Great warships

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

A few days later, the capital.

"Taozi, you really are a talent!"

"I said, this leader, are you complimenting me or scolding me?" Qin Tao looked at the leader with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Of course I'm complimenting you. I've gained a lot from going out this time!" The leader looked at Wu Shengli: "Old Wu, your son-in-law is powerful enough. A capable person has a big temper, so I have to stay away from him." gone."

"Taozi went out this time, and he really gained a lot. Not only did he cut the purchase price of the Kilo class by half, he bought four ships with the same budget, and he also brought back other good things, especially , think what our navy thinks, we want to build a deep submersible lifeboat for our navy." Wu Shengli said: "Although this project is not in our navy's plan, it is absolutely possible to use the money saved from the Kilo class to convert this After the lifeboat is built, Taozi can’t be asked to pay any more.”

This matter was done beautifully, and the old man was very happy, so he had to consider Qin Tao's interests. Sure enough, if he asked for help in the future, he could increase the budget first, and then reduce the cost. Everyone is happy.

If you boasted a lot at the beginning, but it didn't work out in the end, no one would be happy.

"Leader Wu, these are trivial matters, the important thing is the follow-up planning and arrangement." Qin Tao said.

"Well, Taozi, tell everyone what you think."

"The first is the problem of talents." Qin Tao said: "Kvasha is an excellent submarine designer, and Krasnopolsky is an excellent nuclear reactor designer. After they complete the deep-diving lifeboat project, if they can participate in Our domestic projects, that will greatly promote the progress of related projects.”

Although since the 80s, relevant units have started the preliminary design of the second-generation nuclear submarine, but due to insufficient technology and experience, the products designed have not widened the gap, so they have not been put into action.

Now, with the arrival of Lao Maozi's designer, this shortcoming will finally be filled.

"We have a way to keep them here. After all, here can allow them to live a better life and realize their ideals. However, how does the navy plan to arrange it? Let our submarine designers work with them, Or set up a special research and development unit?"

This is what Qin Tao is most concerned about at the moment. He has to make preparations in advance.

"what is your opinion?"

"My opinion?" Qin Tao smiled: "I dug out the talents. I don't want to make wedding dresses for your navy. I will keep them and set up our third design department, and then recruit a group of designers. , In this way, we can conduct research and development by ourselves. Our navy’s submarines are too outdated and urgently need to be replaced. We have the design drawings of the 209 submarines, coupled with Lao Maozi’s technology, combining the East and the West, and making our own diesel-electric submarines first Designed it. By the way, Lao Ma is also researching advanced technologies, which can be integrated into our submarines."

"What about Krasnopolsky? He works in nuclear reactors!"

"Him? He is also very useful. We can set up a nuclear reactor research institution. Of course, it may be difficult for us to do it ourselves. We can cooperate with universities to carry out research on advanced nuclear reactors. First, we will do civilian use. Anyway, this thing, The most important thing is to understand the principle. Our Mingzhou Group may be able to build nuclear power plants in the future!"

"Old Wu, you son-in-law, you have great ambitions!" The people on the side said with emotion.

"Of course, my daughter's vision is absolutely unmistakable." Wu Shengli said, "Taozi, continue."

"This time, we also brought back a lot of good things, such as the 3M-54 missile. The technical level of this missile is still very high. Therefore, I suggest that relevant units carry out technical research. It is not necessary to imitate it, you can study the above The technology promotes the development of our related missile technology, although the range is a bit low, but as long as we add fuel tanks, the range can be increased quickly.”

Whether this kind of missile is directly imitated, or whether it absorbs technology and improves it, Qin Tao has nothing to worry about. In short, he wants the stuff, and the rest is for the navy to make its own decision. Anyway, Qin Tao has no This ability will not be mixed with it.

"Any more?"

"Also, this year, I want to live a good life, please don't bother me." Qin Tao said: "I didn't want to make troubles before."

Qin Tao's sudden change of subject made everyone present dumbfounded. Wu Shengli smiled: "Since you don't want to, then forget it."

never mind?Qin Tao rolled his eyes at his father-in-law, hum, playing tricks with himself?I will not be fooled!
"Forget it. If there's nothing wrong here, I'll go back to Huating, and then bring Xiaoling back to Mingzhou to celebrate the New Year. I've been here before this year, and I won't be here after this year."

"You boy, the more capable you are, the more tempered you are." Wu Shengli glanced at him dissatisfied: "Hmph, if you miss it, you will definitely regret it. Our domestically-made area air defense missile is about to be tested and finalized." Well, it took me a lot of effort to get you the qualification to watch, if you don't want to go, then forget it."

"What? Is it going to be tested and finalized? So soon?" Qin Tao was also a little surprised. He remembered that it seemed to be in 95, right?
"Of course." Wu Shengli said: "Over the years, with your promotion, the S-300 missile system has been brought back. The technicians refer to the S-300 and perfect our Red Flag Nine. We still have to wait for the Star of the Sea radar, but we are more concerned about the test launch of the land-based missile. You boy, if you don’t want to go, forget it.”

"Go, go, of course!" Qin Tao said: "It seems that our Mingzhou Group has also used this missile as a reference to design a new generation of destroyers."

No matter what he does, Qin Tao likes to start first. He absolutely doesn't want to miss this kind of aegis warship of the navy. With the air defense ship and underwater power, everything is ready, and the only thing he owes is the aircraft carrier.

Time has entered the twelfth lunar month, and a heavy snowfall has covered the entire capital in silver. On the outskirts of the capital, in a shooting range, countless people in military coats are busy in the bitter cold wind.

Surrounding them are all Maz-543 off-road truck-like vehicles, full of rough style, and because they are painted with green camouflage, they stand out from the crowd on the white ground.

Behind one of the cars, there were four large drums, which looked so strong, the cold wind blew up the white snow, and it was covered with a layer of white things.

The other car was carrying a large tablet, and there was even a layer of snowflakes on the tablet.

"The weather is not very good." Several people wrapped in military coats came out of a small weather station on the side.

"The wind is too strong, will it be dangerous?"

"Yeah, how about our test firing being cancelled?"

"When our weapons are designed, we have already taken into account the extremely bad weather. The weather will be like this throughout the winter. Do we have to wait until the beginning of spring before we can test fire?" An old man said: "In a moment, when the test fire , I am standing next to the launch tube, I have confidence in our missiles!"

If it was the previous launchers, they would have nothing to worry about, but now, they are using launchers, and the missiles inside are not ignited directly, but pushed out by high-pressure gas.

After the missile flies out, it will be affected by the crosswind, will it be blown off?
This will cause big trouble, if the missile is blown off, maybe even the launch vehicle will be blown up!

The big guys are worried.

The old man insisted on it, because they couldn't wait!
"We have been preparing for this test launch for more than two months. We must not give up because of the weather. If we are in a state of war, the enemy will cancel our attack because of the weather? The worse the weather, the more the enemy likes it! Our missiles must It needs to be capable of all-weather combat! If we don’t dare to test fire now, what is the finalization?”

"Old Wu, well said!" At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz G with a military license plate drove over, and several people got out of the car and walked over here, just in time to hear the words in the wind, and immediately Someone agreed.

Old Wu turned his head and said, "Old Wu, Lao Lin, and President Qin, are you all here?"

Elder Lin also came, but he came here in this car, which is comfortable after all, and he praised him countless times along the way.

"Yeah, here we come. It's a great honor for me to be able to visit this test launch."

"No, Mr. Qin, you have the qualifications. Without you, our missile would be several years late."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wu was very emotional. The first time he knew Qin Tao was when Qin Tao stuffed a missile into the tatters Qin Tao brought back from abroad. Then, Qin Tao joined the inspection team and went to When inspecting Lao Maozi's S-300 missile, the impression at that time is still vivid.

The Hongqi-300 missile project is a national key project. Even if the S-300 missile was introduced, the research and development of the Hongqi-[-] was not ignored. By dismantling the S-[-] missile system, they also obtained a lot of technology, so they can use it The missile was developed and learned a lot.

"For example, we used polyether polyurethane as the fuel for this missile at the beginning. This kind of propellant has a low energy density, so we had to put in more propellants to meet the range requirements. , the missile body we developed at the beginning, the diameter of the first-stage booster is 700 mm, the diameter of the second-stage main engine is also 560 mm, the length is close to 9 meters, and the maximum launch weight is 2 tons. The engine is the same as the anti-aircraft missile Hongqi 2. For such a launch vehicle, it is not bad to install three missiles."

Mr. Wu pointed to the launch vehicle and began to introduce: "Later, we came into contact with the S-300 missile system, and immediately studied the hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene propellant used on it, and improved the process, so we The length of the current missile has been reduced to six and a half meters, but the range remains the same."

"How is the performance of the guidance radar used by our missiles?" Qin Tao looked to the side.

"Well, we are using the SJ212 phased array radar, which is an improved version of the radar used in our original Kaishan-1 system. It has a larger area, stronger power, and a longer distance to illuminate targets."

Following Mr. Wu's introduction, the phased array radar vehicle over there is slowly being erected, and it looks somewhat similar to Lao Maozi's radar.

This kind of radar is a passive phased array radar, which is also commonly used in ground air defense systems. Although it borrows some technologies from Lao Maozi, it still has its own characteristics, and it is first-class in anti-jamming and other aspects.

"Old Wu, as long as you can complete the target shooting mission under these conditions today, our air force will immediately purchase two missile battalions!" Elder Lin spoke from the side.

After purchasing the S-300 missile system, the Air Force is very satisfied. Like the Su-27 fighter, it is mature and reliable. However, the demand for anti-aircraft missiles is greater. Therefore, although there are voices in the Air Force to purchase more S-300, But it did not give up its support for Hongqi Nine.

Now, it is about to carry out a finalized test launch. As long as the test launch is successful this time, they must purchase a batch and support it with practical actions.

"Thanks for the support of the Air Force. At present, we are still developing the latest model, which must be capable of intercepting ballistic missiles. Therefore, for this initial model, it is enough for the Air Force to purchase two battalions. In a few years, we will Can provide more advanced missiles to the Air Force."

The roar of the engine sounded, and the power supply vehicle had already started to work. On the erected radar antenna, the snow was melting rapidly.

"Leaders, please step back." At this moment, an officer in charge of the test at the scene became nervous.

"Retreat? Why do you retreat?" Elder Lin looked at the officer: "Did the others retreat?"

According to the actual combat deployment of the army, there are sentries next to the missile launch vehicle, and now, the missiles are also being erected. The quadruple missiles look almost the same as the S-300.

"Others don't, but..."

"No but, since the others don't retreat, we won't retreat either." Elder Lin said affirmatively, "We're right here, watching this test firing."


What else did the officer want to say, but Elder Lin's eyes were no longer kind.

"Leaders, this is the direction facing the wind. It's not easy for us to watch. I suggest that we turn half a circle and walk to the opposite side. This way, it is easy to watch the spectacular scene of the missile launch from the wind. What do you think?"

The officer cast a grateful look.

Although Mr. Wu is full of confidence that there will be no problems, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Now, it is too dangerous for the big guys to stand here, but it is impossible to let them leave.

Therefore, the only way is to go around half a circle.

Watching from the leeward, this reason is very appropriate, the leaders have no possibility of refusing, and standing in the leeward direction, they are safe, the wind blows from behind them, and blows to the launch vehicle, in case the missile is blown crooked , must be moving forward, and will not fall into the crowd of leaders.

"Okay, let's go over there." Wu Shengli first made his own choice.

With him taking the lead, the others followed, standing in a row in the leeward direction.

The missile launcher landed steadily, facing the sky vertically, and the radar car was even more nervous.

This kind of radar with a huge area is difficult to rotate, so when it is deployed, the radar car is placed in a good position, directly facing the direction of the threat, and searching a 120-degree fan-shaped area.

Now the direction they are facing is also the direction of the target drone launch vehicle, so the radar does not need to rotate, and with the help of the phase shifter, the electromagnetic wave scans the 120-degree sector in front of the radar.

Time passed little by little.

"I found the target, the distance is [-], the height is [-], and the speed is [-]!"

"It's high enough!" Qin Tao couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Is this probably modified from J-[-]?"

"Yes, for the finalized experiment, the high-altitude target must first be shot down." Elder Lin said.

Sure enough, it's good to have the wind in your back, at least you don't pour wind into your mouth when you speak.

"The distance is one hundred!"

"The distance is eighty! The height is sixteen thousand!"

Although the maximum range of this kind of area air defense missile exceeds [-] kilometers, this data and the maximum shooting height cannot be achieved at the same time. Now that the target is flying at high altitude, the interception distance of the air defense missile will quickly shrink to [-] kilometers.

"The distance is sixty, the height is seventeen thousand!"

"Prepare to launch missiles!"

Qin Tao looked at the launch tube with great interest, and a few seconds later, there was a loud bang.

The milky-white warhead broke through the fragile cover and came out of the launch tube. It looked very spectacular. The size of this thing was much larger than that of the Hongqi-16!
After the warhead drilled out, it was the projectile body below, the color turned dark gray, and the diameter below seemed to be getting larger, but there was no rudder surface visible on the entire projectile body!

Ordinary missiles, in order to control the flight of the missile body, will have wing surfaces in front, even if it is Hongqi-16, there is no control wing surface, and there are side wings to stabilize the flight attitude, but the Hongqi [-] missile is No.

Like the S-300 missile, the entire missile body is bare, with only four trapezoidal fins at the rear. This design is of course to reduce drag during flight.

At this time, the four bullet wings at the tail appeared in front of everyone, and the huge missile body, like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate, came out completely!
All eyes were on it, watching it continue to fly upwards.

Will the wind blow it away?Are you kidding me, this cold wind from Siberia can deflect more than a ton of missiles?This is not a typhoon.

"With the design of the projectile, the maneuverability will not be particularly high." Qin Tao explained the secret.

At this time, a puff of white smoke came out from the tail of the missile, followed by a hot flame, and its engine ignited!Like taking a stimulant, the missile accelerates towards the sky, and a smoke column formed by the tail flame grows brutally into the sky, and at the same time, it is also slowly spreading and becoming bigger.

"Yes, the maneuverability is only 22G, which is incomparable with the fighting missile. However, in order to pursue low resistance, increase the range and speed, it can only be designed in this way." Wu Lao said.

Air-to-air missiles are often overloaded at 35G, or even 50G. This kind of long-range air defense missile does not have that ability. This shape design sacrifices maneuverability, but reduces flight resistance and increases speed.

At this time, the missiles soaring in the sky are constantly accelerating, and soon exceeded the speed of sound, then Mach 2, Mach 3, and reached the maximum speed of Mach 4!

On the radar vehicle, the operators are also staring intently. If the interception cannot be successful, then they must launch the second missile in time for the second interception.

"The distance is ten kilometers."

"The distance is five kilometers."

"One kilometer away!"

The tone of the report became more and more urgent, and everyone held their breath.

In the distant sky, a light appeared.

"The missile hits and the target disappears!"

It worked!
In this complicated weather, their missiles accurately hit the high-altitude target drone!
Just when everyone started cheering, the radar operator shouted again: "Low-altitude target found, [-] kilometers away!"

"Prepare to launch the second interceptor bomb!"

Because there is no special low-altitude blind-filling radar, this phased array radar has been [-] kilometers away before discovering the target. At this moment, everyone became nervous.

"The distance is 50 kilometers! The target height is [-] meters!"

"50 meters, can it do it?" Qin Tao was also a little worried at this time.

In some data, the initial model of the Hongqi-500 missile has a minimum range of 500 meters!In other words, targets below [-] meters cannot be intercepted.

Although Qin Tao, a shipbuilding engineer, knows the various parameters of the Hongqi IX missile, they are all in the later stage. After 2000, when the Aegis ship was put into production, he began to come into contact with this data.

What now?
"Of course no problem, our minimum shooting height is 25 meters." Wu Lao said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the second missile flew up.

Different from the first missile, this missile sprinted into the sky after being ignited, and after accumulating speed, it immediately swooped down and rushed towards the target.

"Many cruise missiles can fly to a height of ten meters, or even five meters." Qin Tao reminded.

It is not easy for such a one-ton missile to intercept a target at a height of 25 meters. However, starting from actual combat, the enemy's cruise missiles are likely to fly from a height of ten meters or five meters. .

At that time, there is still no way to intercept it, right?
"Well, that's right, but we are not afraid. We have a warhead weighing 180 kilograms. After the explosion, all aircraft below 25 meters will be destroyed."

Needless to say, 25 meters, even 200 meters can't stop it!
Although Hongqi IX is an air defense missile, its warhead is larger than many anti-ship missile warheads!

Mr. Wu's words were so domineering.

An area air defense missile that can also intercept cruise missiles and even ballistic missiles in the future.

Of course, the interception distance will decrease rapidly.

Fifteen kilometers away, a ball of flames rose up, and this time they could be seen more clearly. The fireball was so spectacular.

Following the explosion, the target drone flying from an ultra-low altitude became fragments.

Both test launches were a complete success!
(End of this chapter)

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