Great warships

Chapter 342 Our Unique Patented Kunjia Natural Gas Ship

Chapter 342 Our Unique Patented Kunjia Natural Gas Ship
The eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month is an auspicious day for the zodiac.

In the Mingzhou Shipyard, the flags are fluttering, and the cordons have been pulled up a long time ago. There are crowds everywhere. You must not go to places that you should not go. The soldiers are guarding there and always be vigilant.

However, ordinary people will not make a mistake, as long as they go to the brand new outfitting wharf just built by Mingzhou Shipyard.

The crowd here is the densest, including representatives of shipowners, government officials, journalists and spectators who came to join in the fun.

On the berth, on a newly built platform, there was a long row of tables covered with red cloth, which looked so festive.

"Hey, hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy today. We are holding a grand ship delivery ceremony here. This time, we can deliver nine ships at one time, which is enough to show the huge size of our Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. , there are many customers. Now, let our group boss speak!"

Qin Tao was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking radiant. Numerous reporters pointed their cameras at him and snapped photos. Under the flashlight, Qin Tao walked in front of the microphone.

"We have been in the country for 15 years, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in the country. We no longer eat from big pots, and we no longer live on orders from superiors. Everything has embarked on the road of market competition." Qin Tao's speech has great depth and breadth.

"Reformation once caused us pain. In the most difficult period, we were unable to pay wages for several months. The only working capital was taken away by the previous factory manager, and its whereabouts are unknown. However, we shipbuilders in Mingzhou have not been discouraged. , Without losing confidence, we gritted our teeth and continued to find a way out. We started from dismantling ships and developed step by step to today." Qin Tao said: "We thank the superiors and this new policy. We have come out of our own way. Road, we have jumped from a third-tier shipyard in China to the largest shipyard in China! Today, we delivered nine ships at one time, which is rare in China, even in the world! Here , we are grateful to the motherland, to the superior leaders, and to countless ordinary workers! It is your hardworking hands that hold up the brilliance of Mingzhou Group!"

There was a burst of warm applause.

"Now, the delivery ceremony has officially begun. The first aircraft carrier, the Chakri-Nalubet aircraft carrier of Siam! This is our Mingzhou shipyard, and it is also the first aircraft carrier built in our country!"

Lacourt stood up from behind the red cloth table and walked to the microphone.

"On behalf of the Siamese Navy, I am here to receive this aircraft carrier. We are very satisfied with this aircraft carrier. It will be a sign of our navy's strength!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Lacourt, what kind of aircraft do you intend to operate?"

"Excuse me, will you buy sea harriers?"

"Excuse me, how is the combat effectiveness of this aircraft carrier compared to the Invincible?"

A group of reporters had already started to ask questions. If a large number of security personnel hadn't arrived, they would have crowded in front of them.

"Our aircraft carrier will use a special carrier-based aircraft. At present, the carrier-based aircraft is undergoing various tests and training. It will not be long before our aircraft carrier will be fully staffed. We believe that its combat effectiveness It is not weaker than the Invincible class aircraft carrier at all, and it will play its role in various fields."

"Friends from the press, please don't worry. Later, we will set up a special session for reporters to ask questions. Please don't interfere with the normal progress of our delivery ceremony." Qin Tao spoke to comfort them.

"Now, we are continuing to deliver two natural gas ships." Qin Tao said: "Currently, we have delivered eight MOSS tank natural gas ships. This type of ship is known as the Mount Everest in the shipbuilding industry. Because of this, we will sleep on our achievements, and we have long discovered that MOSS tank natural gas ships have many disadvantages, and their operating efficiency is not as good as that of membrane-type ships, so we will produce membrane-type natural gas ships next.”

"President Qin, will you always use GT's patented technology?"

Waiting for this is the question!

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course not. Our first membrane-type ship used the patented technology of GT Company. However, our company is an innovative and developing company. We can overcome the difficulties of MOSS tank natural gas ships by ourselves. It can also overcome the difficulties of membrane-type ships. At present, our company has designed a new membrane-type liquid cargo fence system and has applied for related patents. Just like the natural gas tanker with MOSS tanks, we will have all the patent rights. "

The pot exploded immediately below.

Originally, the delivery of nine ships at one time was already explosive news, but now, when they heard that Mingzhou Group had a brand new patent for natural gas ships, they became even more excited. This news is even more valuable!

At present, the world's natural gas ship patents are controlled by two companies. They don't need to engage in production, as long as they eat patents, they can be full of gas. Other shipyards don't want to do it themselves, but they don't have such a Technology, unexpectedly, Mingzhou Group actually conquered this technology.

How can this be?

"This is impossible!"

Immediately someone shouted.

"Impossible?" Qin Tao smiled: "In our shipyard, we invented a brand-new catamaran with a speed of up to 15 knots. We have already built a 20-ton Capesize bulk carrier that other shipyards around the world dare not undertake. Two ships have been built and are currently operating well. The one that will be delivered later is an upgraded [-]-ton bulk carrier. Who else in the world would dare to build it except us? As for military ships, we have built and refitted aircraft carriers Park has outfitted a [-]-ton supply ship, and also undertook the construction of our new generation of destroyers and frigates. Is there anything we can't build? In your opinion, which one is possible?"

"I already said it just now, please don't talk anymore, if you continue to ask malicious questions and interfere with our ship delivery ceremony, you will be invited out."

The reporters stopped asking questions. Anyway, if there is a press conference later, if you ask questions now, it would be bad to be kicked out.

However, their hearts were still shocked.

At this time, the representative of the shipowner who took over the ship was also very shocked. They did not expect that Mingzhou Group actually had its own patent. So, does it mean that the price will be lowered?Do they want to order it?
Forget it, this thing has to be stable, I can't be the first to eat crabs.

The delivery ceremony was still going on. A representative of the ship owner spoke and took over the huge key representing the ship: a model made of foam. The whole ceremony was very lively.

Woo, woo!
On the pier, the siren sounded.

The huge Chakri aircraft carrier was first started, and the engine of the gas turbine drove the propeller, pushing the warship away slowly.

The reporters all turned to the pier and began to occupy various vantage points, photographing the spectacular scene of the warship leaving. The huge deck and the towering island all represent its identity. Although the displacement is small, it is still an aircraft carrier !
The two natural gas ships also slowly left the pier. They will embark on their maiden voyage and start a long operating career.

Bulk carriers are the largest in size, just like oil tankers, with a big belly. This bloated body makes it move very slowly. However, in the eyes of the shipowner, this kind of big-bellied cargo ship will It is a sharp tool to make money.

At present, only Mingzhou Group dares to produce bulk carriers of this level in the world. In actual operation, there are no accidents. Although the technical difficulty is not high, it requires a lot of strength. In the place, high-strength steel plates are used, and there is no price increase for additional quantities, which is really affordable.

The action of the catamaran was very fast. Although they were the last to set off, when they started, they immediately became a beautiful scenery on the sea. The water jet propeller at the tail pushed out water splashes, and the large hull moved at a high speed on the water. Go forward, ride the wind and waves, and soon rush to the forefront.

These four ships are all built for the guests of Oriental Pearl Tower and Magang. Now, orders for this kind of catamaran cruise ship are gradually increasing. Compared with other cruise ships, it has a large usable area, and because of its wide hull, it sways from side to side The degree is also smaller than that of ordinary ships.

The four luxury cruise ships, despite their small size, are quite profitable.

All the ships left the post. After the reporters finished filming the scene, they thought of something and headed towards the office building of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. The conference room there was soon packed to the brim.

However, Qin Tao did not appear.

"Our relevant patents have been applied for. The patent number granted by the United States is 19930100198, the European patent is CN03075629, and the domestic one is..." Yang Dawei finished all these, and then said: "However, we did not give this kind of liquid tank a fence. Name the system, our current project number is 018, how about we call this tank fencing system CNMZ.018, or MZ-1?"

It was the most troublesome thing to come up with a name. Qin Tao couldn't even come up with a name for his own child, let alone a name for this kind of system.

Although he didn't come up with the idea of ​​a name, he has the right to review it!
The designers racked their brains to make a design drawing and sent it to the leader for review. The leader will definitely pick out a lot of problems. I want a high-end atmosphere, not like this!What is high-end atmosphere?Of course you want to!Otherwise, what do I want you for?
Leaders can veto again and again, silent in this pleasure.

Qin Tao doesn't have that special hobby, but for him, the requirements are the same.

"Since it was invented by us Chinese ourselves, I want to use our own code name." Qin Tao said: "To be in line with international standards, we need an English name, but we also need a domineering Chinese name. Now, first Think of this Chinese name."

Qin Tao made a request.

Chinese name?

The big guys racked their brains.

"How about Mingzhou No. [-]?"

"Too rustic."

"It's called Qin?"

"My ancestors didn't have such a good face."

"There is a fish in Dark North, and its name is Kun." Just then, a voice sounded.

Qin Tao looked over: "Sure enough, it is still a college student who is educated. It is called Kun. This is our first model, and it is called Kunjia liquid cargo fencing system."

"Mr. Qin, we haven't finished yet." Although Yang Zhaoxiang was praised, he did not give up his idea: "It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. So, how about we combine it and call it Kunpeng?"

"That's right, I think this name sounds good." Qin Baoshan also spoke, although he didn't understand, but he looked very powerful.

"Well, it's called Kun. We swim in the water, not fly in the sky." Qin Tao said, "Okay, that's it. Those reporters are already waiting, let's go over there."

Qin Baoshan didn't get angry when he was refuted, "Okay, I'll listen to you. It's not bad to be called Kunjia. In the future, I can still be called Kunyi and Kunbing."

Kunpeng's name belongs to Yun-20. Qin Tao didn't want to steal the name of this transport aircraft, that's all.

"Okay, everyone be quiet! Our President Qin is coming soon, and those who make noise will lose their qualifications to stay here. When you ask questions later, everyone should also pay attention to discipline."

The conference room finally fell silent.

Qin Tao didn't come in, a few people came in first, and the banner was pulled up, the ink on it was not dry yet.

"Kunjia liquid cargo fencing system, press conference?"

A reporter read it out.

"Kun, what is Kun? This word is really weird."

"You don't even know Kun is a monster that lives in the cold northern regions."

Everyone started talking again.

"Quiet, quiet!"

After it became quiet again, Qin Tao's figure finally appeared at the door.

"Hello everyone, since everyone is so interested today, so we just held this press conference directly. We named the new film-type liquid cargo fencing system that we have obtained the patent right as Kunjia. If you don't know this Kun If so, go back and look it up, don't ask, lest I make me laugh at your lack of knowledge."

The reporters laughed.

"President Qin, may I ask if this system belongs to someone else in your cottage? It's like a MOSS tank natural gas ship?"

Many people changed their faces.What is this guy doing, asking such sharp questions?
"Very well, which newspaper are you from?"

"The Times."

"Okay, the laws in your place are sound, and there are many related clauses related to the right of reputation. This first time, I think you did it unintentionally. If you dare to ask it a second time, I can guarantee that you will receive the court Summons, we will spend millions to hire specialized lawyers, sue you for damaging our reputation, ask you to apologize and claim one pound."

The reporter immediately turned pale.

As a newspaper, they are not afraid of the defendant, but they are afraid of entanglement.

Claiming for one pound means that they didn't come here for money. Spending millions means that they have money and can keep pestering them forever. This is what they are most afraid of.

Qin Tao's words are very particular. If he directly said that he would sue the other party, it would inevitably arouse the public indignation of these reporters.If the wording is not accurate, they might be attacked by these reporters on the spot.

He made it very clear that this time it was an unintentional act, so don't tell me, if someone continues to mess around with this issue, he will get serious.

This is to save face.Reporters are all good people, so we have to save face for him.

"We must pay attention to evidence in everything. Our MOSS tank natural gas ship is independently developed by us. We have all the patent rights. Therefore, as you can see, no patent company has come to trouble us, which means that we have no problem. , As for a certain company being accused, it has nothing to do with us, please don’t make a fuss about it. If we are accused and lose, you can report it. If we are all normal, but we are splashed with dirty water, then the legal department of our group will not Let it go. Now, it’s all about the evidence.”

Qin Tao made an explanation.

"As for our current Kunjia natural gas ship, there is no problem of patent infringement, because we have registered relevant patents in the United States and Europe. The structure of our natural gas ship is completely different from the ones that have been sailing so far. "

The slide projector was turned on, and a structural diagram appeared in front of the reporters.

"Our natural gas ship uses 304 stainless steel for the inner layer and invar steel for the outer layer. In this way, compared with the current membrane-type natural gas ship, the amount of invar steel is saved by half, so the cost will also be greatly reduced. , we will be committed to providing users with lower-cost natural gas ships, so that users can obtain the best profit."

The product of the combination of stainless steel and Invar steel, this is definitely the first in the world!The patent office can't even stick their necks.

"By adopting various measures, our leakage rate is the lowest in the world. At the same time, the leaked natural gas can be used by the multi-fuel engines on board after recovery. We have also specially designed special engines for this purpose. Users save money."

The reporters were all surprised, this is indeed a brand new ship type that has never been seen in the world.

But is it safe?

"President Qin, as far as I know, natural gas ships are very difficult, so this kind of ship also needs decades of experience and continuous improvement. Can you, Mingzhou Group, guarantee the safety of this ship?"

This question is reasonable, and Qin Tao can't say that the other party is throwing dirty water.

"Yes, safety is the most important thing. In this regard, our Mingzhou Group can guarantee absolute safety and reliability." Qin Tao said: "Although we only have a few years, the natural gas ships we manufacture have never appeared. any accidents. Customers who have purchased our vessels have raved about the safety. With our patented first natural gas vessel, it is possible to sign more stringent agreements, for example, throughout its lifetime of operation, If there is any safety problem, you can accept our high compensation."

Qin Tao is very confident.

"For the first one to eat crabs, we can give comprehensive protection." Qin Tao said: "Now, we are also looking forward to the first customer to come to our door."

This press conference is the first time their patented natural gas ship has appeared. Qin Tao needs these reporters to promote him, otherwise, he will not bother with these things.

All kinds of questions were raised by various reporters, but Qin Tao knew everything and explained clearly.

"President Qin, what do you think about the issue of environmental protection?"

This is a reporter from Europe.

"We attach great importance to environmental protection. We engage in natural gas ships to make money, but also to provide clean fuels to the world. Everyone knows that both coal and oil will cause air pollution. Only natural gas is very clean after burning. , In the future, the demand for natural gas will increase." Qin Tao said: "We must work hard to produce more natural gas ships, so as to contribute to the cause of environmental protection. After all, we only have one home in the world."

In this era, environmental protection has begun to pay more and more attention. Therefore, it is necessary to shape our company into an environmental protection enterprise, so as to avoid being criticized by some environmental protection girls in the future.

"However, we have also seen that this road still has a long way to go." Qin Tao said: "In particular, some countries, under the banner of scientific research, continue to do things that damage our ecological environment."

"Boss Qin, what are you referring to?"

"Of course they are creatures in the ocean." Qin Tao was filled with righteous indignation when he said this: "Our ocean is also suffering from the threat of pollution and excessive hunting by humans. In order to protect the fish in the ocean, in 1946 In 88, 82 countries signed a convention "International Whaling Control Convention", which established the International Whaling Commission. In 25, the International Whaling Commission proposed the "Convention on the Prohibition of Commercial Whaling", with 7 votes in favor of 5 The convention was adopted by a neutral vote of 1986 against, with an effective date of [-], after which commercial whaling was banned worldwide."

"However, some countries are just playing tricks! When they voted, they voted against it. After that, they didn't stop, and continued to hunt whales wantonly in the name of scientific research!" Qin Tao was very angry: " In the world, many environmental protection organizations have been established, and there are also organizations to protect whales. I support the actions of these organizations in spirit!"

In ancient times, catching whales was only occasional. After all, whales were too large to be killed by just a fishing boat. At the end of the 19th century, after the appearance of steam-powered whaling ships and professional harpoons, commercial whaling became official. start.

A certain country likes to catch whales. It was justifiable in the past. After all, people have to eat, but now?It's too much to kill whales when you can fill your stomach a long time ago.

This kind of unenvironmental behavior must be condemned!

By the time everything was done, it was already afternoon.

Xu Zhengyang brought Qin Tao lunch, and Qin Tao devoured it hungrily while listening to others report on work.

"The construction of the dredger has already started. According to our current progress, the ship will be launched around May. The most important thing at present is the main components of the dredging equipment on it. I don't know how the research progress is."

"This is no problem. The dredger is an important project for us. On the premise that other orders are not affected, we must try our best to ensure the construction progress of the dredger."

"The outfitting work of the supply ship is going well, and it is expected to be completed in a few months and delivered to the navy."

"Well, please invite the Siamese to take a look at that time. They must have needs."

"Taozi, let's eat first, don't worry." Qin Baoshan said.

"Why don't you worry, I'll go back to Huating after I've dealt with all these things."

"So fast?"

"You are going to hold your grandson, can I not go back and stay with Xiaoling?"

What?Qin Baoshan was shocked by this surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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