Great warships

Chapter 346 Where is Kaishan

Chapter 346 Where is Kaishan

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Mingzhou Shipyard.

"Mr. Kvasha, Mr. Krasnopolsky, how do you feel?" Qin Tao looked at the two radiant old men and asked.

"It's really great, especially, we went to Hainan Island and vacationed on it. The scenery is so beautiful, it's like going to the Crimea Peninsula. Since the collapse of the Red Empire, we have never There is a chance to go on vacation to the Crimea peninsula," Kvasha said.

"The food here is really good. We haven't eaten any heavy food during this time. I really like it!" Krasnopolski said.

"It's great that you guys like this place. The personnel from the design bureau will be here soon. Before that, everyone should be in the working state. You should have seen the design department specially prepared for you. Bar?"

"Yes, there are a lot of advanced computer equipment in the two-story building over there. We are very satisfied."

"In this case, let's start working. In addition to the deep submersible lifeboat, I also want to ask you to help design a new product."

Now, the two finally got serious.

"Nuclear submarine?" Krasnopolsky asked. He, the designer of the nuclear reactor, must have come here to play his role. Therefore, he guessed it all at once, and it is likely that he To engage in nuclear submarines.

"No." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Krasnopolsky, I'm very sorry, at present our Mingzhou Group is not capable of developing nuclear submarines. If you feel bored, I can introduce you to a few universities. You can find them at It teaches courses related to nuclear reactors."

Krasnopolsky shook his head: "No, I'm just asking casually, Mr. Qin, you really keep your word, it seems that we are thinking too much."

What are you thinking about?Bring them over and design nuclear submarines?Qin Tao really wanted to say, you didn't think too much, you were right.

Of course, you can't say it now.

"In April this year, there will be one of the most important Asian defense exhibitions." Qin Tao said: "We, Mingzhou Group, also plan to participate, so I would like to ask the two of you to help us design a conventional diesel-electric submarine. No detailed design is required. Just do the overall design and make a model that we can take to the exhibition.”

In such a hurry, you want to design a conventional submarine that has never been touched?
Kvasha and Krasnopolsky glanced at each other, and both saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

"Of course, the design department of our shipyard used to make some submarine design drawings when we were idle and boring. We didn't start from scratch. At that time, many people from our design department will join in. , to do design work together.”

"Is it like the Type 877 submarine?" Kwasha became serious.

"That's right. For now, we are targeting the 877 submarine. However, we have also obtained some information on the 209 submarine. It would be even better if we can match these two submarines together."

"That's impossible. The 209 submarine is taking the single-hull route, while ours is a double-hull structure, and the layout is different." Kwasha shook his head immediately.

"Mr. Kwasha, have you ever thought about it? In the basic structure of submarines, single-hull and double-hull have their own advantages and disadvantages. If we can combine the two hulls and develop a hybrid, will it be better?" it is good?"

Kwasha became serious: "Boss Qin, tell me more about it."

"The advantage of a single hull is that it has a large internal space, and the advantage of a double hull is safety, and a lot of equipment can be placed outside to reduce the size of the internal pressure hull. Therefore, can we design a submarine with a single hull in the front and a rear hull?" With a double shell?"

The front part of the submarine is mainly the place where weapons and personnel are used. Under the same diameter, if all of them are pressure-resistant shells, the internal space will definitely be larger, which is convenient for layout. The rear of the submarine is mainly the engine part, what kind of fuel and so on , can be stored between the inner and outer shells, which saves materials, and, in the future, it is more convenient to add other compartments, such as the AIP system and so on.

It's just that such an alternative design has not yet appeared, so Kwasha hesitated at this time.

Sounds like a good idea, but will it really work?

"Mr. Kwasha, we are just showing the design drawings. As long as our submarine with single and double hulls is announced, it will definitely cause a sensation. This is what we want. As for whether it is mature or not, we have a question." There are no flaws, none of which we have to consider."

This is the first battle they fought after Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group went out, so it must be a hit. They have to be different and lead the trend. Only in this way can more people see the strength of their Mingzhou Group.

Even if you can't do anything, just talk about it, you have to talk about it the loudest!

Moreover, this made Kvasha and Krasnopolski feel at ease. Although Qin Tao left them with a task, it was just a fool's task, not for them to design military products.

"It sounds very interesting, I think I can try it." Krasnopolski said.

So Kvasha also nodded.

"Okay, then I will wait for the results of the two of you." Qin Tao said: "This is an additional task, and I will give you an extra salary."

After the task was issued and the manpower was arranged, the third design office of the Mingzhou Group started to operate like this.

Qin Tao took Yang Dawei, separated from Lao Maozi, and returned to the office.

"Mr. Yang, we are going to participate in the defense exhibition. We must have a variety of products. Among them, our frigate is the absolute main force."

"President Qin, don't worry, we will never let you down. We have the successful experience of the 054 frigate, and we can launch it with a little modification." Yang Dawei is full of confidence.

"Not a little change, but a big change."

"Big change? Why?" Yang Dawei was puzzled.

"Because the navy prohibits the export of the Hongqi-16 missile and the disclosure of any of its parameters, so the most suitable for us at present is the Kaishan-1 air defense missile system."

"What? That kind of big guy who is not useful?" Yang Dawei said: "If this is the case, can our frigate still be sold?"

"No way, we can only use it in this way now, first launch it for an exhibition, anyway, we can't use the sea rattlesnake, our frigate must have a strong enough air defense capability." Qin Tao said: "So, you clean up, you have to Come with me to Mount Kaiser."

"Kaishan? Mr. Qin, there doesn't seem to be such a mountain in our country. This Kaishan is the mailing address code of Jiangnan Aerospace." Yang Dawei knows this better than Qin Tao.

Where is Kaishan?This is a place that will never be found on the map, because it is a code name, a mysterious code name, and it is also a name engraved with splendor and brilliance.

In the 60s, the international situation was tense, and the country made a decision to build a third-tier factory. Tens of thousands of senior intellectuals and workers in the field of defense technology and industry, with their families, came to an isolated place: Aerospace 061 Base, of which 0 Represents the defense industry, 6 represents aerospace, and 1 represents the first missile base.

Of course, it is not really without a location. Specifically, it is located in a ravine near ZY, Guizhou Province. Construction began in 1965, and a ground-to-air missile weapon system research and production base was completed and put into production in 1970.At that time, there were 35 enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction, distributed in various ravines.

After entering the 80s, as the relationship with the north eased, many factories in the 061 base also began to switch to producing civilian products. However, the geographical location restricted them and made their situation more difficult.

Therefore, after entering the 21st century, the civilian product units of the base moved to the industrial park in ZY City. Around 2007, the military products unit moved to Xiaohe Industrial Park, GY City. The mission of the 061 base is completely over.

However, in the large and small factories in the ravine, countless people's youth and many unforgettable memories have been left behind.

The roar of helicopters sounded in the sky. Qin Tao took a luxury ride in a helicopter for this trip. Anyway, it was owned by his own transportation company, just to burn some oil.

Going to the 061 base is not easy. Although there is a railway there, in the era when the high-speed railway was not opened, the trains in the mountainous area would sway for a long time. Qin Tao wanted to sit in his own Mercedes-Benz G and enjoy the beautiful scenery all the way, but was rejected by his superiors. It was denied, for fear that he would be in danger.

Therefore, Qin Tao could only come by helicopter.

It is not yet March, and the north is still covered with ice and snow, but the mountains and plains here are green.

If you don't know the destination in advance, you really can't find the destination in these mountains.

After wandering around for a few times, the helicopter landed outside a row of five-story red brick buildings, which is the compound of the 061 base.

"Mr. Qin, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Please come here. Just let me know in advance. We'll go there." The person in charge of the base, Mr. Li with a full head of white hair, came up and said to Qin Tao.

"I heard that no one knows where Mount Kai is, so I must come and have a look. If you don't go to the Great Wall, you are not a good man, and if you don't go to Mount Kai, you are not a good man." Qin Tao said with a smile, and then looked at the surrounding green hills. , lush.

"The air here is really fresh. If you come here to retire, the green mountains and green waters are quite good."

"Mr. Qin, you are joking." Li Lao said, "This place was established when the third-line construction was carried out. Now, everything is difficult. It costs more freight than other units to produce a refrigerator."

"There are thousands of roads in urban and rural areas, and there are aerospace on the roads." Qin Tao looked at the slogan beside him and said with a smile: "What's so difficult for you, even cars have been built here."

The 061 base is in the process of transformation, and it is quite willing to do it. It has tried all kinds of agricultural products, refrigerators, color TVs, washing machines, needless to say, even cars.

However, there are not many who are really famous, among which Fenghua Refrigerator is the best, enjoying popularity all over the country.

"President Qin, we are engaged in aerospace, and now we are forced to engage in some running on the ground, ashamed! Please come here, let's go to the conference room and talk about the Kaishan-1 air defense missile."

Kaishan, which used to be a secret code name, is no longer a secret. They named their air defense missile Kaishan, which is enough to show how much they value this missile.

Chen Lao, the chief designer of the Kaishan-1 air defense missile, introduced it to everyone in the conference room.

"At present, there are still a large number of Hongqi-2 surface-to-air missiles in our army. For a long time, this missile is still our main product. Therefore, our goal is to develop a Hongqi-2 surface-to-air missile. 2 missile replacement, this missile has a lot of commonality with Hongqi-2, for example, it can use the launcher and radar equipment of Hongqi-1 missile. Our Kaishan-2 radar can also guide Hongqi-[-] [-] missiles, which can greatly facilitate logistical supplies.”

When Mr. Chen said this, he stopped because he saw Qin Tao shaking his head constantly.

"President Qin, what's the matter, do you have any opinions on our plan?"

"Yes, I have opinions, and I have big opinions."

Everyone's expressions changed.

"Boss Qin, we are all ears." Mr. Li said.

"Your overall design thinking is wrong." In these aspects, Qin Tao will not hide it at all: "I know your thinking, your thinking is inheritance, let this Kaishan-2 missile inherit the Hongqi-2 missile , This can greatly reduce the time and funds for missile replacement, making it easier for the military to use. However, have you ever thought that if you blindly inherit the missile system decades ago, this will lead to complete obsolescence in performance? "

"The times have changed. Now the military is indeed short of funds. However, the military will never purchase your cheap products because of lack of funds. For the military, the first requirement is performance. Now it is the high-tech era. , Outdated weapons, no chance of survival, this has been clearly demonstrated in the war in the oil area a few years ago!"

What is the idea of ​​Kaishan-1 missile?The technology is mature, the training is simple, and the cost is low. Do they think that they can meet the needs of the army?

of course not!What the army needs are missiles with advanced performance!
"Now is no longer the era when you can win by size and quantity. The fourth military power in the world has millions of troops. What happened? Under the air strikes of multinational forces, there is no power to fight back. The ground forces are even more powerful. It failed after playing for a hundred hours. Why? It’s not because the technology is backward. There is no quality advantage, and the quantity is useless!”

The faces of the people present were extremely ugly. Qin Tao's words kept echoing in their ears, buzzing. They were working behind closed doors in this big mountain and did not open their eyes to see the outside world.In a blink of an eye, it was already behind the times.

"You can learn about the Hongqi-16 missiles, which are all in one system. I think you should have this qualification. You can compare them. There is a huge gap between the two, even if the price of the Hongqi-16 missile is ten times that of yours. The army will also choose Hongqi-16 without hesitation. Mr. Chen, am I right?"

Mr. Chen nodded sadly: "Yes, we have launched this system a few years ago. After the army tested it, they complained about our missile system, saying that our guidance method is backward, the maneuverability is poor, and the preparation time for combat is too long. It is too long, the radar is old, and the response time is long, the army will not be able to equip it, so we plan to put it into the international market."

"The international market is more demanding than domestic requirements." Qin Tao said: "If our domestic army doesn't like it, then the international market will look down on it even more."

"Boss Qin, what you said makes sense, so how should we change it?" Elder Li asked.

"In this day and age, the probability of a fixed air defense missile site being destroyed is too high. It must be moved. Your equipment cannot be mounted on a trailer, but must be mounted on a wheeled motor vehicle."

The current Kaishan-1 air defense missile system is developed in the same way as the Hongqi-2 missile, so the launcher is the same.It is a trailer that is fixed to the ground after unfolding.

"But isn't the Patriot missile of the United States also a trailer?" Someone began to ask.

"Well said." Qin Tao looked at the technician: "You say, why don't the Americans improve the mobility of anti-aircraft missiles?"

"Because the Americans don't need it. They have the most powerful air force in the world. Their anti-aircraft missiles are only used to carry out air defense of important areas. At most, they can intercept a Scud missile. The enemy's aircraft fleet can pass through the air defense firepower network of their air force. Are you coming in a big way?" Qin Tao looked at the crowd and said, "In the whole world, except the United States, who else would dare to play like this?"

No one spoke.

Qin Tao is right!
"Of course, we are building warships. For us, we must use launch boxes to meet our needs. The reliability of such hanging missiles will be greatly reduced in the maritime environment. Therefore, you must develop a special launch box to make the missile launch vertically."

Qin Tao doesn't care about other things, but if he wants to use it on his foreign trade warships and sell it to the international market, he must get a launch box.

"President Qin, we have never made a box-launched missile system."

"I've never done it before, so I can learn it!" Qin Tao glanced at the technician: "Our Hongqi-61 missile used to be launched with a boom, but later it was changed to a launch tube, and later, it was also changed to a launcher. It has become a folding bomb wing, further reducing the volume, you can send technicians to learn from them!"

In fact, if the range of Hongqi-61 can be improved, Qin Tao would rather use Hongqi-61. After all, the guidance method of this product is relatively advanced. If there is no sea rattlesnake, Hongqi-61 can really become a main piece of equipment for the navy. , served for ten or 20 years.

It's just that the current Hongqi-61 is absolutely tasteless. Apart from refitting a few frigates, it has never been equipped with more warships, and it will be retired soon.

If the Kaishan-1 missile here is not powerful, then his foreign trade warship can only be equipped with Hongqi-61. The navy has no objection, and the development unit will be very satisfied.

"The volume data of your missiles?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

"Currently, our missiles are 5.6 meters in length and 0.4 meters in diameter..."

Qin Tao's eyes lit up. He didn't know much about this missile. After all, the navy had never used it, but now it sounds that the data of this missile is similar to that of Hongqi-16!Therefore, as long as it is simply modified, it can be installed in the 054 frigate.

"Well, as long as you can modify the folding wings and launch vertically, we can use this missile as the air defense missile system of our foreign trade warships. You need to send all the data of the missile to our Mingzhou within one month. Go." Qin Tao nodded: "As for the launcher, it would be better if it is a square launcher with thermal launcher. If there is no such technology, then a cylindrical cold launcher will also work."

One month!

"President Qin, time is too tight, we may not be able to complete the design within a month." Mr. Chen was a little embarrassed.

"If not, then we can only choose other air defense missile systems."

The meeting didn't go very smoothly, and everyone's hearts were heavy. However, after the meeting was over, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen still took Qin Tao around. In a subordinate factory, Qin Tao saw Kai Shan-1 sample bomb.

When he saw the body of the missile, Qin Tao was a little surprised: "The appearance of this missile is very similar to that of the Hawker missile!"

Kaishan-1 is a modification of the Hongqi-2 missile. According to the introduction, the liquid rocket on it has been changed into a solid rocket. But now, the projectile body in front of me is completely different from the slender Hongqi-2 missile. Rough.

"Yes, we only changed the liquid rocket to a solid rocket at first, but later, we improved the projectile body. It is more convenient to operate."

The conical head fairing is followed by a cylindrical missile body, which is similar to ordinary missiles. The wings are arranged in an X shape, which is also normal. However, in the center of the missile body, the four fixed wings with a wingspan of 1.2 meters The big wings look like a Hawker missile. The tail has 4 full-moving tail fins and no gas rudder, so its maneuverability is not strong.

"Easy to operate?"

"Yes, look here. We specially designed a transport box with a round front and a rear. When the missile leaves the factory, it is sealed inside, so that it can be stored for a long time. The square shape at the back just accommodates the wings."

Advanced missiles use integrated transport and launch devices. After leaving the factory, they are sealed in the launch tube and fired when needed. Now, this product has a special transport tube. When it arrives on the battlefield, the missile is released from the transport box. Get it out and hang it on the launch rack!
"How do you operate during this battle?"

"It's very simple. First take out the missile from the transport box, then lift it by a crane and place it on the loading rack of the missile loading vehicle. The tail of the missile faces the direction of the rear of the vehicle. Then the missile loading vehicle reverses to the side of the launcher, and the launcher turns 90 degrees for loading. Car, the loading vehicle lifts the loading frame and transports it to the sliding rail of the launching frame through the slide rail until the missile is completely mounted on the launching frame, and the loading vehicle drives away. We specially designed the loading vehicle, which greatly improves the loading speed, three to 10 minutes it will be done.”

Hearing Qin Tao's chills, it's no wonder that the Air Force doesn't even want to kill it. If the Air Force likes this thing, it's hell!
Other anti-aircraft missiles are all in the launch tube. When needed, they can be launched when they are supported. What about this product?Put it in the transport box, and when you arrive at the destination, you need a crane to lift it to the loading vehicle, and then use the loading vehicle to hang it on the launch frame. It's just taking off your pants and farting!

Doing this is to maintain compatibility with the Hongqi-2 missile?The Air Force is short of money, but it is not so short of money that it is reluctant to eliminate the Hongqi-2 missile launcher!

(End of this chapter)

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