much higher. Similar to today's arms sales project of two submarines, Grishin has the right to decide.

Seeing that he was about to become stiff now, Rapilov felt anxious in his heart.

"Mr. Qin, all guests from the East, please don't be angry. Mr. Grishin has such a personality. He didn't intend to make things difficult for you." Caipilov first persuaded Qin Tao and his group, and then went to persuade Grishin .

"Mr. Grishin, the export of our two submarines is of great importance. I know that you are trying to fight for our interests, but can our attitude of speaking be better? I beg you."

Rapilov almost fell to his knees.

If the Eastern investigation group was really pissed off, Grishin didn't care, and went back to Moscow, what about them?Their shipyard has thousands of mouths waiting to eat!

Grishin's face was red and white, and he was obviously sulking too.

Qin Tao continued: "You sell weapons, we sell products, everyone gets what they need, and our status is the same, Mr. Grishin, don't always put on an air of superiority, that powerful The empire is long gone!"

"What did you say?"

"Did I said wrong thing?"

If only I could drive Grishin to death here today!This way is upright, and you don't have to be responsible, so you will be less burdensome in the future.

"Also, you just said that we are picking faults and lowering the price. Haven't we said our price yet?" Qin Tao glanced at Grishin again: "If I remember correctly, you sold it to Romania’s self-use version is only 6150 million US dollars. The price of this shrunk version of the pure export submarine is about 5000 million US dollars. These two junks are 27 million US dollars. We seem to be unable to afford [-] million US dollars. What? How much did we pay for the Su-[-]? You should know, right? This one hundred million dollars is a piece of cake for us!"

Grishin could only feel a tight breath in his chest.

6000 million?You put it nicely, can you buy two ships for 84 million?Yes, we sold over $[-] million to Romania, but when was that?That was '[-]!Ten years have passed now, can the price still be the same as it was ten years ago?
"You two submarines were originally built for Poland, but they don't want them anymore. You have found many buyers back and forth, but no one is willing to take them. They can only be left here to rust. We came here to investigate, but they are also For the sake of our friendship, I want to help you deal with some of the empire's legacy." Qin Tao said: "However, your current attitude disappoints us, and you even say that we are here to lower the price!"

"Of course you are lowering the price! [-] million US dollars, the purchase of two advanced diesel-electric submarines, isn't this lowering the price?"

Even if Raipilov pulled Grishin, he couldn't hold it any longer. Grishin was very angry there: "Needless to say two ships for [-] million dollars, even if it's [-] million dollars..."

"Stop, what did you say?" Qin Tao looked at Grishin: "That price, say it again!"

"I said one hundred million dollars!"

"Director Rapilov, did you hear that?" Qin Tao looked at Rapilov.

Rapilov nodded.

"Did everyone hear it?" Qin Tao asked the people around him again.

Of course the people here nodded.

"Since this is the case, then we will suffer a bit. After all, it is also to help our former big brother." Qin Tao said: "We bought one for [-] million dollars! But we have to be responsible for delivering it to our door."

"When did I say $[-] million a boat?" Grishin exclaimed angrily.

"Everyone heard what you said just now, Lapilov, did you hear it just now?"

Rapilov nodded: "Yes, I heard that."

"Damn it, that's not what I meant." Grishin said angrily.

"Really? Then what do you mean? Are you not satisfied with the price increase from 5000 million to [-] million? Do you want to call out the price of [-] million? Sorry, we are not the third brother!"

"Yes, Mr. Grishin, since you have said everything, why don't you pay at this price?" Raipilov asked Grishin cautiously.

"I didn't say it, I didn't say it, I didn't say it!" Grishin almost growled.

People around looked at him with surprised eyes.

"In this case, we can only say regret." Qin Tao shook his head helplessly: "You have to go back on what you just said, without the slightest sincerity. Anyway, our navy does not lack submarines now. We even have nuclear submarines. Afraid that the underwater strength is not enough?"

"Mr. Grishin!" Lapilov was also anxious: "How can you do this?"

"Originally, each of our military enterprises sells equipment by their own ability. You have to step in and form some kind of arms export corporation. If you want to take over the arms export, I don't care how much benefits you want, but you can't just because you haven't met the requirements. The lion opened his mouth wide, and it would be great if we could sell our two submarines for [-] million. If you mess up our business, the people in our factory will not agree!"

Who is happy about the establishment of this company?Of course, the backbone of these companies, who is not happy?Of course, various military units!
They originally thought of a way to sell weapons by themselves. After reaching an agreement, they went to Moscow to report and just follow the process. What happened now?All should be in charge of by the arms export corporation.

It’s okay for you to be responsible. At any rate, help sell weapons. The more you sell, the better. The big guys are also grateful.

The results of it?Every time the lion opens its mouth wide and scares away the buyers?You are still shouting that it is for the sake of the country, and the big words are so nice, isn't it because you didn't get any benefits?
"The Red Empire has died long ago! Don't use past thinking to sell our semi-finished products!"

"Director Rapilov, forget it, you can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. This Mr. Grishin is obviously still living in the past era." Qin Tao said: "Our price has increased from 5000 million Reaching 636 million has already demonstrated our sincerity. Now, we can only say sorry. Moreover, this is just the beginning. If these two submarines can meet our needs, there will be more orders in the future. I have already heard from the Ruby Design Bureau that they are still designing a more advanced Type [-] submarine, and now it seems that it is a pity."

Qin Tao looked at Grishin: "I didn't expect such a person to exist. If you really want to do your job well, you should learn from the French and see how they do it. Treat customers."

What did the French do?In order to sell weapons, a large sum of money was used to bribe the relevant person in charge, even accounting for one-third of the procurement funds!

At this time, Grishin was as aggrieved as he wanted.

Is he for himself?of course not!Although the Red Empire has collapsed, Grishin still maintains the spirit of an officer of that era. He wants to contribute to the country, and he wants to give everything for the country!
The society is chaotic, and all kinds of corrupt behaviors occur from time to time, but Grishin is an upright person and has never received any gifts, but now, he has been wronged to such an extent.

"Okay, if you think this price is suitable, then this price!" Grishin gritted his teeth, with anger in his words, he wished to tear Qin Tao to pieces.

636 million dollars a boat, this price is half lower than Qin Tao's estimated price before departure!Zheng Ming and the others were extremely excited. They could save a lot of money now. With the saved money, they might actually be able to purchase two more ships. What did Mr. Qin say about the [-] model, which seems to have better performance?

(End of this chapter)

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