Great warships

Chapter 336 The neglected Celestite Design Bureau

Chapter 336 The neglected Celestite Design Bureau
Grishin was very angry, but he could only give in.

Just now, he just wanted to say that he would not sell a car even if it was worth [-] million US dollars, but before he could say anything later, Qin Tao snatched it away, and then he seized on this topic and kept saying it. go down. (I haven’t studied Russian, so I don’t know if this translation was put at the end or not.)
[-] million dollars a ship, is it a loss?

In fact, it's not a loss. After all, for them, without buyers, these submarines have to rust here.Originally Ah San was also their big customer, but due to the many frictions with Ah San on the aircraft carrier project, Ah San has no plan to purchase their weapons at all in the near future, especially submarines. Ah San started buying them in the 80s Well, it's not time to buy a second batch yet.

However, according to Grishin's plan, these submarines are going to sell for two to three billion dollars, which is also the result he obtained after analyzing with others when he was in Moscow.

Although China has nuclear submarines, the technology is not good, and the technology of conventional submarines is also very poor. Overall, it is the level of Lao Maozi 70 in the [-]s.

China needs to purchase advanced diesel-electric submarines and the flounder they produce! (The Kilo class is the NATO code name, and Lao Maozi is called Flounder here.)
Therefore, their reserve price is [-] million US dollars, but now, this price can no longer be raised.

He believes that these people in front of him will really leave. That Mr. Qin will never be ambiguous. From the very beginning, Mr. Qin has been singing against him. The contradiction is getting bigger and bigger. If Qin Tao and the others leave, then this The responsibility for the failure of this transaction must be Grishin's.

What did Grishin do?It's just a few words, does the other party need such a big reaction?
The other party was obviously deliberately creating tension and provoking conflicts on purpose. In this way, if the transaction fails, Grishin will be responsible!

People here will hate Grishin to death, and that Rapilov's gaze has already told him that if this deal fails, he will be in a lot of trouble in the future.

Needless to say, there is a sap behind the scenes, just that Rapilov went to Moscow to make a fuss, which can make Grishin very uncomfortable. Grishin deliberately raised the price, just to ask for benefits, because the Chinese refused to give it. He was good, so the good deal just fell through!

If this matter continues to simmer, the heads of other military enterprises will follow suit. By then, Grishin will probably lose his job.

He is not afraid of losing his job, but in this position, he can protect the interests of the country, so he still cherishes it.

In this way, Grishin had no choice but to give in, and sold the two submarines to the Chinese for $[-] million each.

Frustrated, Grishin did not attend the banquet at all. Anyway, the price was negotiated, and there was nothing to do with him. He went back and sulked.

Everyone had a great time at this dinner party.

"This Da Mao Arms Export Corporation is here to make trouble." Qin Tao complained, "Especially this Grishin, he is a guy who backtracks on his promises. Last time we purchased Su-27 fighter jets, we had already negotiated." , they had to come and intervene. As a result, the transaction was delayed by half a year!"

"That's right, that is, all of us are dissatisfied with them, but there is nothing we can do about it, after all, they hold power." Saipilov said.

"Director Rapilov, thank you for your support today, cheers!" Qin Tao raised his glass.

"These are all things I should do."

A glass of wine entered his stomach, and Rapilov became even happier: "You can buy the submarine this time, and help us solve the big trouble!"

"Yes, but, have you thought about what to do in the future?" Qin Tao asked.

"In the future? Of course it will be the same as now. Aren't you still ordering new Type 636 submarines?"

Qin Tao shook his head.

Rapilov's expression gradually became serious: "You mean, we offended Grishin this time, so it's impossible to get follow-up orders?"

This guy is really smart enough.

"Now these two ships are on your berth, so Moscow can't interfere, but if we place an order later, it will be a new production. After all, on the territory of Da Mao, Kilo-class submarines can be produced. , not just you. Moreover, as far as I know, the shipyard in St. Petersburg has a greater advantage."

"That's right, the Admiralty Shipyard has the best relationship with Moscow. If there is a new order, even the Amur Shipyard can't compete with them. The benefits must be given to St. Petersburg!" Lapilov was unwilling, but , he has no other way.

Their shipyard standing on the Volga River has no way to compare with those shipyards by the sea, and they don't have very good interpersonal relationships.Although the previous factory manager went to Moscow to mix in the political arena, it seems that he hasn't made a name for himself yet.

What will they do next?
Qin Tao did not fool them. After all, in the later stage, even the shipyard of the Admiralty is not qualified. Only one shipyard in Severodvinsk is still building nuclear submarines. An inland shipyard, what chance is there?
In fact, Rapilov also had a premonition about this, but he did not expect that this day would come soon.

"Boss Qin, please give me some advice." Caipilov said.

"The order for these two submarines will allow you to obtain a sum of funds. With this fund, you must transform." Qin Tao said: "Your shipyard has no way to compare with those along the coast. You should play to your strengths."

"Our strengths?"

"Yes, Nizhny Novgorod was originally an industrial city, and you didn't just produce ships. During World War II, you also built tanks." Qin Tao said, "I think you should give full play to your strengths."

"Our strengths?"

"Yeah, think about it, what are your strengths?"

"Our forte is still shipbuilding. Don't you mean let us build tanks?"

"You can manufacture railway locomotives, rails, etc., but you can't give up shipbuilding. I think you should give full play to your own advantages and mainly manufacture ships for inland and coastal navigation in the future."

If he fooled them and castrated his own shipbuilding ability, it would probably be too much, and Qin Tao could only continue to follow the other party's train of thought.

"Inland river? Coastal area?"

"Yes." Qin Tao continued to flicker: "You, Da Mao, have a fairly developed inland water transportation system, and the Volga River is the backbone of it. After the establishment of the Red Empire, a large number of dredging projects were carried out, forming part of Europe. System (EGTS)..."

"I know, but these projects are for the convenience of the warships we build. For example, the nuclear submarines built by our factory 112 can be directly transported to other sea areas by ships, such as the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, and even the Bering Sea in the east. no problem."

Hearing what Lapilov said, Qin Tao was a little speechless. He said it very clearly, but he still didn't seem to understand?
"We don't talk about military affairs, we're talking about civilian projects now." Qin Tao said: "Here in Damao, by taking an inland river cruise, you can travel all the big cities in Europe in Damao." Qin Tao said: "For example It is said that starting from Nizhny Novgorod by boat, you can reach Saratov and Volgograd in the south, and you can go to Moscow or even St. How about a leisurely and slow life?"

Rapilov's eyes slowly brightened.

They used to build submarines, so their brains still can't change. Now that Moscow has set up that arms export company, they are destined to be unable to win orders. What are they going to do next?
Build a special river cruise ship!

"As far as I know, in the past few decades, all kinds of inland waterway ships that have been put into operation here are almost all built by shipyards in East Germany, the Czech Republic and other countries. There is no shipyard in your country that is involved in the construction of these ships, so , as long as you are the first to break into this market, you will definitely be a hit, and in the future, you will be able to grow and develop by building inland ships!"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, you have said too much, thank you so much for giving us such valuable advice."

"These are all things I should do." Qin Tao is also very polite: "In this way, a lot of your current construction equipment will be useless. If you want to make room, I can help you get rid of those redundant equipment. Take, for example, something like a plate rolling machine that can only be used to produce submarines."

Xu Zhengyang, who was at the side, silently accompanied Qin Tao, but felt extremely emotional in his heart.

Mr. Qin went around in a big circle, and finally talked about the real purpose: why there will be no submarine orders in the future, and what to help the other party find a way out, these are secondary, the important thing is the production equipment here!

Not only the Type 877 diesel-electric submarine is produced here, but also other submarines, such as the earliest Type 670, Type 671, Type 945, Type 641, etc., so the plate rolling machine of this shipyard can not only A Type 877 submarine with a volume of [-] tons can also roll a nuclear submarine with a displacement of [-] or [-] tons!

If the production equipment here is brought back, then Mingzhou Shipyard will be able to build submarines with great fanfare, whether they are conventional submarines or nuclear submarines, they can be built!
It is estimated that this is the real purpose of Mr. Qin's coming here. To talk about Kilo-class submarines to the navy is just incidental.

Although I have contacted the Sanxing Company in the South Kimchi Country, they are unreliable after all. Who knows what will happen, and Lao Maozi is the easiest to get.

Now, Qin Tao has already set out the conditions, it depends on what the other party has to say.

For Rapilov, although the prospect Qin Tao said was not optimistic, if he sold all the things that made the submarine because of Qin Tao's words, it would be a bit of a prodigal act.

Therefore, he didn't make a decision right away, he was just hesitating how to say no, and at this moment, another person walked over with a wine glass.

"What are you talking about? You look so happy."

"Lavkovsky? Come, let me introduce you." Lipilov just took this opportunity to change the subject: "Qin, this is the chief designer of our 112 Design Bureau. A state-of-the-art submarine."

Qin Tao looked at the new face in front of him with a smile on his face: "Mr. Lavkowski, I am very glad to meet you. You are the best submarine designer in Da Mao! We have 033 submarines in China, and you have great origin."

When mentioning Lao Maozi's submarine design bureau, the first thing that comes to mind is the Ruby Design Bureau. After all, this design bureau designed a series of advanced submarines. In the era of the Red Empire, two-thirds of the submarines were designed by them.

What is slightly inferior is the Malachite Design Bureau, the most famous nuclear-powered submarine design bureau in this design bureau. Lao Maozi's first nuclear-powered submarine and the first titanium alloy submarine were all designed from this design bureau. .

As for lapis lazuli?It seems that there is no title at all.

There is no way around this. The lapisite central design bureau is code-named 112, which is the same as the code name of the red Solmovo shipyard. This is because this design bureau was originally the design department of the shipyard. Some people were diverted and jointly formed this design bureau.

Of course, the design bureau is also in Nizhny Novgorod, together with the shipyard. The products designed by their design bureau are also directly handed over to the Red Solmovo Shipyard for manufacture.

It can be said that this is simply a pair of troubled brothers, and their combination is simply incomparable with St. Petersburg.

Although the Celestite Design Bureau is not well-known, it has a very deep relationship with the East. After the establishment of this design bureau, the first work was the Type 633 conventionally powered torpedo attack submarine (NATO code name Romeo class, referred to as R class) .This submarine was built by Lao Maozi, only 22 were built, and then began to be exported, such as 6 in Egypt, 2 in Bulgaria, Algeria and Syria. In 1959, they were transferred to China with the "February 033th Agreement". It is type [-].

In the following decades, the underwater of the motherland was guarded by this kind of backward submarine. Although the Type 035 submarine came out later, it was still improved on the basis of the former.

With the advent of the age of nuclear power, countries have different choices. For example, the United States has eliminated all conventional diesel-electric submarines and entered the age of nuclear power. Although Lao Maozi has both, there is no doubt that nuclear-powered submarines are most famous.

In terms of nuclear-powered submarines, the products of the Celestite Design Bureau are very scarce.

Their first mass-produced submarine was the Type 670 nuclear-powered flying missile nuclear submarine (NATO codenamed Charlie-class, referred to as C-class). From 1964 to 1972, a total of 11 ships were produced, and then from 1974 to 1979. Six improved Type 6Ms were built.

Compared with other design bureaus, this number is really pitifully small.

In these years, of course, the Celestine Design Bureau has also been working hard, designing advanced submarines one after another, but without exception, they have all failed. Other design bureaus are making great strides, and the Celestine Design Bureau cannot stand still. They I'm holding back my big move!

With the emergence of the Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine, Lao Maozi was greatly stimulated. They put forward a combat technical mission statement for the development of a new type of multi-purpose nuclear submarine, and the technical indicators were quite high.For example, the diving depth should be 1.5 times greater than that of the second-generation nuclear submarine; it should be equipped with the latest torpedoes and missile weapons; its quietness should be better, and so on.

The Celestine Design Bureau has faced difficulties and made various innovations, especially overcoming the technical problems of welding large-size and thick titanium alloy materials, and completed the development of the Type 945 nuclear submarine in ten years.

The biggest feature of this kind of nuclear submarine is the diving depth, which can enter a depth of 900 meters. Not to mention the submarines of Western countries, even the anti-submarine weapons of the opponent, such as torpedoes, cannot adapt to this depth. On the ocean, if they are discovered by the West, they only need to drill into the deep sea, and the Westerners can only stare blankly, without any countermeasures.

However, like other submarines, it has a small number. The Type 945 and the improved Type 945A are each built with two ships, for a total of four ships.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the Celestite Design Bureau no longer produced any products.

They should be relatively lonely now, right?Thinking of this, Qin Tao already had a new plan in mind.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Lavkowski's face was full of pride: "Yes, our design bureau is the best, and the products we design are unique."

Although there are not many products from the Celestine Design Bureau, each of their products is cross-generational, with a transitional nature, and can solve the urgent needs of the Red Empire. This is also their pride. .

"So, do you have any new works now?" Qin Tao asked: "I am very interested in your submarine."

This sentence stopped the other party from asking, what new product?Their design bureau hasn't paid salaries for several years?In order to save themselves, the latest product they designed is a drum washing machine!
Lavkowski blushed.

"I'm sorry, I offended you. This brand new submarine must be your biggest secret." Qin Tao said, "I shouldn't make things difficult for you."

Lavkowski finally got rid of the embarrassment. He nodded slightly: "Yes, advanced submarines are all kept secret."

"So, can you tell us about the previous submarines?" Qin Tao said, "For example, was your Type 945 submarine, which set a diving record, designed by you? Currently, this submarine is still under construction. Is it? We didn’t see it on the slipway today.”

Now it was Lypilov's turn to be embarrassed.

"We also have a completely closed submarine production workshop here." Leipilov said: "The 945-type nuclear submarine is produced there, but all the submarines have been assembled, and the one that started in 90 is under construction. Dismantled."

Speaking of the 945 submarine, the outside world knows that it is 945 and 945A, especially the K-276 boat, which directly crashed and scrapped the Yankee Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine "Baton Rouge" underwater, and was only slightly injured. The fact that it was re-served after only a few months of repairs is something to talk about.

Few people know that there is actually the 945АБ type, which is an improved version whose performance is close to that of the fourth-generation nuclear submarine.The construction of the first boat K-123 started in March 90. However, in that chaotic era and the subsequent Da Mao era, it could not be completed. This submarine was decided to stop construction and dismantled by Moscow in 3.

At this time, Qin Tao's heart beat violently when he heard Lapilov's words.

Although Lao Maozi has a large number of nuclear submarines, some of which are made of titanium alloy, but the highest achievement of titanium alloy submarine is the 945 type!Now, since you have encountered such a good opportunity, how can you not seize it?
"Since the submarine has been dismantled, you should be able to dispose of the dismantled scrap iron by yourself?" Qin Tao said to Caipilov.

Rapilov nodded: "Yes, the dismantling work has just started. Although the superior didn't say anything, according to the usual practice, our shipyard can handle it. However, those are not scrap iron, but titanium alloys."

"It's scrap titanium alloy." Qin Tao lowered his voice: "I think it's worth three hundred dollars a ton."

Three hundred dollars a ton?Thirty thousand dollars a ton is not much!

Three hundred dollars is just the price of the high-strength steel of an aircraft carrier, and it is absolutely impossible to compare with the titanium alloy of a nuclear submarine.

At this time, Rapilov was very dissatisfied, but Qin Tao's next words made his heart beat violently.

"If we can purchase those scrap titanium alloys, you will be paid $300 million."

300 million US dollars, this is something that Lipilov absolutely dare not think about. He can get huge benefits as long as he nods.

A Type 945 nuclear submarine uses more than 600 tons of titanium alloys. If these titanium alloys are sold at 300 US dollars per ton, that is [-] to [-] US dollars, but Rapilov can get [-] million US dollars!
(The specific amount is not found, and there are various theories. Some say that the Soviet Union consumed half of the country's titanium alloy production, that is, 1000 or two hundred tons. Some say that the inner and outer shells are all made of titanium alloy. The internal It is a pressure-resistant shell, which must be made of titanium alloy, but it is also made of titanium alloy on the outside? How extravagant is this? Therefore, Huadong Zhixiong set it to more than 600 tons and only have an internal pressure-resistant shell. After all, this thing is light!)

Although it is much more expensive than the titanium alloy submarine I bought last time, this is a brand new nuclear submarine that started construction in 90, and the titanium alloy used on it is also the most advanced.

The price of 300 million US dollars moved Rapilov's heart, but the people present at this time were not only him, but also Lavkowski!

Is this appropriate?

After Qin Tao and Rapilov finished talking, he looked at Lavkowski again: "Mr. Lavkowski, we need all the processing technology of these titanium alloys, and I think it is worth 300 million US dollars. "

The benefits are equal, although Rapilov's 300 million is his own, and Lavkovsky's 300 million is from the design bureau, but since he is the head of the design bureau, then the money is also his.

However, Lavkowski was not shocked by the huge surprise. He looked at Qin Tao with meaningful eyes: "Excuse me, why do you want these? Do you want to build titanium alloy submarines?"

(End of this chapter)

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