Great warships

Chapter 344 Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Meeting

Chapter 344 Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Meeting

The Shipbuilding Industry Corporation was established to adapt to the market economy. In the past, it belonged to the Sixth Machinery Industry*. On May 1982, 5, the latter was revoked from its organizational system and changed from a national unit to a A company that adapts to market competition.

All the large shipyards in China belong to this shipbuilding corporation. The specific operation method is that the corporation will negotiate with customers, order orders, and then hand over the orders to domestic shipyards for manufacturing.

The first order, the ship ordered by the ship king, was operated in this way.

This mode of operation is a relatively good way to twist the domestic shipyards into a single rope and work together with the outside world, but within the head office, it is still a way of eating from the big pot, so it is not conducive to competition. , will be separated, and two companies, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation and China State Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, will be formed, referred to as South Shipbuilding and North Shipbuilding. These two companies are also in a competitive relationship and continue to develop amidst competition.

As for now, the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, which has not been included in the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation and has been delegated to local management, has sprung up. Their shipyard alone has the momentum to compete with the entire Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

In particular, Mingzhou Group has also received strong support from the army. Now all kinds of advanced ships of the army are built in Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. During the competition, there have been frictions with some domestic shipyards. Therefore, Qin Tao usually does not have much contact with other domestic shipyards.

After all, the construction of warships is only a small part of their business, and a large part of the business is to build ships for foreign countries, and to dump junk abroad. Unknowingly, Mingzhou Group is already a head higher than those domestic shipyards. It is on an equal footing with the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

So, this meeting, call yourself, what's the matter?
Hongmen Banquet?
Qin Tao doesn't think this will be the case. After all, with his current qualifications and status, no one who is blind has dared to tease him in public. Moreover, in the limited intersection with domestic shipyards, he has also helped shipbuilding The factory is very busy, Huating Shipyard and he are old friends.

Qin Tao didn't care about anything, so he didn't have anything to prepare for. He picked an honest-looking village girl and took her back to be a nanny. She spent a leisurely afternoon with Zhao Ling and welcomed her mother-in-law in the evening. , the day passed.

the next day.

The Mercedes-Benz G drove into the parking lot of the Huating Hotel. This meeting was held at the Huating Hotel. Most of the people in charge of the various shipyards stayed here yesterday.

When Qin Tao got out of the car, he happened to meet Wang, the director of Huating Shipyard, and only the person in charge of the local Huating Shipyard didn't need to stay in the hotel, so he could come over that morning.

The acquaintances met, the two talked and laughed, and walked towards the conference room together.

"Mr. Qin, your Mingzhou Group is dazzling. Recently, you have a patent for a natural gas ship, which makes everyone very jealous." Director Wang said with a smile.

"So, is this meeting the big guy who came to denounce me?" Qin Tao said.

"Who dares? Who dares to speak ill of your Mingzhou Group?" Director Wang said: "We have reached a consensus for a long time. Only by cooperating can we achieve a win-win situation. Li said that it was a huge mistake not to include your Mingzhou Shipyard in our Shipbuilding Industry Corporation at the beginning!"

Qin Tao could hear it.

Generally speaking, this kind of meeting is held in the capital, but this time it was chosen to be in Huating, which is convenient for Qin Tao, because if the meeting is held in the capital, then Qin Tao probably won't go.

This meeting also featured the Mingzhou Group.So, what will they ask for?
The drunkard's intention is not the wine!

Qin Tao has already guessed it.

"Mr. Qin is here, Mr. Qin, come here, you sit here, here is your place!" After Qin Tao entered the meeting room, Manager Zhang at the rostrum immediately waved to Qin Tao.

On the rostrum, there are a row of tables covered with red cloth, on which there are enamel cups, fruit plates, and triangular lists.

Qin Tao's name is impressively on it.

Qin Tao immediately shook his head: "Manager Zhang, how can I be able to sit on it? You want to put me on the fire!"

In China, Bincheng Shipyard and Huating Shipyard are both top-notch shipyards. The directors of these two factories are not qualified to sit on them, and Qin Tao will definitely not sit on them.

I don't know how many eyes will be staring at him, he doesn't want to be treated like that.

At this time, Manager Zhang had already walked over in great strides.

"President Qin, today's meeting is not only a year-end summary meeting of our head office, but also a meeting to learn from Mingzhou Group. We hope you can give us a report and pass on your experience of Mingzhou Group to colleagues , today's meeting, you are the protagonist!"

"Manager Zhang, you are planning a surprise attack!"

"That's right, it was a surprise attack. If you don't share your valuable experience, don't even think about leaving here today! If you perform well today, our Shipbuilding Industry Corporation will give Mingzhou Group the Best Enterprise of the Year Award." , not only a certificate, but also 30 cash!"

For the Mingzhou Group, 30 cash is nothing at all, but since Manager Zhang has said so much, Qin Tao can no longer refuse.

"Okay, since there is such a good thing as 30 cash, I won't be afraid of being framed and roasted."

Under the protection of several people, Qin Tao came to the rostrum and sat in his seat.

From the rostrum, you can see all the people sitting below. There is a feeling of seeing all the mountains and small mountains. Among them, there are many familiar faces. I know, the eyes are complicated.

"Okay, everyone is here. Our meeting has officially started. Today, we are very honored to invite Mr. Qin from the Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group to explain to us their experience in the rise of the Mingzhou Group. Now, Let us welcome Mr. Qin with warm applause."

Amidst the applause, Qin Tao stood up, bowed down, and after sitting down, he spoke into the microphone.

"Sitting in this position today, I am like a piece of meat on the chopping board, a fish on the grill, I, a person outside the system, sat on the rostrum, I hope everyone will not spit on me Water, I suggest you bear with it, at worst, go home and get a scarecrow to pierce me."

There was a burst of laughter below, this young President Qin also speaks so outspokenly, no, he is humorous.

"President Qin, what you said is really interesting, so, in the first part of the meeting, please tell us about the experience of Mingzhou Group." Manager Zhang also strikes while the iron is hot.

"Okay, let me tell you first." Qin Tao said: "You probably know how our Mingzhou Group made its fortune. At the beginning, we were also driven to a dead end. At that time, I went to the garment factory and got a truck full of clothes. , pulled it to the north, sold it to Lao Maozi, and replaced it with a broken boat for dismantling. In this way, he was out of the predicament of bankruptcy. This person must be forced to a corner before he can take a risk. Our Shipbuilding Industry Corporation will give us the bottom line, and we will not be poor until we think of change."

"Boss Qin's words make sense. Everyone, you've all heard it. Children who cry have milk. That's the old calendar. Now, everything is based on ability. Therefore, the Mingzhou Group has won a large number of warships. Don’t come to our head office to cry about the contract, it’s useless, why can’t you come up with better products? Military equipment, that’s for competition!”

Why does Manager Zhang's words seem like a supplementary knife?
Qin Tao gave Manager Zhang a meaningful look, and then continued to introduce.

"Our shipyard is not a subsidiary of the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. We are destined to not be able to obtain the support of the Corporation. We can only go out on our own. Therefore, we began to look for a new breakthrough. The customs needs fast ships to suppress smuggling. We caught Opportunity, the catamaran was launched, and the speed can reach [-] knots. In the customs anti-smuggling, he became famous in the first battle, and thus won a large number of orders. Up to now, the catamaran is still a main product of our shipyard. , Whether it is the army or the civilians, there are a steady stream of orders."

Manager Zhang smiled wryly there. Mr. Qin’s mouth is really unforgiving, so he started to criticize their shipbuilding industry corporation. What took off was a catamaran.

"One trick, it's popular all over the world. Now, our other shipyards are not capable of producing this kind of catamaran." Manager Zhang said: "Mingzhou Group developed through innovation, and the subsequent models of ships, All of them are eye-opening for us, especially the natural gas ship, which is the only one in our country.”

OK, so the fox tail is showing, right?Qin Tao knew the purpose of calling himself here this time.However, Qin Tao had already thought of countermeasures.

"Yes, we are also seeking development through innovation. Now, let me introduce the natural gas ship to everyone."

Qin Tao explained that from the initial MOSS tank, he overcame many difficulties and finally successfully developed it. Later, he felt that the membrane-type ship was the trend, and started to build a membrane-type ship. In this way, it has developed step by step to the present.

After Qin Tao finished explaining, Manager Zhang spoke carefully.

"Mr. Qin gave a very detailed introduction, and we can also appreciate the enterprising spirit of the Mingzhou shipbuilders, which is worth learning. We applaud again for the Mingzhou Group's hard work!"

After applauding, Manager Zhang continued: "Mr. Qin, in the industry, natural gas ships have been recognized as the ships with the most potential for development. So, Mr. Qin, can the patents of our Mingzhou Group be licensed to other companies? Shipyard?"

There were pairs of eager eyes cast from below.

"It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together. The future market for natural gas ships is huge, and our Mingzhou Group's shipyard will definitely not be able to handle it. If other brother shipyards are willing to get involved in this type of ship, of course we have nothing to say. According to the international As a rule, 5.00% of the price of each ship is charged as a patent fee, which is completely fine."

Seeing the growth of the Mingzhou Group, other brother units want to come up and ask for feed directly. necessary.

Those expectant gazes below suddenly turned off.

"Also, in our patent, we still need to weld invar steel. This welding technology is very difficult. If you brothers want to build a natural gas ship, you have to send the best welders to our shipyard to learn welding technology. Each welder charges 30 training fees."


Now, the bottom is completely fried.

"Boss Qin, aren't you stealing money?"

"That's right, when your Mingzhou Shipyard was established, our factory sent some technical personnel. At that time, we didn't ask for a penny, and we brought all the dry food on the road!"

"With this money, we might as well learn from the French. You still have two knives."

"Crack!" Manager Zhang slapped the table.

"What are you talking about? Are you ignoring my words? I have said it a long time ago. The previous things are old calendars, and now there is market competition! Do you still want to be like before? The previous road is no longer feasible Already! Seeing that you are all worthless, do you still want to make a fuss and get something to eat?"

The following silence, Manager Zhang looked at Qin Tao again: "Boss Qin, don't be as knowledgeable as these worthless guys, but we are all a family after all, can you give us some discount?"

"The patent authorization fee can be reduced to 30% of the order price of each ship, but the training fee cannot be saved." Qin Tao said: "Actually, I don't want to train welders from other shipyards at all. It is a loss. [-], you think it is very high, do you know how much invar steel is wasted in order for welders to master welding technology? Do you know how much the cost of invar steel is? You know, we went to France to study, How much did it cost?"

"Our best welder, the first to be recognized by French experts, is Cong Ju. Her cost is 30 francs, and the price of others is twice as much as hers."

The people below stopped talking.

"Besides, we were in France and just learned how to weld, as long as the welds passed the customs. After we came back, we had to weld various parts. Just the first polyhedron part, we repeated it hundreds of times, wasting Inwa Steel is worth several million. So, if you want to go abroad for training, feel free, I have the contact channel of GT Company, and I will introduce it to you.”

Is there such a thing as wanting the horse to run but not wanting the horse to eat grass?
Qin Tao looked at the people below who were looking down and thinking, and threw out the final king bomb: "Besides, so far, no users have placed orders for our own patents, so the natural gas ships we will produce next may be because there are no orders. For your own use, even if you have obtained our patent authorization and trained qualified welders, you still have to face this problem, what will you do if there is no order?"

"Boss Qin, why is there no order? Isn't your natural gas ship getting a good response in the market?" Director Wang asked.

"That was before, but it's different now. Membrane ships are much more difficult than MOSS tanks. It's normal for customers to have concerns."

Now, these people are completely desperate.

"Mr. Qin, can you license the patent of your MOSS tank to us? It shouldn't be expensive, right?" Another director of the shipyard asked.

"Of course, if you want it, just give us a few million symbolically, but are you sure you want it? You have also seen the ending of the last Dazhou Heavy Industry that was patented by us. If you have the ability to deal with some I don’t care about patent trolls. By the way, they approached me some time ago and tried to blackmail our Mingzhou Group, but they failed.”

Those who spoke were the directors of some medium-sized shipyards, such as Bincheng Shipyard, Huating Shipyard, etc. These old shipyards are still very reserved.

"Manager Zhang, I've said enough, is it time for your meeting to proceed?"

Manager Zhang nodded: "Thank you Mr. Qin for your speech today, but I just had an idea."

"please say."

"Mr. Qin also said just now that only competition can lead to development. Then, would you like to join forces with some of the shipyards we are present to form a group, and the remaining shipyards to form another group. In this way, we , can also start the competition?"

"I think it's a good plan to split our shipbuilding industry corporation into two parts and compete with each other." Qin Tao replied: "According to our geographical advantages, it's good to separate the north and the south into the south ship and the north ship. However, this is our We can do the internal affairs of the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation internally. Our Mingzhou Group is currently a collective enterprise. After my contract period expires, we want to completely transform it into a joint-stock private company, so Well, it is inconvenient for us and our other state-owned shipyards to be combined together. After all, I prefer acquisitions over alliances. If any shipyard is not doing well and faces the risk of bankruptcy, our Mingzhou Group can reach out and take this shipbuilding If the factory is bought over, it’s okay to go through bankruptcy and reorganization.”

It is impossible to unite. The Mingzhou Group has developed well by itself. If it unites with others, it is blood sucked by others.

Qin Tao is not that stupid, he paid for it by himself.

"I just said that now I'm being roasted on the fire. If you have any opinions, you can hold them in your stomach and wait until you go home to prick the villain to relieve your anger."

These words made the atmosphere in the meeting room less awkward.

"I know that our Mingzhou Group has robbed a lot of people's business, which makes everyone feel dissatisfied, but we have a clear conscience, because we rely on our own capabilities, and we can provide the navy with the best warships. I dare to pat my chest and say, We are better than other units’ bidding proposals.” Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Tao simply brought these private words to the surface: “The navy is to defend the motherland, and with the same funds, it needs the most For those with strong weapons, I also welcome other shipyards to come up with competitive solutions, let us Mingzhou Group try the taste of failure, and provide the navy with better options."

"Of course, it is impossible for us to take all the orders of the navy. For now, the 054 frigate is the warship most needed by the navy. There will be a lot of orders in the future. If we can't produce it, we will entrust other shipyards to produce it. , in the future, we will still cooperate.”

Some people were overjoyed, while others were pondering the meaning behind Qin Tao's words, entrusting, that is, subcontracting?

Qin Tao finished what he had to say.The meeting also moved on to the next topic.

The situation of each shipyard this year, the speeches of the leaders of some large factories, and the task plan for the next year, it seems that there is no difference from the previous era.

Qin Tao felt a little bored.

"In April after the new year, the Asian Defense Exhibition will be held again. For this defense exhibition, our country has decided to send a luxurious lineup. North Industries, AVIC, and Long March Group will all go out. We, CSSC, will also send a delegation. .”

Having said that, Manager Zhang looked at Qin Tao again: "Mr. Qin, you Mingzhou Group, do you want to go?"

"Of course I'm going." Qin Tao said, "However, I can't live up to my words just now. We won't join in the fun with CSSC. We, Mingzhou Group, will rent the booth by ourselves and go there alone."

Just kidding, Mingzhou Group has so many advanced ship types, and with a little change, it can be turned into a foreign trade ship, but the relevant weapons and equipment above need to be reported to the Navy for approval. In principle, as long as there are new models, the old models can be replaced. It is not a problem to sell it, and foreign trade ships can also install foreign equipment.

The lineup of their Mingzhou Group is definitely bigger than that of China State Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, why should they get together with them.

It is necessary to go, but we will go alone.

Manager Zhang stared at Qin Tao for a few seconds with complicated eyes, and then said with emotion: "President Qin is really courageous and domineering enough. In my opinion, we don't need to split up. In the future, our domestic competition will be CSSC and you. Mingzhou Group's competition."

"Manager Zhang, you just filled another firewood to make the fire burn more vigorously. However, if our existence can stimulate our peers to a higher level, then we are willing to risk being spit on by everyone." , the danger of being a villain, and be this competitor."

After the meeting ended, it was time to go to the restaurant of the Huating Hotel for dinner. Originally, Manager Zhang and Qin Tao walked side by side, but as a result, Factory Manager Wang came up.

"President Qin, we are old acquaintances." Director Wang said to Qin Tao: "Cong Ju is such an excellent worker, I gave it to you, and now he is the pillar of your Mingzhou Group, so you have to give us the most Great treatment."

"Why, you want to board a membrane natural gas ship?"

"Yes, even if there is no order, we will do it!" Director Wang was very firm.

"The training fee cannot be waived, and the patent fee can be charged as a symbolic two percent from you, which is the lowest price."

Director Wang nodded: "Okay, the deal is over. After the new year, we will send people there to learn welding technology."

"Aren't you afraid of losing money?"

"Boss Qin, what you said is just to scare others. There is no order. You have plenty of ways to sell the ship. When the time comes, we will take advantage of it."

Manager Zhang smiled: "Sure enough, it's because you are close to the water and you get the moon first. Director Wang, you are really shrewd enough."

(End of this chapter)

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