Great warships

Chapter 351 The Great Power Craftsman

Chapter 351 The Great Power Craftsman
Here comes the leader of the oil company.

"President Qin, this Yukos company, came to us on his own initiative. The company's president, Khodorkovsky, came to talk to us several times, hoping to build an oil pipeline between our two countries and sell their company's oil to us. Come." Leader Zhao said, "What's wrong with this company?"

"It's a big problem. This company is privately owned, and there are many shareholders from Pretty Country," Qin Tao said.

"This is also a problem? In Lao Maozi's place, there are such companies everywhere! This Yukos company is still the largest one." Leader Zhao said.

Qin Tao was taken aback for a moment before he realized it.

At the beginning, after the collapse of the Red Empire, all state-owned assets were estimated, and then divided equally according to the population of the whole country, each person got a bond.

Why not give money directly?Because it is only an estimated price, you need to sell it before you can share the money.

This looks fair, but in fact, it is just a piece of waste paper, because after the distribution is over, you will find that the previously estimated figure is too high and it is not worth that much money at all. is also decreasing rapidly.

Most people do not have the financial resources to buy these bonds, and only a few people have the strength to buy back the bonds that most people have in hand, and then they can take over the corresponding enterprises.

In this way, the process of privatization is completed.

Old Maozi's oil companies are naturally like this, so most of the oil companies are now privately owned.

Yukos is also one of them, and it is relatively large.

On the surface, it is good to cooperate with this company, especially the person in charge of the company, who is still quite enthusiastic about this oil pipeline project, and took the initiative to come to the door.
"That's right, they are indeed the bigger ones, but the person in charge of their company doesn't have a reliable network." Qin Tao could only explain from another angle: "This energy project is destined not to be negotiated by a company. It’s done, it needs to be done by the government. We need to find someone who has a good relationship with the government. Only in this way can the project be approved. Otherwise, there may be twists and turns. The old Maozi’s ability to play football and grind foreign workers is still very high .”

"Yes." Leader Zhao nodded: "There is this problem. Mr. Qin, do you have any better partners?"

"I don't have any for the time being, but soon, there will be a new oil giant over there. I hope we can move faster, reduce delays, and complete the laying of oil pipelines as soon as possible."

"In this case, then President Qin, we will wait and see." Everyone gave Qin Tao a thumbs up for his ability. Now, since Qin Tao said so, they might as well wait a little longer. Since they want to cooperate, then To find a more powerful cooperation.

"With Lao Maozi's oil, we can alleviate the temporary energy shortage. However, even if we build a pipeline with Lao Maozi, which is 30 barrels per day, we still need to diversify our operations. I suggest that we We also need to negotiate with Laoba to try to lay an oil pipeline there. We can meet the energy demand by going on land." Qin Tao continued.

If Berezovsky wants to get involved in the oil company, it will have to operate for a while, so there is no need to rush. Now that he has met with the people from the domestic oil company, of course he has to tell all about these plans.

Everyone frowned.

"Mr. Qin, we have already begun to consider the oil pipelines in the north. The laying of these pipelines is not easy, and the construction cost is very high. However, compared with the plan you proposed, it is not worth mentioning. There is only one road between us and Laoba at present, do you know what is the situation of this road? It is often interrupted due to landslides, floods and other reasons. Building an oil pipeline there is simply hell."

"Yes, we get oil from Lao Maozi. Land transportation is more convenient than sea transportation, but if we transport oil from the desert area, sea transportation is the most convenient!"

Those hundreds of thousands of tons of oil tankers are slowly dangling on the sea, transporting oil back one after another, isn't it the most economical solution?Why build oil pipelines?
On the surface, it seems that the land is closer, and the oil pipeline is also very convenient, but if you look at the topographic map, what is there?Build oil pipelines there?This is simply a joke!
"Yes, it is very difficult to build an oil pipeline, but we have to consider it from a strategic point of view. After all, we are not like the U.S. Navy. Any accident in any sea area in the world will pass quickly. Everyone, do you still remember the Starship?" event?"

Of course I won't forget!Every Chinese can't forget it!
"President Qin is right!" Wu Shengli, who was present at the meeting, spoke in support: "Under the current situation, it is of great significance to us to avoid complicated waterways and use land transportation. We not only need oil pipelines, but also Build railway transportation lines! These can be used as a supplement to sea transportation.”

Wu Shengli saw the intention of Qin Tao's layout at a glance, and was very satisfied with Qin Tao.

"In addition to these, we also have to obtain a port." Qin Tao glanced at his father-in-law: "In the southwest corner of the old bus, Gwadar Port is in our hands, it is very close to Anxi Bay, and It can dock a [-]-ton tanker.”

Malacca is a huge threat and a huge problem. However, the friendship with Laoba has given the motherland a good way to avoid Malacca. As long as Gwadar Port is in hand, it will be properly opened. A new world!

Gwadar Port is located near the throat of the Bay of Rest, and is closely linked to the throat of several important sea routes from Africa, Europe through the Red Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Persian Gulf to East Asia and the Pacific.

Wu Shengli nodded: "You are right, but now, our strength is not yet able to do that."

"What's the matter? If the superiors support it, our Mingzhou Group is willing to step in and contract Gwadar Port and develop it." Qin Tao said: "We have a group of workers who are still working on construction in Parthia. After they finish, they can continue to work at the old bus."

If the layout should be made, it must be planned in advance. Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group has money and strength, and it has the support of the state. This time, it cheated Ah San of a sum of money, which can be invested in the development of Gwadar Port.

This project has been proposed for the time being. As for approvals and the like, it will take some time. Energy safety is the top priority. Qin Tao believes that his superiors will support his plan.

After talking about this, the day was over again. However, just when Qin Tao was going to pick up his wife and go home, Xu Zhengyang informed him of another matter.

"President Qin, Sanhang Heavy Industry just contacted us, saying that their board of directors has approved the project of building a shipyard together, and they are willing to follow our requirements, including our holding requirements."

The other party is a huge group, and they came to China to invest here, supposedly to occupy a controlling stake, and the request has the final say, but after weighing various interests, they still agreed to Qin Tao's request.

Qin Tao smiled: "If they can agree, they must have a lot of demands, right?"

"Yes, one of their important conditions is to require the production of natural gas ships at this shipyard."

Even if the other party does not have absolute control, since it is a joint venture between the two parties, the other party can also send some technical personnel over.

"Hmph, they are so naive. Ask us to help cultivate the construction capacity of natural gas ships. Don't even think about it! By the way, have they responded to the matter of the chip factory?"

"No, they said that the group is still considering it."

"Huh, if you think about it again, the 64MB memory stick will be outdated." Qin Tao said: "They are planning to delay for a while, and then transfer the technology to us after the technology is outdated. These guys have no good intentions. Tell them , These projects are all discussed together, and the deadline is one month, if they are still dawdling, then don't come to us again."

Since Sanxing Heavy Industry replied, the other party did not intend to cooperate in the chip field. Qin Tao had no interest in opening a joint venture shipyard, and the most important thing was to build a chip factory.

"By the way, is there any news from the French recently?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

"The French, for the time being..." Just as he was speaking, Xu Zhengyang's elder brother rang loudly.

"Hello? Hello."

Xu Zhengyang's words were changed to French.

Qin Tao suddenly had a hunch that he could do whatever he wanted!

Sure enough, after Xu Zhengyang shut down the big brother, he excitedly said to Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, just received a call from the French GT company. They have agreed to our request. They will come to sign an agreement with us within three days. "

For Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group, this is a big event!
On March [-]th, a group from the French GT company came to China. Moreover, they did not stay at the Huating Hotel, but went directly to Mingzhou.

The Mingzhou Group is also very generous, directly using the helicopters of its own transportation company to bring these people to Mingzhou, saving the need to take a car and bumpy all the way.

When the helicopter landed in the open space of Mingzhou Shipyard, Qin Tao and others greeted him warmly there.

"We have been to many shipyards, but this is the first time that we have been taken over by the shipyard's helicopter." After getting off the helicopter, Mbappe was very emotional.

"In order to reduce the exhaustion of the journey, we have used the helicopters of our own transportation company. When we go back, I suggest that you take a car and enjoy the scenery along the way." Qin Tao said: "Today, everyone, first Stay in our group guest house, and we will talk about it in detail tomorrow."

"No, since we are here, we want to take a look at your shipyard first." Mbappe said, "Especially your patented natural gas ship, should it have already started construction? We want to see it with our own eyes. .”

These guys came all the way, of course not to stay in any luxury hotel, they want to continue to inspect the natural gas ship of Mingzhou Group.

Invar steel on the outer layer and stainless steel on the inner layer, will this technology work?

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "Our first liquid cargo fencing system is currently being welded, and everyone is welcome to inspect it."

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Only by seeing this system with your own eyes can you truly recognize it.

So, a group of people walked to the workshop where the natural gas ship was built.

Starting from the manufacture of MOSS tank natural gas ships, this special liquid cargo fencing system is built in a closed workshop, especially when it comes to membrane ships.

Each set of liquid cargo fencing system is quite huge, and after being welded together, it looks like a building.The internal volume is tens of thousands of cubic meters.The largest one even has more than 20 cubic meters.

At this time, in the spacious and bright factory building, everyone saw the first liquid cargo fencing system being welded. (Is this thing welded on the ship or in the workshop? I have seen the pictures, the welded liquid cargo fence system is hoisted to the ship, indicating that it should be welded in the workshop, especially the Invar steel, the requirements for the environment It's very high, and the environment in the workshop is better than on the berth. But, this thing is so thin, isn't it afraid of deformation when hoisting it?)
Cong Ju, who is wearing a welder's uniform, is thin and thin, holding a welding torch in her hand, and is welding one of the complicated cabin sections that cannot be processed by automatic welding.

The inner wall of Invar steel is strip-shaped, while 304 stainless steel is square. This is because the latter needs to expand with heat and contract with cold. Reserved.

Looking at her figure, Michelle couldn't help feeling: "Mr. Qin, your technical directors are all welding the cabin section, which is too hard."

"Of course, this is the spirit of our Mingzhou shipbuilders. It is because of their spirit that our Mingzhou Group can develop to the present scale." Qin Tao said: "Everyone of us, working hard."

Michele nodded and looked around the system, standing there observing the sign on it when he saw a valve exposed on the outside.

"This low temperature valve is also produced by you?" Michelle was surprised.

"Yes, this kind of valve is not much different from the MOSS tank. Of course we have to produce it ourselves." Qin Tao said proudly: "For us, this is nothing."

Natural gas ships not only have liquid cargo fencing systems, but also various small parts. In later generations, even a small valve part cannot be produced domestically. It needs to be purchased from South Kimchi or island countries, which greatly increases the construction cost. cost.

Of course Qin Tao would not let this happen.

They need to master the entire industrial chain. Of course, he also has the capital. The pump factory that went bankrupt in Huating has now become a supporting factory for various accessories.

In the center of this giant structure, there is a huge support, like a human spine, extending from the bottom to the top, and everyone circled it a few times.

"President Qin, the whole design is perfect and impeccable." Michelle said: "Your plan should be the development direction of membrane ships. Therefore, we hope to sign a licensing agreement as soon as possible for the relevant patented technology."

"It's a great honor." Qin Tao said, "I hope we can continue to cooperate closely in the future and work together for the development of natural gas ships."

common?It is indeed common, but, in the past, Mingzhou Group used their GT company's patents, but now GT company uses their Mingzhou Group's patents. This change still caused many people to have a psychological gap.

Michelle made up her mind that after returning home, she must seize the time to study it. Their second improved plan is better than the Mingzhou Group's plan!Moreover, they are established natural gas patent licensing companies, so shipowners from various countries will definitely give priority to their patents.

For a long time, Mingzhou Group's patents were mostly used in their domestic shipyards, and it was not so easy to expand to other countries in the world.

"I heard that you are negotiating with TG Company, and the two companies plan to merge?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

This sentence surprised Mbappe.

The patents of membrane-type ships are mainly in the hands of two companies. GT company mainly produces invar steel, and TG company mainly produces stainless steel. The latter has MK-I, MK-II, and MK-III type liquid cargo containment system patents .

Now, seeing the birth of Mingzhou Group, a mixture of two companies has been created. Therefore, these two companies can only hold together for warmth. They are secretly negotiating to merge together.

It's just that I didn't expect that Qin Tao would find out about it. How did he know?
"President Qin, how do you know?"

Qin Tao smiled and said nothing. Of course he guessed it based on historical events. He doesn't have such a strong intelligence force.

Now, with their stimulation, the two companies must complete the merger as soon as possible, work together to develop a stronger liquid cargo fencing system, and strive to throw the Mingzhou Group away.

Qin Tao left an expression for the other party to guess. It would be even better if the other party suspects that there are ghosts in the company and cause internal fighting.

the next day.

In the meeting room of the Mingzhou Group Guest House, the two parties formally signed the relevant authorization agreement, and when they left the meeting room, countless reporters flocked.

"Mr. Mbappe, you have obtained the patent authorization of Mingzhou Group. Does this mean that Mingzhou Group has caught up in this field?"

"Mr. Mbappé, do you recognize Mingzhou Group's patent? Are there any flaws in it?"

All kinds of questions embarrass GT, and Mbappe can only answer one sentence according to the agreement.

"We recognize the patent of Mingzhou Group. We believe that this brand-new Kunjia patent is the future development direction. Moreover, after our appraisal, this patent system is fully mature."

This is what Qin Tao wants!For this sentence, he paid a lot, but it was all worth it.

Countless newspapers and TVs are announcing this news.

Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group invented a brand-new Kunjia type liquid cargo fencing system, which has been recognized by the authoritative GT company in the industry!They claim that this system is safe and reliable, and they have also reached an agreement with Mingzhou Group to introduce the patent of this liquid cargo fence system!

This news spread all over the world, and countless people were surprised.

When did the East have advanced technology?

Didn't they start out as cottages?
Intuitively, they don't want to believe it, but GT company has introduced the patent of Mingzhou Group, which is a living fact!

These days, Qin Tao is very busy.

After the news got out, it brought a hot advertising effect, and it made him a little dizzy to deal with all kinds of reporters who came to interview him every day.

The reporter can't be offended. Moreover, in order to build momentum, he has to meet the reporters in person, at least talk to them a few words, and then hand over to others to receive them.

"President Qin, there is an interview team from a TV station outside."

Hearing Xu Zhengyang's words, Qin Tao rubbed his temples: "Okay, I'll go see them, say a few words, and you will take them away, and follow the previous procedure."

"No, Mr. Qin, I'm afraid this won't work."

"Why? Could it be a reporter from the BBC or something? These guys probably wouldn't come, they're almost ashamed of us."

"He came from our capital. He said he would do an exclusive interview."

"Oh. Let them in then."

When the interview team came in, Qin Tao was taken aback. The host with the microphone seemed to have been seen somewhere before. Yes, he often saw it on TV. Moreover, the host was holding a microphone. It is also very eye-catching. You can see the CCTV-1 logo on the square device under the spherical microphone at a glance.

"Every audience, I am very happy today. We have come to the office of the president of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group. Now, let us see the demeanor of Mr. Qin who single-handedly brought Mingzhou Shipyard, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, to become a well-known brand in China. "The host said something to the camera at the door of the office, with Qin Tao's side as the background, and then walked in.

Qin Tao stood up and took a few steps: "Welcome, welcome."

"Boss Qin, tell us a few words for the audience."

"Actually, I'm just an ordinary person. The development of our shipyard to the present is inseparable from countless technicians. There are a large number of first-class technicians in our shipyard. They are ordinary workers, but They have done extraordinary things, and they use the welding handles in their hands to write about the magnificence of youth. Do you want to have a special program called "Great Country Craftsman", how about it?"

The host's eyes lit up.

"Boss Qin, can you give a specific example?"

"Of course, for example, Cong Ju, an outstanding representative of our welders." Qin Tao said, "She was transferred from the Huating Shipyard, where she was the backbone of the technology. , not getting off the berth for several months. After coming to our factory, we have overcome technical difficulties one after another, such as explosive welding of aluminum alloy and welding of Invar steel. Without her, our shipyard would not be where it is today.”

"Such technicians are not only found in our factory, but also in other factories and in all walks of life in society. You can promote the spirit of craftsmen in this great country. If our country wants to become a manufacturing power, we cannot do without them."

The host was very happy, but she quickly recalled: "Mr. Qin, I was almost led astray by you. We will do this show in the future. Now, let's interview you first. Tell us about this show." The invention process of the Kunjia natural gas ship patent!"

"Well, this is a touching and tearful story."

(End of this chapter)

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