Great warships

Chapter 341 How about replacing the anti-radiation seeker with the AWACS?

Chapter 341 How about replacing the anti-radiation seeker with the AWACS?
"Come on, let's have a sip of wine to keep warm." In the office on the shooting range, Mr. Lin opened the wine bottle, and immediately, the whole room was filled with the aroma of wine.

In this winter, the cold wind blowing outside for half a day made everyone froze.

Elder Lin raised his arm, blew on the wine bottle, and then handed the bottle to Wu Shengli.

Wu Shengli took a look: "Moutai, good wine, I need to drink more."

After Wu Shengli finished drinking, he handed the bottle to Mr. Wu who was beside him.

Elder Wu took it over, feeling very excited: "Actually, the doctor doesn't let me drink alcohol anymore, but at this important moment, I have to take a few sips!"

After finishing speaking, he also raised the wine bottle and blew a few mouthfuls on the bottle.

When the wine bottle was transferred to Qin Tao, he looked at the bottom of the only remaining bottle: "Didn't you just say drink a sip of wine to warm up your body? Why are you all like drunkards, blowing endlessly?"

"Happy!" Mr. Wu said with emotion: "Today's test firing was successful, and our Hongqi-[-] missile can finally be finalized! We have been working on the project for more than ten years, and today we can finally explain to the motherland and the people!"

More than ten years ago, Mr. Wu was appointed as the chief designer of the third-generation area air defense missile. At that time, he was apprehensive, because he knew that this was a difficult task. Similar weapon systems, only the S-300 of the Red Empire and the American Patriot missile system, others, none!
Our own Red Flag Nine is the third similar system, and this project is a few years earlier than the other two!How could this not make Mr. Wu excited?
"Yes, today, this project has finally been finalized, and our air force can also use our own air defense missile system." Elder Lin said, "This is a moment to be proud of. Here, we just moisten our throats and wait until After we go back, let's have another drink!"

This No. [-] project, like the No. [-] project, is a national key project. I don’t know how many departments and units have worked hard for this project for more than ten years. When I think about it, I am deeply moved.

"This is just the first step in the Long March." Qin Tao said with emotion: "We just solved the problem of availability. In the future, we need to continue to solve one problem after another to make this weapon system more powerful. .”

"Yes, of course we know that this weapon has a lot of flaws. In the future, we will continue to work hard to improve it and make it have stronger performance." Wu Lao said: "The next research and development focus is to intercept ballistics. Missile, by the way, President Qin, do you have any new proposals?"

As far as Mr. Wu and the others are concerned, intercepting ballistic missiles is the next goal. However, Qin Tao has always been forward-looking, so Qin Tao may suggest more and better directions for them.

"At present, it should not be difficult to modify the seeker of our missile?" Qin Tao asked.

Mr. Wu nodded: "Yes, we have gone through the entire process of research and development. Even if we want to use a new boot, it is not difficult. However, we believe that the current boot method is already the best."

"Can it be changed to an anti-radiation seeker?"

"Anti-radiation? Ordinary anti-radiation are all air-to-ground missiles!" A technician said, "Why do we need anti-radiation for our surface-to-air missiles?"

"Fight an early warning aircraft!" Qin Tao said, "The range of your next model will definitely be closer to [-] kilometers. This range is enough. Let's poke somewhere on the southeast coast and directly hit the opposite sky. on the AWACS aircraft flying in mid-air."

Everyone is bright.

Sure enough, Mr. Qin's thinking is open. The ground-to-air anti-radiation missile is definitely the only one in the world. However, if this thing is made, it will definitely be very powerful. It will be a sharp weapon when it is needed!

"That's right, what Taozi said is right, let's make an innovation, ground-to-air, and use an early warning aircraft!"

Although the current anti-aircraft missiles can also hit the early warning aircraft, if the anti-aircraft missiles are to be fired, the radar must be turned on, and the missiles need to be guided, so that it is easy to expose themselves. What about anti-radiation missiles?As long as the radio command guidance is carried out in the initial stage, or the preset program is flown, when the seeker receives the radar wave of the early warning aircraft, it can directly fly over the target.

It is estimated that no one knew who did it until the target was finally shot down.

In addition to the early warning aircraft, there are also electronic jammers, all of which can be shot down in this way!
Thinking of this, how could Mr. Lin not be excited, and he was immediately overwhelmed.

"That's right, this direction is feasible, and we can invite relevant departments to conduct preliminary research." Elder Wu also nodded.

The Hongqi-[-] missile was jointly developed by many domestic units. The technology of the seeker also needs the following supporting units to develop.

"What's more, we need to develop a special extra-atmospheric kinetic energy interceptor."

Extra-atmospheric, kinetic energy interception?
Hongqi Nine has no wings on the projectile body, only the tail, so when controlling it, it uses a tall gas rudder. However, it can still only fly in the atmosphere. Now, Qin Tao actually proposed the kinetic energy outside the atmosphere. Interception, which surprised everyone again.

"Why does it sound like an American Star Wars project?" Elder Lin said.

"Yes, that's right. Although everyone now thinks that the plan of the Americans is a fake, in order to bring down the Red Empire, in fact, the Americans have spared no effort in protecting themselves." Qin Tao said: "They In order to seek unilateral absolute security, we will definitely develop ways to intercept ballistic missiles. Apart from protesting, we can only do the same work ourselves. We need the ability to intercept ballistic missiles that are farther away.”

Scud missiles with a range of [-] kilometers fly almost all the way in the atmosphere, so Patriot missiles can intercept them, but what if the range is longer?
Medium-range ballistic missiles can fly out of the atmosphere. If you want to intercept such missiles, you must have an extra-atmospheric interceptor.

This is a huge challenge.

"Of course, this is just a proposal of mine. Now we can use it as a research direction to do some pre-research and launch it officially. We can wait for future opportunities." Qin Tao said: "However, another aspect is already There is no delay."

"In what way?"

"Our big killer must have the ability to detect and intercept stealth aircraft."

Stealth machine!
In the wars in the desert area in the past few years, F-117 has made public appearances, constantly demonstrating the power of alien technology, and dark clouds have shrouded everyone's heads.

What should we do when faced with this kind of aircraft?
Our most advanced air defense weapon system must be able to intercept stealth aircraft!

"Then what should we do specifically?" Mr. Wu listened very carefully, because he knew that this was very important.

"The stealth machine is not as powerful as the Americans boast, it is still flawed." Qin Tao said: "For example, it only has the best stealth effect for certain special bands, we only need to increase the wavelength , it will be easier to find it. Our naval warships need meter wave radars to provide long-range early warning at ordinary times. At the same time, it can also make stealth aircraft invisible. As for our land-based air defense missile system, everyone can also find a way .”

All the anti-aircraft missile systems have been recovered, and various measurement and control data have also been completed. This target shooting is completely completed, and it is time to close the team.

After several people sat back in the car, Wu Shengli couldn't help but said: "Taozi, you said that our navy's warships will have to be equipped with meter wave antennas like TV antennas in the future?"

"Of course. In the future, we will place a four-sided phased array radar in front of the bridge. The mast above the bridge will imitate the roof radar. Behind the chimney and at a suitable position above the hangar, we can place a special meter-wave antenna. Our Relevant units must continue to develop and update our meter wave radar system."

At the selection meeting of the phased array radar for warships, Qin Tao expressed these opinions. It seems that these people just listened to the excitement and forgot about it afterwards.

"But, the accuracy of the meter wave radar is not enough!"

The advantage of meter wave radar is that it has a long scanning distance, so as a long-range early warning radar, it has a wide range of usage scenarios. However, although it can see far, it is a cataract, and it is impossible to see clearly. The position cannot be determined at all, and the error is often hundreds of meters, which cannot meet the needs of guiding missiles at all.

You just saw it, but you can't pinpoint it, and you still can't hunt the stealth machine!

"There are two ways. For example, after the meter wave radar is discovered, all the beams of our active phased array radar will be irradiated there. Reflected back." Qin Tao introduced related technologies: "It is also possible to develop meter-wave radar networking technology, through the data link, link the meter-wave radar data on two warships separated by tens of kilometers, and comprehensively process them. Greatly improved accuracy."

Qin Tao understands these basic principles, but he doesn't know the specific details.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Well, we should start developing these technologies. Stealth aircraft will definitely be our biggest threat in the future."

My father-in-law is really good at what he does.

Elder Lin also nodded there: "Stealth aircraft are our biggest threat. In the future, we will focus on attacking stealth aircraft."

After all, their air force plays the leading role in matters in the sky.

"Mr. Lin, is stealth aircraft the only threat?" Qin Tao said with a smile, "Are cruise missiles powerful? Can armed helicopters prevent sneak attacks? I remember that we used to have three strikes and three defenses. Now, should we continue?" Come up with a new slogan?"

These words made Wu Shengli curious: "A new slogan?"

"That's right, it's still three strikes and three defenses, but the old routine needs to be changed."

"We are old-fashioned, we are fighting airplanes, tanks, airborne, atomic, chemical, and biological weapons." Elder Lin said, "What's new? Hitting stealth aircraft, cruise missiles, and armed helicopters?"

Qin Tao gave a thumbs up: "That's right!"

"What about the three defenses?"

"Anti-precision strikes, anti-electronic jamming, anti-reconnaissance and surveillance."

While speaking, Qin Tao's eldest brother rang loudly.

"Hey, what? Okay, I see, I'll be there right away!"

Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"Xiao Ling fainted at work and is now in the hospital."

"What? I'll go too!" Wu Shengli made a decision immediately.This is his baby girl, what's the matter?
Huating, 85 Hospital.

"I'm fine, doctor, maybe I've been a little tired recently." Zhao Ling's voice was still weak, but her attitude was very firm: "I just need to rest for two days, and I will recover. I don't need to be hospitalized, let me go home. "

The doctor glanced at Zhao Ling: "Yes, the main reason for your fainting is fatigue, but young people, you must pay attention, work is more important than your body, the body is the capital of the revolution! And, even if you are not Cherish your own body, but also think about the child in your belly!"

The child in the belly?

Zhao Ling was taken aback for a moment: "Doctor, do I have it?"

"Yes, don't you know? Are you too careless?"

Zhao Ling's face was flushed. Indeed, she was too careless. Her good friend stopped visiting more than a month ago. However, she always thought that she was overworked and caused the delay, so she didn't care too much. Now, she finally understands Yes, this is because there is in the stomach.

I finally have a child, and I am going to be a mother myself.

At this moment, Zhao Ling felt a little excited in her heart.

After an unknown amount of time, she fell into a deep sleep, and when she opened her eyes again, she felt very energetic.

Why is there an extra figure in front of the hospital bed?The figure sat on a chair beside him, leaning against the bedside table, and fell asleep like this.

Zhao Ling was a little surprised, but when she looked carefully, her heart was extremely sweet.

Brother Tao came after learning that he was sick. He must have come from the capital, right?After coming here, I couldn't bear to disturb my sleeping self, so I sat here, but I was too tired, so I fell asleep.

Zhao Ling opened her big eyes and looked at Qin Tao. Thinking of the new life in her stomach, she stretched out her hand to touch her stomach with an extremely happy face.

It seemed that her movements made a sound. Qin Tao in front of the hospital bed opened his eyes. When he saw Zhao Ling waking up, a smile appeared on his face: "Xiao Ling, are you awake?"


"Are you hungry? I'll get you something back."

"No, I'm not hungry yet. Brother Tao, are you tired? How about you lie down too? It's still not dark outside anyway."

As Zhao Ling spoke, she moved her body to the side, so Qin Tao climbed up.

The two were lying on the same bed. Qin Tao's hand touched Zhao Ling's belly. There was a new life there.

"As a mother, I'm so careless. The baby has been here for more than two months, and I don't even know it." Zhao Ling said.

"Yeah, you are really careless. I didn't care if you were busy with work before, but in the future, if you cause my son to lack nutrition because of work, be careful that I will spank your ass!"

"Brother Tao, how do you know it's a son?"

"Okay, I made a slip of the tongue, a son is as good as a daughter." Qin Tao said.

Zhao Ling had already woken up and couldn't sleep anymore, so she whispered this to Qin Tao in such a low voice, as if returning to the scene when the two of them first shared the same bed, those scenes are still vivid in my mind.

"Brother Tao, what name would you like to name the child?"

"My son's name is Jianshe, and my daughter's name is Zhaoshang. How about it?"

"Go, go, don't mess around at this time." Zhao Ling gave Qin Tao a dissatisfied look: "If you don't want to use your brain, I will think for myself."

"Okay. Hey, don't pinch me."

The two quarreled for a while, and it seemed that they had returned to the same way as before. After gradually calming down, Qin Tao spoke.

"Xiaoling, do you want to continue with this project?"

Zhao Ling is already pregnant, so the most important thing for Qin Tao is the child. The money he earns is enough for Zhao Ling to live the best life.

However, Zhao Ling does not work for money, but for ideals.

Qin Tao is not an unreasonable person. It is impossible to directly ask Zhao Ling to quit her job and go home to raise her baby. After all, in this era, pregnant women are not so delicate. There are many people who work on the first day and give birth the next day. Yes.

At this moment, Qin Tao was only seeking Zhao Ling's opinion.

"Currently, the most important challenge for our project is to increase the range. Other guidance systems are already mature. This project requires advanced solid fuel." Zhao Ling said: "Otherwise, we will fall into the trap of many If you don’t add water, you need to add noodles when there is too much water.”

If the missile wants to increase the range, it can be achieved by improving the solid propellant, improving the process, reducing the weight of the missile shell, or by simply adding fuel.

However, after adding fuel, the weight of the missile itself will also increase. As a result, the missile needs more fuel to push it to the same speed and distance, which means more fuel.

Qin Tao nodded: "I understand. During this time, you can rest at ease. I promise, I can help you solve this advanced solid fuel issue!"

There has been a lack of advanced solid fuels in China. As Mr. Wu said, the original Hongqi-700 missile was a big guy with a length of more than nine meters and a diameter of more than [-] millimeters. The missile launcher can only carry three missiles at a time. After adding new fuel, it was reduced to the current volume.

If the Hongqi-[-] missile does not want to change its own volume, but to increase its range, it also needs advanced solid fuel.

These are all problems that need to be solved. Qin Tao can definitely help with this kind of matter.

Of course, not now, for now, he just wants to be with his wife, and everything will be discussed after the new year!

After dawn outside, Wu Shengli came, and Xu Zhengyang came in with Wu Shengli, still carrying breakfast in his hand.

When I came to Huating yesterday, it was already midnight. Qin Tao was guarding the bed by himself, and let the father-in-law go to his own residence to rest. Anyway, he already knew what was going on, so don't worry too much.

At this moment, Wu Shengli had a smile on his face.

"Xiaoling, you have to take good care of your body in the future, you are no longer alone." Wu Shengli's words were full of joy: "Your mother has been waiting to hold her grandson for a long time, so this is a good time." gone."

"Dad, how are you sure it's your grandson? What if it's a granddaughter?"

Zhao Ling is most concerned about this point.

"Grandson and granddaughter are fine." Wu Shengli said, "Your mother and I are just you, don't we still love you? Are you still afraid that your father favors sons over daughters?"

This is true.

Xu Zhengyang opened the lunch box and placed it on the bedside table. Qin Tao picked up the millet porridge in it, stirred it a few times with a spoon, and then blew it on his mouth. That action was extremely considerate.

"Brother Tao, just give me a drink, it's not like I can't move." Zhao Ling was a little embarrassed.

If it's an operation or something, and people can't move, then it's okay to be fed. What about now?Now I'm fine, I'm just tired, so I'm very embarrassed to treat him like a serious patient.

"No, come on, open your mouth." Qin Tao was very firm.

Zhao Ling could only open her mouth, and the porridge with a suitable temperature entered her mouth, flowed down her throat, and flowed into her stomach, making her whole body feel warm.

Big Brother's voice sounded.

"Brother Tao, there is a phone call."

"is it?"

Qin Tao stretched out his hand and hung up directly.

"Hey, maybe there is something important?" Zhao Ling was a little anxious.

"No matter how important it is, it can't be more important than you."

Zhao Ling's heart was warm.

Xu Zhengyang's eldest brother rang loudly.

Xu Zhengyang walked out of the ward and made a phone call outside. When he came back, he looked a little strange.

"Brother Xu, what's the matter in the group? Tell me, you can't delay the big event." Zhao Ling has already seen it: "I'm just tired, nothing else, just rest for a few days, if it's because of me, It’s not okay to delay the major events of the group.”

"Now, nothing in the group is as important as you." Qin Tao said.

"Brother Tao, how could you do this?"

"Then you have to promise me a request."

"any request?"

"During this time, please take sick leave and wait until after the New Year to go to work."

There are still more than ten days before the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, Zhao Ling will be able to rest for about 20 days. In the early stages of pregnancy, pregnancy protection is the most important thing. Habitual abortion.

"If you don't agree, then I will accompany you. I don't care about the group's affairs."

Wu Shengli smiled and said nothing, and secretly gave Qin Tao a thumbs up. This trick really worked!

"Okay, I promise you. Brother Xu, hurry up and talk!"

Xu Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Mr. Qin, the group reported that a large number of ships have been delivered to customers recently. The group has chosen a good day and decided to make batch deliveries. This is also a time to reflect the strength of the group. .”

"A large number of ships?"

"Yes, there is an aircraft carrier from Siam, there are the last two gas carriers with MOSS tanks, there are two bulk carriers, and there are four catamaran yachts."

A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face: "Yes, this is really an important moment. It would be inappropriate if I, the boss, were not around. When will the batch be delivered?"


"What? So anxious?"

"Brother Tao, I'm fine. I can be discharged from the hospital today. I'll go with you." Zhao Ling said.

"Go? How are you going? You have to stay well. Right now, the baby in your womb is the most important thing." Qin Tao said to Zhao Ling, "The doctor said that you need to rest recently, so you can't run back and forth, so you stay in Huating. I'll go and come back."

(End of this chapter)

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