Great warships

Chapter 345 Participating in the Asian International Defense Exhibition Project

Chapter 345 Participating in the Asian International Defense Exhibition Project
A group of people talked and laughed and entered the restaurant.

Before Qin Tao could find a seat to sit down, when he passed a certain table, the person who was eating stood up.

"President Qin!"

This tone is very special, not ridicule, but because the speaker is a foreigner.

Qin Tao looked over in surprise: "Michelle?"

Mbappe was also sitting there, waving to Qin Tao: "Qin, I sincerely invite you to come to our table for dinner. This oriental food is really good!"

Their table was full of delicacies.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, I am very honored."

These executives from GT Company used to live in the Huating Hotel, and now it was time for dinner, so they unexpectedly ran into each other like this.

Qin Tao looked at the people around him, and said, "Let me introduce to you, this is Manager Zhang of our Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and this is Director Wang of Huating Shipyard."

Forget about the others, you can introduce these two people to them.

Qin Tao introduced to the two people around him: "These people are all from the French GT company. Mr. Mbappé is the person in charge of the company, Michel is the technical director of the company, and..."

Both Manager Zhang and Director Wang were surprised for a while. The focus of today's meeting was actually the natural gas ship. Although no resolution was reached in the end, Director Wang had already made up his mind to follow Qin Tao and the others, but he didn't expect , To be able to meet the leader in the natural gas ship industry, GT company, during the meal!

"Welcome, welcome, everyone, please come and eat together." This time, Mbappe also stood up.

If only Qin Tao was the only one, he could still take care of him and just sit there. However, the person in charge of China State Shipbuilding Corporation is different, he has a higher status than him.

When everyone sits down, eating becomes secondary.

"Manager Zhang, you have a large number of shipyards. If you want to continue to develop, you must manufacture new types of ships, especially natural gas ships. On behalf of the company, you are always welcome to visit."

Mbappe has already begun to pave the way for their company's business expansion.

The scale of their company is not large, and they make money by selling patents. In Europe, companies that can buy their patented shipbuilding have already bought them. If they want to continue to expand their scale, they have to move to the East.

Therefore, they expect to sell more patents here.

"Of course, CSSC has also admired GT Company for a long time. We will definitely investigate when we have time in the future."

Now that you have encountered it, it is of course a matter of course. No matter whether it is imported or not, it is always necessary to go and see.

"Mr. Mbappe, you just wait to continue to make money in the future. We have a meeting today to discuss the issue of natural gas ships." Qin Tao began to fool around: "Not to mention, the automatic welding equipment of Invar Steel, It must be purchased."

Mbappe's eyes lit up.

After Qin Tao left yesterday, they discussed it, but no resolution was reached.

If Mingzhou Group is a western company, they will recognize it. It is obviously a company from a backward oriental country. They actually want to sell patents to them. They really can't save face. How can a proud French company buy a Chinese company? patent?

However, if they don't buy it, their research and development route will be blocked, and the plan proposed by Qin Tao is not too much.

In this way, they weighed and weighed repeatedly, but did not reach a consensus, and only when it was time to eat could they be happy.

Now, back to work.

Although Mingzhou Group has relevant patents, Mingzhou Group does not have all kinds of equipment!More than 90.00% of the welds of Invar Steel’s liquid cargo fences require automatic welding machines, and they can only import them.

If it is through their GT company, they can also make a lot of money!

"Just now, Director Wang and I have reached a decision on the patent authorization of natural gas ships." Qin Tao said: "Their shipyards need to purchase some automatic welding equipment. In the future, more shipyards will join in. , Mr. Mbappe, how did you think about yesterday's incident?"

This can be regarded as opening the skylight to speak clearly.

Although two-fifths of their patent fee is a bit much, but after all, they let them take away the big head, and they gave them free heat insulation boxes and the like. Qin Tao is also very generous.

Now, Qin Tao has given a new benefit, as long as they agree to yesterday's request, then Qin Tao can purchase these automatic welding equipment through them, and let them make a fortune.

Anyway, they are not the only ones who can contact them. Qin Tao can directly contact the relevant factories. After all, that batch of welding equipment is still in use in Mingzhou, and the factory has specialized technicians responsible for maintenance.Moreover, not only this factory, but also other factories in Germany and the United Kingdom can help, and there is no need to go through them at all.

This is the exchange of interests.

Mbappe looked at several other people around him, exchanged opinions, and finally nodded: "After our careful consideration and research, we can accept your proposal, but it still needs the approval of the company's board of directors, and it needs to be approved by the company's board of directors. It will be a while before we sign the deal."

"Okay, we at the Huating Shipyard also just need to go through a period of preparation. At that time, the relevant agreements can be signed together."

Director Wang felt that Qin Tao was using them as a negotiating weapon, but it was nothing. Qin Tao gave them [-]% patent fee authorization, which was already quite low. They would be the second to enter this market, and then become shipbuilding A new profit growth point for the factory.

The meal was very enjoyable. After eating, Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang went home and only worked for half a day at most, leaving half a day to spend with their wives.

On the way back, Xu Zhengyang continued to sigh with emotion.

"Mr. Qin, GT really agreed. This is a new era for our group."

"There are so many benefits, and they can't get around the relevant technical route. Of course, they have to reach an agreement with us." Qin Tao said: "If you have money, let's make money together."

"By the way, Huating Shipyard, how do you give them a [-]% authorization price?"

"Needless to say [-] percent, [-] percent, or even [-] percent is fine. After all, our family can't build so many ships. If we build them together, it will drive the development of the entire shipbuilding industry in our country. It is imperative." Qin Tao said.

Xu Zhengyang turned his head and glanced at Qin Tao, wanting to see the hypocritical expression.


Qin Tao really thinks so. Looking at the competition situation of international natural gas ships in the future, if they can be sold at a higher price, of course they should be more expensive. They can earn money from foreigners together. If not, then he is willing to lower the patent fee and let the domestic shipyards In an advantageous position in the competition.

As for the question of making money, Qin Tao actually didn't even think about making much money through patent fees.They want to do business.Invar steel for building natural gas ships needs to be purchased from Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works.

Even if other steel mills want to produce this kind of invar steel, it is not easy, because they do not have a stable source of nickel, and only 30.00% six of nickel can produce invar steel, which is not something ordinary steel mills can handle.

Even if it is only supporting domestic shipyards and providing invar steel, it is enough for Mingzhou Group to eat a lot of food. To expand the production of natural gas ships, of course, there is also the consideration of expanding the invar steel market.

In addition to these, there are some other things, such as various antifreeze valves and the like, which also have high requirements. They are all independently produced by Mingzhou Shipyard, and they can be sold for money.

Therefore, Qin Tao is very generous. He must charge the patent fee, and he can also charge less. Of course, it is necessary to charge according to the ship. He must have a stable source of profit, and he must not let other shipyards take advantage of it.

After returning home, Zhao Ling and mother-in-law were not there. They went out for a walk, and Wu Shengli came back. After seeing Qin Tao, Wu Shengli immediately said, "Did you go to a Hongmen banquet today?"

"Yeah, it was roasted on the fire once, and now, those people are probably making scarecrows."

Wu Shengli smiled: "The eyes of those people can kill people, right?"

"That's right, I'm still thick-skinned. By the way, Dad, I have something to report to you."

"Go ahead."

"Mingzhou Group also wants to participate in the Asian Defense Exhibition." Qin Tao said: "We plan to make some models of ships, but the weapon systems equipped on them need to be approved by the Navy."

"Well, let's talk about it."

"Currently, our main product is the 054 frigate." Qin Tao said: "Currently all the weapons and equipment on this warship are imitated from Lao Maozi, so there are not many secrets to speak of. If the Navy agrees, we will use this warship as the basis to launch a brand new frigate, which will surely make a big splash at this defense exhibition."

In terms of surface ships, Mingzhou Shipyard really didn't have much to offer.

The original air defense destroyer has too much displacement and is limited by gas turbines and air defense missiles, so it must not be exported. Besides, even if it is exported, no user will appreciate it. After all, this kind of warship only pays attention to air defense. tasteless.

The 054 is different. The engine is its own, and all kinds of anti-aircraft equipment are also its own. Therefore, it can be mass-produced at any time. After improvement, it is not so difficult to export to earn money from foreigners.

"The anti-aircraft missiles are not working, and the other systems are fine." Wu Shengli replied to Qin Tao immediately.


Qin Tao was a little embarrassed: "The biggest advantage of our frigate is the vertically launched anti-aircraft missile system. Without it, what publicity do we have? Besides, if it can be sold, it can also bring a fortune to the relevant units. Profits!"

In countries like the United States and Lao Maozi, arms sales are classified into grades, high-grade for personal use, and low-grade for export.

It's not just the old man who shrinks, the Yankees are no exception. When they sold the F-16 to China, they planned to forcefully insert the J79 turbojet engine, that is, the version without the turbofan engine.The famous M1 tank, after being exported, has weak armor protection.

But China is different.

When China exports, one of the conventions it follows is that what it exports is better than what it uses for its own use.

In terms of aircraft, the J-105 fighter jets have switched to Marconi's avionics and have a head-up display, which was sold abroad first. The Air Force looked good, so they equipped a batch.The army is even more so. The extended [-]mm guns and the like are first installed on export tanks.

The navy is no exception. It uses the YJ-8 anti-ship missile with a range of 802 kilometers for its own use. The exported C83 has a range of more than [-] kilometers. It is useful.

There are many reasons for this situation.

For example, the level of domestic arms is not high in the first place, and there is a big gap with the world's advanced level. If it shrinks, it will definitely not be sold. Another example is that new equipment is risky. It is sold abroad first. Foreign customers help to verify and confirm that it is reliable, and then equip it in China, so that mature equipment can be used directly.

Therefore, Qin Tao didn't think it was a big problem. He didn't expect that Wu Shengli would have an opinion here, disagree?
Qin Tao was a little curious, why didn't he agree?

"Currently, only sea rattlesnakes are allowed to be exported. You can equip customers with this kind of equipment. Our Hongqi-16 is currently at a high level of confidentiality and will not be approved for export."

What's the use of a high level of secrecy?Isn't it the imitation of Shi Jili?

and many more!

Qin Tao seemed to understand something.

"Is the Navy planning to use our Hongqi-16 as its hole card?" Qin Tao said: "As long as we don't tell, the outside world will not know the true performance of our Hongqi-16. Still holding the pipa half-hidden, let foreigners guess, Maybe it will overestimate our missile?"

Once exported, all kinds of data on weapons will be released, so there is no secret at all. According to domestic practice, weapons for personal use need to be kept secret, even for a long time.

Even if it is the 054 frigate built by their Mingzhou Shipyard, no one knows the performance of the weapons on this frigate, only the military personnel in charge of sea trials will know.

051C has no secrets. The tombstone-like shield on the back means that it is equipped with the S-300 missile system. 052 has no secrets. The weapons and equipment on it are originally Western, so the current 054 is very good for the navy Importantly, the secrets on it cannot be known to the outside world.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, our navy's air defense has always been a weak point. Now, we finally have a self-developed weapon system, which is a vertical launch version. At least within ten years, this weapon system must be Absolutely confidential, no data can be leaked."

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then we don't need Hongqi-16. However, the sea rattlesnake is too weak!"

The sea rattlesnake with a range of only a dozen kilometers is enough to be installed on a frigate of more than 2000 tons. At present, China State Shipbuilding Corporation will definitely bring this frigate to the Asian Defense Exhibition.

The frigates of the Mingzhou Group have a displacement of close to [-] tons. Even with such a system installed, they always feel that they are not aggressive enough. At present, the export of warships depends on cost performance, and he will definitely lose.

If he goes out with Hongqi-16, then Qin Tao will definitely get the order, and he won't make a trip in vain. He thought it was just a domestic Shi Jili, but he didn't expect Wu Shengli to disagree. What, I'm really a little bit blind.

"What you want to build is an export-oriented foreign trade warship, which can be equipped with foreign weapon systems. The F-25T Nalai Songen frigate we produced for Siam, isn't it equipped with the MK-41 launch system?" Wu Shengli thought Qin Tao said: "When you display the model to the outside world, you can also plug in a MK-41 launch unit. Users will definitely like it."

Wu Shengli was a little curious. Qin Tao couldn't have imagined such a common routine of foreign trade warships.

Sure enough, Qin Tao shook his head firmly: "No, what we want to show is our own demeanor. Our future foreign trade warships must be equipped with weapons and equipment produced by ourselves. We disdain to install foreign weapon systems."

Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao in surprise, his gaze seemed to be asking, are you serious?

Qin Tao responded with his eyes: That's right!This is our principle!

"If we want to use our own air defense weapon system, it would be the Kaishan-1 missile system." Wu Shengli said, "It's just that this weapon system has never received foreign orders, and it has not been able to intercept low-altitude missiles." The goal of flying, so it is difficult to gain user acceptance."


Of course Qin Tao knew this model.

For a long time, the main force of domestic air defense has been the Hongqi-2 surface-to-air missile system, which has made great achievements on the battlefield, but it is also quite old after all.

The Jiangnan Aerospace Industry Group is responsible for the production of this missile. It also has a popular name called 061 base. This base has already started to develop a modified version of this missile system.

First of all, the liquid engine used by the Hongqi-2 missile has too many limitations, so the missile has been changed to solid fuel propulsion, and the shape has undergone great changes. In order to guide the missile, they are also equipped with a special SJ- The 202 radar, and even the SJ-212 radar used in the Hongqi-[-] test launch, are all improvements of the former.

After it was developed, they pushed this missile system to the international market. In 91, it was unveiled at the Paris Air Show and was named Kaishan-1.
However, it has not been recognized by any customers. After all, it still inherits the radio command guidance technology of the Hongqi-2 missile, which has fallen behind in this era.

Hongqi-16 uses semi-active radar guidance, Hongqi-9 uses TVM guidance, and will soon transition to active seeker guidance. In this case, Kaishan-1, which can only be guided by radio command, is undoubtedly It is primitive and backward.

However, the 061 base was not discouraged and continued to improve. Although its performance is not advanced enough, it is cheap!After all, a radio-command-guided missile only needs to be equipped with a radio-command receiver, unlike other missiles that are equipped with complex and expensive seekers.

Moreover, due to inheriting the foundation of the Hongqi-2 missile, this missile has a range of more than 21 kilometers and is a proper medium-range missile. Therefore, they continue to improve, and after the 12st century, they are finally fully mature. Even The Air Force has equipped a batch, and also received the number of Hongqi-[-].

The current Kaishan-1 missile is actually not very mature, but people have been working hard. A missile with a range of [-] kilometers is installed on an export-oriented frigate, which is also a pretty good indicator.

"It seems that we can only use this kind of missile at present." Qin Tao said: "It's easy to say, but the missile must use the launch box."

The initial Kaishan-1 missile used a slanted launcher, which was very backward. After the modification, it was replaced with a square launcher. Now, if you want to go on a warship, you must be able to launch it vertically.

"If you have an idea, I can contact you right now." Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No need, wait until after the Chinese New Year."

"Do you have any other ideas?" Wu Shengli continued to ask.

"Of course there are others. With the right experts, we can design a conventional submarine and put it on display. Our Mingzhou Group can build all kinds of ships."

Qin Tao had planned it long ago.

Modifications of frigates, submarines, catamaran missile boats, etc. can all be exhibited to show the style of Mingzhou Group!

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door outside.

"Mom, Xiaoling, you are back." Qin Tao greeted the two of them.

"Well, Brother Tao, did you come back so early today?"

"Taozi, you guys are resting at home, I'll cook for you."

"Mom, didn't we invite Xiao Zheng, just let her do it." Qin Tao said.

Xiao Zheng came out from the bathroom and wiped his hands on the apron: "Yes, auntie, leave it to me, I can do anything."

This nanny, Xiao Zheng, named Zheng Cuicui, works quite quickly, with diligent hands and feet, and everyone is very satisfied.

"After the villa complex in Huating is built, we will move to the villa area. Xiaoling has been used to living in a courtyard since she was a child, and we will have to move to a small building with a courtyard in the future." Qin Tao said.

"Taozi, are you planning to make your home in Huating in the future?"

"Yes." Qin Tao said, "Anyway, I'm running around. Xiaoling works in Huating, so of course this family will be located in Huating. The education here is much better than that in Mingzhou. Of course, if the two elders If you are willing, you can register your child's household registration in the capital, and you can go to school in the capital in the future."

"Of course, Taozi, your parents are busy. Mom can retire early. Anyway, the hospital in the compound is fine. In the future, Mom will take care of your children." Hearing Qin Tao's arrangement, Zhao Ling's heart ached. Mother was so happy.

"Mom, why are you talking about this now?" Zhao Ling was a little unhappy: "Besides, does Brother Tao agree or not?"

"Is there anything you disagree with?" Qin Tao said generously, "I'm the boss of the group, and my dad has to listen to me."

Qin Tao was very angry.

A few days later, Qin Baoshan also came over. Qin Tao's remarks were treated as a joke. Although he is the leader, he is still very filial. Now that he is getting older, even the old man seldom calls.

Qin Tao's mother was a few days late. She was busy until the end of the year. She didn't come here until the New Year's Eve, and left again on the second day of the New Year.

Zhao Ling was very moved. She knew that it was all because of herself that the big guys came to Huating. Although she was concerned about her work, she must also take good care of the child in her belly, so that no mistakes could be made. .

(End of this chapter)

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