Great warships

Chapter 347 Shi Jili's Transformation: Hedgehog

Chapter 347 Shi Jili's Transformation: Hedgehog

"President Qin, I don't think this kind of missile is reliable." On the way back, Yang Dawei and Qin Tao began to study it.

"This kind of missile can't do anything except for a range of 5 kilometers, which is nice to say. Such a huge missile can only intercept 500G overloaded targets, and it cannot intercept targets with a height of less than [-] meters. For warships, The biggest threat is the low-altitude anti-ship missile flying across the sea, which cannot be intercepted at all, and it is as useless as a sea javelin."

The Sea Javelin is the first-generation area air defense missile of the British, and it stands out from the crowd with its range of [-] kilometers, but what's the use of that?This kind of missile is basically powerless against the flying fish missile, so the Shelfield was hit.

It's the 90s now, and the 061 base can still produce such a backward product. It would be hell if it could be sold.

"Yeah, its performance is terrible, but we don't have anything very good right now."

Qin Tao is most satisfied, of course, with the Hongqi-16 missile. He originally thought that he was currently researching an extended-range model, and the prototype missile could be sold for export. However, the navy regards the Hongqi-16 as a treasure.

"How about Hongqi-61?" Yang Dawei asked.

"The range of the Hongqi-61 is only ten kilometers, and it has not been tested in actual combat. Its performance is not as good as that of the Sea Rattlesnake." Qin Tao was also a little troubled.

Without suitable missiles, what do their foreign trade warships focus on?Anti-submarine is not good, can't anti-ship, right?

"President Qin, if we are not allowed to use Hongqi-16 in China, can we go to Lao Maozi and directly purchase their Shijili system and install it on our warship?" Yang Dawei continued.

The navy uses them themselves, and they are not allowed to export them, so their procurement of third-party weapons is not within the navy's restrictions!Moreover, since the old man is willing to sell the modern grade, he is also willing to sell the Shijili system!
Qin Tao's eyes lit up, and he nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, your idea is good."

"In this way, our foreign trade warship can have three different configurations, our own Kaishan air defense missile system, the US-made air defense weapon system, including the MK41 launcher, and Lao Maozi's Shijili air defense missile system. Just It's a pity that Lao Maozi's Shijili air defense missile system cannot use vertical launchers."

"Yeah, they can't use it, but we have it. The navy doesn't let us use the Hongqi-16, but it's okay to use the missile launcher!" Qin Tao said with a smile on his face: "It seems , we need to go to Lao Maozi's place!"

The previous few times he went to Lao Maozi's place, he accepted the task of the navy to help the navy. This time Qin Tao went to Lao Maozi's place for himself.

Win-win cooperation, this is also for Lao Maozi.

Time is tight, Qin Tao is leaving as soon as he says, anyway, it is not to purchase immediately, but just to reach a cooperation intention.

Damao domestic, Altair scientific research and production complex.

"President Qin, you are welcome to visit us." The chief designer Svetrov smiled all over his face: "Are you for the Shikili air defense missile system we equipped on the 956 warship? I am very sorry, those two 956 ships The destroyer is about to be completed, so it cannot be changed, but if you continue to order the new 956 destroyer, it can be equipped with a new type of anti-aircraft missile system, its range has been increased to 38 kilometers, we call it the hedgehog."

hedgehog?A range of 38 kilometers? (There is also a saying that it is 38 kilometers. The hero of East China feels a bit exaggerated, so let’s use this [-] kilometers.)
Qin Tao's eyes suddenly brightened.

The Shikili system was put into use in the 80s. It was first used on the Type 956 destroyer. It is equipped with a 24-missile magazine and a MK13 single-arm tilting launcher at the front and rear.There are 6 irradiation radars, forming 6 fire channels, which can intercept 6 targets at the same time.

As for its ship-to-air missiles, it uses the same missiles as the ground air defense system, with a range of 24 kilometers.

However, after entering the 90s, Lao Maozi improved this missile system, increasing its range, and its ability to intercept sea-skimming attack missiles has also been improved.

"How did you do it?" Qin Tao asked, "Did you lengthen the projectile?"

"The projectile body is only lengthened by 0.2 meters. A new type of solid rocket motor is used, so the range is effectively increased." Svetrov said.

"If this is the case, it should be easy to modify, right? Why can't the two Type 956 destroyers we purchased be replaced with this type of missile?"

Qin Tao stopped the other party with a single sentence.

"Aren't you planning to sell us the old missiles in stock?"

"No, of course not." Svetrov shook his head: "The flight method of this missile has also been improved, and it flies a trajectory in a large arc. Therefore, the control system of the missile has also undergone great changes, and mid-course instructions need to be added. To revise the guidance system, the original system has to be replaced to use it.”

That's it!

The range of the missile has a lot to do with the flight path. A general semi-active radar-guided missile must be aimed at the target at all times. If the target moves, the missile must move accordingly. Otherwise, the warhead of the missile will not be able to receive the echo reflected by the target. , then miss the target.Flying in this way, the range will naturally be very low.

If you fly an arc, and then follow the target when you get close to the target, this mid-flight can save a lot of fuel, which will inevitably greatly increase the range.

The increase from 24 kilometers to 38 kilometers has a lot to do with the choice of flight route.

You can compare Shijili's 9M38M1 missile with the standard 2 missile. The volume and shutdown speed of the two are similar, but the range of the standard 2 missile is twice that of the former, because the choice of ballistics is different.

However, if the missile wants to fly in a large arc, it means that the missile cannot receive the echo of the target in the middle, and must be able to receive commands from the rear, otherwise the hit rate will be terribly low.

In this way, the entire system needs to be modified.

Qin Tao nodded: "We need detailed information."


Svetrov was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Qin, if you decide to continue purchasing Type 956 destroyers, we will naturally give you the detailed information, but now, you have not made a deposit. I am very sorry, it is not convenient for us to send The information is handed over to you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't make my purpose clear. I'm not here on behalf of the Navy. I'm here on behalf of our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao looked at Svetrov: "We Mingzhou Zhouzhou Group plans to launch an export-oriented frigate. On this frigate, we will be equipped with a special anti-aircraft missile system. We have fallen in love with your Shijili system. Yang Gong, take out the design drawings and let them have a look."

There is no evidence for empty talk, and evidence must be produced.

Yang Dawei has been running around with Qin Tao for the past few days. At the same time, he has already revised the design drawings on the way.

When the design drawing was shown in front of Svetrov, his eyes were full of emotion. This warship looks too modern!

The superstructure is tilted inward, which is a tall stealth design. It even begins to tilt inward from the top of the ship's side, which is very cleverly integrated. The top of the bridge and the flat-panel radar on the mast also look very familiar.

and many more!

Where is the launcher of the anti-aircraft missile?
Svetrov asked curiously: "Where is the launching device of the ship-to-air missile arranged?"

"The bow of the ship, here, there is a vertical silo. We designed four sets of vertical launch devices, each with eight launch tubes. In this way, there are 32 vertical launch missiles on the warship, which can fully play the role of anti-saturation attack. .”

In fact, this design drawing was changed from the 054 frigate. The biggest change is the launcher. The current production is a circular launcher, but on this design drawing, the square one is used.

It was only then that Svetrov noticed the missile silo, and his tone was complicated: "Your design is wrong. After all, we don't have a vertical launch device!"

"If not, then hurry up and develop it." Qin Tao looked at Svetrov: "In the future era, it will be launched vertically, and your ship-to-air missile system must also have the ability to launch vertically." Row!"

"In our country, the mature launching device is the cold launch of the revolver, so it is inappropriate for you to design it as a square."

"That was your previous launch method. Now, the international mainstream is the square thermal launch method." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Svetrov, we came here with sincerity, and I hope you can also work hard, don't always You have to solve these problems, and you must develop advanced thermal launch devices, so that not only can we sell your equipment for money, but you can also use it on your own warships."

Svetrov was a little curious: "Are you so confident in our ship-to-air weapon system?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "The new warships built by the Damao Navy, as well as your export-oriented warships, will all need to rely on this air defense missile to play the leading role."

Svetrov shook his head: "President Qin, I thank you for your importance to us, but we don't have such a need. You should know that the Navy has a mature S-300 system."

"Don't worry about money, at least you don't have gas turbines here!" Qin Tao said: "Think about it, after the separation, the gas turbines are assigned to Ermao, are you willing to spend a high price to buy gas turbines from Ermao? Navy If there is no gas turbine, then large warships cannot be manufactured, and the only thing your navy can build in the future is frigates, and your hedgehog air defense missiles are most suitable for installation on frigates."

Da Mao does have a lot of anti-aircraft missiles, but big ones and small ones, only Shijili surface-to-air missiles are most suitable for installation on frigates. In the next 30 years, the only thing Damao can produce is frigates, without Shijili Leigh and his modified hedgehog, what else can they hold?
Your missile is going to be the mainstay, how can you not improve it to be more powerful?

Svetrov's breathing gradually became rapid, Qin Tao's words awakened the dreamer!
"Your cold launch is already outdated, and future development must be hot launch. Therefore, we plan to carry your air defense missile system and sell it to the outside world, assuming it is a hot launch system. I hope you can launch it in the shortest possible time. Come up with this kind of thermal emission system." Qin Tao said: "Your scientific research strength is the strongest, as long as you work hard, you will be able to do the best."

Come on, we support you mentally!

"President Qin, we have always believed that cold launches have advantages!" Svetrov said, "Our cold launches can fall into the sea even if we encounter a dud. If you go out, the whole crater will be dangerous."

"You don't have confidence in your missiles? What is the dud rate of your missiles?" Qin Tao asked.

Svetrov fell silent.

What is the probability of this dud, he can't say it!However, there must be, and this has something to do with the production batch. After the collapse of the Red Empire, the missiles produced must have a high dud rate.

But he can't say it. If he said it, wouldn't he be discrediting his country's weapons?

"In April this year, we need to take this system to participate in the Asian Defense Exhibition. Therefore, we need to obtain the detailed information of this missile and improve our warship design accordingly, so as to gain the user's approval at the defense exhibition. We can form a strong alliance like this." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Svetrov, what do you think?"

Svetrov thought for a while, and then said: "The superior has authorized us to export this missile, so if you want to use it to equip your foreign trade warships, there is no problem. The current price is 500 million U.S. dollars a month." sets, excluding missiles, each of which is worth 45 U.S. dollars."

Qin Tao stretched out his hand: "Mr. Svetrov, let us wish you a happy cooperation in advance! I have a hunch that we will be able to sell at least two warships, and you will also sell two systems and a large number of missiles. , Therefore, please hand over the detailed information to us immediately, and improve the launching device quickly, if this defense exhibition is delayed, then we can only wait two years later!"

Svetrov also shook hands: "Okay, Mr. Qin, your procurement and sales are top-notch. We believe in you. This cooperation will be very pleasant."

Yang Dawei's heart was full of excitement.

With Lao Maozi's modified missiles, they can definitely attract people's attention at the defense exhibition!
The 32-unit vertical launching device and the hedgehog missile system with a range of 38 kilometers can intercept both aircraft and missiles. The combat effectiveness of the entire warship is definitely higher than the version used by the navy itself!

Anyway, it is not Hongqi-16, the navy can only look at it greedily, and if the specific technical information is obtained, it means that relevant units can also use these information to improve Hongqi-16!
The improved Hongqi-16 may be better than the hedgehog system, after all, domestic electronic technology is very developed!
However, why did Mr. Qin always insist on thermal launch?Our side obviously already has a cold launch device!

"President Qin, we need to report the news to the higher authorities for approval. Please wait for a while. I will definitely reply to you in a day or two."

The exchange ended like this, and when several people returned to the hotel, Yang Dawei couldn't help asking: "Mr. Qin, do you insist on Lao Maozi's hot launch?"

"Of course, this kind of troublesome thing is left to Lao Maozi, which can also relieve some pressure on my wife." Qin Tao said: "Also, when you get the information, give it to my wife immediately one serving."

Xu Zhengyang and Yang Dawei are all on their own, and it's okay to show their affection openly and aboveboard.

Qin Tao really felt sorry for Zhao Ling. She had a baby in her stomach, so she couldn't fight anymore. However, the modification work of Hongqi-16 was very busy.

Qin Tao had to find a way to help solve it.

Although this time is just in time for the meeting, Qin Tao must strive to maximize the benefits.

"Mr. Qin, I mean, why do you insist on thermal launch?" Yang Dawei was helpless, Mr. Qin didn't understand what he meant, he was asking a technical question, not a family life question.

"Of course, thermal launch is easy."

"It's simple, cold launch, just a tube, hot launch, you have to design a complicated exhaust duct, after a long time, the inside is ablated, and you have to replace it." Yang Dawei of course knows all these advantages and disadvantages. It's clear.

Cold launch, install the launch tube directly, all the equipment inside, and replace it with a new set when it is used up.Yang Dawei was very puzzled by Qin Tao's insistence.

"Yes, it is necessary to design a complicated exhaust duct, but the missile flies out of it by itself!" Qin Tao said.

"Yes, yes, so what?"

"Why, you still don't understand?"

Yang Dawei shook his head.

"The missile flies by itself. Today is 9M38, tomorrow is Reeve-M, the day after tomorrow is C802, and the day after tomorrow is torpedo..."

Yang Dawei opened his eyes wide.

What is the biggest advantage of thermal launch?Of course it is universal, as long as the size of the launching device is designed, then, as long as it is smaller than this size, it can be inserted!

Cold launches can only be dedicated, while hot launches allow various missiles to fly out by themselves, which greatly increases flexibility.

Anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, anti-ship, stuff whatever you want, small size, you can have two bombs in one hole, or even four bombs in one hole, large size, you have to wait.

When it arrives, the 055 of the [-]-ton level will be available, and the size of the silo will be large enough, even special anti-ship ballistic missiles can be stuffed in, so ask the enemy if they are afraid?
"Of course, what you said is also reasonable. Cold launch also has the advantage of cold launch. So, in the future, we can develop a special vertical launch system with cold and hot co-racks."

Today, Qin Tao was in a good mood because of an unexpected harvest, so he talked a lot.

"Hot and cold?"

"That's right, we designed it with concentric circles. Specifically, in the silo, set up a launch tube with a diameter smaller than the silo, and install the missiles that match the launch tube in the launch tube. The gap between the inner and outer tubes, That is the flue exhaust duct for hot launch, so that there is no need for a special and complicated smoke exhaust device. At the same time, it can also be launched coldly, using gas to pop the missile in the sealed launch tube out of the silo, and then ignite and launch. Such flexibility A big step up again."

The Chinese are the best at inventing and creating, and often combine the advantages of the East and the West to create better equipment.

"Then, why didn't you mention this launching device directly?" Yang Dawei was a little curious.

"A frigate of 16 tons is useless." Qin Tao said: "What we need to solve now is the launcher of the Hongqi-[-]. There is no need to consider the versatility. I just want to let my wife Just take it easy."

Xu Zhengyang looked at Qin Tao with complicated eyes. He knew that what Qin Tao said was true, and the reason was as simple as that. He simply wanted to lighten Zhao Ling's burden.

If he told Zhao Ling all about the cold and hot fights, then Zhao Ling would definitely think about it. In this special period, she can't think too much about things.

The thermal launch is left to the old Maozi to study, anyway, the missiles are also made by them.

the next day.

"President Qin, the superior fully agrees with the plan you proposed, and also instructed us to fully cooperate with your project." Svetrov said: "But at the same time, the superior also instructed that you can provide the design drawings of the warship. Leave it to us so that improved designs can be completed faster."

Qin Tao smiled.

These old men are really shrewd enough. If they want their modified missile information, they ask themselves for the design drawing of the warship.

"Of course it's impossible." Qin Tao immediately refused.


"If it were given to you, then at the Asian Defense Exhibition, we might see exactly the same design plan." Qin Tao said: "We are only here to seek cooperation, not to cultivate competitors."

Qin Tao spoke very directly, not polite at all.

"Don't worry, definitely not. We just want to help you make the ship design more perfect. We have a first-class design bureau and have designed many advanced warships. How can we plagiarize your design drawings?"

"I appreciate your kindness, but we believe in our own strength and can complete the modification and design of all equipment." Qin Tao said: "If you want our design drawings, please pay for it." Let's buy it, or ask the people who need it to pay for it. Ah San is interested, right?"

"Boss Qin, you know everything?" Svetrov asked in surprise.

This guy got scammed once he cheated!Qin Tao's heart was filled with emotion, Ah San was really interested!

In the 90s, Ah San’s original frigates were already very old, and they urgently needed to purchase brand new frigates to expand their naval strength. Although they had a good relationship with the West, the price of the West was too high, so they chose to purchase Some western equipment is then installed on the warships produced by Da Mao.

This is how the Type 11356 frigate came about. This is also the first frigate of the Asan Navy with a stealth appearance.It's just that it has been 98 since the project officially started, and the service has come to the 21st century.

Now, Ah San is also looking for an advanced frigate with a stealth appearance, but Da Mao has no technical reserves, so he has to start from scratch.If there are design drawings for reference, the design will undoubtedly be completed faster and better.

Therefore, they wanted to get the design from Qin Tao, but of course, Qin Tao would not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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